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肉鸡皮肤着色的原理及色素的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于传统的消费习惯及日益增长的消费水平,市场对于肉鸡皮肤、脚胫的黄度要求越来越高,而当代肉鸡品种生长越来越快,如何在较短的生长期内使鸡达到理想的着色来满足市场的需求,是饲料行业需要面对的问题。  相似文献   

浅谈肉鸡的皮肤着色郭吉余(广东省农科院畜牧研究所广州510640)鸡皮肤有二种色素,叶黄素产生黄色,来源于饲料,黑色素使皮肤变暗,由黑素细胞的一种特殊细胞所形成。任何鸡的皮肤颜色都是这二种色素中之一或两者同时沉积的结果,叶黄素在肉鸡皮肤中的沉积由一对...  相似文献   

近年来,广东以及省外的养鸡户和消费者对肉鸡皮肤着色程度要求越来越高,一些饲料企业为迎合市场需要,不得不加大化学着色剂的添加量,原来每吨只需添加30~40元的着色剂,现在竟增加到140~150元的着色剂,甚至更高。仅着色剂一项,每吨饲料增加成本100元以上,不少饲料企业为陷入这一“黄色怪圈”而深感忧虑。 造成这一现象的原因是多方面的。有人认为:广东人有吃黄鸡的习惯,要求肉鸡饲料着色效果好,色“黄”  相似文献   

长期来 ,我国的养鸡业多以一家一户零星散养为主 ,品种则以三黄鸡为主 ,生产周期长 ,采食野草、昆虫、杂粮 ,食谱杂 ,肉鸡养成后脚胫皮肤多有黄色色素沉积 ,因此深受消费者的喜爱。然而 ,自 2 0世纪 80年代兴起的集约化养鸡 ,饲养的品种多以外来品种为主 ,生长速度很快 ,7周龄体重可达 2 .5 kg。这些快速型外来鸡种对饲料营养要求较高 ,采用传统饲喂方式不但生长性能发挥不良 ,而且还会因营养不良而暴发多种疾病 ,日常管理上要求更加精细。而且快速型肉鸡仅靠饲料中自然存在的色素 ,绝对达不到散养鸡沉积的黄色程度。沉积在肉鸡皮下脂肪中的…  相似文献   

本研究旨在探究天然叶黄素替代阿朴酯对黄羽肉鸡不同部位皮肤着色的影响.试验采用单因子试验设计,按照体重均一原则选用600只35日龄快大型黄羽肉鸡作为试验鸡.试验分3组,对照组(斑螯黄质组)在基础饲粮中添加50 mg/kg的斑螯黄,各试验组分别在基础饲粮中添加200 mg/kg阿朴酯与50 mg/kg的斑螯黄(阿朴酯组)、...  相似文献   

肉鸡皮肤和蛋鸡蛋黄的着色   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
前言:近年来,广东、广西等省的养殖户和消费者对肉鸡皮肤等着色程度要求越来越高,鸡皮肤及蛋黄颜色深浅已成为一项重要的经济指标、成为衡量肉鸡质量的主要尺度之一,直接影响着市场的需求、饲料厂的生产和养殖户的效益。人们总是认为肉鸡的皮肤、胫、喙越黄越健康,蛋黄越黄越有营养,如果“不黄”则没人买,养殖户就难以挣钱,而为了迎合饲养者的要求,饲料厂不得不加大饲料中商品着色剂的添加量,导致饲料成本大大提高,仅着色剂一项,每吨饲料成本就增加100余元以上,大大加重了饲料企业的负担,使饲料企业发展步人歧途。其实鸡肉及蛋的色泽与  相似文献   

由于传统的消费习惯及日益增长的消费水平,市场对于肉鸡皮肤、脚胫等黄度要求越来越高。而当代肉鸡品种生长速度越来越快,如何在较短的生长期内使鸡达到理想的着色来满足市场的需求,是饲料行业需要面对的问题。本文就肉鸡着  相似文献   

玉米叶黄素的特性与夏季肉鸡着色欠佳的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
梁超 《广东饲料》1998,(4):14-17
造成夏季肉鸡着色效果较差的原因较多,譬如:高温使肉鸡减少采食饲料及叶黄素的摄取;高温季节里肉鸡的病虫害明显增多,真菌毒素污染的机会也大为增加;等等。本文着重介绍玉米叶黄素(包括玉米蛋白粉)的基本特性与夏季肉鸡着色欠佳的问题。1.叶黄素含且的季节性变异:叶黄素(Xanthophyll)是含氧类胡萝卜素(Oxycarotenoids)的总称,包括黄体素(Lutein)和玉米黄质(Zeaxanthin)。它们属于含共轭双键的长链化合物,其化学性质极为不稳定。当玉米或玉米蛋白粉贮存时间过长或者贮存条件不适当时,它们在玉米或玉米蛋白粉中的含量就…  相似文献   

论蜂产品在护肤美容上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国幅员辽阔 ,蜜源植物和蜜种资源丰富 ,养蜂和蜂产品应用历史悠久。蜂产品在美容方面的应用 ,早在晋朝就已略有记载。不论是蜂蜜、蜂王浆、蜂花粉 ,还是蜂胶、蜂蜡 ,在美白、滋润皮肤、抗老化和化妆品原料上都有很高的利用价值。本文就蜂产品在护肤美容上的应用作一简单综述  相似文献   

