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一、发达国家的测绘行业管理概况 1.国家对测绘业管理权限的明确划分 发达国家不仅有发达的测绘行业、庞大的测绘市场和先进的测绘技术,而且有国家对测绘行业必要的管理,这种管理的权限在不同政府部门之间有明确的划分。这里选择几个主要的发达国家作为例子: 美国的测绘管理工作分别由几个部门承担,并以政府公告形式规定各测绘机构的分工,各测绘机  相似文献   

指出了测绘学科已完成由传统模拟测绘向数字化测绘的转变过程.现在正在向信息化测绘新阶段转化与跨越,探讨了电力勘测行业在向信息化测绘跨越过程中的现状、问题、挑战及机遇.  相似文献   

注册测绘师考试是我国实行注册测绘师制度的一个基本环节,考试大纲中包含了地籍测绘。作为测绘行业的认证考试,考试大纲对测绘工程专业教学具有重要的指引作用。从体现测绘技术在地籍测绘中的集成应用、突出土地权属调查、增加界线测绘、补充房产测绘、改革实践教学、改进教学方法和强化师资队伍建设几个方面探讨了注册测绘师考试对地籍测绘教学改革的启示。  相似文献   

主要阐述了测绘监理的运作方式、方法,讨论了监理单位在测绘项目实施过程中对保障测绘工程质量、进度和投资控制所发挥的重要作用,以期测绘监能在测绘行业中发挥更重要的作用。  相似文献   

随着全国不动产登记机构的成立,不动产权籍调查测绘作为不动产登记的基础,是条例实施、簿册统一和信息平台建设的重要支撑,慎重稳妥做好《不动产登记暂行条例》实施后的不动产权籍调查工作意义重大。本文针对目前不动产权籍调查的现状做了详细的解析,并结合实例进行分析研究,可以预知,不动产权籍调查测绘整合工作迫在眉睫,这也将成为测绘地理信息行业的新契机,为地理信息行业迎来了业务发展的生机。  相似文献   

根据2008版ISO9000族理论,提出可行的测绘单位贯标文件体系,并简述了测绘贯标的工作过程和使用符合行业特点的测绘工作制度,以保证测绘项目质量管理的有序运行。  相似文献   

四川省林业勘察设计研究院(四川省林业和草原调查规划院)创建于1956年,经过60年的发展,现已成为全国林业行业实力最强的综合性甲级勘察设计、工程咨询和林业调查规划设计单位之一。该院持有工程设计农林行业(林业工程)甲级、公路行业(公路)专业甲级、建筑行业(建筑工程)甲级、风景园林工程设计专项甲级资质;持有工程勘察专业类岩土工程、工程测量甲级资质、工程勘察劳务类(工程钻探)资质;持有工程设计市政行业(道路工程)乙级资质;持有测绘行业工程测量、地籍测绘、地理信息系统工程、林业专业地图编制乙级资质,以及城乡规划编制丙级资质等。  相似文献   

数字技术在煤田火灾工程测量中的应用探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着信息化、办公自动化、电脑普及化的高速发展,我国的测绘技术也已经从传统的人工测绘快速发展为数字化测绘。测绘技术取得了突飞猛进的发展,用全站仪及电子手簿结合进行一体化数字成图的作业方法,实现了测绘工作的数字化。提高了作业质量。本文在阐述数字化测绘技术、特点,以及数字化测绘中作业模式发展的基础上,探讨了在煤田火灾测量工作中数字测绘技术的应用。  相似文献   

根据GB/T19001-2016和ISO9001:2015标准,结合测绘行业特点,阐述了测绘产品过程控制的内容和方法,强调指出,提倡确保测绘产品过程控制在受控状态下进行,以便为顾客提供合格的测绘产品,增强顾客的满意度。  相似文献   

