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Various structural factors influenceorganic farmer decision-making. Analyses that combinestructure and agency provide an opportunity forunderstanding farmers' perceptions of the political,economic, and social ``world' in which they operate.Rich conversational interviews, conducted with twentycertified organic farmers in Illinois and analyzedwith multiple qualitative methods, show how farmersmediate structural concerns. In addition to political,economic, and social structures, a fourth structure isneeded. Indeed these organic farmers emphasize theimportance of ecological factors in theirdecision-making. Within the perceived economic,political, social, and ecological structures, numeroustopics (i.e., marketing, policy, family, ecosystems)and subtopics (i.e., diversification, farm programs,traditions, soils) exist. Farmers' quotations providedetailed information of how they view and mediatestructures in their daily on-farm decision-making.  相似文献   

宗族在中国社会结构中的独特性历来是中外学者所关注的焦点,与以往宗族的研究不同,当代宗族研究出现了一种新的转向,即在乡村社会变革的背景下探讨宗族组织的发生和实践机制,把宗族看做是基层社会变革下的秩序重建。宗族的发生和实践是为了解决市场与社会双重危机下的基层创新。宗族研究的现代转向不仅关注当代宗族在农村社会的复兴,同时也把重新追溯宋以来新的宗族组织理念和结构的变革,宋以来新的宗族组织的产生是宋代以来基层社会经济关系结构变迁所导致。新的宗族研究注重对社会历史现实的结构分析,关注结构转型下的社会变迁,改变了过去研究中或者功能论或者思想论的缺憾。  相似文献   

长期以来,制度有效性的检验问题一直制约着制度经济学的发展,而近期实验经济学中大量的机制设计实验为其提供了一种新的检验手段。通过实验经济学中公共物品自愿捐赠机制对有关正式制度与非正式制度的比较研究,同时梳理相应文献,其文献大致可分为两类:外生制度静态比较与内生制度研究。外生制度的静态比较是指在可控制条件下检验不同制度的有效性,着眼于比较不同制度下的贡献度以及社会福利等问题;而内生制度则扩展了有效性检验,人们可以通过选择不同的制度或治理结构来约束其行为,进而检验制度的稳定性。实验方法弥补了主流经验研究中不能对制度进行有效性检验这一不足,为研究制度经济学提供了一条新的思路。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how we can enact, collectively, affording food systems. Yet rather than asking simply what those assemblages might look like the author enquires as to how they might also feel. Building on existing literature that speaks to the radically relational, and deeply affective, nature of food the aims of this paper are multiple: to learn more about how moments of difference come about in otherwise seemingly banal encounters; to understand some of the processes by which novelty ripples out, up, and through social bodies; to speak to, and suggest ways to resolve, ontological asymmetries within the agrifood literature pertaining to Cartesian dualisms; and to offer ways forward that allow agrifood scholars to talk about phenomena such as feelings and structures/barriers in the same sentence. The empirical flesh of the paper comes from an admittedly unconventional case study. On December 10, 2012, Amendment 64 was added to Colorado’s constitution making it legal for adults to consume marijuana for recreational purposes. The case examined is not about pot, however. The paper, rather, is about hopeful, hydroponic-inspired, agrifood futures; novel doings, feelings, and thinkings sparked by, among other things, food grown in basements and spare bedrooms.  相似文献   

This paper explores the concept of accountability in development efforts focusing specifically on member accountability. Accountability to members has been defined as the degree to which intended beneficiaries can hold decision-makers responsible for the outcomes of their decisions. A framework for assessing member accountability in grassroots organizations has been discussed. Data for this study were collected in four women's organizations working with income generating activities in India. A brief overview of the structures of each of the organizations is presented to enable a comparison of those structures. The findings of the study reveal that development organizations that are more member-accountable are likely to deliver greater economic and social benefits to their members.  相似文献   

重点学科建设关系到高校的发展,通过分析高校图书馆与重点学科建设的关系,提出了面向重点学科文献资源建设的策略和重点学科服务体系构建。  相似文献   

这一组文章根据一次讨论发言写成。几名硕士研究生对近年来引起了社会广泛关注的汉语运用方而存在的问题进行调查、分析,大体上说出了这方而的主要问题:念错字,用字母标注商标存在某些混乱现象;不明词语的意义和语法功能造成词语使用不当;随意搭配词语;某些汉译作品中存在着一些语法或修辞方面的毛病。经过讨论,共同的着法是,出现这 些问题的根本原因一是语言学习不够、教育不够;二是有些人社会责任感不强。因此,呼吁加强汉语学习,要以高度的社会责任感对待汉语运用问题。  相似文献   

