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Intraocular pressure (IOP) was measured in 114 eyes of 57 clinically normal dogs with 2 applanation tonometers (Tono-Pen and Mackay-Marg) and the Schiotz indentation tonometer, using the 5.5- and 7.5-g weights. Significant differences were not detected between measurements obtained with the Tono-Pen and Mackay-Marg tonometers the Mackay-Marg and Schiotz tonometers using either weight and conversion with the human calibration table, or the Tono-Pen and Schiotz tonometers using the 7.5-g weight and the human calibration table. Values obtained by use of the Tono-Pen tonometer were significantly less (P less than 0.005) than values obtained with the Schiotz tonometer when a 5.5-g weight and the human calibration table were used, but the amount was clinically unimportant. Estimates of IOP using the Schiotz tonometer and the canine calibration table, and either the 5.5- or 7.5-g weight were clinically and significantly much higher (P less than 0.0001) than estimates obtained with the Tono-Pen, Mackay-Marg, or Schiotz tonometers, using the human calibration table and either weight. Sixty to 70% of clinically normal dogs had an IOP greater than or equal to 30 mm of Hg when Schiotz scale measurements were converted with the canine conversion table. For clinically normal dogs, the human calibration table was the most clinically useful table for converting Schiotz tonometer measurements to mm of Hg. Normal mean (+/- SD) canine readings with the Schiotz tonometer and the 5.5-g weight was 4.9 +/- 1.5 tonometer scale units (range, 2 to 11; 95% confidence interval, 1.9 to 7.9).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The efficacy and safety of recombinant canine erythropoietin (rcEPO) therapy was evaluated in 19 dogs with anemia of chronic renal failure (group 1) and 6 dogs with chronic renal failure and recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO)-induced red cell aplasia (group 2). Hematocrit (Hct) and absolute reticulocyte count (ARC) were monitored weekly for the first 8 weeks, CBC (including ARC) and serum iron profiles were evaluated monthly, and serum biochemical analyses were performed every 2 months for 6 (group 2) to 12 (group 1) months. For group 1 dogs, median Hct and ARC increased significantly during the 1st week of rcEPO treatment, and median Hct was sustained at >35% after week 5. In contrast, median Hct and ARC for group 2 did not change significantly with rcEPO treatment, even with doses greater than those used in group 1. Nevertheless, 2 (33%) of the 6 dogs in group 2 developed erythroid hyperplasia, reticulocytosis, and increases in Hct with rcEPO treatment. Although median systolic blood pressure did not change significantly in either group, 5 dogs developed systolic blood pressures > or = 180 mm Hg during the study. Appetite and energy level improved in most group 1 dogs with increases in Hct. Recombinant cEPO stimulated erythrocyte production in dogs with nonregenerative anemia secondary to chronic renal failure without causing the profound erythroid hypoplasia that can occur in rhEPO-treated dogs. Unfortunately, rcEPO was not as effective in restoring erythrocyte production in dogs that had previously developed rhEPO-induced red cell aplasia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine whether telomerase activity was present in lymph nodes, buffy coat, and serum samples from dogs with malignant lymphoma (ML) and in liver, lymph node, buffy coat, and serum samples from clinically normal dogs SAMPLE POPULATION: Tissue specimens and blood samples were obtained from 11 clinically normal adult dogs (age range, 1 to 4 years) and 14 client-owned dogs with ML. PROCEDURE: The telomere repeat amplification protocol assay was used to quantify telomerase activity in the tissues from clinically normal dogs and dogs with ML. RESULTS: Of 11 clinically normal dogs, 8 had lymph node samples, 5 had liver samples, and 1 had buffy coat samples with detectable telomerase activity. None of the serum samples from the clinically normal dogs had detectable telomerase activity. Of 14 dogs with ML, 9 had lymph node samples, 3 had buffy coat samples, and 1 had serum samples with measurable telomerase activity. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Telomerase activity was not specific to tumor cells and overlapped with that found in cells from clinically normal dogs. Telomerase activity in neoplastic lymph nodes was not substantially different from that found in lymph nodes from clinically normal dogs. The determination of telomerase activity cannot be used as a sole diagnostic test for cancer. Therapeutic modalities directed toward the telomerase enzyme may not be feasible in dogs, because somatic tissues from clinically normal dogs possess variable amounts of telomerase activity.  相似文献   

