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Using a multivariate experimental design, optimal conditions for phytate degradation were found to be pH 4.8 and 57 degrees C in barley flour (cv. Blenheim) and pH 5.2 and 47 degrees C in a crude extracted phytase from barley. Three methods for measuring phytase activity in raw and hydrothermally processed barley were compared. Incubation at pH 5 and 55 degrees C for 60 min did not give significantly different results (p > 0.05), whereas incubation at pH 5 and 50 degrees C for 10, 20, 30, and 60 min gave significantly different results (p < 0.001) between methods. The change in microstructure of phytate globoids during hydrothermal processing showed that the degradation was highest in the scutellum cells and less in the aleurone layer.  相似文献   

Effects of germination conditions and thermal processes on folate contents of rye were investigated. Total folate contents were determined microbiologically with Lactobacillus rhamnosus (ATCC 7469) as the growth indicator organism, and individual folates were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography after affinity chromatographic purification. Germination increased the folate content by 1.7-3.8-fold, depending on germination temperature, with a maximum content of 250 micro g/100 g dry matter. Hypocotylar roots with their notably high folate concentrations (600-1180 micro g/100 g dry matter) contributed 30-50% of the folate contents of germinated grains. Germination altered the proportions of folates, increasing the proportion of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate and decreasing the proportion of formylated folate compounds. Thermal treatments (extrusion, autoclaving and puffing, and IR and toasting) resulted in significant folate losses. However, folate levels in grains that were germinated and then were heat processed were higher than for native (nongerminated) grains. Opportunities to optimize rye processing to enhance folate levels in rye-based foods are discussed.  相似文献   

Low‐input production of barley on the predominantly calcareous soils in most countries of West Asia and North Africa is affected by drought and a low availability of P and Zn. Especially during the early growth stages, P and Zn deficiencies retard seedling growth, rendering the young plantlets particularly sensitive to the frequently encountered dry spells. Seed priming (soaking in water and drying back to storage moisture until use) has been shown to improve crop establishment and, in some instances, to increase crop yields. While increased seedling vigor will improve barley establishment, possible benefits are likely to be limited when P and Zn are deficient. A promising variation of the priming concept is the seed treatment with solutions containing the limiting nutrient. A series of experiments was conducted in a phytotron in 2003 to develop a nutrient‐priming approach to foster the establishment of barley under marginal growing conditions. Seeds of the traditional barley cultivar Arabi aswad were soaked for 0–48 hours in water and for 12 hours in solutions containing 5–500 mM P, Zn, and P+Zn, and dried back to 12% moisture until further use. Seeds were incubated at 10°C, and germination was evaluated over a 6‐ to 8‐day period. Additionally, growth and nutrient uptake of 4‐week‐old seedlings, grown at 25% and 100% field capacity in a typical Xerosol from Syria were evaluated. Water priming for 12 hours with subsequent seed storage of up to 9 weeks increased germination rate from 65% to 95%, and advanced germination by up to 3 days compared to unprimed seeds. Addition of 10 mM Zn and 50 mM P to the priming solution increased the P and Zn content of the seeds without affecting germination. It furthermore significantly stimulated growth and P and Zn uptake by 4‐week‐old seedlings and improved the water use efficiency of drought‐stressed plants by 44% above that of unprimed seeds.  相似文献   

