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植物生长调节剂在枣树上的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述枣树花前、花期、幼果期、果实发育中后期和采收前使用赤霉素、2,4-D、萘乙酸、吲哚乙酸、吲哚丁酸、防脱素、芸苔素内酯等植物生长调节剂对提高枣树坐果率,促进果实膨大,防止裂果等效果,及使用注意事项.  相似文献   

植物生长调节剂已广泛应用于农业生产,对植物的生长发育有着重要的调节作用,在葡萄生产上的应用也很广泛.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of plant growth regulators (PGRs) when applied in a paint mix to the inside of containers was evaluated. Two kinds of paint (regular flat latex and SpinOut®) were evaluated for their respective effectiveness with three separate plant growth regulators (paclobutrazol, uniconazole, and ancymidol) on the growth of Dendranthema grandiflora (Ramat) (cv. Fina and Pelee) plants. Chrysanthemums grown in containers were subjected to three different application methods: interior surfaces covered by a mixture of paint and plant growth regulator (PGR) and soil drench or spray treatments according to label recommendations. The effect of composted pine bark on the effectiveness of two methods of application (paint and drench) was also compared. Paint alone had no effect on growth and development. None of the plants given treatments with paint with or without PGR, showed any sign of phytotoxicity. Plants exposed to PGRs appeared greener and were shorter than control plants. Both the regular flat latex and SpinOut paints were effective carriers of PGRs, although plants grown in containers coated with PGR/SpinOut paint were taller than plants grown with latex/PGR-coated containers. Composted pine bark slightly reduced the effectiveness of ancymidol on plant growth. This reduction in effectiveness was smaller when ancymidol was carried by latex paint but was greater when carried by SpinOut paint. These results indicate that the paint/PGR method may not represent any real advantage over the drench method to overcome the effect of composted pine bark in the growing mixes on the effectiveness of ancymidol. Chemical names used: β-((4-chlorophenyl)methyl)--(1,1-dimethyl)-1H-1,2,4,-triazole-1-ethanol (paclobutrazol); (E)-(+)-(S)-1-(4chlorophenyl)-4,4-dimethyl-2-(1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)-pent-1-ene-3ol (uniconazole-P); -cyclopropyl-(p-methoxyphenyl)-5 pyrimidinemethanol (ancymidol).  相似文献   


Pistillate seedling plants of the local cultivar of papaya ‘Deshi’, transplanted 40 d after sowing, were sprayed with aqueous solutions of IBA (25 and 50 ppm), GA3 (100 and 200 ppm), kinetin (50 and 100 ppm), BA (25 and 50 ppm), ethephon (100 and 200 ppm) or with water (control) 100 d after transplanting, when the experimental fruits borne by them were 15 d old. Latex was collected from the fruits when they were 90-95 d old and continued on four occasions, at 7 d intervals. Highly significant increases in yield and in protease activity of the latex over the control was obtained by application of ethephon. IBA and GA, also increased latex production, but spraying the plants with kinetin or BA solutions gave no clear results  相似文献   

用受体理论解释植物生长调节剂和化肥对果品品质的影响,指出正确使用生长调节剂和化肥不会污染果品。  相似文献   

喷施叶面肥对猕猴桃叶片生长和果实品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以 8~ 9年生“秦美”猕猴桃为试材 ,叶面喷施高美施、稀土微肥、爱多收、植物动力 2 0 0 3和红苹果2号等液肥。调查结果表明 :各种叶面肥对猕猴桃叶片的增大、增厚和增重均有作用 ,爱多收效果最好 ,其次为植物动力 2 0 0 3和高美施。植物动力 2 0 0 3和稀土微肥对增大果个 ,提高果实品质及贮藏性较为理想。  相似文献   

色泽是葡萄果实重要的品质特征,果实着色受诸多因素的影响,除基因型、气候条件、土肥水平和栽培技术外,植物生长调节物质也可影响果实着色。笔者对6种植物生长调节物质(脱落酸、萘乙酸、乙烯利、茉莉酸类、赤霉素、油菜素内酯)对葡萄着色的影响进行综述,除萘乙酸抑制葡萄果实着色外,其他物质均能促进果实着色和提前成熟。笔者从生理和分子水平阐述主要植物生长调节物质影响葡萄果实着色的作用机理,为外源生长调节物质在促进/抑制葡萄着色的应用方面提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Tomato puffiness, which occurs after auxin spray under field conditions, was investigated by using the in vitro fruit culture technique. Tomato flowers were cultured in the medium with HCPA for 3 days to induce parthenocarpy and then transferred to other media containing growth regulators.2,4-D supplemented to the basal medium increased fruit weight and degree of puffiness. It was most influential when applied in the early developmental stage.Chemicals such as CCC, SADH, TIBA, which would lower auxin level in the fruit, counteracted puffiness. CCC did not decrease fruit weight, unlike TIBA and SADH.GA3 also induced puffiness with extremely poor development of locule tissue, apparently different from auxin-induced puffiness. Gibberellin-induced puffiness could not be corrected by CCC.Although BA slightly promoted fruit growth, the effect on puffiness remained unclear.CCC and BCB treatments to potted plants were also successful in correcting puffiness of auxin-treated fruits.  相似文献   