Intraocular pressure (IOP) was measured in 73 eyes of 37 clinically normal cats with 2 applanation tonometers (Tono-Pen and Mackay-Marg) and the Schiotz indentation tonometer, using the 5.5- and 7.5-g weights. Statistically, the Tono-Pen tonometer underestimated IOP compared with the values obtained by use of the Mackay-Marg tonometer (P less than 0.0001) and the Schiotz tonometer, with either weight and either the human (P less than 0.01) or the canine (P less than 0.0001) calibration tables. Estimates of IOP using the human calibration table and either the 5.5- or 7.5-g weight were not significantly different from each other or from those obtained with the Mackay-Marg tonometer. Schiotz measurements obtained with either weight and converted using the canine calibration table were not only significantly (P less than 0.0001) different from each other, but were also clinically and significantly (P less than 0.0001) higher than measurements obtained with the Tono-Pen and Mackay-Marg tonometers or the Schiotz tonometer, using the human calibration table and either weight. Approximately three quarters of clinically normal cats had an IOP greater than or equal to 30 mm of Hg when Schiotz tonometer measurements were converted with the canine conversion table. The human calibration table was the most clinically useful table for converting Schiotz measurements from clinically normal feline eyes to estimates of IOP in mm of Hg. Normal mean (+/- SD) feline readings with the Schiotz tonometer and the 5.5-g weight was 3.9 +/- 1.4 tonometer scale units (range, 1.0 to 7.5; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.1 to 6.7).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Recombinant canine granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (rcG-CSF) was administered to clinically normal dogs, cyclic-hematopoietic dogs, and dogs undergoing autologous bone marrow transplantation, to determine whether rcG-CSF could be used to stimulate WBC production and function in normal and neutropenic dogs. To the normal dogs, rcG-CSF was administered by SC injection at rates of 1 microgram/kg of body weight, q 12 h; 2 micrograms/kg, q 12 h; or 5 micrograms/kg, q 12 h. A significant dose-dependent increase in the WBC count resulted from the stimulation of bone marrow progenitor cells. The increased WBC count was characterized by mature neutrophilia and monocytosis. Neutrophil myeloperoxidase and phagocytic activity were normal in rcG-CSF-treated normal dogs, demonstrating the production of normal functional neutrophils in response to rcG-CSF treatment. Recombinant canine G-CSF prevented neutropenia and associated clinical signs but did not completely eliminate the cycling of neutrophils in cyclic-hematopoietic dogs when it was administered at rates of 1 microgram/kg, q 12 h, and 2.5 micrograms/kg, q 12 h. The time to bone marrow reconstitution was not decreased in dogs treated with rcG-CSF at a rate of 2.5 micrograms/kg, q 12 h, for 13 days following autologous bone marrow transplantation. On the basis of our findings, we suggest that treatment with rcG-CSF is an effective way to stimulate myelopoiesis in dogs, but that the dose of rcG-CSF required to stimulate WBC production will vary depending on the cause of neutropenia. Recombinant canine G-CSF should be useful in stimulating production and maintaining function of WBC for treatment of clinical diseases seen commonly in veterinary practice.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether use of recombinant human (rh) thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) induces equivalent stimulation, compared with bovine TSH (bTSH), and to evaluate activity of rhTSH in dogs of various large breeds. ANIMALS: 18 healthy research Beagles and 20 healthy client-owned dogs of various breeds with body weight > 20 kg. PROCEDURES: The 18 Beagles were randomly assigned to 3 groups, and each dog received either 75 microg of rhTSH, IM or IV, or 1 unit of bTSH, IM, respectively, in a crossover design. The 20 client-owned dogs received 75 microg of rhTSH, IV. Blood samples were taken before and 6 hours after TSH administration for determination of total serum thyroxine (T(4)) concentration. Additional blood samples were taken after 2 and 4 hours in Beagles that received rhTSH, IM. RESULTS: There was a significant increase in T(4) concentration in all dogs, but there were no differences between values obtained after administration of bTSH versus rhTSH or IV versus IM administration of rhTSH. Although there was a significant difference in age and body weight between Beagles and non-Beagles, there was no difference in post-TSH simulation T(4) concentration between the 2 groups. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results indicated an equivalent biological activity of rhTSH, compared with bTSH. Use of 75 microg of rhTSH, IV, did not induce a different magnitude of stimulation in large-breed dogs, compared with Beagles. Euthyroidism was confirmed if post-TSH simulation T(4) concentration was > or = 2.5 microg/dL and at least 1.5 times basal T(4) concentration.  相似文献   

