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Summary Heritabilities and responses to selection for cut flower yield were estimated for a population of gerbera. Broad-sense heritabilities averaged 42 percent, but may be as high as 66 percent. Narrow sense heritabilities averaged 68 percent when based on half-sib families, and averaged 60 percent when based on parent-offspring regression. These results suggest that most genetic variance for flower yield is additive.However, estimates of realized heritability averaged only 16 percent and inbreeding depression was estimated to be at least 38 percent, suggesting a major role for non-additive genetic variance. Nonetheless, selection for cut flower yield is expected to be successful.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic variances for cut-flower yield in Gerbera hybrida were partitioned into additive and dominance components. Mean additive variance was 37.3 with a standard error of 12.9. Mean dominance variance was 12.7 with a standard error of 32.6. The dominance ratio was 0.34. Narrow sense heritability, estimated from these components of variance, averaged 0.42 with a standard error of 0.13. Heritabilities estimated from parent-offspring regression averaged 0.25. Gain from selection was less then expected; realized heritabilities were approximately 0.20.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic variance components and heritability were estimated for cut-flower yield of gerbera in the Davis population using ordinary least squares and maximum likelihood methods. The overall estimate of narrow-sense heritability is 0.33 based on least squares (LS) and 0.31 based on maximum likelihood (ML). The results of the study indicate that (1) ML and LS provide very similar results if sample size is large enough, suggesting both are useful for plant breeding programs; (2) about one third of the variation in gerbera cut-flower yield is additive, implying selection in cut-flower will be successful; and (3) although additive variation gradually decreased, heritability remained near 0.27 suggesting there is still potential variation in the population for further selection.  相似文献   

The effects of inbreeding were studied in three oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) trials in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Congo). In selfings, marked inbreeding depression was observed for yield of fruit bunches, mean bunch weight and bunch number, but there was little effect on bunch composition. Most vegetative measurements were significantly affected by selfing, but leaf production rate and leaf area ratio were unaffected. Sib-crossing had less depressive effect than selfing, and in some families sib-crosses were superior to outcrosses. Where selection needs to be done within inbred families, our study suggests that leaf area ratio and bunch composition would be useful criteria.  相似文献   

The knowledge of the genetic similarity between two individuals has been useful for animal breeders for a long time, and one of the most common measures of similarity is the Coefficient of Parentage (COP). For two individuals X and Y, it is defined as the probability that an allele taken from a particular locus in individual X is equal by descent to another allele taken from the same locus in individual Y; thus, the COP between two individuals is the same as the expected inbreeding of their offspring, and it is now a routine calculation among plant breeders as part of crop improvement programmes. Nevertheless, plant breeders deal with the genealogy between strains or groups of individuals, and here, we provide a mathematical proof that in this case the application of standard formulae replicated from animal breeding may result in overestimation of the true amount of inbreeding between two strains.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of self-pollination of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) for 6 generations in lines developed from the North Carolina Medium Base Pickle population was determined by regression of trait expression for each generation on Wright's coefficient of inbreeding. Two yield traits (total and marketable), earliness and 3 fruit quality traits (shape, color and seedcell size) were evaluated in 2 environments (spring and summer, 1983). The regression did not result in significant negative slopes, indicating that inbreeding depression was not important in the population for the traits studied. Midparent heterosis was found for most traits in many hybrids obtained from crossing S6 lines with the gynoecious inbred line, Gy 14A.  相似文献   

Summary Estimates of broad-sense heritability for cut-flower vase longevity were 36 and 46 percent for a sample of Gerbera clones. Estimates of narrow-sense heritability for vase longevity were 0, 24 and 38 percent over 3 generations of the Davis Population. Response to selection for this character in this population is expected to be slow.  相似文献   

Summary Phenotypic and genetic correlations of flowering time (FT) with cut-flower yield (Y) were estimated from six generations of the Davis Population of gerbera (Gerbera hybrida, Compositae). The phenotypic correlation was –0.34; the genetic correlation was –0.47 when estimated from ANOVA of a NCII design and –0.72 when estimated from parent-offspring analysis. An indirect selection model was constructed to assess the efficiency of indirect selection for Y using FT as a marker. This model includes population size and generation time as variables because they differ for FT and Y. The results indicate that indirect selection will be more efficient than direct selection.Correlations of FT with flower quality traits, including scape length (SL), flower diameter (FD), scape dry weight (SDW) and flower dry weight (FDW), were also estimated. FT was phenotypically independent of these traits. However, statistically significant estimates of genetic correlation indicate that FT may be correlated with flower quality traits. Thus, indirect selection on FT to increase Y may result in undesirable correlated responses for flower quality.  相似文献   

