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为了解湖南省常德地区宠物犬皮肤病流行病学规律,采用回顾性查阅常德地区动物医院的病历、临床诊断及跟踪调查、显微镜检查、数据统计等方法,对该地区宠物犬皮肤病总发病率、皮肤病种类以及皮肤病的发生与宠物犬的种类、性别、年龄、季节的关系进行整理分析。结果表明:常德地区犬皮肤病的发病率为15.9%,其中发病率最高的是贵宾犬,占总皮肤病患犬病例的41.1%;发病年龄以1~3岁的幼犬发病率最高;耳部为易发部位;以混合感染为主;夏季为多发季节。  相似文献   

为了了解呼和浩特地区犬常见皮肤病的种类和流行情况,并研究犬皮肤病的防治对策,试验收集了2012年7月份—2013年7月份呼和浩特地区5家宠物诊所接诊的2 504例皮肤病病例,对犬皮肤病的发病部位、发病季节,患犬的年龄、性别、品种、绝育和生育史、发病率等进行统计分析。结果表明:呼和浩特地区犬皮肤病的发病率为27.44%,仅次于传染病(32.61%)与内科病(22.98%)。在皮肤病的病例中,脓皮病发病率最高,占27.16%;其次为真菌感染,占23.52%。  相似文献   

为探究宠物犬皮肤病感染情况及流行特点,对宠物犬皮肤病的防治提供借鉴,以2020年6月至2021年6月某宠物医院接诊的189例宠物犬皮肤病病例为研究对象,按疾病的种类、发病季节、犬的年龄、品种以及发生部位进行流行病学调查。结果表明,宠物犬皮肤病发病率为11.10%;以寄生虫感染为主要感染类型(37.04%);多发生在7—9月(59.26%);0~1岁幼犬的皮肤病发病率最高(34.92%);泰迪犬最易感(21.16%);耳部为易发部位(21.69%)。  相似文献   

苏中地区犬皮肤病流行情况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对临床病例调查发现,近三年苏中地区的犬皮肤病发病较重,发病率有上升趋势。螨虫、真菌和细菌等感染或混合感染引起的皮肤病占皮肤病病例总数的77.9%,螨虫性皮肤病发病率最高,占44.1%;内分泌紊乱性皮肤病发病数急剧增加,2015年发病数比2013年增加了190%。苏中地区犬皮肤病发病率较高的季节主要集中在4—8月份,6月份达到高峰。此外,犬皮肤病的发生与犬只个体差异亦有明显关系,2岁以内的犬易发生皮肤病,占67.2%,7岁以上老龄犬皮肤病发病率呈急剧上升趋势;雌性犬的皮肤病发病率高于雄性犬,比例达1.37∶1,且具有品种易感性。调查结果表明:苏中地区犬皮肤病呈高发病状态,以感染性皮肤病为主,发病主要集中在梅雨季节,与犬只的年龄、性别及品种有关,且治疗疗程较长。  相似文献   

为了解辽宁地区宠物犬皮肤病发病情况,对2019年内辽宁省部分地区内12家宠物医院病例情况分析汇总。调查共收集病例19 858例,其中皮肤病病例2 256例。结果表明:寄生虫性皮肤病病例量最多,占犬皮肤病总数的32.40%。犬寄生虫性皮肤病中疥螨感染率最高,占寄生虫皮肤病数量的35.84%;耳痒螨次之,占29.69%。犬皮肤病发病季节主要集中在6~10月。其中7、8、9月份发病率居多,分别占比为18.45%、21.41%、17.11%。犬发病年龄主要分布在0~2岁之间,占63.96%;犬皮肤病中雌雄比为1.24∶1;犬皮肤病纯种犬中斗牛、德牧及贵宾发病率较高,分别为9.13%、8.38%、7.45%。综上所述,犬皮肤病流行受年龄、品种、气候等多方面因素影响,幼年犬及高湿热多变的环境可以加大犬患病风险。  相似文献   

犬皮肤病是宠物临床上常见的病例,引起犬不同程度的瘙痒、脱毛、皮肤色素改变等症状,严重影响犬的生活质量。采用回顾性调查的方法对西安地区犬常见皮肤病的流行病学进行研究,收集整理了2012年至2017年西北农林科技大学西安动物医院的犬皮肤病病历,对不同性别、年龄、病因、季节、发病部位以及不同品种的犬患皮肤病的情况进行统计分析,以期更好地了解犬皮肤病的发病特征及其变化规律,并为临床诊断和防治犬皮肤病提供科学依据。调查发现犬的皮肤病病例共有970例,占总发病数的4.05%;细菌性皮肤病和真菌性皮肤病的发病率较高,分别为31.44%(305/970)和27.22%(264/970);夏季是犬皮肤病的高发季节;1岁以内的犬患皮肤病较多,占总病例数的40.82%(396/970);雄性病例与雌性病例分别占总病例数的58.56%(568/970)和41.44%(402/970);腰背部、耳部、四肢及面部是犬皮肤病的高发部位。  相似文献   

