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Multiple intranasal experimental Mycoplasma (M.) bovis infection was induced to 22 calves and resulted in clinical manifestations. M. bovis was re-isolated from 17 of 24 lungs which had been altered by pneumonia. Pasteurella haemolytica was the only pathogen isolated from the pathologically affected lung of one of the experimental animals. The haematogenic proliferation phase was successfully identified in 5 of 8 examined calves. Arthritis was not recordable from any of the experimental animals. Interstitial and catarrhal to catarrhal-purulent bronchopneumonias were the most common histological findings. Peribronchial lymphoid cell accumulations occurred frequently, as time passed from onset of infection. Antibodies against M. bovis were detected in blood serum of infected animals by means of film inhibition, as of the 3. week from infection, and by means of indirect haemagglutination, as of the 4. week from infection.  相似文献   

To better understand the interaction between Mycoplasma bovis and its bovine host, we have characterized the immune response generated during an experimental lung infection with M. bovis. Proliferation ([3H]-thymidine blastogenesis) and Th1/Th2 cytokine production were used to monitor peripheral cellular immune responses. Flow cytometry analysis was used to determine T-cell subset activity by CD25 expression. Humoral immune response was monitored by the identification of antigen-specific IgG1 and IgG2 isotypes over time. Herein, we show that M. bovis antigen stimulates activation of CD4+ and CD8+ cells in vitro in a manner consistent with memory, and that gammadelta-T cells are activated by antigen in a manner consistent with innate immunity. In addition, the percentage of cells producing IFN-gamma during recall response is equal to that of IL-4 producing cells. Serological analysis shows M. bovis stimulates increased production of antigen-specific IgG1 while very little IgG2 is produced. We therefore submit that experimental lung infection of cattle with M. bovis results in a Th2-skewed immune response.  相似文献   

This case report describes gross lesions and histopathological findings in a 3-months-old calf originating from a feedlot with approximately 400 cattle. In this animal and additional 14 cattle of similar age, which were kept together in the same stable, swollen joints had occurred suddenly. The examination of this calf showed that a severe polyarthritis induced by haematogenous spread of Mycoplasma bovis following bronchopenumonia was present, which was characterised by necrotising lesions of the joint capsules and severe cartilage erosions.  相似文献   

Bovine mastitis caused by Mycoplasma agalactiae subsp. bovis was first diagnosed in 16 of 55 cows in an Ontario herd in Feburary 1972. A total of 182 of 598 (30.4%) cows from 33 of 64 (51.5%) farms in widely separated areas of the province were culturally positive. Herd incidence varied from 15 to 40% with one closed herd having an incidence of 61%. Four herds were investigated culturally and serologically by the growth inhibition test for 15 months. In the acute phase the organism was present in the milk in extremely high numbers and could still be isolated from a few cows after eight to 12 months. The sera from 89.5% of the animals with clinical mycoplasma mastitis produced a zone of surface "film" and/or colony inhibition and some cows remained positive for six to 12 months. The disease was experimentally reproduced with a pure culture of the organism isolated from the milk of a cow from one of the herds.  相似文献   

After an outbreak of mastitis in cattle caused by Mycoplasma bovis a study was made in 5 herds with recent cases (principal herds) and in 4 control herds. In the principal herds, M. bovis was isolated from milk samples, nasal swabs, and from one vaginal swab. M. bovis was also isolated from nasal swabs of calves in 2 of the 4 control herds, whereas all milk samples and vaginal swabs from the control herds were negative. Evaluation of serum antibody titres to M. bovis among non-mastitic animals of 3 principal herds and 1 control herd showed no difference in distribution of the titre values, which generally were low. However, cows excreting M. bovis in the milk had high antibody titres. The way of introduction to the herds and the spread of the infection within the herds could not be established by the study, which was supplemented by a DNA restriction fragment analysis of a number of M. bovis isolates.  相似文献   

Clinical, bacteriological and serological examination of 35 calves from the age of 5 to 26 days was performed in a Holstein-Friesian dairy herd endemically infected with Mycoplasma bovis. M. bovis was isolated from 48.6% of nasal swabs taken from the calves at the age of 5 days, and from 91.4% of the same calves at the age of 26 days, indicating the gradual spread of infection. The isolation rate of Pasteurella multocida did not change much, and varied from 28.6 to 25.7%. No P. haemolytica could be detected. In addition to M. bovis and P. multocida, the herd was also infected with different viruses (including bovine viral diarrhoea virus, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus, bovine adenoviruses, parainfluenza-3 virus, and bovine respiratory syncytial virus) as a large proportion of the sera of newborn calves contained colostral antibodies against these viruses. In most of the newborn calves severe clinical signs (fever, depression, inappetence, hyperventilation, dyspnoea, nasal discharge and coughing) due to M. bovis infection developed. The clinical signs appeared already on the fifth day of life, and their incidence was the highest at the age of 10 to 15 days. Three calves (8.6%) died as a result of severe serofibrinous pneumonia. The surviving calves showed very poor weight gain (ranging from 1.5 to 3.5 kg) during the first two weeks of life.  相似文献   