Soaking of bulbs in 3 concentrations of indoleacetic acid (IAA), gibberellic acid (GA3), 2-chloroethyltrimethyl ammonium chloride (cycocel) or 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid (ethrel) showed various responses on growth and flowering. IAA increased the weight and number of bulblets, GA3 increased bulb weight. Cycocel (1000 mg l?1) increased the number of flowers, while GA3 increased the diameter of the flowers.Application of IAA at 100 mg l?1 and GA3 at 10, 100 or 1000 mg l?1 twice as foliar spray at an interval of 30 days promoted the number of bulblets on the treated plants, while high concentrations of cycocel and ethrel (1000 mg l?1) increased the weight of bulblets. All concentrations of IAA, GA3 and 1000 mg l?1 cycocel increased the number and size of the flowers.  相似文献   

多头香石竹组培快繁研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为克服多头香石竹组培苗茎秆细弱现象,通过调节激素配比,对多头香石竹品种"D90"的离体快繁技术进行了研究.结果表明:用MS BA 0.3 mg/L NAA 0.1 mg/L时,可使茎明显增粗,平均茎粗为0.779 mm,为最佳的改良继代培养基;用MS NAA 0.3 mg/L IAA 0.2 mg/L时生根率高,可达86.3%,为最佳生根培养基.  相似文献   

香石竹品种的RAPD 标记   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
苏友波  林春  毛静  莫锡君  杨明 《园艺学报》2004,31(1):109-112
 用随机扩增多态DNA (RAPD) 技术, 选用4 个随机引物, 对87 个大花型香石竹品种总DNA进行随机扩增。4 个引物均得到了稳定的RAPD 图谱。扩增出的片段分子量在500~4300 bp 之间, 每个随机引物扩增出的条带数在8~12 条之间, 共扩增出2113 个条带, 平均每个引物扩增的DNA 条带数为915 条。根据DNA 谱带计算品种间遗传距离, 对87 个品种进行了聚类分析, 分为10 个组群, 组群间差异较大, 组群内差异较小。  相似文献   

The effects of temperatures and growth regulators on deformations in tomato fruits, a common occurrence in winter, were examined in greenhouses and in controlled-climate conditions with cultivars ‘Arava’ and ‘Orith’. The malformations could be attributed both to low-temperature conditions during flower development and to the use of growth regulators. Deformations caused by low temperatures differed from those caused by growth regulators. As a result of flower development under low-temperature conditions, fasciated fruits, fruits with a navel-like scar at the blossom end, puffy (hollow) fruits, and seedless fruits were obtained, where as with growth regulators there were more seedless fruits, sharply elongated blossom ends and green jelly. The 2 cultivars tested differed in their susceptibility to low-temperature conditions and growth regulators.  相似文献   


Two growth retardants: paclobutrazol (P, Cultar) or 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) were applied once alone, or in mixtures (in a range of 5 to 20 mg per tree) to the collar of maiden plum, sour and sweet cherries and apple trees, in early spring of the second year after planting. Plum and apple trees were also treated with benzyladenine (BA) at 10 mg per tree a.i. in a mixture with P or TIBA. Sweet and sour cherry trees were treated with natural phenolic substances: phloridzin (Phi) and quercetin (Que) alone, or in mixtures with P and TIBA. A mid-stem treatment with P and shoot bending were also applied to the plum and apple trees for comparison. Measurements of tree growth and fruiting were made within 4 or 5 years. The reaction of the four species to the treatments varied according to the growth regulator applied. Plum trees responded mostly to TIBA and its mixtures with P. A strong suppression of tree growth and increased fruit productivity, as well as improved fruit quality, were observed. The TIBA application and its mixtures with P were also effective in causing growth reduction of the sweet cherry trees. Treatments with P alone, or mixed with TIBA, were effective in growth limitation of sour cherry trees. Some increase in the reproductive processes was observed only after the TIBA treatment in both species. The apple trees responded to application of mixtures of TIBA with benzyladenine (BA), or with P, and to P alone, with effective growth reduction. But only the P + BA treatment increased significantly the fruiting of apple trees, while the other treatments resulted in crops proportional to the diminished tree sizes. The mid-stem treatment did not affect plum trees but increased growth of apple trees. Shoot bending had no effect on the plum trees but increased fruiting of apple trees. The addition of Phi to half the lower P dose or TIBA, magnified growth suppression in the sweet and sour cherry trees. When applied alone Que caused a small growth inhibition but Phi produced some increase in growth of sour cherry trees. Results obtained show the possibilities of practical applications of growth regulators to the collar. Their reduced doses mixed with natural phenolic substances are equally effective in growth suppression and make fruit production safer and more profitable, especially in plum and sour cherry trees.  相似文献   