Electromyography of 12 clinically normal dogs and 7 dogs with idiopathic megaesophagus revealed trains of positive sharp waves in the muscles of facial expression and in the lingual muscles of both groups. Positive waves are usually indicative of motor-unit disease; however, they are clinically insignificant in these muscles. Positive sharp waves were detected in the esophageal muscle of one dog with congenital megaesophagus. Esophageal electromyograms obtained in a dog with congenital megaesophagus and in 2 clinically normal dogs were normal. Resting caudal esophageal sphincter pressure was similar in both clinically normal dogs (mean, 22.3 mm of Hg; range, 15--37 mm of Hg) and in dogs with congenital or acquired idiopathic megaesophagus (mean, 29.6 mm of Hg; range, 20--50 mm of Hg).  相似文献   

Isoamylases in normal canine sera were separated on cellulose acetate membranes using a discontinuous buffer system without EDTA. Four peaks of amylase activity were present in 17 of 24 sera. Normal values were established. The majority of activity was present in Peak 4 (cathodal isoamylase). Tissue extracts of pancreas, duodenum, kidney, lung, testis, spleen and uterus-ovaries contained Peak 4 isoamylase. Liver and salivary gland lacked all isoamylase activity. Pancreas contained Peak 3 in addition to Peak 4 isoamylase. A tissue origin for Peaks 1 and 2 was not identified. An overall lack of resolution resulted from the inclusion of EDTA in the electrophoresis buffer system. This may account for previous findings suggesting that pancreatic amylase is not present in normal canine serum. An increase in the Peak 3 isoamylase was present in dogs with pancreatitis while dogs with pancreatic atrophy had a decrease in all isoamylases. Total amylase activity was significantly (p < 0.05) decreased in dogs with pancreatic atrophy.  相似文献   

The osmotic fragility of the erythrocytes was measured in blood samples collected from randomly selected healthy and infected dogs at a dogs' rescue shelter. The dogs were classified into six groups on the basis of the final diagnoses from clinical, post mortem and laboratory findings. The minimum (less than 5 per cent) and maximum (more than 90 per cent) haemolysis of the erythrocytes of the clinically normal dogs (group 1), occurred in 0·60 per cent and 0·30 per cent solutions of sodium chloride (NaCI). For the non-anaemic hookworm-infected dogs (group 2a) the respective values were 0·8 per cent and 0·4 per cent NaCl, and for the anaemic hookworm-infected dogs (group 2b) they were 0·85 per cent and 0·5 per cent NaCl, respectively. The erythrocytes from dogs with Babesia canis (group 3), concurrent hookworm and B canis (group 4) and Ehrlichia canis infections (group 5) had minimum haemolysis in 0·75 per cent NaCl and maximum haemolysis at between 0·20 per cent and 0·35 per cent NaCI solutions. The derivative fragiligrams for groups 2a, 2b, 3 and 4 were shifted to the left, whereas the fragiligram for group 5 was similar to that for the clinically normal dogs (group 1). The left shift for the hookworm-infected dogs was due to the increased osmotic fragility of a minor sub-population of the erythrocytes, but for the dogs, infected with B canis major sub-populations of the erythrocytes had an increased osmotic fragility.  相似文献   

In a pharmacokinetic and tolerance study, 2 healthy Beagles were given 13.2 to 39.5 mg of 2-mercaptopropionylglycine (2-MPG)/kg of body weight orally once daily in increasing doses for 3 weeks. A third dog was given 10 mg of 2-MPG/kg of body weight, IV. The drug was well tolerated. After these initial studies, 15 cystinuric dogs were treated with 2-MPG orally once daily for 5 to 45 months and with sodium bicarbonate for urine alkalinization and fluid diuresis. Pharmacokinetic studies were done in 7 dogs on the third day of oral treatment with 2-MPG. After oral administration of 15.6 to 31.3 of 2-MPG/kg of body weight, maximal serum/plasma concentrations were from 28.6 to 76.3/mumol/L after 1 to 3 hours in 6 cystinuric dogs. The mean urinary excretion was 22% (range, 0.3 to 58.9%) of the dose. Ten of 15 cystinuric dogs had no re-formation of uroliths. Of 4 dogs with uroliths at the beginning of treatment, 3 had total urolith dissolution on continuous treatment. During treatment, further growth of the uroliths was inhibited in one dog, and in another dog with re-formed uroliths, they dissolved. We concluded that 2-MPG is well tolerated and promising for treatment of cystinuric dogs, but the pharmacokinetic studies should be expanded to include different dosage regimens, and results of long-term treatment should be evaluated. Our recommendations for treatment of dogs with cystine uroliths include surgical intervention if the dog has urethral obstruction or has dysuria.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Using radiopaque particles mixed with food, gastric emptying was assessed in healthy dogs not subjected to surgery, in healthy dogs 9 to 35 days after circumcostal gastropexy, and, in dogs 1 to 54 months after surgical treatment and recovery from gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV). Circumcostal gastropexy surgery did not alter the 90% gastric emptying time for radiopaque particles in healthy dogs. However, 90% gastric emptying time was significantly (P less than 0.05) increased after circumcostal gastropexy in dogs with GDV, compared with healthy dogs after the same surgical procedure and recovery period. These results imply that dogs with GDV have delayed gastric emptying of solid particles. Whether delayed gastric emptying of markers detected in affected dogs after surgical treatment and recovery was the result or the cause of GDV was not determined. Results indicate that circumcostal gastropexy could be recommended as a prophylactic procedure for GDV in large breeds with deep thorax, because delayed gastric emptying of markers secondary to the surgical procedure is unlikely.  相似文献   

