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In 1999, a questionnaire survey was conducted to evaluate public preferences towards badger culling to control bovine tuberculosis in cattle. Three alternative treatments were considered: (1) widespread culling, (2) the current experimental trials, and (3) no culling. One hundred residents from Glastonbury and York were interviewed in person and asked to give preference ratings to each of the three treatments. The single most preferred treatment was no culling, and the least preferred was the widespread cull. Respondents who favoured either the widespread cull or the experimental trials tended to be more knowledgeable about the problem and cited the level of tuberculosis in cattle as the primary factor guiding their preferences. Respondents who favoured the no culling option tended to be less knowledgeable, and cited the conservation and welfare impacts on badger populations as the most important factors. Analysis of the distribution of preference scores suggested that although it was not necessarily the most preferred treatment the experimental trial may be a relatively acceptable alternative.  相似文献   

This paper examines UK farmers' levels of confidence in vaccinating badgers against bovine tuberculosis (bTB) and their trust in the Government's ability to deal with bTB. In 2010, a badger vaccine based on the BCG vaccine was licensed following field trials and used as part of the UK Government's Badger Vaccination Deployment Project. A stratified random sample of cattle farmers in five different locations of England was surveyed using a telephone survey to elicit their views of badger vaccination. The survey provided a total of 341 responses with a response rate of 80 per cent. Results suggest that the farmers are cautious about badger vaccination, appearing to be neither overly confident nor unconfident in it. However, the farmers did not reveal high levels of trust in the Government to manage bTB policy or badger vaccination. There were no differences in the levels of confidence or trust between farms that were under bTB restrictions at the time of the survey and those that were not or between farms with historically high levels of bTB. Analysis of principal components suggests that 33 per cent of the farmers accepted badger vaccination, but that acceptance is dependent on the wider social and political environment.  相似文献   

The normal behaviour of badgers, as described here, would not result in direct transmission of tuberculosis from badgers to cattle via air expired by badgers or via bodily contact. All activities of wild badgers in cattle fields at three different sites were observed at night for a total of 359 h. In addition, all activities of pairs of wild caught badgers were observed in a 0.5 ha enclosure with an artificial sett on 20 nights when cattle were present. Badger foraging in cattle fields was infrequent during dry conditions and variable at other times. Clover fields were preferred to grass pastures in two autumnal studies and under dry conditions the badgers did not prefer to forage on short pasture. Badgers consistently avoided close contact with cattle by changing routes from sett to foraging site and by foraging much less in areas of fields occupied by cattle. When foraging they preferred to remain at least 10-15 m from cattle and they avoided compact groups of cattle more than individuals. Some cattle would move towards badgers, especially if they were carrying out unusual behaviour, but badgers fled rapidly from every approach. In all potential encounters badgers were able to keep at least 2-3 m from approaching cattle. Badgers in the artificial sett delayed entering the enclosure if cattle were within 15 m of the entrance. When cattle were managed on a strip-grazing (rotational) system the whole area which they occupied was avoided by the badgers. However, badgers came closer to individual cattle and foraged in areas grazed by the cattle more if the cattle were set-stocked. If cattle are managed so that they are concentrated in a small area (rotational) system the risk of disease transmission is minimized because they are less likely to encounter badgers or their fresh products than are cattle managed on a large area (set-stocked) system.  相似文献   

In a survey, 457 badgers that had been found dead in Wales were postmortem-examined, and samples were examined by histology and by extended culture (for up to 12 weeks). Mycobacterium bovis was cultured from 55 badgers (12.0 per cent), and the histology typical of M bovis infection was seen in a further six (1.3 per cent). The prevalence in badgers in each of 10 geographical areas varied between 0 and 26 per cent (P<0.001), and was associated with the incidence of confirmed M bovis infection in cattle herds in the same areas (P<0.01). In northern Wales, bTB was rare in both hosts. An infected badger was 12.3 times more likely to be within 5 km of a confirmed cattle bTB breakdown than an uninfected badger. The M bovis isolates from badgers belonged to one of four genotypes defined by spoligotype and variable number tandem repeat type. These genotypes were also found in 290 concurrent confirmed herd breakdowns, and tended to be similar to the genotypes in badgers in the same geographical areas. When badgers and cattle no more than 30 km apart were compared, the genotype diversity was greater in cattle than in badgers (P=0.016), suggesting that the movement of cattle plays a greater part in the spatial distribution of M bovis than the movement of badgers.  相似文献   