Summary Heritability, repeatability, and components of variance were estimated for 68 morphological characters describing the inflorescence, scape, and florets of Gerbera hybrida. The heritability estimates were generally moderate to high for simple dimension characters and characters which were the mean of several measurements, low to moderate for ratio and composite characters, and low for enumeration characters and characters describing the intraplant variation of traits. The repeatability estimates were generally low for intraplant variation characters, moderate for simple ratio characters, and largest for composite and mean characters. For most of the characters, the variance among inflorescences from the same plant was the largest portion of the total phenotypic variance.  相似文献   

Anna Iannucci 《Euphytica》2004,136(2):103-113
The selfing effect in berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) was analysed by comparing generation means for nine agronomic traits (dry matter yield, plant height, leaf-stem ratio, harvest index, seed yield and its components). Parents, S1, S2, S3, and S4 generations of six populations of different geographical origin (3 from Egypt and 3 from southern Italy) were investigated to estimate the relative changes with increasing homozygosity and to prove the effectiveness of selfing in a breeding program. The experiment was carried out at Foggia (Italy) under field conditions for two years (1995 and 1996) adopting two cutting treatments: at fifth internode elongation (A) and flowering (B). The mean values decreased with the advancement in selfing generations in both years and cutting treatments for the most of the traits. Treatment B yielded more biomass and seed yield than treatment A in both years. Cutting treatments did not affect the adaptability of the selfed progenies of populations with different geographical origin, in fact, the Italian populations were more productive for dry matter under both cutting treatments (856.6 g m-2 on average), whereas Egyptian populations proved superior for seed yield particularly under treatment B (62.5 g m-2 on average). Inbreeding depression was greater for forage dry matter and seed yield (−62and −79% on average, respectively), whereas the plant height and 1000-seed weight were the least susceptible traits (−26 and −19% on average, respectively). Estimates of the parameters of the stability analysis showed that not all populations responded to inbreeding level and environment variations to the same degree. Differences were evident under treatment A, only. Development of self-fertile, relatively vigorous inbred lines of berseem clover with different degrees of homozygosity appears possible. Genotypes tolerant to selfing from Egyptian and Italian groups have been obtained by inbreeding and selection for self-fertility; they could be utilised as basis for producing new breeding activities. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

L. Pecetti  E. Piano 《Plant Breeding》2005,124(2):176-179
To estimate heritability and inbreeding in grazing‐type lucerne, 14 parent genotypes and their half‐sib and selfed progeny were grown under spaced‐plant conditions. Dry‐matter weight (four cuts), plant height, basal plant diameter, stem density, and late‐autumn vegetation were recorded on a plant basis. Genetic coefficients of variation for the three germplasm groups, and broad‐sense heritability on a plot basis for parents were computed from variance component estimates; narrow‐sense heritability was estimated from progeny‐parent regression. Genetic variation was generally greater among selfed than half‐sib progeny. Broad‐sense heritability was high, while narrow‐sense heritability was much lower for all traits except plant diameter. Inbreeding effects, assessed with comparison between parents and selfed progeny, were notable for plant weight and late‐autumn vegetation only. The high correlation coefficients computed between parents and either progeny suggested the equivalent value of self‐ and polycross‐progeny tests for selecting superior parents.  相似文献   

讨论了近亲交配群体在世代交替中配子间平均互信息性质;定义了配子间的近交关联信息系数,并与近交系数比较,阐述了配子间的近交关联信息系数的优点。结果表明,应用信息论模型研究群体遗传学与以往统计学方法具有一致性,而且还具有信息学的意义和优点。  相似文献   

Eleven mating designs, 6 top-crosses and 5 North Carolina II, were used to estimate narrow sense, broad sense and within-cross heritability of Coffea canephora yield in Côte d'Ivoire. The objective was to predict achievable genetic gains according to different breeding strategies. Narrow sense, broad sense, family and within-cross heritabilities were 0.32, 0.43, 0.83 and 0.22, on average respectively. The percentage of additivity was high (81% on average). A degree of variation was nevertheless observed for estimates over trials. This was found to be mainly due to parent sampling in each trial. By theoretical computation, the minimum number of parents required to obtain optimum precision was found to be around 30. Predicted genetic gains for yield through clonal selection at a selection level of 1% ranged from 7 to 28% over the best hybrid in each trial, suggesting thus clones still interesting for breeders. The consequences for coffee breeding are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Heterosis and inbreeding depression for total fresh and dry weights were studied over two seasons in 15 crosses of six cultivars of forage rape (Brassica napus L.). Some of the hybrids exhibited considerable heterosis over both mid-parent and better parent; followed by depression in the F2. The cross Windal × Canard had 62% and 25% greater dry matter yield over the best cultivar used in this experiment in 1978 and 1979, respectively. Possibilities of the utilization of this hybrid superiority are discussed.  相似文献   

