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A captive-bred white lion cub was presented with hindquarter pain, lameness and reluctance to move. Radiographs revealed generalised osteoapenia, multiple fractures, a severely collapsed pelvic girdle, bilateral lateral bowing of the scapulae and mild kyphosis of the caudal vertebrae. A double cortical line, a distinct sign of osteopaenia, was repeatedly seen on the pelvic limbs, most strikingly along both femurs. Based on radiographic findings and a history of an exclusive meat diet since weaning, a diagnosis of nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism was made. The diet was changed to a commercial kitten food and the cub was given cage rest for 6 weeks. Signs of pain abated and the cub became more active. A guarded prognosis was given for full recovery, as changes to the pelvis were considered potentially irreversible.  相似文献   

A 1-yr-old intact male African lion (Panthera leo) fed only beef muscle meat was evaluated for episodes of hypermetric ataxia, generalized weakness and tonic-clonic front limb movements. A hemogram, biochemical profile, blood lead, electrocardiogram, survey radiographs, and brain computed tomography were normal. Cerebral spinal fluid analyses suggested mild inflammation. Acetylcholine receptor antibody and serologic tests for all infectious agents tested were negative. Clinical signs resolved completely 9 days after instituting oral thiamine (3 mg/kg/day) and a completely nutritional diet. This lion's pretreatment thiamine blood value (11 nmol/L) was markedly lower than that of a healthy lion (191 nmol/L) and a proposed reference range for adult African lions (160-350 nmol/L). The lion remained clinically normal 2 yr later when his blood thiamine value was 340 nmol/L. African lions can develop clinical primary thiamine deficiency and may respond favorably when thiamine treatment and adequate diet are instituted prior to irreversible neuronal necrosis.  相似文献   

A 3-mo-old male white Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris) presented with the chief complaint of regurgitation of solid food since weaning at 2 mo of age. Compared with its littermates, the tiger was in poor body condition and weighed only 10.3 kg when its littermates were estimated at 20-25 kg. Thoracic radiographs showed a megaesophagus cranial to the heart base. A contrast esophagram more clearly outlined the megaesophagus, and fluoroscopy demonstrated normal motility of the caudal esophagus. Endoscopic examination revealed a structure coursing dorsally from right to left over the esophagus and a constrictive band on the left of the esophagus at the heart base. Nonselective angiography confirmed the presence of a persistent right aortic arch, as well as an aberrant left subclavian artery. A left fourth intercostal thoracotomy was performed, and the ligamentum arteriosum was double ligated and divided. The left subclavian artery did not cause significant compromise of the esophagus and was not manipulated at surgery. The tiger recovered well from anesthesia and surgery. Solid food was slowly introduced over a 2-mo period without any regurgitation. The cub gained weight rapidly after surgery.  相似文献   

A 14 yr-old male, vasectomized African lion (Panthera leo) exhibited mild weight loss despite adequate appetite. Splenomegaly was diagnosed on physical examination. On the basis of hematology and clinical pathology, malignant lymphoma with chronic lymphocytic leukemia was diagnosed. Abdominal exploratory surgery and splenectomy were performed. Histologic examination and immunohistochemistry confirmed a small cell peripheral T-cell lymphoma. Initial treatments consisted of doxorubicin and prednisone, with later addition of lomustine. The lion remained in clinical remission at 2 mo, 6 mo, and 12 mo postchemotherapy physical examinations. The lion survived 504 days from initial diagnosis. At necropsy, the only lesions consistent with lymphoma were localized epitheliotrophic infiltrates of small neoplastic T lymphocytes within the nasopharyngeal epithelium and the underlying submucosa observed on microscopic examination.  相似文献   