缺磷对不同耐低磷玉米基因型酸性磷酸酶活性的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
【目的】酸性磷酸酶活性与土壤及植株体内有机磷的分解和再利用有着密切的关系。本研究以不同耐低磷玉米自交系为材料,研究低磷胁迫下玉米叶片、根组织内以及根系分泌酸性磷酸酶活性的变化及基因型差异,探讨酸性磷酸酶与玉米耐低磷之间的关系,以期更深入地了解玉米耐低磷的生理机制。【方法】以5个典型耐低磷自交系99180T、99239T、99186T、99327T、99184T和2个磷敏感自交系99152S、99270S为试验材料,采用营养液培养方法,设正常磷和低磷两种处理,分别于缺磷处理3、8和12 d时调查取样,测定地上部干重、根干重、叶片中无机磷(Pi)含量、根和地上部磷累积量、根系分泌APase活性以及叶片中APase活性,并于缺磷处理12 d测定根系内APase活性。【结果】1)缺磷使玉米地上部干重下降,根干重、根冠比增加,随着缺磷处理(3 d→8 d→12 d)时间的延长,根干重、根冠比增加幅度增大,且耐低磷自交系根干重增加幅度普遍大于敏感自交系。2)低磷条件下,玉米自交系磷吸收、利用效率存在基因型差异,耐低磷自交系99239T、99180T和99327T磷吸收效率较高,99186T和99184T磷利用效率高,敏感自交系99152S、99270S磷吸收和利用效率均较低。3)低磷处理使玉米自交系叶片无机磷(Pi)含量显著下降,耐低磷自交系99184T、99327T和99239T下降幅度较小,相对叶片无机磷含量较高。4)缺磷诱导玉米根系分泌的APase活性升高。耐低磷自交系99184T和99186T根系分泌APase活性升高幅度较大,其余3个耐低磷自交系未表现出明显优势。缺磷处理3 d、8 d,玉米根系分泌APase活性与磷累积量显著正相关,而12 d时相关性不显著;根系分泌APase活性与磷利用效率在缺磷处理12d时达显著正相关。说明玉米根系分泌APase活性与磷吸收、利用效率相关关系不稳定。5)缺磷处理12 d,各玉米自交系根组织内APase活性与根系分泌APase活性变化情况较一致,两者相关系数r=0.755(P0.05)。6)缺磷条件下各玉米自交系叶片组织内APase活性均有升高趋势,并表现出明显的基因型差异。缺磷处理8 d,耐低磷自交系99184T和99239T叶片组织内APase活性升高幅度最大,其次是99327T和99186T,99180T、99270S和99152S升高幅度较小;缺磷处理12 d,各玉米自交系叶片APase活性仍继续增加,99239T、99184T、99327T和99186T的相对APase活性均较高,99270S和99152S的相对APase活性较低。相关性分析表明,缺磷条件下玉米自交系叶片中相对APase活性与叶片中相对无机磷(Pi)含量显著正相关,与磷吸收、利用效率不显著相关。【结论】低磷诱导玉米叶片、根组织和根系分泌APase活性升高,根组织和根系分泌APase活性的大小与玉米耐低磷能力不完全相关,叶片APase活性与玉米耐低磷能力有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

This study investigated phosphorus (P) accumulation and rhizosphere characteristics of Polygonum hydropiper under high levels (400, 800, and 1600 mg P kg?1) of inorganic P (Pi) and organic P (Po), supplied as KH2PO4 and myo-inositol hexaphosphoric acid dodecasodium salt, respectively. Mining (ME) and non-mining (NME) ecotypes were used since they differed in the capacity of nutrient acquisition. Biomass and P accumulation in shoots and roots of the ME increased by increasing Pi levels, whereas they decreased by increasing Po concentrations. Rhizosphere pH declined by 0.15–0.45 U for the ME and 0.04–0.14 U for the NME. Orthophosphate was the most abundant form, and it depleted greatly in the rhizosphere, with higher effect by the ME than by the NME. Glycerophosphate and inositol hexakisphosphate concentrations increased in the rhizosphere under high Po treatments with higher effect by the ME than by the NME. Rhizosphere acid phosphomonoesterase, alkaline phosphomonoesterase, and phytase activities of both ecotypes were higher in high P treatments than the treatment without P, whereas phosphodiesterase activity decreased. Significantly higher enzyme activities were observed in the rhizosphere soil of the ME than the NME. Probably, the ME might obtain higher shoot P than the NME from P-enriched soils through changes in rhizosphere properties.  相似文献   


The lime and N requirements for triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack) have not been established because of the relatively short history of the crop. This study was designed to evaluate the effects of lime and high N rates on triticale, wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), and rye (Secale cereale L.) on Dickson silt loam (Typic Paleudult) and Decatur silty clay loam (Rhodic Paleudult) in 1974–1976. The soils had pH values of 4.9 and 5.5 with no lime and 5.4 and 5.8, respectively, when limed as recommended. The fertilizer rates were 112, 140, and 170 kg N/ha. Yields and N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Al, Zn, Cu, and B were determined in straw and grain. Liming the Dickson soil increased the straw yields of barley at 112 kg N/ha and grain yields of the cultivars generally at the 170 kg N/ha rate. Liming the Decatur soil did not have consistent effects on straw yields but increased the grain yields of the wheat and rye cultivars. Increasing N rate increased the straw yields of wheat on Dickson but decreased the grain yields of barley in the same soil with no lime. Nitrogen fertilization did not have consistent effects on the Decatur soil. The N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and Mn compositions suggested that more differences occured at the species level than at the cultivar level.  相似文献   