This study characterized the immune responses in four vaccinated and four control cows in response to vaccination and experimental intramammary inoculation with Mycoplasma bovis. Specific antibody responses occurred in serum and milk in response to vaccination and experimental infection. Lymphocytes from peripheral blood, but not from the mammary gland of vaccinated cows had increased responsiveness to mitogens. No lymphocytes tested were responsive to M. bovis antigen. Both vaccination and experimental infection resulted in skin test reactivity. These results imply that vaccination results in immune responses which may alter the course of experimental M. bovis mastitis, but may contribute to cellular inflammation.  相似文献   

Gnotobiotic calves were inoculated by the intratracheal route with Mycoplasma bovis and the specific antibody response in sera and tracheo-bronchial washings examined by radioimmunoassay. In sera an IgM response which reached a peak two weeks post infection was followed by IgG1 and IgG2 antibody responses. Low levels of IgA antibody were detected in sera three and four weeks after infection. The predominant antibody in tracheo-bronchial washings 2 weeks after infection was IgA. Four weeks after infection IgG1 antibody predominated, but IgG2 and IgA antibodies were also present. Cells containing Ig were present in the cellular accumulations around the necrotic zones produced by M. bovis in the lung parenchyma two and four weeks after infection. IgG1 containing cells predominated in these cellular infiltrates. IgG2 producing cells were the next in frequency. It is concluded that the lung lesion caused by M. bovis is partly due to the host's immune response, presumably contributing to the control of the infection, and that the cells infiltrating the lung are a major source of the local and systemic IgG antibody that is detected after infection. IgA staining cells were observed in the submucosa of tissues from nasal cavity and trachea. These cells are probably the source of IgA in tracheo-bronchial washings and sera since IgA-producing cells were not a predominant component of the lesion in the lung parenchyma.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma bovis was inoculated alone or in combination with respiratory syncytial virus into the respiratory tracts of 12 gnotobiotic calves. Clinical signs ranged from transient pyrexia to protracted fever accompanied by severe lower respiratory signs and in one case, arthritis. Pulmonary lesions included foci of coagulative necrosis surrounded by mononuclear cells and suppurative bronchiolitis with varying degrees of lympho-reticular hyperplasia. No enhancement of lesions occurred in the combined infections of M. bovis and respiratory syncytial virus. M. bovis was identified by immunoperoxidase labelling in lesions of necrosis, especially at interfaces between the lesion and mononuclear cells and in bronchiolar exudates. Organisms were also located in necrotic lesions of joint capsules, in tonsillar crypts, and in liver.  相似文献   

Mild clinical disease was produced in conventionally reared calves by the intranasal inoculation of 18-hour cultures of Pasteurella haemolytica simultaneously with Mycoplasma bovis; at necropsy seven days later moderate pneumonic consolidation was observed in two of four calves. Additional intratracheal injection of these organisms did not increase the severity of disease. In contrast, inoculation of six-hour cultures of P haemolytica with M bovis produced more severe disease and more extensive pneumonic consolidation. The most severe disease and greatest degree of pneumonic consolidation was induced by intranasal and intratracheal inoculation of six-hour cultures of P haemolytica one day after the intranasal inoculation of M bovis. Omitting the intranasal injection of P haemolytica reduced the severity and consolidation only slightly. Studies in gnotobiotic calves revealed that more severe disease and more extensive pneumonic consolidation resulted when M bovis was inoculated before P haemolytic rather than vice versa.  相似文献   

In a blind trial, alternate calves in six consecutive production batches of calves (total 70), on a farm with a high incidence of respiratory and reproductive disease, were allocated to treatment with either valnemulin or a placebo premix added to the milk from four days of age. The calves were weighed at the beginning and end of a 21-day period of medication. Blood samples and nasal swabs were taken and examined for the presence of Mycoplasma and Pasteurella species, and antibodies to viral agents. Clinical condition, rectal temperature, respiratory and other signs and refusals of milk were recorded daily. Dead calves were examined postmortem. The calves medicated with valnemulin gained weight more quickly, had fewer cases of Mycoplasma infection and fewer respiratory signs, and required fewer treatments with antibiotics than those in the placebo group.  相似文献   

Three neonatal calves ranging in age from 4 to 14 days were examined pathologically and bacteriologically. The calves showed depression, anorexia, pyrexia, and difficulty or inability to stand followed by cloudiness of the ocular aqueous humor or cornea. Autopsy revealed congestion, petechiae, and cloudy areas in the meninges. Histologically, the central nervous system (CNS) lesions were prominent and limited to the meninges where fibrinous exudate and infiltrations of neutrophils, macrophages, and lymphocytes were present. There were mild or slight degrees of choroid plexitis and ependymitis. Endophthalmitis was seen as a concurrent lesion in all cases. Fibrinous or fibrinopurulent changes were found in the peritoneum and epicardium as well as in several other organs. Numerous Gram-positive cocci were detected in affected areas of the whole body. Bacteriologically, Streptococcus bovis was isolated from all examined materials consisting of the brain, cerebrospinal fluid, ocular aqueous humor, and several other organs. These results suggest that the lesions were associated with infection of the organism and that the present cases were in the process of septicemia.  相似文献   

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