通过对河南省信阳市动物医院真菌性皮肤病患犬的调查,了解该地区犬真菌性皮肤病病原种类、发病规律及特点,为该地区犬皮肤真菌病的防治提供参考与依据。结果表明,犬真菌性皮肤病发病年龄主要在2岁以内,占调查病例的73.29%,犬真菌性皮肤病流行的时间为5、6、7、8月,占调查病例的58.64%;不同性别的犬发病率不同,其中,公犬发病数占53.92%,略高于母犬(46.02%);犬真菌性皮肤病发病率最高的部位是腹部、颈部和背部,分别占30.89%、23.04%和18.32%;发病率最高品种为贵宾犬和京巴犬,分别占调查病例的24.61%和18.32%,发病率最少的是吉娃娃,占发病病例的2.09%;引起犬真菌性皮肤的主要病原是犬小孢子菌和石膏样小孢子菌,分别占37.17%和24.08%。  相似文献   

为了解本地区犬皮肤病病原类型及发病规律,调查研究了郑州金水区多家宠物医院自2017年3月至2018年3月临床接诊的104例犬皮肤病病例,对患犬发病特点、病原类型等综合数据统计分析。结果:本次调查的皮肤病患犬病例中多发生于春夏季节(5~8月份);以寄生虫性皮肤病感染率最高(44. 23%),其次是真菌性皮肤病(29. 80%);犬皮肤病病例数随着犬年龄增加而减少,1周岁以内的幼犬发病率较高(46. 15%);雌性患犬有46例,占44. 23%,雌雄比例为1. 26∶1,雄性患犬高于雌性患犬;调查的病例中发病率最高的品种是泰迪犬,占22. 11%,比熊犬和贵宾犬次之,且不同品种的犬具有明显差异性;发病部位主要以面部居多(24. 03%)、其次是背部(20. 19%)和四肢(16. 34%)。表明该地区犬皮肤病的发病特点是患犬病原体以寄生虫为主,其中疥螨感染性皮肤病为寄生虫性病原引起皮肤病之首,混合感染占据一定比例;发病主要集中在春夏季节,幼龄犬为高发年龄,雄性患犬略高,皮肤患犬与品种和毛发长度有密切的关系。  相似文献   

犬的皮肤病是临床上一种常见病和多发病,该病发病率高、病程长、致病因素复杂,以及与动物的品种、年龄、个体差异、饮食结构、生活环境和应激等因素有关,因此在诊断和治疗上有一定难度,且复发率高.犬的皮肤病病原主要有真菌、寄生虫与细菌三大类.本文通过对西北农林科技大学西安宠物医院2009年~2011年期间犬皮肤病病例的调查统计分析,从病原、品种、季节、年龄和性别4个方面分析讨论了犬皮肤病的发病特点,总结了西安地区犬皮肤病的一般流行规律,为宠物犬皮肤病的预防和治疗提供科学依据.报告如下.  相似文献   

为了解上海地区宠物真菌性皮肤病的流行情况,采用回顾性调查的方法,通过查阅部分宠物门诊的病例记录、整理分析病例报告,确定了上海地区犬猫常见真菌性皮肤病的种类,以及在不同宠物性别、品种、季节上的分布情况,分析了真菌性皮肤病与年龄等因素的关系,为宠物真菌性皮肤病的防治与研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

We report 11 new cases of hereditary nasal parakeratosis in Labrador retrievers. The disease was first observed when the dogs were 6 months to 2 years of age, and affected dogs of either sex and all coat colours. Hyperkeratosis and depigmentation were confined to the nasal planum, and affected dogs were otherwise healthy. The principal histological findings in biopsy specimens were marked diffuse parakeratotic hyperkeratosis, multiple intracorneal serum lakes and superficial interstitial-to-interface lymphoplasmacytic dermatitis. Topical applications of propylene glycol in water or white petrolatum were often effective for treatment of the dermatosis. However, continued applications were required to maintain a beneficial response. A retrospective histological study of parakeratotic inflammatory diseases of canine haired skin and inflammatory diseases of the canine nasal planum was performed. The degree of parakeratotic hyperkeratosis and the number and size of intracorneal serum lakes were evaluated. The degree of parakeratotic hyperkeratosis was greater in hereditary nasal parakeratosis specimens than that seen in discoid lupus erythematosus and Malassezia dermatitis. There were more serum lakes in hereditary nasal parakeratosis specimens than in specimens from dogs with discoid lupus erythematosus, Malassezia dermatitis, primary seborrheic dermatitis or zinc-responsive dermatosis. Significant differences in sizes of serum lakes (if present) were not seen.  相似文献   