Five copper (Cu) sources were studied at pH 2.5, 5.5, and 6.5 to determine how Cu affects phytate phosphorus (PP) hydrolysis by phytase at concentrations up to 500 mg/kg diet (60 min, 40-41 degrees C). Subsequently, Cu solubility with and without sodium phytate was measured. Adding Cu inhibited PP hydrolysis at pH 5.5 and pH 6.5 (P < 0.05). This inhibition was greater with higher concentrations of Cu. Tri-basic copper chloride and copper lysinate inhibited PP hydrolysis much less than copper sulfate pentahydrate, copper chloride, and copper citrate (P < 0.05). A strong negative relationship was observed between PP hydrolysis and soluble Cu at pH 5.5 (r = -0.76, P < 0.0001) and 6.5 (r = -0.54, P < 0.0001). In conclusion, pH, Cu concentration, and source influenced PP hydrolysis by phytase in vitro and were related to the amount of soluble Cu and the formation of insoluble copper-phytin complexes.  相似文献   

Intercropping has been shown to increase total yield and nutrient uptake compared to monocropping. However, depending on crop combinations, one crop may dominate and decrease the growth of the other. Interactions in the soil, especially in the rhizosphere, may be important in the interactions between intercropped plant genotypes. To assess the role of the rhizosphere interactions, we intercropped a P-inefficient wheat genotype (Janz) with either the P-efficient wheat genotype (Goldmark) or chickpea in a soil with low P availability amended with 100 mg P kg−1 as FePO4 (FeP) or phytate. The plants were grown for 10 weeks in pots where the roots of the genotypes could intermingle (no barrier, NB), were separated by a 30 μm mesh (mesh barrier, MB), preventing direct root contact but allowing exchange of diffusible compounds and microorganisms, or were completely separated by a solid barrier (SB). When supplied with FeP, Janz intercropped with chickpea had higher shoot and grain dry weight (dw) and greater plant P uptake in NB and MB than in SB. Contact with roots of Janz increased shoot, grain and root dw, root length, shoot P concentration and shoot P uptake of chickpea compared to SB. Root contact between the two wheat genotypes, Janz and Goldmark, had no effect on growth and P uptake of Janz. Shoot and total P uptake by Goldmark were significantly increased in NB compared to MB or SB. In both crop combinations, root contact significantly increased total plant dw and P uptake per pot. Plant growth and P uptake were lower with phytate and not significantly affected by barrier treatment. Differences in microbial P, available P and phosphatase activity in the rhizosphere among genotypes and barrier treatments were generally small. Root contact changed microbial community structure (assessed by fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis) and all crops had similar rhizosphere microbial community structure when their roots intermingled.  相似文献   

 Extracts were prepared from soil using water, 50 mM citric acid (pH ∼2.3) or 0.5 M NaHCO3 (pH 8.5), and were incubated with excess phytase from Aspergillus niger to determine the amounts of labile P. Two A. niger phytase preparations were used: (1) a purified form which exhibited a narrow substrate specificity and high specific activity against phytate; and (2) a commercial preparation (Sigma) with activity against a broad range of P compounds. A comparatively large proportion (up to 79%, or 5.7 μg g–1 soil) of the organic P (Po) extracted with citric acid was hydrolysed by the commercial phytase, while between 28% and 40% (up to 3.1 μg g–1 soil) was hydrolysed using purified phytase. By comparison, only small quantities of the Po in water and NaHCO3 soil extracts were enzyme labile. While extractable Po was increased both with increasing concentrations of citric acid (up to 50 mM) and increasing pH (pH 2.3–6.0), enzyme-labile P increased only with citric acid concentration. The labile component of Po in citric acid extracts from soils with contrasting fertiliser histories indicated that enzyme-labile Po is a relatively large soil P pool and is potentially an important source of P for plants. Received: 29 October 1999  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验,以秦烟96为材料,通过设置5个供磷水平,研究了增施磷肥对烤烟烟叶营养(氮、磷、钾)和多酚含量及烟叶酸性磷酸酶和多酚氧化酶活性的影响,目的在于揭示磷肥影响烟叶生长发育的营养基础以及色泽形成的生理机制,为优质烤烟生产进行合理施磷提供理论依据和实践指导。结果表明,施磷量在P2O50~5.84 g/盆范围内,随施磷量增加,烟叶氮、磷、钾含量和多酚含量及多酚氧化酶活性逐渐增加,均呈显著正相关,磷肥过多时,抑制作用显著;酸性磷酸酶活性逐渐降低,呈显著负相关。说明适宜的施磷量可改善烟叶营养,提高多酚含量及其氧化水平,有利于烟叶色泽形成;烟叶酸性磷酸酶活性可作为评估土壤供磷能力的有效生理指标。  相似文献   