Valle PS  Skjerve E  Martin SW  Larssen RB  Østerås O  Nyberg O 《Preventive veterinary medicine》2005,72(1-2):189-207; discussion 215-9
A retrospective cost-benefit analysis was carried out on the Norwegian bovine virus diarrhoea (BVD) control and eradication strategy, for the years 1993-2003. Information regarding the control cost input parameters was gathered from the cattle industry (TINE Norwegian Dairies, GENO Breeding and AI association, and GILDE Norwegian Meat), The National Animal Health Authorities and The Veterinary Institute. We accounted for variable costs (both direct costs associated with the control, and those costs carried by the farmers as a consequence of the control program). The benefit was estimated as the difference between the assumed losses without control - represented overall as 10% increase of the observed 1993 BVD virus infection level - and the observed losses during the control period. An estimate of the financial losses associated with the BVD virus (BVDV) infection was based on studies of the herd level effects on health, reproduction, and production in dairy herds with evidence of recent BVDV infection. We used a stochastic simulation model to account for the total uncertainty in both the control cost and financial loss estimates. The annual net benefits over the 10 years of BVD control were discounted to a 1993 net present value (NPV). The median NPV of the BVD control, nationally, was estimated at 130 million NOK with a distribution of the NPV ranging from +51 to +201 million NOK (5th and 95th percentiles, respectively). Out of the total control costs the farmers and the farmer-owned industries (the co-operatives) had carried about 62% of these costs; however, the farmers were also the main beneficiaries. The Norwegian experience shows a robust cost-efficiency for a BVDV eradication strategy; this stands in sharp contrast to earlier studies where the results were not supportive. Even though every cattle population and country is unique, the Norwegian findings and experiences should have wider implications.  相似文献   

Despite the large body of circumstantial evidence to suggest a link, the means by which bovine tuberculosis is passed from badgers to cattle remains unclear; pasture contamination with the urine, faeces and/or sputum of infectious badgers is believed to be the main route of transmission. Therefore the behaviour of grazing cattle was studied to determine whether they avoided investigating and/or grazing pasture contaminated with badger excreta, and whether different farm management practices enhanced the potential for disease transmission. Active latrines were avoided by most cattle until the sward length in the rest of the field was reduced, after which there was an increasing likelihood that active badger latrines would be grazed. Most of the cattle grazed active badger latrines, but cattle of low rank within the herd grazed latrines more heavily. Farm management practices that reduced the availability of long swards shortened the period of investigative behaviour and greatly enhanced the risk that cattle would graze active badger latrines. Cattle were more likely to graze pasture away from latrines that was contaminated either with badger urine or single faeces. Because bacilli remain viable in the soil for up to 2 years, there is the potential for bacilli to accumulate at active badger latrines, and these could pose a significant risk to cattle, even when the latrine is no longer being used by badgers. Cattle readily grazed the lush sward at disused latrines, during which they could ingest contaminated soil; the amount of soil ingested increases as sward length decreases.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium bovis was probably introduced into New Zealand with cattle imported in the early 19th century. A tuberculosis control programme was introduced for cattle in 1945. However, the control of tuberculosis in cattle and deer in New Zealand over the past two decades has been hampered by the presence of an important wildlife reservoir, the Australian brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula). While the importance of this source of infection has been suspected by the Ministry of Agriculture for some time, scientific proof has been lacking until recently. A new control programme is currently being finalized with the following objectives: to reduce the prevalence of herd infection in vector free areas to internationally accepted levels, to prevent the establishment of tuberculous vectors in new areas, to decrease the number and size of existing areas where tuberculous vectors exist, and to encourage land-owners to take action against tuberculosis on their properties and in their herds.  相似文献   

