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为提高布氏杆菌病虎红平板凝集试验抗原的产量,在生产中进行了一些探索,并对此进行分析、总结。  相似文献   

Ulcerative keratomycosis is a serious sight‐threatening disease of horses and the veterinary literature is replete with cases of poor visual outcome following this condition. During a 3 year period, 10 horses were treated for confirmed keratomycosis at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH) of the University of Cordoba (Spain). Ulcerative keratomycosis accounted for an average of 8.62% of the total equine ophthalmic admissions during this time and an average of 33.3% of horses were diagnosed with infectious keratitis. Fungi were diagnosed using cytology (n = 4) and/or culture (n = 8) and histopathology (n = 1). Aspergillus sp. was the most commonly isolated fungus. Medical therapy alone or combined medical and surgical treatment was utilised for therapy depending on the clinical condition. Miconazole 1% was the most common topical antifungal therapy employed. Median duration of treatment was 73.12 days. Records were evaluated to determine visual outcome and globe survival.  相似文献   

Cryptorchidism is a fairly common pathology presented to equine surgical facilities with the cryptorchid testicle most commonly located in the abdomen or ipsilateral inguinal canal. The causes of cryptorchidism are not known, but testicular abnormalities have been suggested. Monorchidism as a cause of maldescent of one or both testicles is rare and is hypothesised to be the result of a vascular insult, similar to testicular regression in man. This case report details laparoscopic abdominal exploration of a cryptorchid horse and identification of an abnormal testicular remnant affected by ischaemic necrosis.  相似文献   

Prepurchase examination (PPE) is the most common reason for eye examination in first opinion equine practice. This paper describes a standard protocol for competent eye examination in the PPE, and reviews the interpretation of the more common clinical findings, particularly in relation to their expected influence on functional vision and their progression. The content is based on the limited existing literature, the personal opinions and experience of the author, and from discussions held with colleagues over the past 30 years.  相似文献   

The efficacy of partial arytenoidectomy was assessed in 6 Standardbred horses, with surgically induced laryngeal hemiplegia, at rest (Period A) and during exercise at speeds corresponding to maximum heart rate (Period C) and 75% of maximum heart rate (Period B). Peak expiratory and inspiratory airflow rate (PEF and PIF), and expiratory and inspiratory transupper airway pressure (PUE and PUI) were measured and expiratory and inspiratory impedance (ZE and ZI) were calculated. Simultaneously, tidal breathing flow-volume loops (TBFVL) were acquired using a respiratory function computer. Indices derived from TBFVL included airflow rates at 50 and 25% of tidal volume (EF50, IF50, EF25. and IF25) and the ratios of expiratory to inspiratory flows. Measurements were made before left recurrent laryngeal neurectomy (baseline), 2 weeks after left recurrent laryngeal neurectomy (LRLN) and 16 weeks after left partial arytenoidectomy coupled with bilateral ventriculectomy (ARYT). After LRLN, during exercise Periods B and C, Z1 and the ratio of EF50/IF50 significantly increased and PIF, IF50 and IF25 significantly decreased from baseline values. At 16 weeks after ARYT, Z1 returned to baseline values during Periods B and C. Although PIF, IF50, IF25, PEF/PIF, and EF50/IF50 returned to baseline values during Period B, these indices remained significantly different from baseline measurements during Period C. After ARYT, TBFVL shapes from horses during Period C approached that seen at the baseline evaluation. Partial arytenoidectomy improved upper airway function in exercising horses with surgically induced left laryngeal hemiplegia, although qualitative and quantitative evaluation of TBFVLs suggested that some flow limitation remains at near maximal airflow rates. These results indicate that, although the procedure does not completely restore the upper airway to normal, partial arytenoidectomy is a viable treatment option for failed laryngoplasty and arytenoid chondropathy in the horse.  相似文献   

Equine ulcerative keratomycosis is relatively commonly presented to teaching hospitals in North America, with a prevalence from 24 to 86%. Horses in Colorado may have lower risk due to the dry mountain climate, but data are lacking. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of ulcerative keratomycosis amongst horses with ulcerative keratitis presented to Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital (CSU-VTH) ophthalmology service and to evaluate environmental factors (season, temperature, humidity, wind speed and elevation) associated with ulcerative keratomycosis in Colorado. A database search identified horses with ulcerative keratitis presented to the ophthalmology service at CSU-VTH from January 2002 to August 2017. Sixty-one horses met the inclusion criteria of a corneal cytology and/or culture or histopathology at the time of diagnosis; cases lacking that were excluded. Environmental factors at the boarding sites, including season, temperature, humidity, wind speed and elevation and clinical outcomes for fungal cases, were recorded. Prevalence of fungal infection amongst equine ulcerative keratitis was 16.4% (10/61), suggesting that CSU-VTH has considerably fewer ulcerative keratomycosis cases than other veterinary teaching hospitals in North America. Spring (50%, 5/10) and fall (40%, 4/10) had the highest prevalence of fungal ulcerative keratitis in Colorado. Only one case was reported in summer (10%, 1/10); no horses were positive (0%, 0/10) in winter. Only wind speed seemed to influence the development of ulcerative keratomycosis with higher wind speeds associated with greater rates of fungal involvement (P = 0.047). Other environmental factors did not show a detectable association (all P-values >0.05). Outcomes were variable. It was concluded that horses from the area of CSU-VTH appear to be at lower risk for ulcerative keratomycosis than from the areas around other North American veterinary teaching hospitals that have reported data. Most horses with keratomycosis in this area present in the spring and fall.  相似文献   

