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氮磷钾与茶叶品质关系的研究综述   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
茶叶是中国重要的经济作物,茶多酚、儿茶素、氨基酸、咖啡碱和水浸出物为国际上公认的茶叶品质成份。氮、磷、钾是茶树正常生长所必需的营养元素,它们与茶叶品质成分的形成与含量有着密切关系。适量的施氮对茶叶品质有较好的促进作用,施氮不足或过量则会对茶叶品质产生极大的不良影响;此外,茶树有喜铵耐铵的特性,施用NH4+—N肥有利于改善茶叶品质。磷能促进类黄酮物质的形成以及增加茶多酚、氨基酸和咖啡碱的含量。钾能显著提高茶叶中的游离氨基酸、茶多酚等内含物的含量,对水浸出物、儿茶素等含量也有影响;不同钾肥品种对茶叶品质影响不同,就提高茶叶氨基酸的效果而言,以硫酸钾最好。氮、磷、钾三种元素配合施用对提高茶叶品质起到良好的效果,单施其中一种不仅无助于茶叶品质的提高,反而会使茶叶品质降低。  相似文献   

苏丹草(S. sudanense)与高粱(S.bicolor)均为禾本科高梁属植物,两者的杂种优势明显,杂交种品质好,抗逆性强,在水产、畜禽养殖及资源利用与环境保护上有着广阔的开发利用前景,但两者是否属于同一个种至今存在争议.本文采用去壁低渗.火焰干燥法,分析了2份苏丹草、2份高粱及其3个杂种F1有丝分裂核型,观察了3个杂种F1减数分裂染色体行为和2个杂种F2体细胞染色体数目.结果表明,苏丹草、高粱及其杂种F1均为1A核型,但核型公式不完全相同,苏丹草Sa为2n=18m+2sm(sat),高粱3042A和3042A×Sa F1为2n=20m,其余材料均为2n=20m(sat).苏丹草、高粱及其杂种F1 3者在10条染色体的绝对长臂、绝对短臂、绝对全长、臂比和相对全长上差异均不显著(P0.05),说明苏丹草与高粱在染色体长度上的变化不明显.杂种F1花粉母细胞减数分裂,终变期和中期Ⅰ染色体核型和数目清晰可见(2n=2x=20),配对行为规则;棒状和环状二价体的频率因组合不同而异,Tx623A×S722 F1、3042A×Sa F1和Tx623A×Sa F1棒状二价体频率分别为4.887、5.710和5.126,环状二价体频率分别为5.113、4.290和4.874;在后期Ⅰ,配对的染色体能够正常分离.杂种F2体细胞染色体数目为20(2n=20).因此,苏丹草与高粱的亲缘关系非常近.  相似文献   

L. Marchais  S. Tostain 《Euphytica》1997,93(1):97-105
Crosses between pearl millet lines and Pennisetum ramosum, P. schweinfurthii, P. squamulatum or Cenchrus ciliaris were observed for the frequency and development of zygotes, the possibility of embryo rescue, and the fertility of F1 hybrids obtained. Eight per cent of the ovules from diploid millet × P. ramosum crosses showed small embryos which could not be rescued. However, 59% of the ovules from tetraploid millet × P. ramosum crosses showed well-developed embryos that were easy to rescue 14 days after pollination. F1 hybrids were male sterile but female fertile when pollinated by diploid millet. Both diploid and tetraploid millet ovules showed the presence of hybrid zygotes after pollination with P. schweinfurthii at rates ranging from 25% to 45%. The diploid millet× P. schweinfurthii hybrid zygotes often developed almost normal seeds giving, without embryo rescue, totally sterile plants. The tetraploid millet × P. schweinfurthii hybrid embryos were normal but the endosperm was severely defective. A hybrid obtained by embryo rescue was totally sterile. A diploid millet-P. schweinfurthii amphidiploid was obtained by somatic embryogenesis associated with colchicine treatment during callogenesis. This amphiploid plant was male sterile, but gave many seeds when pollinated by a tetraploid millet and few seeds when pollinated by a diploid millet. P. squamulatum pollinating diploid millets produced proembryos with large undifferentiated endosperms in 73% of the ovules. A normal seed set was observed on tetraploid millets pollinated by P. squamulatum and the resulting F1 hybrids were partially male and female fertile. Backcrosses of these hybrids were much more fertile when pollination was from a tetraploid millet rather than from a diploid millet. C. ciliaris pollinating a diploid millet showed, in 60% of the ovules, proembryos and endosperms similar to those observed with P. squamulatum and no hybrid could be rescued. Crosses with a tetraploid millet could not be attempted due to the pistil-pollen incompatibility of tetraploid millets available with C. ciliaris. Ploidy levels of mating partners do not seem to influence pistil-pollen compatibility, but play a major role in post-zygotic abortion. With adequate ploidy levels of parents, and embryo rescue, it seems that the pearl millet gene pool can be considerably enlarged by germplasm from many other species.  相似文献   

Xishuangbanna, which is well known for its ethnic diversity, is located in the upper reaches of the Mekong River. Dai lowlanders make up one third of the total population, 13 other indigenous highland groups make up another third and the balance are Han Chinese. The research on which this paper is based was conducted in three villages, Dai, Hani and Jinuo communities and designed to explore the changing relationships between lowlanders and highlanders. It was found that over the past five decades two critical events triggered profound changes. One was liberation by the Chinese Communist Party in 1950, and the other the land and economic reform policies introduced at the beginning of the 1980s.  相似文献   

<中华人民共和同种子法>(以下简称<种子法>)颁布实施9年来,对规范品种选育和种子生产、经营、使用行为,维护种子"四者"的合法权益,提高种子质量水平,推动种子产业化,促进农业发展发挥了重要作用.<种子法>前瞻性较强,罚责具体,在农业法律体系中是一部良法,但是,由于它是在我国市场经济发展不是很成熟的背景下出台的第一部专门的种子法律,因立法经验和体制机制等原因,本身不可避免地存在一定的局限性,特别是在实施过程中,也暴露出一些不容忽视的问题.  相似文献   

锌、锰对棉花吸收氮、磷养分的影响及机理研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
较高或较低浓度的土壤锌、锰影响棉花对氮、磷养分的吸收、而合适的土壤锌、锰浓度能促进棉花根系和地上部对氮、磷的吸收和积累。提高植株及茎、叶、蕾、铃中氮、磷的含量,对棉花的生产发育,产量及产量构成因素都表现出明显的促进作用,通过水培试验研究发明,锌、锰在一定浓度条件下所表现的促进作用,主要是提高了棉花植株的根系活力,增加棉株叶片的叶绿素含量,调节棉株体内的酶活性,从而增加了棉花对营养物质的吸收、运输和代谢、提高了氮、磷的利用率、增加棉花的产量。  相似文献   

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