以浓度分别为0、0.01、0.1、1.0 mmol/L的硝普钠(Sodium nitroprusside, SNP; NO供体)处理玉米、小麦、花生、小白菜、萝卜、黄瓜的种子和幼苗,研究了以上几种浓度的SNP对作物种子萌发和幼苗生长及抗氧化酶活性的影响。结果表明:SNP对多数种子萌发影响表现为低浓度(0.01 mmol/L和0.1 mmol/L)促进,高浓度(1.0 mmol/L)抑制,其中对萝卜发芽率的促进作用最显著;低浓度SNP可有效促进植物幼苗地上部的生长,其中对小麦、黄瓜的促进效果最显著,同时可显著促进根系的伸长,其中对萝卜的促进效果最显著,且对植物幼苗生长的影响与作物种类有关;SNP对多数植物的根系活力有明显的促进作用,其中对萝卜的促进效果最显著;适宜浓度的SNP可以提高作物CAT、POD和SOD活性以及可溶性蛋白含量,并降低MDA含量,不同作物SNP的适宜浓度不同,其中0.1 mmol/L SNP对多数作物处理效果最好。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the influence of phosphate and citrate, which are common inorganic andorganic anions in soils, on the adsorption of acid phosphatase by kaolin, goethite and the colloids separatedfrom yellow-brown soil (YBS) and latosol (LS) in central-south China. The YBS colloid has the major claymineral composition of 1.4 nm mineral, illite and kaolinite while the LS colloid mainly contains kaolinite andoxides. The adsorption isotherm of acid phosphatase on the examined soil colloids and minerals fitted tothe Langmuir model. The amount of enzyme adsorbed in the absence of ligands was in the order of YBScolloid >LS colloid>kaolin≈goethite. In the presence of phosphate or citrate, the amounts of the enzymeadsorbed followed the sequence YBS colloid>kaolin>LS colloid>goethite. The presence of ligands alsodecreased the binding energy between the enzyme and soil colloids or minerals. With the increase of ligandconcentration from 10 mmol L-1 to 400 m mol L-1, different behaviors for the adsorption of enzyme werefound in the colloid and mineral systems studied. A sharp decrease in enzyme adsorption was observed ongoethite while gradual decreases of enzyme adsorption were recorded in the two soil colloid systems. However,no any decrease was found for the amount of enzyme adsorbed on kaolin at higher ligand concentrations.When phosphate or citrate was introduced to the system before the addition of enzyme, the ligands usuallyenhanced the adsorption of enzyme. The results obtained in this study suggested the important role ofkaolinite mineral in the adsorption of enzyme molecules in acidic soils in the presence of various ligands.  相似文献   