地理信息系统技术(GeographicInformation System,以下简称GIS)在不动产测绘能够提供不动产测绘数据空间基准、进行对不动产数据整合处理、建立不动产数据库、完成不动产数据质量检验。GIS具有工作效率高、测量精度大、应用便捷等优势,GIS与大数据、人工智能、实景三维技术融合不动产测绘行业中应用前景广阔。  相似文献   

封殿波 《绿色科技》2020,(6):235-238
结合房产测绘研究院的实际业务和房产测绘工作的基本特点,提出了建立房产测绘信息系统的系统目标,对系统的总体框架、数据库设计及功能实现等方面作了详细论述,并对系统研发的关键技术进行了阐述。目前系统已经上线运行,结果表明:系统的运行实现了从数据生产到数据服务的转变,提高了作业人员的技术水平和作业能力,改变了传统的房产测绘作业模式。系统的建设,必将推动当地地理信息产业的发展,对于推进GIS国产化,推进国产GIS的应用推广具有非常积极的社会效益。  相似文献   

主要介绍了哥伦比亚花卉产业迅速崛起的重要因素, 包括充分利用得天独厚的自然优势条件, 花卉产业定位明确、坚持以花卉出口为经营目标、以鲜切花为主要产品, 专业化生产、科学管理, 针对出口目的国的环保要求以及消费习惯等, 积极加入国际认证体系, 制订鲜切花生产过程中的环保标准、采收时期, 国家在政策方面积极予以扶持, 花卉协会对本国花卉在国际促销和维护本国花卉外销利益等方面发挥桥梁作用。  相似文献   

Acacia hybrids offer a great potential for paper industry in Southeast Asia due to their fast growth and ability to grow on abandoned or marginal lands. Breeding Acacia hybrids with desirable traits can be achieved through marker assisted selection(MAS) breeding. To develop a MAS program requires development of linkage maps and QTL analysis. Two mapping populations were developed through interspecific hybridization for linkage mapping and QTL analysis. All seeds per pod were cultured initially to improve hybrid yield as quality and density of linkage mapping is affected by the size of the mapping population. Progenies from two mapping populations were field planted for phenotypic and genotypic evaluation at three locations in Malaysia,(1) Forest Research Institute Malaysia field station at Segamat, Johor,(2) Borneo Tree Seeds and Seedlings Supplies Sdn, Bhd.(BTS) field trial site at Bintulu, Sarawak, and(3) Asiaprima RCF field trial site at Lancang, Pahang. During field planting, mislabeling was reported at Segamat, Johor, and a similar problem was suspected for Bintulu, Sarawak. Early screening with two isozymes effectively selected hybrid progenies, and these hybrids were subsequently further confirmed by using species-specific SNPs. During field planting, clonal mislabeling was reported and later confirmed by using a small set of STMS markers. A large set of SNPs were also used to screen all ramets in both populations. A total of 65.36% mislabeled ramets were encountered in the wood density population and 60.34% in the fibre length mapping population. No interpopulation pollen contamination was detected because all ramets found their match within the same population in question.However, mislabeling was detected among ramets of the same population. Mislabeled individuals were identified and grouped as they originated from 93 pods for wood density and 53 pods for fibre length mapping populations.On average 2 meiotically unique seeds per pod(179 seeds/93 pods) for wood density and 3 meiotically unique seeds per pod(174 seeds/53 pods) for fibre length mapping population were found. A single step statistical method was used to evaluate the most informative set of SNPs that could subsequently be used for routine checks for mislabeling in multi-location field trials and for labelling superior clones to protect breeder's rights. A preliminary set of SNPs with a high degree of informativeness was selected for the mislabeling analysis in conjunction with an assignment test. Two subsets were successfully identified,i.e., 51 SNPs for wood density and 64 SNPs for fibre length mapping populations to identify all mislabeled ramets which had been previously identified. Mislabeling seems to be a common problem due to the complexity involved in the production of mapping populations. Therefore, checking for mislabeling is imperative for breeding activities and for analyses such as linkage mapping in which a correlation between genotypic and phenotypic data is determined.  相似文献   

