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We describe and demonstrate the first application of a laboratory-based diffraction-enhanced X-ray imaging instrument for noninvasive equine imaging. A formalin-preserved disarticulated forelimb from a near-term aborted miniature horse fetus was imaged with diffraction-enhanced X-ray imaging. The resultant calculated images—absorption, extinction, refraction, and scattering—are presented, and soft-tissues such as the dorsal digital extensor tendon, articular cartilage, as well as various joint, tendon sheath, and bursa recesses are observed in simultaneous registration with the adjacent dense bone tissue. Radiation dose calculations were performed and a calculated surface dose of 0.6 mGy for the soft muscular tissue was determined for the imaging experiment.  相似文献   

A Comparison of Repair Methods for Gap Healing in Equine Flexor Tendon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In nine horses (18 forelimbs), a 3 cm section of superficial digital flexor tendon was removed and the tendons were repaired with immobilization for 6 weeks and (1) no suture (n = 6); (2) a double locking loop tenorrhaphy with carbon fiber (n = 6); or (3) a double locking loop tenorrhaphy with size 2 nylon suture (n = 6). Clinical assessment, gross evaluation, morphometry, histology, and mechanical testing were performed on two limbs from each treatment group at weeks 6, 12, and 24. At weeks 6 and 12, the unsutured tissue was less mature than the tissue sutured with nylon. By week 24, the carbon fiber repair had breaking stress (mean, 12.5 M Pa) similar to the unsutured repair (mean, 10.6 M Pa). There was necrosis and a granulomatous foreign body reaction around the carbon fiber. The nylon suture repair had significantly greater strength per unit area (mean breaking stress, 20.4 M Pa) because of a smaller area of repair tissue in the gap (mean, 3.6 cm2). At week 24, the nylon suture repair tissue was the most mature with the least inflammation of the three repair methods. A nylon double locking loop suture was the preferred method for equine flexor tenorrhaphy of a tendon gap because of greater breaking stress, histologic maturity, biocompatibility, and the adequate functional and cosmetic outcome.  相似文献   

鲜蛋的消毒杀菌是洁蛋生产的必要步骤。本试验参照相应国标,采用经济适用、操作简便的几种不同化学试剂(乙醇、次氯酸钠、高锰酸钾、氢氧化钠、碳酸钠、过氧化氢、二氧化氯)对鲜蛋蛋壳表面进行杀菌处理,并进行菌落总数、大肠菌落数的测定及37℃贮藏期间保鲜试验,以确定较为优良的鲜蛋消毒方法。杀菌试验结果显示二氧化氯、乙醇、高锰酸钾及次氯酸钠处理效果均较为优良,但综合贮藏期间的保鲜效果,二氧化氯处理组和次氯酸钠处理组效果最佳。  相似文献   

采用常规皮内变态反应(TST方法)对唐山、秦皇岛、沧州和石家庄四个市共计2 204头奶牛进行牛结核病检测,采用IFN-γ试验方法对PPD检测结果为阳性、可疑的牛以及部分阴性牛进行复检。将IFN-γ试验与TST检测结果相比较,其敏感性为78.26%,特异性为89.09%,符合率为84.33%。研究表明单独使用PPD皮内变态反应方法在牛结核病的诊断方面存在特异性差的缺点,用IFN-γ试验对TST试验阳性和可疑牛进行复检可以提高特异性,避免造成假阳性牛的误杀;该方法在临床上适合推广应用。  相似文献   

The femoropatellar joints of four mature, clinically normal horses were surgically entered by a craniolateral or a lateral approach. Visualization of intra-articular structures was documented for each approach. Horses were euthanized 21, 42, and 63 days after surgery. Joint healing was evaluated clinically, and the joints were subjected to gross pathological and histopathological examination. Healing was by first intention following arthrotomy in six limbs. Skin dehiscence occurred in two limbs with healing by second intention. Subcutaneous seromas developed which resulted in peri-incisional swelling in seven limbs. The lateral approach to the femoropatellar joint provided greater exposure of the lateral femoral trochlear ridge and articular surface of the patella.
Surgery was performed on nine joints of seven clinical patients with osteochondritis dissecans. The craniolateral approach was used on four joints, and the lateral approach was used on five joints. Skin dehiscence occurred following four arthrotomies. Location of the lesion was concluded to be the main criterion for selection of the surgical approach.  相似文献   

为提高鸡血浆中禽白血病病毒(avian leukosis virus,ALV)的检出率,提高净化效果,本试验随机选择94只225日龄淘汰公鸡,采集血浆分别采用常规的离心法和改进的自然沉淀法进行血清分离、DF-1细胞培养,然后采用ELISA试剂盒检测ALV P27抗原,并对检测结果进行SPSS对比分析后利用改进法对两个品...  相似文献   

为提高蚕种质量检测效率和减少检测误差,对19个蚕品种杂交组合的134个繁育批次的一代杂交蚕种样品和同一杂交组合的42个繁育批次的一代杂交蚕种样卵,进行了标准调查方法(即逐日调查孵化率)与一次性调查孵化率的方法的比较试验,结果证明可以用一次性调查孵化率的方法替代逐日调查孵化率的标准方法。  相似文献   