以新几内亚凤仙带腋芽茎段为外植体获得无菌苗,研究了6-BA+NAA组合与KT+NAA组合对芽增殖的影响,并比较了NAA单独使用与NAA+MET配合使用对生根的效果。结果表明,KT+NAA组合的芽增殖倍数要明显低于6-BA+NAA组合,NAA+MET组合比NAA具有更好的促进生根效果。因此认为,适合新几内亚凤仙增殖的最佳组合及浓度为6-BA 2.0 mg/L+NAA0.05 mg/L,芽增殖倍数达到4.57。适合新几内亚凤仙生根的最佳组合及浓度为NAA0.5 mg/L+MET0.3 mg/L,平均根数为5.37条,平均根长为1.34 cm。  相似文献   

‘Alaska’ and ‘Redwing’ azaleas having dormant flower buds were sprayed with gibberellins (GA3 or GA4 + 7) alone and in combination with thiourea, N6 benzyl adenine (BA) or kinetin weekly for 3 or 4 weeks to test the efficacy of these materials in breaking bud dormancy. Additional plants received 6 weeks of cold storage at 4.5°C or glasshouse day temperatures of 21°C and above. The 2000 and 3000 mg l?1 GA3 and Ga4 + 7 sprays were better than 1000 mg l?1 in promoting flowering, with ‘Redwing’ responding better than ‘Alaska’. GA-treated plants flowered in fewer days than those receiving cold storage. Flower diameter and pedicel length increased with higher levels of GA, and flower uniformity was comparable to cold-stored plants on most GA-treated ‘Redwing’-plants. Thiourea, BA and kinetin applied alone had no effect and considerable cytokinin activity was highest in GA-treated buds 14–21 days after treatment application. No increase in activity occurred on plants not receiving GA.  相似文献   


Experiments were conducted to determine the appropriate photoperiod, light intensities and sources, and growth regulators, necessary to produce Trachelium caeruleum as a commercially acceptable potted plant. T. caeruleum behaved as an LDP with a critical photoperiod of 14 h necessary for flower initiation but was day neutral for subsequent flower development (from macroscopic bud visibility to anthesis). Providing long days by daylength extension using metal halide (MH) lamps to provide high irradiance resulted in significantly earlier flowering and more flowers than using either MH or incandescent lamps at low irradiance. The use of incandescent lamps to extend the day resulted in slower flowering and fewer flowers than using MH lamps at the same irradiance. Daminozide was effective for controlling plant height but ancymidol and chlormequat were ineffective. Removal of the terminal bud resulted in more compact plants, and more blooms per plant, but delayed flowering by approximately one week.  相似文献   

Plant growth regulators were applied to the foliage and immature fruit clusters of the stenospermic grape selection ‘C35-33’ at various periods before bloom to stimulate viable seed development. In the 1987 season five different plant growth regulators were used, but in 1988 the growth retardants Cycocel and XE-1019 were used exclusively. Chemical treatments applied 35 days after bud break increased significantly germination percentage. Experimental results indicate that the use of certain plant growth regulators may aid in increasing the efficiency of seedless grape breeding by providing an alternative to in-ovulo embryo culture.  相似文献   

以紫色康乃馨切花为试材,采用单因素预试验获得色素提取的最佳条件后经正交实验,研究了紫色康乃馨色素最佳组合提取条件及各种外界条件对吸光度、溶液颜色、色素稳定性等的影响,以期为紫色素提取提供借鉴。结果表明:紫色康乃馨色素最佳组合提取条件为pH 2、浓度为60%的柠檬酸溶液,按1∶1500 g·mL^-1的料液比,在40℃恒温提取180 min;该色素易溶于柠檬酸和水,为水溶性色素,并在可见光区340 nm时有最大吸收峰。而碱性环境和光照环境显著影响其稳定;Cu^2+、Fe^3+离子对该色素影响较其它金属离子如Al^3+、Ca^2+、Zn^2+等更大;氧化剂对其减色作用显著;但色素耐还原性强;可溶性淀粉及还原剂对其有一定的增色作用。  相似文献   

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