为实现在网络平台用户推荐系统中,根据用户信息快速选取符合用户需求的模块化定制衣柜组合方案,对单元柜模块进行了数据化处理。通过调研分析,将用户信息与柜体功能分区建立映射关系,实现与单元柜模块数据结构的统一。通过相似度匹配,推荐符合用户需求的最优模块组合方案,为人工智能新技术与传统家居行业的深度融合探索积累了初步经验。  相似文献   

Acacia hybrids offer a great potential for paper industry in Southeast Asia due to their fast growth and ability to grow on abandoned or marginal lands. Breeding Acacia hybrids with desirable traits can be achieved through marker assisted selection (MAS) breeding. To develop a MAS program requires development of linkage maps and QTL analysis. Two mapping populations were developed through interspecific hybridization for linkage mapping and QTL analysis. All seeds per pod were cultured initially to improve hybrid yield as quality and density of linkage mapping is affected by the size of the mapping population. Progenies from two mapping populations were field planted for phenotypic and genotypic evaluation at three locations in Malaysia, (1) Forest Research Institute Malaysia field station at Segamat, Johor, (2) Borneo Tree Seeds and Seedlings Supplies Sdn, Bhd. (BTS) field trial site at Bintulu, Sarawak, and (3) Asiaprima RCF field trial site at Lancang, Pahang. During field planting, mislabeling was reported at Segamat, Johor, and a similar problem was suspected for Bintulu, Sarawak. Early screening with two isozymes effectively selected hybrid progenies, and these hybrids were subsequently further confirmed by using species-specific SNPs. During field planting, clonal mislabeling was reported and later confirmed by using a small set of STMS markers. A large set of SNPs were also used to screen all ramets in both populations. A total of 65.36% mislabeled ramets were encountered in the wood density population and 60.34% in the fibre length mapping population. No interpopulation pollen contamination was detected because all ramets found their match within the same population in question. However, mislabeling was detected among ramets of the same population. Mislabeled individuals were identified and grouped as they originated from 93 pods for wood density and 53 pods for fibre length mapping populations. On average 2 meiotically unique seeds per pod (179 seeds/93 pods) for wood density and 3 meiotically unique seeds per pod (174 seeds/53 pods) for fibre length mapping population were found. A single step statistical method was used to evaluate the most informative set of SNPs that could subsequently be used for routine checks for mislabeling in multi-location field trials and for labelling superior clones to protect breeder’s rights. A preliminary set of SNPs with a high degree of informativeness was selected for the mislabeling analysis in conjunction with an assignment test. Two subsets were successfully identified, i.e., 51 SNPs for wood density and 64 SNPs for fibre length mapping populations to identify all mislabeled ramets which had been previously identified. Mislabeling seems to be a common problem due to the complexity involved in the production of mapping populations. Therefore, checking for mislabeling is imperative for breeding activities and for analyses such as linkage mapping in which a correlation between genotypic and phenotypic data is determined.  相似文献   

依据资料 ,概述了林业制图的现状 ,对比分析了手工制图和计算机制图的工序 ,探讨了GIS技术在林业制图中的应用 ,展望了林业制图的发展前景  相似文献   

本文从数字地图、数字化测图的组成、测绘软件的组成等几方面,论述了数字化测图的软硬件标准及注意事项。  相似文献   

ArcGIS在林业标准分幅图编制中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍林业标准分幅图基本概念、制作方法现状,及基于ArcGIS10的制作流程。以新平县1:25000标准分幅林地利用现状图为例,阐述了其制作方法及步骤。认为利用ArcGIS10提供的驱动页面制图功能完成分幅,不需安装专门的插件,可实现标准分幅成果图的快速批量编制。  相似文献   

GIS在林业专题制图中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
论述了运用于理信息系统软件完成应用遥感技术进行思茅地区样地清查及进行“二项调查”的制衅工作,重点阐明了整个制作过程、成果分析、该注意的几点事项。成果得到相关部门的认可,该方法可应用于林业专题图的制作。  相似文献   

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