Data from 763 cases of clinical canine parvovirus disease confirmed at the Ruakura Animal Health Laboratory were examined. The largest number of cases were seen in spring and summer months with the peak incidence in February 1981. The morbidity and mortality rates were highest in young dogs. Sixty-nine percent of all cases occurred in dogs less than six months of age, and 63 percent of dogs seven weeks of age or younger died. The laboratory methods used to diagnose canine parvovirus disease are compared and discussed.  相似文献   

Six adult dogs were presented with an unusual bullous dermatosis affecting the glabrous skin of the ventral abdomen and medial thighs. Clinically, flaccid bullae were accompanied by erythema, ulceration, haemorrhage and hyperpigmentation in four of six dogs; the remaining two dogs had thin skin without grossly apparent bullae. Histologically, subepidermal bullae and clefting, vascular proliferation and dilatation (phlebectasia), and alteration in the density and staining of superficial dermal collagen were seen in all dogs. In all cases, corticosteroid-containing topical products had been applied to the affected areas prior to the development of the dermatosis; skin lesions resolved when topical corticosteroids were withdrawn. Follow-up biopsy of three dogs showed resolution of the previously abnormal collagen and subepidermal clefting. Residual lesions included phlebectasia, comedones and hyperpigmentation. The authors postulate that subepidermal clefting was due to local, corticosteroid-induced skin fragility. This is the first report, to our knowledge, of bullous skin disease in dogs resulting from topical corticosteroid therapy.  相似文献   

Data from 763 cases of clinical canine parvovirus disease confirmed at the Ruakura Animal Health Laboratory were examined. The largest number of cases were seen in spring and summer months with the peak incidence in February 1981. The morbidity and mortality rates were highest in young dogs. Sixty-nine percent of all cases occurred in dogs less than six months of age, and 63 percent of dogs seven weeks of age or younger died. The laboratory methods used to diagnose canine parvovirus disease are compareh and discussed.  相似文献   

瘙痒是犬皮肤病的典型临床症状之一,通常除瘙痒外还常伴脱毛、红斑等皮肤症状。瘙痒问题不仅困扰动物本身,也影响到饲养者的生活质量。瘙痒的发生机制复杂,目前国内外已有大量对人和犬瘙痒性皮肤病的临床和基础研究,揭示了瘙痒和神经免疫系统之间的关系,引入了“瘙痒-抓挠”循环的概念,且表明了免疫系统、皮肤屏障和神经系统的单独促进作用和交互作用是瘙痒产生的关键因素,任一环节的问题都可开启“瘙痒-抓挠”的恶性循环。临床上引起犬瘙痒的病因复杂,参照2007年由国际瘙痒研究论坛成员提出的瘙痒分类,将引起犬瘙痒的疾病根据病因类比对应分为了六大类,引起皮肤病性瘙痒的疾病分为了感染性、过敏性、肿瘤性等,其中在临床上最主要的是犬过敏性瘙痒。犬瘙痒性皮肤病的诊断方法及鉴别诊断多样,需从多方面对患病犬进行信息收集,按一定顺序进行排查和鉴别诊断。犬瘙痒性皮肤病的治疗周期长且疾病易反复,目前常用的西医药物存在副作用大、靶点单一、价格昂贵等不足,中药方剂成分复杂,有效成分多,可从多通路多途径治疗机制复杂的瘙痒,在犬瘙痒性皮肤病的治疗上具有优势和广阔前景。文章对瘙痒发生的机制、犬瘙痒性疾病的分类、诊断及中西医治疗思路等最新研究...  相似文献   