The complement-fixation test used at Onderstepoort was compared with the method used at A.D.R.I. on infected calf and sheep sera. In the first method, the tests are incubated at 37°C for 90 minutes and the test sera are inactivated at 53°C; whereas in the A.D.R.I. method, the test sera are inactivated at 60°C for 30 minutes, incubation is at 9°C for 18 hours, and guinea-pig complement is supplemented with 5 per cent fresh, non-inactivated, normal calf serum. Serial serum samples from one of six experimentally infected calves were negative in the Onderstepoort test, three calves gave only trace reactions and two showed maximum titres of 1:10 whereas all six had maximum serum titres of 1:10 to 1:80 in the A.D.R.I. test. A good correlation was obtained, however, between the results of the two methods with the sera of experimentally inoculated sheep although titres 3 to 8 times higher were obtained with the A.D.R.I.'s test. Post inoculation bleedings from each sheep reacted in both tests.  相似文献   

文章旨在更准确地检测隐性乳房炎,为评价隐性乳房炎乳汁的变化提供参考。试验分别采用加州乳房炎检测(CMT)法与溴麝香草酚蓝检测(BTB)法对35头奶牛进行隐性乳房炎的检测,同时比较了2种测定方法下乳pH、乳血清淀粉样蛋白A(SAA)、乳成分及血液常规成分的差异。结果表明,2种检测方法中,CMT法检出阳性率(40%)高于BTB法(34.3%),但差异不显著(P>0.05);而CMT法的吻合率(35.71%)低于BTB法(41.67%)。2种检测方法呈阳性的乳pH显著高于阴性组(P<0.05),BTB检测法呈阳性乳的体细胞数显著高于(P<0.05)阴性乳,而CMT法检测呈阳性的乳中体细胞数(SCC)的对数值比阴性乳高13.6%;BTB法检测呈阳性的SAA显著低于阴性组(P<0.05)。2组阳性与阴性组间奶牛血细胞成分无显著差异(P>0.05)。结论表明,2种检测方法中,CMT法比BTB法灵敏,但BTB法更准确。  相似文献   

Horseshoeing is a common practice, but effects on the hoof wall are poorly understood. Strain gauges were used to document and compare hoof behavior in vitro during flat weight bearing and after artificial heel elevation. Ten front limbs of Thoroughbred race horses, shod with conventional flat shoes, were used. Eight strain gauges were symmetrically distributed around the toe, quarters, and heels. Each limb was mounted to a testing machine (Kratos K5002; Kratos Dynamômetros, Ltda., Cotia-SP-Brazil) and subjected to a load equivalent to 30% of the donor's body weight. Strains (μ) were acquired by means of a computerized system and the results compared using Friedman and Wilcoxon statistical tests. There was greater strain variation when the heels were elevated. Compression predominated during flat weight bearing, with a tendency to horizontal traction after heel elevation. The changes in strain caused by heel elevation were not always symmetrical. Elevation of the heels tensed the toe and the medial quarter horizontally, increased load at the posterior portion of the hoof capsule, and hindered its expansion.  相似文献   

为确定蛋黄样品中的蛋白质对鸭蛋中胆固醇测定结果的影响程度,采用直接试剂盒法和间接试剂盒法对市售鸭蛋中的胆固醇含量进行了测定,并对2种方法的测定结果进行了比较。结果表明,直接法和间接法的测定值具有极显著的相关性,但直接法测定值较间接法测定值高。  相似文献   

乳中氯离子和乳糖的测定结果可用于计算氯糖数,其在乳畜乳房炎诊断中有相当意义,健康牛乳中氯糖数不超过4,患乳房炎的乳牛氯糖数增高.国家食品卫生检验标准规定乳中氯测定用硝酸银滴定法(以下简称银滴定法[1]),此法操作较为繁杂,鉴于乳是特殊体液,我们试用较简易的体液氯的硝酸汞滴定法(以下简称汞滴定法[2]),测定乳中氯含量,并同硝酸银滴定法进行对照,结果如下:  相似文献   

Multiple dynamic field tests are used for assessment of equine insulin resistance or altered insulin regulation. However, the relationship between markers of glucose homeostasis and insulin disposal obtained by different testing protocols is unknown. We hypothesized that two recently developed field tests for evaluation of equine insulin dysregulation, the insulin response to dexamethasone test (IRDT) and oral sugar test (OST), would yield comparable results to the hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp (HEC). Fifteen light breed horses with body condition scores (BCS) 3 of 9 to 8 of 9 were used in this study. Eight horses (BCS, 5 of 9 to 7 of 9) underwent an OST under two different housing conditions, pasture, and stall (experiment 1). These eight horses also underwent an HEC and IRDT over a 4-week period (experiment 2), and results were compared with the OST stall. Finally, eight horses (BCS, 3 of 9 to 8 of 9), including one horse from experiments 1 and 2, underwent an OST on pasture three times over a 14–16-week period during the summer and the fall (experiment 3). The HEC did not correlate with either the OST or IRDT. The OST was not different when performed in the pasture compared within a stall but did change significantly over time on pasture. These results suggest that in insulin-sensitive horses, the OST and IRDT results are not primarily determined by tissue insulin sensitivity in horses of varying BCS. Furthermore, OST results may vary depending on pasture composition or season.  相似文献   

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