Leek (Allium porrum L.) is an important outdoor vegetable in West Europe, where it is cultivated on about 30,000 ha. Most commercial cultivars of leek are open pollinated. One of the major problems with the crop is poor uniformity. Leek is an outbreeding species with up to 20% self-fertilisation. Much of the variation of open pollinated cultivars is explained by the strong sensitivity to in breeding depression after selfing. In this study we attempt to analyse in a systematic way the relationship between degree of selfing and agricultural performance in leek. The results obtained confirm a negative correlation between selfing and somea gricultural aspects important for vigour such as seedling emergence, plant growth and plant fresh yield. Also negative correlations between degree of selfing and seed individual weight and between selfing and seed individual size were found. The negative relationship between inbreeding and plant weight at harvest is further confirmed in an experiment in which the origin (cross-pollination orself-pollination) of each individual offspring plant analysed was determined using AFLP-markers. Finally, the correlation between chlorophyll deficiency genes and the loss of vigour that follows selfing was investigated. The results obtained demonstrate a significant decrease of pigment content in two generations of selfing. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This study was conducted with the objective of characterizing the genetic variation among a representative set of 37 barley cultivars currently grown in Spain, using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers. Thirty-two RFLP probes, in combination with three restriction enzymes, were used to analyse polymorphism at the molecular level. Genetic distances (GD), based on RFLP band patterns, and coancestry coefficients (f), based on pedigree records, were calculated. Of the 95 clone-enzyme combinations analysed, 71 (74.7%) were polymorphic, representing 246 RFLP patterns. A cluster analysis of GD split the sample into five distinct germplasm groups that were consistent with the history of the cultivars (winter European, spring European, CIMMYT-ICARDA materials, the single cultivar ‘Dobla’ and Spanish local materials). The Spanish group was the most distinct one and had unique alleles at markers close to major loci determining phonological adaptation. The probes which best distinguished among groups were also identified. Genetic similarity estimates were moderately consistent with f (for cultivars with complete pedigrees). The implications for integration of diversity studies into breeding programmes are discussed.  相似文献   

Sequential path analysis of grain yield and its components in maize   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The efficiency of a breeding programme depends mainly on the direction and magnitude of the association between yield and its components and also the relative importance of each factor involved in contributing to grain yield. The purpose of this research is to describe the application of causal path analysis to grain yield in maize (Zea mays L.) to take into account the sequential development of yield components. Causal-admissible path analysis was performed assuming unidirectional causal relationships among yield components of eight maize populations. Sequential path analysis of the five yield components studied revealed that ears per plant had the highest direct effect on grain yield. However, the indirect effects of component traits via number of grains per ear was maximum. It was concluded that the number of kernels per ear, prolificacy, and grain size serve as potential characters in breeding for superior lines for grain yield in maize.  相似文献   

几种保鲜液对非洲菊切花保鲜生理的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了寻找最佳的非洲菊切花保鲜液配方。为解决非洲菊切花的保鲜问题提供理论依据,研究了5种瓶插保鲜液对非洲菊切花水分平衡值、细胞膜透性、过氧化物酶(POD)活性、丙二醛含量及瓶插寿命等的影响,结果表明:不同保鲜液对非洲菊切花保鲜的效果差异显著,与对照(清水)相比,2号保鲜液(配方为:2%Suc+200mg/L8-HQC+150mg/L AL2(SO4)3+water)最有利于维持切花水分平衡值、提高POD活性、延缓细胞膜透性和丙二醛含量的上升。其保鲜效果最好。其次是3号、4号和5号保鲜液配方。并对这几种配方的保鲜原因进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The capacity of haploid production by anther culture has been analysed in 42 crossbred genotypes (wild type) and in 32 genotypes from inbreeding generations (I2-I3) of wheatgrass, Agropyron glaucum. On potato-2 medium, about 50% of the genotypes investigated were capable of embryoid and callus induction. For the regeneration of haploid plants, five media containing various growth regulators were used. The crossbred genotypes were superior to the inbred lines in all the androgenesis parameters examined.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression is the reduction in the fitness of inbred offspring relative to progeny from unrelated parents. In orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.), limited efforts have been made to evaluate the effects of deliberate selfing on agro‐morphological traits and to estimate the genetic variation of traits. Twenty‐five genotypes of orchardgrass, along with 25 S1 (full‐sibs) and 25 families of half‐sibs, were created in 2012 and used to assess the consequences of the first generation of inbreeding and outcrossing for offspring fitness and to estimate heritabilities, genetic parameters and correlations of agro‐morphological traits during the period of 2013–2014 in the field. Different levels of inbreeding depression were observed for the traits, with higher values for plant height, days to inflorescence emergence and dry matter yield. The degree of inbreeding or outbreeding effects varied among the studied genotypes. This facilitates the development of inbred lines for further studies. The results showed that some of the studied genotypes were self‐fertile, thereby indicating the possibility of developing inbred lines from these genotypes. Heritabilities ranged from 0.10 for the number of stems per plant to 0.64 for spread among the studied populations. Spread had high heritability as well as high correlation with forage yield, thereby indicating that this trait could be used to improve forage yield indirectly.  相似文献   

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