Degenerative myelopathy and vitamin A deficiency were diagnosed in a 1-year-old, female, black-maned lion (Panthera leo). Diffuse white matter degeneration characterized by dilated myelin sheaths, Wallerian degeneration, and reactive astrocytosis was present at all levels of the spinal cord. With luxol fast blue-resyl echt violet stain, bilaterally symmetrical demyelination was observed in the fasciculus cuneatus of the cervical spinal cord and in peripheral white matter of cervical, thoracic, and lumbar segments. Additionally, the ventral gray columns and brain stem nuclei contained rare chromatolytic neurons with abnormal neurofilament accumulation. Leptomeninges of the cervical spinal cord were focally adhered to the dura and thickened by fibrosis and osseous metaplasia. Vitamin A deficiency was diagnosed based on hepatic vitamin A concentration of 1.71 microg/g dry weight. Adequate hepatic vitamin A concentration for yearling to adult domestic animals ranges between 150 and 1000 microg/g dry weight. Lesions were distinct from those previously described in young captive lions with vitamin A deficiency, which had thickened skull bones and cerebellar herniation. The pathogenesis of vitamin A-associated myelopathy in this lion may be similar to that described in adult cattle, which is believed to result from spinal cord compression secondary to elevated pressure of cerebrospinal fluid.  相似文献   

Dietary, breeding and clinical histories and pathological findings are presented from 2 confirmed and 5 presumed cases of vitamin A deficiency in immature African lions. Five of the 7 animals were born in the wild while 2 were born in captivity. All animals were fed lean red meat sprinkled with a vitamin/mineral supplement. Salient clinical signs were incoordination, "star gazing", blindness and intermittent convulsions. Pathological lesions seen in 4 animals included severe thickening of the cranial bones, with consequent marked compression of the brain and partial herniation of the cerebellum. Vascular damage in the cerebellum and ensuing haemorrhages, resulting in acute increases of an already high intracranial pressure, were thought to be the cause of some of the clinical signs, particularly convulsions rather than direct pressure-necrosis and atrophy of nervous tissue.  相似文献   

A 13-year-old male lion (Panthera leo) from Dae Jeon Zoo, Republic of Korea, presented with clinical signs of lethargy and anorexia. Despite treatment with antibiotics and fluid therapy, the lion died 6 days after initial presentation. Postmortem examination revealed multiple masses measuring 5-10 cm in diameter and cysts throughout the liver. A diagnosis of spontaneous peribiliary cysts was made on the basis of microscopic lesions as well as special staining and immunohistochemical characteristics. Histologically, the neoplasm was surrounded and composed of compact collagenous tissue. The inner cystic single layer resembled biliary mucosa and was composed of cuboidal or flattened epithelial lining that was strongly immunopositive for cytokeratin AE1/AE3. This layer was surrounded by fibrous tissue that stained blue by Masson's trichrome staining. Given the presence of multiple organized cysts in the liver, the lesion was consistent with peribiliary cysts. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of peribiliary cysts in an animal.  相似文献   

Neurologic dysfunction accompanied by malformation of both the skull and the cervical vertebrae has been previously described in lions kept in captivity worldwide, and this dysfunction and malformation were most often related to vitamin A deficiency. Diagnosis of the bone malformation and its effects on the neural tissue was until recently limited to postmortem examination, with characteristic thickening of the bones of the cranial vault, cerebellar herniation, compression of the foramen magnum, and enlargement of the lateral ventricles. For some mildly affected lion cubs with neurologic signs, improvement was reported with excessive vitamin A supplementation. However, definitive diagnosis was only available for those that eventually died or were euthanized. This case documents the antemortem diagnosis of the disease using computed tomographic imaging and liver biopsy. While conservative treatment failed, suboccipital craniectomy removed the thickened occipital bone and was demonstrated to be a successful surgical intervention that can be used to treat more severely affected lions.  相似文献   

A 13-year-old neutered male lion was presented with a primary neoplasm arising from the left mandibular salivary gland associated with metastases to regional lymph nodes, thoracic viscera (lungs, heart, esophagus, and diaphragm), and kidney. Histologic and immunohistochemical investigations led to a diagnosis of a high-grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the mandibular salivary gland. In this case report, we point out the importance of the immunohistochemical characterization for differential diagnosis between various types of carcinomas of the salivary gland.  相似文献   