  【目的】  鉴定不同磷水平油菜种子植酸浓度 (PA_Conc)和含量 (PA_Cont) 显著关联的 SNP 位点,挖掘候选基因及其优异单倍型,为油菜低植酸品种的培育提供遗传基础和优异基因资源。  【方法】  采用田间试验,测定正常供磷(施磷,P2O5 90 kg/hm2)及低磷(不施磷,P2O5 0 kg/hm2)条件下403个甘蓝型油菜品种种子中的PA_Conc和PA_Cont,利用基于全基因组重测序技术获得的530多万个高质量SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism)标记,用 TASSEL 5.0 软件中的一般线性模型(general linear model,GLM)和混合线性模型(mixed linear model,MLM)进行全基因组关联分析(genome-wide association study, GWAS),鉴定种子植酸浓度和含量显著关联的SNP位点及其候选基因。采用Bcftools提取BnaA07.MRP13基因的SNP,利用Haploview 4.2软件进行单倍型分析。  【结果】  关联群体正常供磷处理PA_Conc变异范围为17.52~81.32 mg/g,PA_Cont变异范围为0.30~0.99 mg/5粒种子;低磷处理PA_Conc变异范围为17.47~49.05 mg/g,PA_Cont变异范围为0.33~0.85 mg/5粒种子。与正常供磷相比,关联群体低磷胁迫下的PA_Conc和PA_Cont均值分别降低13.5%和10.8%。GLM模型检测到56个与油菜种子植酸浓度和含量显著关联的SNP位点,分布在除A08和C03外的17条染色体上,它们对表型变异的解释率为7.33%~14.28%。其中A03染色体上含有最多的SNP (9个)。MLM模型共检测到23个与油菜种子植酸浓度和含量显著关联的SNP位点,分布在A03、A05、A06、A07、A09、C01、C02、C04、C05、C06和C07等11条染色体上,它们对表型变异的解释率为9.6%~14.28%。其中A03染色体上含有8个SNP。对显著SNP位点上下游300 kb范围内的基因进行分析,挖掘出可能与种子中植酸合成相关的14个候选基因,其中包括拟南芥植酸合成通路中的MRP、PLC、PIP5K和SULTR4等同源基因。对BnaA07.MRP13进行候选基因关联及单倍型分析,鉴定出高植酸单倍型“BnaA07.MRP13ContHap1”(TTTA)和低植酸单倍型“BnaA07.MRP13ContHap2”(CCCT)。自然群体中18%的品种(72/403)为低植酸单倍型,种子平均植酸含量为 0.56 mg/5粒种子,极显著低于高植酸单倍型 (平均植酸含量为0.62 mg/5粒种子)。  【结论】  正常供磷和低磷胁迫下,油菜种子植酸浓度和含量均具有广泛的遗传变异。GLM模型和MLM模型分别检测到56和23个与油菜种子植酸浓度和含量显著关联的SNP位点,预测的与油菜种子植酸含量相关的候选基因有14个,发现的BnaA07.MRP13的高和低植酸单倍型为后续油菜种子植酸含量的遗传改良奠定了基础。  相似文献   

小麦与油菜种子萌发对酸雨胁迫的反应研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用pH2.0、2.5、3.0、3.5、4.0、5.0模拟酸雨处理小麦和油菜种子试验结果表明,pH2.0时小麦和油菜种子不发芽,pH2.5时只有小麦异状发芽,pH≥3.0时小麦和油菜种子发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数、活力指数均与pH值显著正相关,小麦异状发芽率则随pH值上升而降低。小麦和油菜的吸水值、呼吸速率、贮藏物质运转效率也与pH值显著正相关,小麦贮藏物质消耗率与pH值显著正相关,而油菜与pH值显著负相关;小麦和油菜的根、芽长抑制指数均与pH值显著负相关,且小麦抗酸雨胁迫能力强于油菜。  相似文献   

This study examined acid phosphatase activity in the extracts of Capsicum annuum L. cv. ”︁Sweet Banana” seedlings grown axenically on water-agar medium or plants grown in a hydroponic system with or without phosphate. Initially, no elevated phosphatase activity was detected in the root surface, in root surface extractions or cell-free tissue extracts from plants that were not showing morphological symptoms of stress. Then elevated specific phosphatase activity was evident in all organ tissue extracts of the plants that showed signs of growth inhibition. The increase in specific activity in the cell free extracts of different organs appeared to be primarily the result of increased activity of the dominant isozyme present in all these extracts, instead of due to de novo synthesis of new isozymes. These and other experiments indicate the lack of phosphate starvation-inducible (psi) excreted phosphatase in Capsicum annuum L. cv. ”︁Sweet Banana”. Some limitations with the use of XP, 5-bromo-4-chloro-indolyl phosphate p-toluidine, particularly when incorporated into growth media and buffer with or without phosphate for the study of phosphate starvation-inducible excreted phosphatase activity were noted.  相似文献   


