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The vascular patterns to pelvic limb muscles were studied in 6 dogs (12 limbs) to identify muscles most suitable for transposition in the treatment of large wounds. Gross dissection of injected specimens and angiography were used to identify the vascular pedicles. The vascular pedicles to several muscles were generally consistent, and any variations would not interfere with most muscle transfers. The cranial part of the sartorius, gracillis, semitendinosus, and rectus femoris muscles were identified as suitable candidates for transfer. The caudal part of the sartorius, cranial tibial, and long digital extensor muscles have segmentalized vascular patterns that would limit its arc of rotation.  相似文献   

This study describes the osteology and radiology of the pelvic limb in maned wolves. Ten (five live and five dead) maned wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus), five males and five females, aged from 2 to 7 years old were used. Digital radiographs were taken and recorded for both pelvic limbs in all animals. Osteology was correlated with the radiographic images. The pelvis had a rectangular shape, and the obturator foramen (foramen obturatum) was oval. The femoral neck (collum femoris) was short and thick. The greater trochanter (trochanter major) extended proximally to near the dorsum of the femoral head (caput ossis femoris). The lateral femoral condyle (condylus lateralis) was larger than the medial condyle (condylus medialis), and the intercondylar fossa (fossa intercondylaris) had a slightly oblique orientation. The proximal tibia displayed medial and lateral condyles with the medial larger. The femur was slightly shorter than the tibia. Seven tarsal bones (ossa tarsi) were present, four long metatarsal bones (ossa metatarsalia II ‐ V) and a short first metatarsal bone (os metatarsal I).  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to provide the detailed normal gross osteology and radiographic anatomy of the pelvic limb in adult small East African goats as a reference for clinical use, biomedical research and teaching. Radiography of the pelvic limb was performed in five adult small East African goats. Bone specimens of four skeletally mature small East African goats were used for gross osteological study. The ilial wing was wide. The ischiatic tuberosity was prominent and well developed. The acetabulum was rounded. The minor trochanter was located caudomedially, and the femoral trochlea was deep and narrow. The lateral and medial condyles of the femur were approximately of the same size. The tibial tuberosity was prominent, and the cochlea grooves were deep with a pronounced intermediate ridge. The trochlea of the talus was deep. The patella presented a prominent tuberosity on the cranial surface. The metatarsal sesamoid bone was seen in all animals. The observed gross osteology and radiographic anatomy of the pelvic limb of small East African goats was consistent with the presence of strong extensor muscles of the hip, stifle and tarsus for propulsion during terrestrial walking and trotting.  相似文献   



To determine the effect of hyaluronidase on time to onset and offset of anaesthesia in ropivacaine or bupivacaine femoral–ischiatic nerve blocks.

Study design

Blinded randomized crossover trial.


Eight dogs.


Each dog underwent four treatments separated into two blocks – initially, the ropivacaine treatment block: RS (ropivacaine 0.5% plus saline 0.9%) and RH (ropivacaine 0.5% plus hyaluronidase 100 IU mL–1), followed 3 weeks later by the bupivacaine treatment block: BS (bupivacaine 0.5% plus saline) and BH (bupivacaine 0.5% plus hyaluronidase). The local anaesthetics were administered at 0.1 mL kg–1 per site. Hyaluronidase and saline were administered at 0.02 mL kg–1 per site. Performance of femoral–ischiatic blocks was aided by a combined ultrasound–electrolocation technique. The mechanical nociceptive threshold was measured, until offset or 360 minutes, using an algometer to ascertain baseline, onset and offset of anaesthesia. Onset and offset of anaesthesia were defined as a 25% increase above and as a return to <25% above baseline nociceptive threshold readings, respectively.


The median (range) onset of anaesthesia for RS and RH was 21 (3–60) and 12 (3–21) minutes, respectively (p = 0.141), and offset was 270 (90–360) and 180 (30–300) minutes, respectively (p = 0.361). By contrast, the median (range) onset of anaesthesia for BS and BH was 24 (3–60) and 9 (3–27) minutes, respectively (p = 0.394), and offset was 360 (240–360) and 330 (210–360) minutes, respectively (p = 0.456).