Bacterial pyoderma is one of the most frequent skin diseases in dogs. Recurrent pyoderma is often secondary to an underlying skin disease, but no epidemiological study has been published on the subject to the authors' knowledge. This study was designed to prospectively evaluate the causes responsible for recurrent pyoderma in dogs. Dogs presenting with a history of more than three episodes of skin infection in the last year were included in the study. For each case, epidemiological and clinical data were collected. Pyoderma was confirmed by the clinical signs, the demonstration of bacteria on microscopic examination of cytological smears and a positive culture. Each animal was treated with an appropriate course of antibiotics until resolution of signs of pyoderma. Depending upon the presence of pruritus, appropriate diagnostic tests were performed: skin scrapings, acaricidal trial, flea treatment, elimination diet, intradermal testing, biopsies, endocrinological tests, leishmaniasis and ehrlichiosis serology, antinuclear antibody testing. Thirty dogs (14 males and 16 females) of 19 different breeds, aged from 1 to 12 years (mean 4.9 years) were included. Diagnosis was folliculitis (44%), folliculitis and furunculosis (20%), furunculosis (20%), cellulitis (10%). Staphylococcus intermedius was isolated in 97% of cases. The following underlying diseases were identified: atopic dermatitis (60%), food allergy (7%), flea allergy (7%), hypothyroidism (7%), hyperestrogenism (4%), demodicosis (4%), and zinc-responsive dermatosis (4%). In two dogs, no underlying cause could be identified. Atopic dermatitis is the most common disease associated with recurrent pyoderma in dogs.
Funding: Pfizer Animal Health.  相似文献   

Canine scabies is a challenging disease to diagnose because sarcoptic mites are hard to find on skin scrapings. The purpose of this study was to evaluate a serologic enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) as an aid in the diagnosis of canine scabies. In addition, serum samples were obtained post treatment to determine the duration and persistence of circulating scabies antibodies after resolution of natural infection. Nineteen dogs diagnosed with sarcoptic mange and 38 control dogs were tested. Sixteen scabies-infested dogs showed positive pretreatment ELISA results (84.2% sensitivity). Thirty-four control dogs showed negative ELISA results (89.5% specificity). In the 11 scabies dogs from which multiple post treatment serum samples were obtained, detectable antibodies were not present 1 month after treatment in four cases, but were present for 1-4.5 months post treatment in seven dogs. Our results suggest that this scabies ELISA test is useful in the diagnosis of canine scabies.  相似文献   

Two recent case reports described a congenital keratinization defect (congenital follicular parakeratosis; CFP) in Rottweiler and Siberian Husky dogs. Skin biopsy specimens revealed marked parakeratosis targeting the hair follicle and numerous intracorneal vacuoles. A retrospective histopathological study was conducted on skin biopsy specimens from 111 dogs with diseases associated with parakeratotic hyperkeratosis to determine whether intracorneal vacuoles were present. Additional criteria evaluated were the size and location of the vacuoles and the degree of parakeratosis. Cases examined included dogs with primary idiopathic seborrhoea, necrolytic migratory erythema (NME), Malassezia dermatitis, zinc-responsive dermatosis, hereditary nasal hyperkeratosis of Labrador Retriever dogs, thallotoxicosis and CFP. Thirty-seven cases (37/111, 33%) had intracorneal vacuoles, including nine cases of primary idiopathic seborrhoea (9/29, 31%), 10 cases of NME (10/18, 56%), five cases of Malassezia dermatitis (5/19, 26%), five cases of zinc-responsive dermatosis (5/36, 14%), five cases of hereditary nasal hyperkeratosis (5/5, 100%) and three cases of CFP (3/3, 100%). If present, intracorneal vacuoles were found throughout all layers of the parakeratin. The sizes of intracorneal vacuoles varied among diseases, but large (> 5 microm) vacuoles only were present in CFP. Biopsies with a larger degree of parakeratosis were significantly more likely to have intracorneal vacuoles (P = < 0.001). Based on this study, intracorneal vacuoles are a common finding in many parakeratotic skin diseases of the dog, but large (> 5 microm) vacuoles are found only in CFP.  相似文献   

Skin sections from 22 dogs with autoimmune skin disease were stained with anti-canine IgG, IgM and IgA using an immunobridge immunoperoxidase method. Eight cases of lupus erythematosus, three cases of pemphigus vulgaris, and 11 cases of pemphigus foliaceus were included. Results of previously performed, direct immunofluorescence tests for the detection of canine immunoglobulin on skin were available on 17/22 cases. The immunoperoxidase method yielded an overall positive result in 59% (5/8 lupus erythematosus, 2/3 pemphigus vulgaris and 6/11 pemphigus foliaceus) versus an overall positive result of 47% for direct immunofluorescence (3/5 lupus erythematosus, 2/2 pemphigus vulgaris and 2/10 pemphigus foliaceus). The immunobridge immunoperoxidase method compared favorably to direct immunofluorescence testing of canine skin for autoantibody in cases of lupus erythematosis and pemphigus vulgaris, and was superior in cases of pemphigus foliaceus. This method should prove useful as an aid in the diagnosis of canine autoimmune skin disease.  相似文献   

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