Although the source of embryonic stem (ES) cells presents ethical concerns, their use may lead to many clinical benefits if differentiated cell types can be derived from them and used to assemble functional organs. In pancreas, insulin is produced and secreted by specialized structures, islets of Langerhans. Diabetes, which affects 16 million people in the United States, results from abnormal function of pancreatic islets. We have generated cells expressing insulin and other pancreatic endocrine hormones from mouse ES cells. The cells self-assemble to form three-dimensional clusters similar in topology to normal pancreatic islets where pancreatic cell types are in close association with neurons. Glucose triggers insulin release from these cell clusters by mechanisms similar to those employed in vivo. When injected into diabetic mice, the insulin-producing cells undergo rapid vascularization and maintain a clustered, islet-like organization.  相似文献   

Hunger in Canada     
Hunger is defined as the inability to obtain sufficient, nutritious, personally acceptable food through normal food channels or the uncertainty that one will be able to do so. After the depression of the 1930s, widespread concerns about hunger in Canada did not resurface until the recession of the early 1980s when the demand for food assistance rose dramatically. The development of an ad hoc charitable food distribution system ensued and by 1992, 2.1 million Canadians were receiving food assistance. In the absence of national monitoring systems, this remains the best available estimate of the prevalence of hunger. Hunger appears to be linked to poverty, unemployment, and numbers of people receiving social assistance. Although the Canadian social security system has traditionally been characterized by government-run universal and targeted programs designed to address income issues, hunger raises concerns about the current safety net. The primary response to hunger has been the proliferation of food banks, the agencies at the heart of the charitable food assistance system. On a smaller scale, community-based programs and advocacy initiatives have emerged. Nonetheless, the demand for food assistance continues to rise. The trend raises questions about future directions for social policy in Canada and concerns about the development of a two-tiered food distribution system—one for those with adequate money and one for the poor.Barbara Davis is the former Chair of The Canadian Dietetic AssociationAd Hoc Committee on Hunger, Editor of the Canadian Dietetic Association Nutrition and Food Security Network Newsletter, and Coordinator of the Masters in Health Science Program in Community Nutrition at the University of Toronto.  相似文献   

The Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry, conducted by the Honorable Mr. Justice T. R. Berger, undertook to explore thoroughly the issues surrounding the building of a northern pipeline. In doing so, the Inquiry provided a forum for the interplay of the technical and environmental issues with very personalized social and cultural concerns. As a process, it reached out beyond the direct participants: it became one in which all Canadians, north and south, participated. It touched some of Canada's deepest concerns-concerns about energy policy, resource allocation, the price and priority of industrial development, cultural sovereignty, and self-definition. These have become national concerns, not just regional. And so, no matter what the final decision is about the pipeline, the Inquiry will have a profound and lasting national influence.  相似文献   

Professionalization of farmers and rural entrepreneurs is identified as a potential resource to advance transition to multifunctional landscapes and territorial development. Drawing on interactive conceptions of knowledge creation and technical change, I argue that collective structures that support pooling of experiential knowledge can complement public and private sector engagement in innovation systems. Through exercise of leadership in advancing integration of farming into regional development and in integrating ecological and social concerns into agriculture, farmers can forge a professional identity and broker a new social contract entitling them to renewal of their political and economic status.
Steven A. WolfEmail:

According to recent literature in the sociology of expectations, expectations about the future are “performative” in that they provide guidance for activities, attract attention, mobilize political and economic resources, coordinate between groups, link technical and social concerns, create visions, and enroll supporters. While this framework has blossomed over the past decade in science and technology studies, it has yet to be applied towards a more refined understanding of how the future of the modern agrofood system is being actively contested and understood. I seek to redress this gap by using the sociology of expectations to explain the discursive topography surrounding in vitro meat, a nascent agrofood technology whereby processed meat products are developed from stem cells as opposed to live animals. In discussing the obstacles and challenges which confront the proponents of this technology, I utilize three key concepts from the sociology of expectations: (1) hype, (2) retrospective prospects, and (3) the role of myth, metaphor, and ideology. I find that despite sluggish results and financial setbacks, the controversial legacy of previous agrofood technologies, and persistent cultural skepticism, the core ideological justifications for in vitro meat have proven to be resilient in buoying the technology through rough discursive waters.  相似文献   