Plasma and skin concentrations of orbifloxacin (Orbax tablets, Schering-Plough Animal Health) were assessed in 14 clinically normal dogs and 14 dogs with pyoderma following oral administration of the drug at 7.5 mg/kg once daily for 5 to 7 days. Skin biopsies and whole blood samples were obtained before dosing and at the time of the expected maximum concentration in skin (3 hours after dosing) on the first and on the fifth to seventh day of dosing. Skin biopsies and plasma were analyzed for orbifloxacin concentrations by high-performance liquid chromatography. Dogs with pyoderma had significantly higher mean skin concentrations of orbifloxacin within 3 hours of administration (Day 0: 7.80 +/- 3.40 mcg/g, Days 4 to 6: 9.47 +/- 6.23 mcg/g) than did dogs with normal skin (Day 0: 3.85 +/- 1.08 mcg/g, Days 4 to 6: 5.43 +/- 1.02 mcg/g). After dosing on Day 0 and after five to seven daily treatments, dogs with pyoderma had significantly higher mean orbifloxacin skin:plasma ratios (1.40 and 1.44, respectively) than did clinically normal dogs (0.81 and 0.96, respectively). The accumulation of orbifloxacin in diseased skin may contribute to the efficacy of this compound for the treatment of bacterial skin infections.  相似文献   