Objective  To evaluate and compare the in vitro susceptibility of Aspergillus and Fusarium spp. isolated from horses with ulcerative keratomycosis, address regional differences in equine keratomycosis isolates, and provide susceptibility data to update prior studies.
Animal studied  Fourteen horses with ulcerative keratomycosis.
Procedures  Banked fungal isolates from equine corneal ulcers (eight Aspergillus spp. and six Fusarium spp.) were identified at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. In vitro minimum inhibitory concentration and susceptibility to natamycin, fluconazole, itraconazole, voriconazole, ketoconazole, and miconazole were determined for each isolate.
Results  Fungi were significantly more susceptible to voriconazole than to natamycin, itraconazole, fluconazole, and ketoconazole, but miconazole susceptibility did not differ significantly from voriconazole. Aspergillus spp. were most susceptible to voriconazole, miconazole, and itraconazole, which were significantly better to fluconazole and ketoconazole. Fusarium spp. susceptibility was greatest to natamycin and voriconazole and lowest to itraconazole and ketoconazole. Fusarium spp. were significantly less susceptible to itraconazole and ketoconazole compared to natamycin. No significant differences in susceptibility were found when isolates from Florida were compared with isolates from other states.
Conclusions and clinical relevance  Based on in vitro evidence, voriconazole appears to be the most effective antifungal for initial treatment of equine keratomycosis in the midwestern and southern United States. Results are comparable with previous studies in that isolated fungi from equine keratomycosis cases showed consistently poor susceptibility to fluconazole. Organisms isolated in different geographic locations of the midwestern and southern United States appeared to have similar patterns of antifungal susceptibility.  相似文献   

Equine grass sickness (EGS) is a neurodegenerative disease affecting grazing equids of which a single case of the chronic clinical presentation has previously been reported in a Przewalski's horse (Equus ferus [caballus] przewalskii). A group of 8 Przewalski's horses were moved to a new enclosure, recently vacated by a group of 4 Eastern kiang (Equus kiang holdereri) that showed no evidence of disease. After 23 days the first Przewalski's horse showed clinical signs of acute EGS including flank sweating, belly kicking, rapid loss of body condition, cessation of faecal passage, nasogastric reflux and mouthing water. It was subjected to euthanasia within 48 h due to lack of therapeutic response. Within 24 h of this first case developing clinical signs, a further 5 Przewalski's horses showed similar clinical signs of acute EGS and were subjected to euthanasia. Post mortem examinations confirmed acute EGS, with all animals demonstrating typical chromatolysis, cytoplasmic hypereosinophilia, cellular swelling, vacuolation, pyknosis and loss of nuclei in approximately 90% of neurones in the cranial cervical and cranial mesenteric ganglia and myenteric and submucosal plexi of the ileum. Two Przewalski's horses within the group showed no clinical signs of disease. No single pathogen was identified as the causal agent, but the epidemiological pattern of the outbreak was typical for that previously reported for acute EGS in domestic equids. All affected animals and the 2 surviving Przewalski's horses had low antibody titres to Clostridium botulinum type C. This is the first report of acute EGS in a herd of Przewalski's horses.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Blood typing before transfusion minimizes the risk of transfusion reactions and prevents immunization of the recipient against incompatible RBC antigens. The major RBC antigens that warrant identification before packed RBC or whole blood transfusions in horses are Ca and Aa. Standard blood-typing protocols are time-consuming (2.5-3.0 hours) and impractical in emergency settings. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to determine whether equine RBCs could be typed for Ca and Aa antigens using sera from horses with RBC antibodies in a modified rapid (15 minute) blood-typing protocol. METHODS: Serum was obtained from a horse with anti-Ca antibodies and from another horse with anti-Aa antibodies. The presence of agglutinating antibodies was confirmed with antibody screening. Venous blood samples, collected in citrate-phosphate-dextrose, were obtained from 21 horses of various breeds. Samples were blood typed in the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital Hematology Laboratory using standard methodology. Washed RBCs from each of the 21 horses were incubated individually with anti-Ca and anti-Aa sera at dilutions of 1:4, 1:8, and 1:16 for 15 and 30 minutes at room temperature and 37 degrees C. RESULTS: Of the 21 horses, 13 were identified as Aa+/Ca+, four were Aa+/Ca-, two were Aa-/Ca+, and two were Aa-/Ca-. All 17 Aa-positive horses had a positive agglutination reaction at all dilutions of anti-Aa serum, incubation times, and temperatures, while all Aa-negative horses were negative. Each Ca-positive horse had a positive agglutination reaction at all incubation time points and temperatures up to the 1:16 dilution of the anti-Ca serum. All Ca-negative horses were negative at all times, temperatures, and dilutions of anti-Ca serum. Use of the modified protocol on 26 hospitalized horses resulted in accurate typing, based on complete antibody screens. CONCLUSIONS: These results support the hypothesis that equine RBCs can be blood typed using a rapid (15 minute) protocol, at room temperature, for the presence of Ca and Aa antigens using equine-derived antisera. This technique may be beneficial for pretransfusion testing of equine patients in an emergency setting.  相似文献   

The British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) was established in 1961 and launched the Equine Veterinary Journal (EVJ) in 1968. This review outlines some of the major advances in equine science and practice that have occurred in that time and the role played by the Journal in facilitating those developments.  相似文献   

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