根据农民工城市融合问题的相关理论和文献,建立个人社会资本——社会支持网络——社会制度的多层次分析框架,得出结论:社会支持网络在该框架中具有核心地位,且该研究呈现出从单学科、单视角转向跨学科、多视角的特点为更全面分析农民工城市融合问题奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Industrial organizations, academic institutions, and national governments should agree on the cooperative roles each will play in planning the decadesahead raw materials needs of the chemical industry, which is vital to a modern, international economic system. The raw material future of the industry depends as much on political and social concerns as it does on technical and economic considerations. The generation in charge now cannot in good conscience go on consuming the world's supply of hydrocarbons and not acknowledge a duty to generations that will follow.  相似文献   

基于Web of Science数据库,采用文献计量学方法,分析了2000~2015年全球关于蓝莓研究的文献类型和发文量,分析了这一领域影响力较高的国家/地区、科研机构、重点期刊以及蓝莓研究的热点。结果表明,2000~2015年世界蓝莓发表文献数为3 874篇,文献类型以学术论文为主;论文的产出量呈逐年上升趋势,2014年发文量最高,是2000年的4.84倍。美国、加拿大、中国发文量居世界前3位;美国农业部农业研究服务中心(USDA ARS)论文数量最多;最具学术影响力的是美国《Acta Horticulturae》,农业科学、食品科学、植物科学及化学是目前世界研究蓝莓的重点领域。  相似文献   

Civic agriculture is an approach to agriculture and food production that—in contrast with the industrial food system—is embedded in local environmental, social, and economic contexts. Alongside proliferation of the alternative food projects that characterize civic agriculture, growing literature critiques how their implementation runs counter to the ideal of civic agriculture. This study assesses the relevance of three such critiques to urban farming, aiming to understand how different farming models balance civic and economic exchange, prioritize food justice, and create socially inclusive spaces. Using a case study approach that incorporated interviews, participant observation, and document review, I compare two urban farms in Baltimore, Maryland—a “community farm” that emphasizes community engagement, and a “commercial farm” that focuses on job creation. Findings reveal the community farm prioritizes civic participation and food access for low-income residents, and strives to create socially inclusive space. However, the farmers’ “outsider” status challenges community engagement efforts. The commercial farm focuses on financial sustainability rather than participatory processes or food equity, reflecting the use of food production as a means toward community development rather than propagation of a food citizenry. Both farms meet authentic needs that contribute to neighborhood improvement, though findings suggest a lack of interest by residents in obtaining urban farm food, raising concerns about its appeal and accessibility to diverse consumers. Though not equally participatory, equitable, or social inclusive, both farms exemplify projects physically and philosophically rooted in the local social context, necessary characteristics for promoting civic engagement with the food system.  相似文献   

社会保障制度是社会主义市场经济体制的有机组成部分,但对其经济职能认识不足是导致我国社会保障制度改革处于尴尬境地的重要原因。结合当前我国经济生活的几个热点问题,木文对社会保障制度的经济职能进行了重新审视和深入分析。  相似文献   

环境问题已成为关切社会生存与发展的问题,环境问题的实质是环境发展问题而非环境保护问题,从认识本体论与社会本体论视角对环境发展困境进行梳理,环境发展困境源于主客体疏离。社区本质是主客体融合,为环境发展创造基础条件,提供动力源并引导环境发展。环境发展的社区治理制度分为两个层面,内涵层面包括社区治理主体、客体、过程、方式等要素,外延层面包括社区参与、社区促进、社区共享、社区监护等具体法律制度。  相似文献   

回族文献资源是宁夏回族自治区和特色文化的结晶。文章分析了回族文献资源共建共享的社会价值,结合宁夏回族文献收藏和利用的实际情况,提出了建设有宁夏特色的回族文献共建共享体系,以充分展现回族文献资源的社会价值,实现宁夏乃至西北地区回族文献资源共享的目标。  相似文献   

在社会转型、经济转轨时期,我国先前以血缘、地缘、业缘为纽带建构起来的社会资本明显弱化或失效,因而亟待发掘建构社会资本的新路径。采用文献、观察、访谈、理论分析等研究方法,首先从社会资本概念的定义表明,在微观层次上、社会学视野下把社会关系(网络)作为社会资本看待,借用相关学者的观点介绍了传统社会资本和现代社会资本的划分;然后,分析了我国建构社会资本的基本路径——血缘、地缘、业缘;最后,在与血缘、地缘、业缘比照中,解析了运动趣缘的特点与功能决定其是建构现代社会资本的新路径。  相似文献   

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