Conclusion and clinical relevance

Hyaluronidase had no effect on the onset and offset times of ropivacaine and bupivacaine femoral–ischiatic nerve blocks in dogs compared with saline. The onset and offset times were highly variable in all treatments. Clinically, the high variability of the onset and offset times of the regional anaesthesia of these local anaesthetic drugs means that clinicians must monitor the animal’s response and, if required, provide additional analgesic drugs.  相似文献   

以来自内蒙古的野生扁蓿豆种质资源32个居群成熟叶片为试验材料,采用石蜡制片法,应用光学显微技术测定了叶片上表皮厚度、叶片下表皮厚度、叶片厚度、维管束直径、栅栏组织厚度、海绵组织厚度、栅海比、叶片栅栏组织结构紧密度和叶片海绵组织结构疏松度等与抗旱相关的解剖结构特征参数,并进行统计分析和抗旱性综合评价。结果表明,9个指标均表现差异极显著;叶片上表皮厚度、叶片下表皮厚度、叶片厚度、栅栏组织厚度和海绵组织厚度之间呈极显著相关和显著相关关系;第3个主成分的特征值为1.621,累计贡献率达86.67%,已超过85%,前3个主因子基本上能概括9个指标的主要信息;采用UPGMA法将32个居群分成五大类。隶属函数法综合评价抗旱能力显示16和27号居群的抗旱性最强,22号居群抗旱性最差。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the arterial vascularization of the pelvic limb between southern caracara (Caracara plancus) and great egret (Ardea alba) by dissection and radiographic examinations. Five specimens of caracaras (three males and two females), and seven great egrets (five males and two females) were used. Barium sulphate and latex suspension were injected into the left ventricle of the birds. The radiographs were taken with the pelvic limbs in the ventrodorsal, dorsoplantar, mediolateral and lateromedial recumbency. Thereafter, the material was fixed in a 10% solution of formaldehyde and dissected. The pelvic limb received its arterial supply from two main vessels, the ischiatic and external iliac arteries. The ischiatic artery presented to be the principal artery of pelvic limb in the caracara and great egret. Several branches arised from the ischiatic and external iliac arteries were described. No gender differences were observed in both species. The caracara and great egret showed arteries similar to those reported for the ostrich and domestic fowl. According to the results of this study, it is suggested that the caracara has a pelvic limb with more arterial branches and larger arterial diameter than the great egret, which is probably related to the specific behaviour of these birds, since the caracara is a bird that exercise more their pelvic limbs to capture its prey when compared with the great egret.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo compare n. facialis-m. nasolabialis (nF-mNL) and n. ulnar-mm. carpi flexorii (nU-mCF) sensitivity to vecuronium during halothane or isoflurane anaesthesia.Study designRandomized, prospective, experimental study.AnimalsForty-four client-owned dogs (19 male, 25 female) undergoing surgery; mean age: 5.0 years; mean body mass: 24.7 kg.MethodsThirty minutes after acepromazine (0.05 mg kg?1) and morphine (0.5 mg kg?1), anaesthesia was induced with intravenous (IV) thiopental and maintained with either halothane (n = 22) or isoflurane (randomly allocated) in oxygen. The lungs were mechanically ventilated and end-tidal inhaled anaesthetic (Fe’IAA) maintained at 1.2 × MAC values. Neuromuscular transmission at nF-uNL and nU-mCF was monitored using the train of four count. Vecuronium (50 μg kg?1 IV) was injected (t = 0) after 15 trains, 50-60 minutes after inhalational anaesthesia began, when Fe’IAA had been constant for >15 minutes. Times of the disappearance (-) and reappearance (+) of the fourth (T4) and first twitch (T1) were recorded allowing the calculation of: latent (t = 0 to T4-) and manifest onset times (t = 0 to T1-) duration of blockade (T1- to T1+) and drug effect (T4- to T4+) and recovery time (T1+-T4+). Student’s paired t-test was used to compare simultaneous responses at nF-uNL and nU-mCF. An unpaired t-test was used to compare anaesthetic effects.ResultsLatent and manifest onset times were significantly (p < 0.05) briefer, blockade and drug effects were significantly longer and recovery from blockade were significantly slower in the nF-mNL unit in both halothane and isoflurane recipients. Profound block duration and drug action were significantly longer and recovery from blockade were significantly slower in halothane recipients at both nerve-muscle units.Conclusion and clinical relevanceThe nF-mNL was more sensitive than nU-mCF to vecuronium, particularly in halothane-anaesthetized dogs.  相似文献   