日粮中添加叶黄素对良凤花鸡皮肤及脂肪着色的效果   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
饲养试验中日粮叶黄素设2 3 36mg/kg、58 36mg/kg、1 0 8 36mg/kg3个水平,每个水平处理设3个重复,每个重复60只1日龄母雏鸡,饲养期为70天。结果表明日粮叶黄素水平对1 0周龄鸡的脚胫、腹部表皮、背部表皮、胸部表皮、腹部脂肪黄色值(RYCF)有显著影响(P <0 0 5)。脚胫表皮着色效果明显高于腹部脂肪和体表皮的着色效果,胸部着色效果最差;日粮叶黄素水平对鸡的增重、肌肉生长和耗料量没有影响;日粮叶黄素水平为58 36mg/kg时可获得较理想的脚胫、胴体和腹部脂肪颜色。添加外源性叶黄素可显著提高活鸡和胴体皮肤与脂肪的黄色值。但却增加肉鸡的生产成本。  相似文献   

用离子化火焰原子吸收光谱仪测定药用矿物阳起石中Zn、Cu、Fe、Mn 4种主要微量元素的含量,通过SPSS统计软件对结果进行分析,并对其药理作用进行探究。结果表明,所采阳起石样品中Zn、Cu、Fe、Mn 4种元素平均含量分别为1.041、8.358、16.584、1.288 mg/kg。Fe元素含量最高,差异极显著;Cu元素次之,差异显著;Zn和Mn元素含量最低,差异不显著。  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to study high dietary vitamin A on tibial dyschondroplasia, growth performance and skin pigmentation in broilers. One hundred and twenty Avian commercial broilers were randomly allotted to three treatments: group C (control group), in which broilers were fed basic diet containing vitamin A 5512IU/kg diet; group A, in which broilers were fed basic diet with addition vitamin A 35512IU/kg; group B, broilers were fed basic diet with supplement vitamin A 65512IU/kg. The experiment lasted 35d and at the end of the trial, broilers were killed and the right proximal tibiotarsi were dissected in longitudinal section for the assessment of TD incidence and TD index, skin from the same area of breast and tibia in broilers were collected to determine pigmentation. The results showed that a high level vitamin A significantly increased the rate of TD incidence and TD index, but middle level vitamin A did not have a significant effect on that. Both low and high retinoic acid decreased growth performance and skin pigmentation in broilers. It suggests that a high dietary vitamin A cause tibial dyschondroplasia in broilers, decreased growth performance and skin pigmentation. It is likely that the effect of vitamin A on TD is mediated through a depression of vitamin D status.  相似文献   

Skin biopsy specimens from 7 dogs with immune-mediated skin diseases diagnosed by routine histology and 5 dogs with other skin diseases were placed in Michel's transport medium for 4 to 9 years. Direct immunofluorescence yielded positive results in tissue samples from 3 dogs with pemphigus foliaceus and 2 dogs with discoid lupus erythematosus. Direct immunofluorescence was not seen in tissue samples from 1 dog with pemphigus foliaceus and 5 dogs with non immune-mediated skin diseases. Direct immunofluorescence was seen in skin biopsy specimens maintained in Michel's medium for 4 to 8 years.  相似文献   

The effect of region of application on the percutaneous penetration of solutes with differing lipophilicity was investigated in canine skin. Skin from the thorax, neck, back, groin, and axilla regions was harvested from Greyhound dogs and placed in Franz-type diffusion cells. Radiolabelled (14C) ethanol (Log P 0.19) or hexanol (Log P 1.94) was applied to each skin section for a total of 5h. The permeability coefficient (kP, cm h(-1)) and residue of alcohol remaining in the skin were significantly (P=0.001) higher for hexanol compared to ethanol. In contrast, ethanol had a far greater maximum flux (Jmax, mol (cm2)(-1) h(-1)) than hexanol (P=0.001). A comparison of regional differences shows the kP and Jmax for ethanol in the groin was significantly lower (P=0.035) than the back. The kP and Jmax for hexanol were significantly higher (P=0.001) in the axilla than the other four skin sites. An understanding of factors influencing percutaneous drug movement is important when formulating topical preparations for the dog.  相似文献   

影响云南半细毛羊繁殖力的因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云南半细毛羊产羔率随年龄、胎次的胎长而提高,繁殖成活率则4岁后逐渐下降;配种季节对繁殖力有较大影响,配种以10月份为最好,配种前体重和公羊对繁殖力有一定影响,配种前加强饲养管理和选用多羔公羊对提高繁殖力有一定作用。  相似文献   

1. This study was designed to test the hypothesis that microemulsified carotenoid products show improved bioavailability over corresponding regular preparations, leading to greater yolk pigmentation at lower dosages.

2. The first trial was conducted using a maize–soya bean basal diet supplemented with either 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0 and 1.25 g/kg of microemulsified Red or non-microemulsified Red. The second trial involved feeding microemulsified Yellow or non-microemulsified Yellow using a similar dosage range. The layers were divided into 4 replicates of 8 layers each (32 layers per treatment). The 8 cages of layers were fed from a single feed trough. Feed and water were provided ad libitum throughout the trial. Each week, the eggs were collected. The whole liquid egg colour was determined by means of a commercially available yolk colour fan. Where required, HPLC-(high-performance liquid chromatography) based analysis of trans-capsanthin or trans-lutein equivalents using the Association of Analytical Communities method was carried out. Data were statistically analysed by one-way ANOVA method using Statgraphics.

3. Results showed that the colour and carotenoid content of the egg yolk increased with increasing amount of carotenoids in the diet. The colour of egg yolks from layers fed similar concentrations of microemulsified versus the regular preparation was significantly different. At the commercial recommended dose of one g/kg regular Yellow or Red product, the microemulsified pigmenter is able to provide the equivalent yolk colour at a 20–30% lower dose.

4. In conclusion, the trial results supported the hypothesis that a desired yolk colour score is achievable at a significantly lower inclusion rate when carotenoid molecules are emulsified using the microemulsion nanotechnology.  相似文献   

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