No previous study has explored the relationship between cytology and the frequency of behaviours associated with anal sac disease (ASD). The goals of the study were: (i) to compare the cytological findings between anal sac secretions from normal dogs with no history of ASD to those with non-neoplastic ASD; (ii) to determine whether anal sac cytological findings can be used to differentiate between normal dogs and dogs with ASD; (iii) to explore the correlation of anal sac cytology and behaviour between normal dogs and dogs with ASD; and (iv) to describe behaviours typical of ASD as reported by owners. Thirty dogs were selected for this study, based on their behavioural history as detailed in a questionnaire completed by their owners. Of the thirty dogs, ten were considered normal insofar as they had no history of ASD clinical signs. The remaining 20 dogs were characterized as having ASD, with a chronic history of perianal pruritus, but no other pruritus. All dogs had their anal sacs manually expressed, and the discharge was examined microscopically in a blinded manner. A total of 171 oil immersion fields (OIFs) were examined from normal dogs and 333 OIFs from dogs with ASD. The behavioural results for dogs with ASD revealed that scooting recurred with a median frequency of 3 weeks post-anal sac expression. There were no clinically statistically significant cytological differences between normal dogs and those with ASD, thereby leading to the conclusion that cytology is an ineffective tool for diagnosing ASD.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To further define vertical patellar position, as measured by the ratio of patellar ligament length to patellar length (L:P), in large-breed dogs with clinically normal stifles and compare that to the L:P of large-breed dogs with medial patellar luxation (MPL). STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective study. SAMPLE POPULATION: Large-breed dogs (n = 50) with clinically normal stifle joints and 30 large-breed dogs with MPL. METHODS: Large-breed dogs with clinically normal stifle joints or MPL were identified and divided into groups (NORM and MPL, respectively). L:P values were determined for each dog by 4 observers from single lateral stifle radiographs. L:P was compared between NORM and MPL groups and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated. RESULTS: All 4 observers found a significantly higher L:P (more proximally positioned patella) for the MPL group compared with the NORM group. Overall mean (+/-SEM) L:P were: NORM, 1.71+/-0.020 and MPL, 1.87+/-0.025. The 95% CI was determined to be 1.45-1.97 for the NORM group and 1.57-2.17 for the MPL group. CONCLUSIONS: Large-breed dogs with MPL had a significantly more proximal vertical patellar position compared with large-breed dogs with clinically normal stifles. Large-breed dogs with L:P values >1.97 are considered to have patella alta. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Proximal displacement of the patella within the femoral trochlear groove may play a role in MPL in large-breed dogs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether low doses of synthetic ACTH could induce a maximal cortisol response in clinically normal dogs and to compare a low-dose ACTH stimulation protocol to a standard high-dose ACTH stimulation protocol in dogs with hyperadrenocorticism. DESIGN: Cohort study. ANIMALS: 6 clinically normal dogs and 7 dogs with hyperadrenocorticism. PROCEDURE: Each clinically normal dog was given 1 of 3 doses of cosyntropin (1, 5, or 10 micrograms/kg [0.45, 2.3, or 4.5 micrograms/lb] of body weight, i.v.) in random order at 2-week intervals. Samples for determination of plasma cortisol and ACTH concentrations were obtained before and 30, 60, 90, and 120 minutes after ACTH administration. Each dog with hyperadrenocorticism was given 2 doses of cosyntropin (5 micrograms/kg or 250 micrograms/dog) in random order at 2-week intervals. In these dogs, samples for determination of plasma cortisol concentrations were obtained before and 60 minutes after ACTH administration. RESULTS: In the clinically normal dogs, peak cortisol concentration and area under the plasma cortisol response curve did not differ significantly among the 3 doses. However, mean plasma cortisol concentration in dogs given 1 microgram/kg peaked at 60 minutes, whereas dogs given doses of 5 or 10 micrograms/kg had peak cortisol values at 90 minutes. In dogs with hyperadrenocorticism, significant differences were not detected between cortisol concentrations after administration of the low or high dose of cosyntropin. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Administration of cosyntropin at a rate of 5 micrograms/kg resulted in maximal stimulation of the adrenal cortex in clinically normal dogs and dogs with hyperadrenocorticism.  相似文献   

Cerebrospinal fluid samples from 2 groups of clinically normal dogs were compared after iopamidol (n = 9) and metrizamide (n = 8) myelography. Iopamidol (200 mg of I/ml) and metrizamide (170 mg of I/ml) were administered by cerebellomedullary injection at dosage of 0.45 ml/kg of body weight. In dogs of both groups, postmyelographic CSF changes included high specific gravity, Pandy score, protein concentration, and WBC count. The high specific gravity and Pandy score were false-positive effects attributed to nonionic contrast media. Although postmyelographic protein concentration and total WBC count were greater in CSF samples from dogs given metrizamide than in those given iopamidol, differences were not statistically significant. The differential WBC counts were consistent with mild, acute leptomeningitis; these findings were supported by results of histologic examination. Iopamidol and metrizamide should be considered low-grade leptomeningeal irritants in dogs.  相似文献   

Administration of thiazide diuretics has been recommended to prevent calcium oxalate urolith development in dogs. To evaluate the effects of thiazide diuretics in dogs, 24-hour urine excretion of calcium was measured in 6 clinically normal Beagles after administration of chlorothiazide (CTZ) for 2 weeks, administration of CTZ for 10 weeks, and administration of calcium carbonate and CTZ for 2 weeks. Compared with baseline values, 24-hour urine calcium excretion did not decrease after CTZ administration. When CTZ was given at a high dosage (130 mg/kg of body weight), urinary calcium excretion was significantly (P < 0.04) higher than baseline values. Based on these observations, we do not recommend CTZ for treatment or prevention of canine calcium oxalate urolithiasis.  相似文献   

A morphologic and morphometric study was carried out on the facial nerve: to determine normal histologic data in myelinated fibers of clinically normal young adult dogs; to establish reference values for mean fiber diameter, and to delineate the relative diameter frequency distribution curve. Few degenerative changes were observed in single teased-nerve fibers and semithin cross-sectional nerve preparations. Statistical difference was not observed between left and right facial nerves. The distribution of fiber diameters in the facial nerve was unimodal. Mean (+/- SD) fiber diameter of the facial nerve was 3.92 +/- 1.18 microns. Approximately 89% of fibers in the facial nerve had diameter between 3 and 6 microns. Fiber diameter ranged from 2 to 12 microns; however, less than 1% of fibers had diameter greater than 8 microns.  相似文献   

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