以专性寄生菌豌豆白粉菌接种紫花苜蓿,采用比色法和组织化学法对活性氧·O2-和H2O2迸发的时间、强度及作用位点进行了研究;并就侵染部位的叶片制作了石蜡切片,对叶片结构进行了观察。结果表明,接种后,抗性品种庆阳苜蓿·O2-和H2O2迸发均呈双峰形,·O2-出现在接菌后4和48 h,H2O2出现在接菌后4和24 h,且第一次高峰强度高于第二次;而感病品种德宝苜蓿·O2-含量未出现明显波动,H2O2迸发呈单峰形,仅在接菌后4 h出现一次迸发高峰。对活性氧ROS的作用位点进行研究发现,在叶片表面和内部细胞均未发现蓝色的·O2-沉积位点;而H2O2产生并积累于苜蓿上、下表皮细胞的细胞膜及受侵染处叶肉细胞的细胞质。此外,首次发现病原菌侵染后,苜蓿叶片组织结构也相应发生了改变,表皮细胞下的栅栏组织由一个长柱形细胞变为了多个卵圆形细胞,以致难以区分栅栏组织和海绵组织。本研究结果说明,不同植物种与病原菌互作中,活性氧积累的时间和强度均不相同,启动防御反应的活性氧种类亦不同;苜蓿叶肉细胞结构和形态改变可能是抵御白粉菌侵染的积极反应之一。  相似文献   

This study presents a comparative morphological and morphometrical examination of the interosseous muscle (IOM), digital flexor tendons and associated structures of all four species of South American Camelids (SACs): Lama (Lama glama), alpaca (Vicugna pacos), guanaco (Lama guanicoe) and vicuna (Vicugna vicugna). Our findings show that the lamoid interosseous muscle and digital flexor tendons are very similar between species and differences, which have been reported previously, are possibly due to diverging examiner interpretation. Lumbricalis muscles were mostly found as single muscles in this study. The definition of the terminal and dorsal branches of the interosseous muscle is critically revised. The analysis of morphometric data indicates that the size of the individual has a substantial influence on the cross-sectional area (CSA) of the examined structures. Metacarpal/metatarsal bone width is a main predictor of CSA, while the factor species only shows significance in specific sample points. For lama and alpaca, no differences in CSA in relation to species as factor were found. The IOM shows the largest CSAs of the three examined structures in all species, which implies an important load-bearing function. Considerable individual variation remains unexplained by the mentioned factors. This lowers the prospect of CSA reaching diagnostic importance in SAC fetlock pathology.  相似文献   

This case report describes the evaluation, surgical approach and outcome of an 8-month-old foal with severe angular limb deformities of both metatarsophalangeal joints (MTPJ). Radiography and computed tomography (CT) were used to diagnose a windswept deformity of the hindlimbs with associated bilateral physitis. The orthopaedic surgery was planned and rehearsed using three-dimensional (3D) bone models. A bilateral closing wedge ostectomy was performed on the distal MtIII, and 3.5 mm LCP® medial distal tibia plates were used bilaterally for osteosynthesis. Even though convalescence was prolonged and complicated by partial unilateral implant failure and osteoarthritis (OA), reduction of the deformities was successful and resulted in a sound foal.  相似文献   

以常见家畜(羊、牛、马等)为研究对象,应用3DS MAX建模功能、多媒体技术结合计算机程序设计建立常见动物及其内部器官的三维模型,生动直观的展示动物的外在特征和内部结构,进而开发三维模型库,使用户可以非常方便的检索所需动物或动物器官的模型,便于用户在不需要解剖动物的前提下了解动物各器官形态特征。三维动物模型数据库的建立也作为教辅工具用于专业培训,也可为动物虚拟手术系统的开发奠定基础。  相似文献   