The effects of pretreatment with salicylic acid on wheat seed germination (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Roshan), lipid peroxidation, and superoxide dismutase, catalase, polyphenol oxidase, and peroxidase activity were studied under conditions of salt stress. Seeds treated with different concentrations of salicylic acid were used for measuring germination traits. Salt stress was induced by sodium chloride solution. Seeds were soaked in salicylic acid solution for 24 h, dried with sterile paper, transferred to sterile Petri dishes, and treated with 10 ml NaCl solution at different concentrations. After 1 week, the number of germinated seeds, root length, seedling length, and dry weight were recorded. Antioxidant enzyme activity and lipid peroxidation were also assayed. Salinity decreased seed germination. Thus, a high concentration of NaCl (200 mM) decreased germination by 17.6% compared with control treatment. Salicylic acid significantly increased germination in stressed and control seeds. Salicylic acid increased the level of cell division of seedlings and roots, which increased plant growth. Salt stress significantly increased the activity of the antioxidative enzymes catalase, superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, and polyphenol oxidase in wheat seedlings, and salicylic acid reduced the activity of antioxidant enzymes as stress signal molecules. Our results indicated that scavenging of reactive oxygen species was effective, especially by salicylic acid, and that membrane damage was limited. The aim of the present work was to study the character of changes in enzymatic systems induced by NaCl and salicylic acid in wheat seedlings under conditions of salt stress. In brief, salicylic acid treatment reduced the damaging action of salinity on embryo growth and accelerated a restoration of growth processes; thereupon it may be effective for the improvement of seed germination in arid and semi-arid regions.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate factors regulating phosphatase activities in Mediterranean soils subjected to sewage sludge applications. Soils originating from calcareous and siliceous mineral parent materials were amended with aerobically digested sewage sludge, with or without physico-chemical treatment by ferric chloride. Sludge amendments, ranging from 6.2 to 10 g kg−1 soil, were carried out in order to provide soil with a P total quantity equivalent to 0.5 g P2O5 per kg of soil. Bacterial density, phosphatase activities (i.e. acid and alkaline phosphomonoesterases and phosphodiesterases) and available P (i.e. P Olsen and P water) were measured after 25 and 87 days of incubation. Results showed significant effects of sewage sludge application and incubation period. Sewage sludge effect resulted in an increase in phosphatase activities, microbial density and available P. Incubation period increased available P while decreasing phosphatase activities. This study also revealed that the origin of sludge and its chemical characteristics may show different effects on certain variables such as phosphodiesterases or bacterial density, whereas mineral parent materials of soils did not show any significant effects.  相似文献   

向日葵列当(Orobanche cumana Wallr.)是一种根寄生草本植物,对向日葵等经济作物造成严重危害。为了减少向日葵列当对向日葵的寄生,降低土壤中向日葵列当种子库,本试验以新疆地区广泛种植的玉米品种‘京糯一号’和‘新玉57号’为研究材料,通过穴盘试验研究在不同时期(出苗后10 d和15 d)施加两种不同浓度赤霉素(10~(-4 )mol·L~(-1)和10~(-5 )mol·L~(-1))对上述两个品种玉米生长发育和分泌列当萌发刺激物质的影响;24 d后收集并提取玉米根系分泌物,用其进行刺激向日葵列当种子的萌发试验,从而筛选出刺激向日葵列当种子萌发能力较强的玉米品种进行盆栽试验。通过盆栽试验,在玉米种植后的不同时期(20 d和40 d)喷施10~(-4 )mol·L~(-1)赤霉素以探究玉米与赤霉素共同防除向日葵列当种子的效果,收获时(105 d后)采集玉米地上部、根和根际土样品,用其甲醇浸提液刺激向日葵列当种子萌发;次年在种植过玉米的盆中种植后茬作物向日葵,收获时测定向日葵的农艺指标并统计向日葵列当的出土数。结果表明:穴盘试验中施加赤霉素对玉米的株高有显著增高作用,对玉米根系分泌萌发刺激物质没有抑制作用,即在玉米生长时期可以施加10~(-4 )mol·L~(-1)和10~(-5 )mol·L~(-1)赤霉素。此外,‘新玉57号’根系分泌物的100倍稀释液刺激向日葵列当种子的萌发率显著高于‘京糯一号’,因此选取‘新玉57号’作为盆栽试验的玉米品种。盆栽试验中不同时期施加10~(-4 )mol·L~(-1)赤霉素,玉米株高同样显著高于对照,增长率分别为22.5%、19.1%。次年种植后茬作物向日葵,在第20 d向玉米施加赤霉素处理的盆中种植的向日葵的花盘直径比对照(种植玉米时不施加赤霉素)显著增加57.1%。与对照相比,在种植玉米后的20 d和40 d施加赤霉素的处理种植向日葵,向日葵列当的出土数分别是1.3个·盆~(-1)、1.8个·盆~(-1),分别降低76.4%和67.3%。因此,可以在玉米种植的后20 d和40 d施加10~(-4 )mol·L~(-1)赤霉素,与玉米共同诱导向日葵列当种子"自杀发芽",以减少向日葵列当对向日葵植株的危害。  相似文献   

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