Feline asthma syndrome, previously recognized only in domestic cats, was diagnosed in three captive African lions (Panthera leo), one of which died as a result of the condition. Two of the lions displayed progressive signs for 7 yr, including severe bouts of coughing, wheezing, dyspnea, rhonchi, and tachypnea that were most severe during the spring and summer, and the third lion displayed acute signs only once. Scattered to diffuse increased interstitial markings, peribronchial cuffing, and focal atelectasis were visible in radiographs. At necropsy, multiple subpleural bullae, 2-3 cm in diameter, were scattered throughout the lung tissue. There were thick-walled bronchi and bronchioles filled with thick grayish mucus, and alveolar spaces were enlarged with severe, diffuse, banded multifocal areas of alveolar wall fibrosis. The lions had significantly elevated IgE type I immediate hypersensitivity responses to recognized aeroallergens. The captive management of lions should address the design and maintenance of allergen-free air supplies. Ventilation systems should be examined routinely and thoroughly cleaned of any residue. The frequency of examination should increase during the summer. Lions and other large cats should be routinely screened for IgE aeroallergen-specific titers, asthma cases should be treated promptly with prednisolone, and investigations of etiology should be initiated.  相似文献   

An approximately 8-week-old, 0.61 kg, male Bengal kitten was evaluated by the referring veterinarian for a 5-day history of sneezing, lethargy, anorexia, coughing, and dyspnea. Thoracic radiographs revealed cardiomegaly with left atrial enlargement, a patchy distribution of pulmonary edema, and loss of abdominal detail.  相似文献   

Gallbladder adenocarcinomas in two captive African lions (Panthera leo), an 18-yr-old male and a 17-yr-old female, are described in this report. Grossly, both lions had hemoperitoneum with thickened and sclerotic gallbladder walls. Histopathologically, the male's tumor was well differentiated and the female's was poorly differentiated with multinucleate giant cells. Both tumors were highly invasive and involved the gallbladder serosa. The male also had a tumor in the liver, and the female's tumor had disseminated to the serosal surfaces of abdominal organs. In both cases, neoplastic cell cytoplasm stained diffusely for cytokeratin AE-1/AE-3 and cytokeratin 7 and granularly for lysozyme on immunohistochemical staining.  相似文献   

Pelvic limb specimens from 14 euthanized free-ranging lions (Panthera leo), ranging in age from 16 to 170 mo, underwent radiographic evaluation in the manner described for thoracic limbs in part I of this study. On the basis of these specimens, the femur of the lion is similar to that of domestic cats, but the cranial and caudal middiaphyseal cortices are markedly thickened. The patella has a long narrow apex and flat broad base. There is a prominent lateral Os sesamoideum m. gastrocnemii. A small medial sesamoid is occasionally present, and meniscal ossicles are usually present. The head and distal extremity of the fibula are very prominent. The tarsal joint is similar to that of domestic cats. Metatarsals II-V are up to 25 mm longer than the corresponding metacarpals. All physes close by 54 mo of age.  相似文献   

Thoracic limb specimens from 12 euthanized free-ranging lions (Panthera leo, 16-170 mo old) underwent radiographic evaluation. The radiographic anatomy was described but excluded any areas of the bones with possible bone pathology. Comparisons between adult and juvenile lions were made and physes described. Differences or similarities (or both) to cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) and domestic cats and dogs were also noted. No dissections were made to corroborate the anatomic observations, but comparisons were made to macerated museum specimens. On the basis of evaluation, the scapula has a prominent acromion, hamate, and suprahamate processes, as well as prominent nutrient foramina. The humerus is similar to that of domestic cats. The humeral and ulnar nutrient foramina originate more medially than that in domestic cats. A supracondylar foramen may sometimes be observed radiologically, although one was present on all the macerated specimens in this study. Its radiologic visibility depends on the angle of incidence of the primary beam. The lateral "anconeal tubercle" of the olecranon (situated between the processus anconeus and tuber olecrani) is usually more prominent than the medial one and tends to be hook shaped, pointing cranially. There are no sesamoids in the region of the elbow. The first digit is large with two palmar metacarpophalangeal sesamoids and a prominent sesamoid in the tendon of the M. abductoris digiti I longus, all indications of a high degree of functionality. All physes close before 66 mo of age.  相似文献   

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