The gazelles (Gazella subgutturosa), which are at the risk of extinction and are legally protected, have a cultural and aesthetic value in Turkey. It becomes incredibly important to increase their numbers in order to ensure their survival. In this context, it is required to examine thoroughly the pelvic cavity which contains reproductive organs and is used as the birth canal, as well. This study was conducted to determine the pelvimetric data of the gazelles by scanning their pelvic cavity via a multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) and preparing three-dimensional models of the pelvic cavity. Twelve adult (6 females, 6 males) gazelle carcasses were used in the study. After the pelvic cavity was scanned using the MDCT device with 64 detectors at 80 kV, 200 mA, 639 mGY and 0.625 mm cross-section thickness, the MDCT images were obtained. The three-dimensional models of the images obtained using MIMICS 20.1 (The Materialise Group, Leuven, Belgium) program were prepared. Pelvimetric measurements of the pelvic cavity were taken using these models. It was determined based on the pelvimetric examinations that there was a significant difference between the female and male gazelles in terms of conjugate diameter, vertical diameter, intermediate traversal diameter, and cranial and medial transverse diameter data at p < .05. Also, there was a significant difference in their data related to caudal transverse diameter and ischial arch at p < .01. Consequently, it is thought that the use of pelvimetric values belonging to the pelvic cavity of gazelles would reveal the sexual dimorphism of the species and its differences with other species and would contribute to clinical sciences.  相似文献   

以壳体为研究对象,通过分析计算壳体的成形工艺,设计出壳体冷挤压成形的模具。应用Deform-3D塑性成形软件进行冷挤压工艺模拟,验证了设计工艺和模具的正确性,并分析了工件在挤压过程中的挤压力变化和金属流动规律,为壳体零件挤压成形奠定基础。  相似文献   

基于遥感(Remote Sensing,RS)、地理信息系统(Geographic Information System,GIS)和全球定位系统(Global Position System,GPS),即3S技术,应用面向对象的自动分类与人机交互分类结合判读方式,以SPOT、TM影像为背景,结合地面调查样地及历史资料,准确获得岗巴县草原类型空间分布现状图件及统计数据。根据本次调查结果表明:岗巴县草原总面积为365222.89hm2,占岗巴县国土面积86.94%。该县草原类型共划分4个草原大类、6个草原亚类、21个草原型。各类草原类型面积最大为高寒草原类,占总草原面积58.66%;其次是高寒草甸类,占38.61%;第三位是高寒草甸草原类占2.56%;低地草甸类面积最少,占0.18%。该县草原退化、沙化、盐渍化面积为3809.91hm2,占该县草原面积的46.36%,其中草原退化面积31.44%;草原沙化占12.96%;草原盐渍化占1.96%。草原畜牧业是该县农牧民收入的重要来源,科技与政策支持是恢复草原资源,改善生态环境及可持续发展畜牧业的重要对策。  相似文献   

In this study, we compare the effects of pre‐ and post‐natal food deprivation on the relative proportion of fibre types and contractile responses in the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle of female and male rats at different post‐natal ages. EDL muscles from undernourished male (UM) rats showed a higher proportion of Type IIB than IIA fibres and larger normalized twitch responses (with respect to muscle weight) than those of controls (CM). In contrast, EDL muscles from control (CF) and undernourished female rats (UF) showed no significant differences in their fibre type composition and normalized twitch forces at most of the ages analysed. Our data are indicative that the EDL muscles from undernourished males are more susceptible to the effects exerted by low food income than the EDL muscles from female rats. It is proposed that changes in the reactive oxygen species (ROS) concentration and hormonal factors, due to undernutrition, are involved in the alterations observed in the fibre type composition and force production of EDL muscles in undernourished male rats and that estrogens may have an antioxidant protective role on the undernourished EDL muscles in female rats.  相似文献   



To investigate parameters causing canine thromboelastographic hypercoagulability and to investigate whether thromboelastography (TEG) with Cytochalasin D (Cyt D) added is related to parameters of platelet activity.


Prospective observational study on hemostatic and inflammatory parameters. Data were collected between November 2012 and July 2013.


University teaching hospital.


Twenty‐eight dogs suffering from diseases predisposing to thrombosis and 19 clinically healthy dogs. Diseased dogs were enrolled if they fulfilled inclusion criteria regarding age, size, informed client consent, and obtained a diagnosis of a disease that has been associated with thrombosis or hypercoagulability.



Measurements and Main Results

Parameters of coagulation and anticoagulation, fibrinolysis, and antifibrinolysis, platelet activity, inflammation, platelet count, and hematocrit were measured using CBC, TEG, platelet aggregation on multiplate, platelet activity on flow cytometry, and hemostatic and inflammatory markers on plasma and serum analyses. ANOVA and multilinear regression analyses indicated that especially hematocrit and the inflammatory parameters C‐reactive protein and interleukin‐8 showed best association with overall clot strength in diseased dogs with hypercoagulable TEG tracings. Ratios presumed to reflect platelet contribution to the TEG tracing obtained in TEG analyses with Cyt D were related especially with hematocrit and P‐selectin expression of platelets measured after γ‐Thrombin activation on flow cytometry.


Overall clot strength in TEG analyses of the hypercoagulable dogs included in the present study appears to be primarily associated with inflammation as well as hematocrit. Furthermore, the ratio between standard TEG analyses and TEG analyses with Cyt D may reflect some degree of platelet activity.  相似文献   

This study aims to determine the effects of exercise training on carbohydrate and lipid catabolism in the swimming muscles of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) by measuring the levels of related enzymes, lipids and free fatty acids. We designed one control group and two training groups of fish that were exercised at different training intensities [0, 1 and 1.5 body lengths per second (bl/s)]. The fish in the experimental groups were trained for 12 h/day for 4 weeks. Compared with the control group, the 1 and 1.5 bl/s groups showed significantly increased hexokinase and pyruvate kinase activities in red muscle (p < 0.05). In white muscle, pyruvate kinase activity was significantly higher in the 1.5 bl/s group than in the control group (p < 0.05), and hexokinase activity did not significantly differ between the groups. The activities of hormone‐sensitive lipase and carnitine palmitoyltransferase I in both muscle types were significantly lower in the training groups than in the control group (p < 0.05). The plasma‐free fatty acid level decreased (p < 0.05), while the lipid percentages increased in red muscle (p < 0.05) after exercise training. These findings clearly indicated that with exercise training, glycolysis increased and lipid oxidation decreased in the swimming muscle of tilapia.  相似文献   

Reasons for study: Detailed anatomy of the equine cervical articular process joints (APJs) has received little attention in the literature and yet disorders of this joint have been linked to spinal cord compression resulting in severe clinical signs such as ataxia and weakness. This study aimed to describe the 3D anatomy of the APJ in relation to the spinal cord in the horse. Hypothesis: Artificial distension of the APJ causes the joint pouches to extend into the vertebral canal, with the potential for APJ effusion to cause spinal cord compressive disease. Methods: Six cadaveric necks (C1–C7) of clinically normal horses were used in this study. Computed tomography scans of the cervical APJ were acquired after injection of a negative contrast agent to maximal distension. The resulting images were semi‐automatically segmented using greyscale thresholding and reconstructed in 3D by polygonal surface meshing. The 3D reconstructions were used to assess the topographic anatomy of the APJ in relation to the spinal cord and to measure joint volume at each cervical vertebra in relation to vertebrae size. Results: Joint volume varied significantly between joint location (P<0.0001) and was positively correlated to the vertebral site (from cranial to caudal) (r = 0.781, P<0.0001). After distension, the medial outpouch of the APJ extended towards the vertebral canal from a dorsolateral location but in none of the 6 horses was there apparent compression of the dura mater surrounding the spinal cord. There was no significant difference in the extent of medial outpouch at any vertebral level (P = 0.104). Flexion of the neck resulted in minor changes to the shape of the APJ but did not result in the medial outpouch encroaching any closer to the spinal cord. Conclusions: From this study, it appears that in the absence of any other soft tissue or bony changes an effusion of the APJ is unlikely to cause spinal cord compression. However, given that the APJ and spinal cord are in close approximation, in the presence of other anatomical changes, an effusion may have the potential to cause compression. Potential relevance: This study confirms that the APJ extend into the dorsolateral aspect of the vertebral canal in a ventromedial direction, suggesting that oblique myelographic views are recommended for the diagnosis of spinal cord compression when pathology of the APJ is suspected.  相似文献   

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