The principal wildlife reservoir of Mycobacterium bovis in Ireland is the European badger. Studies in the Republic of Ireland (RoI) have shown that badgers culled in association with cattle herd tuberculosis breakdowns (focal culling) have a higher prevalence of infection than the badger population at large. This observation is one rationale for the medium term national strategy of focal badger culling. A vaccination strategy for the control of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in badgers is a preferred long-term option. The Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine has been shown to decrease disease severity in captive badgers under controlled conditions. As the vaccine has been tested in a controlled environment with precise information on infection pressure, it cannot be assumed a priori that the effects of vaccination are similar in the wild, where other environmental and/or ecological factors prevail. For this reason we have designed a vaccine field trial to assess the impact of vaccination on the incidence of TB infection in a wild badger population. The selected study area for the vaccine trial (approximately 755 square kilometers) is divided into three zones each of which has similar characteristics in terms of size, number of main badger setts, cattle herds, cattle and land classification type. Three vaccination levels (100%, 50% and 0%) will be allocated to the three zones in a way that a gradient of vaccination coverage North to South is achieved. The middle zone (zone B) will be vaccinated at a 50% coverage but zone A and C will be randomly allocated with 100% or 0% vaccination coverage. Vaccination within zone B will be done randomly at individual badger level. The objective of this paper is to describe the design of a field tuberculosis vaccination trial for badgers, the epidemiological methods that were used to design the trial and the subsequent data analysis. The analysis will enable us to quantify the magnitude of the observed vaccination effect on M. bovis transmission in badgers under field conditions and to improve our knowledge of the biological effects of vaccination on susceptibility and infectiousness.  相似文献   

结核病是一种严重威胁人们身体健康和影响畜牧业发展的人畜共患传染病,也是世界动物卫生组织(OIE)规定必须强制报告的疫病,在我国的动物疫病名录表中被列为二类动物疫病。此病分布于全世界,我国奶牛结核病的患病率很高,人与病牛长期接触或不慎食用含结核菌的牛奶,都有可能感染此病。因此,该病的诊断和防制越来越多地受到人们的关注。  相似文献   

We examined the effect of varying levels of badger population control on the prevalence of Mycobacterium bovis infection in badgers in four counties of Ireland. In the 'Removal' and 'Buffer' areas, proactive culling was conducted to substantially reduce and subsequently maintain badger populations at a low level for five years. In the 'Reference' areas, localised reactive culling was conducted in association with herd breakdowns. The infection status of badgers was determined using bacteriology. A total of 2696 badgers were recruited into the study, and 19.0% were found to be infected with M. bovis. The two population control strategies had differing effects on the subsequent prevalence of tuberculosis in badger populations. Proactive culling led to a long term decrease in the prevalence of tuberculosis in the re-emergent populations. Although there was an overall decline in the disease prevalence, no consistent trend in disease prevalence as a result of reactive culling was observed.  相似文献   

Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is an important notifiable disease in cattle in Great Britain (GB), and is subject to statutory control measures. Despite this, disease incidence has increased since the mid-1980s, and around 30% of herd breakdowns continue for more than 240 days. This is twice the shortest possible time for confirmed breakdowns to test clear from infection (≈120 days), and four times the shortest possible time for unconfirmed breakdowns (≈60 days). These "prolonged" breakdowns consume substantial resources and may act as an ongoing source of infection. It is not clear why some breakdowns become prolonged. Existing detailed case-control data have been re-analysed to determine risk factors for breakdowns lasting longer than 240 days, the strongest of which was the confirmation status of the breakdown: OR 12.6 (95%CI: 6.7-25.4). A further model restricted to data available early on in a breakdown for all breakdowns nationally, can predict 82-84% of prolonged breakdowns with a positive predictive value of 44-49% when validated using existing national datasets over a 4-year period. Identification of prolonged breakdowns at an earlier stage could help to target bTB controls in GB.  相似文献   

There have been reports of the presence of bovine tuberculosis (TB) in Chile for more than 100 years. Several prevalence studies have revealed that there is a wide spectrum of disease across the country with certain geographic areas where the disease is endemic through to other geographic areas where infection is sporadic and at very low prevalence. In 2009, this information was used to divide Chile into different geographic zones based on prevalence rates. This will enable the correct actions to be undertaken to reduce the prevalence of TB. Thus the northern part of Chile which has a medium to high prevalence of TB will be categorized as a control zone. In contrast, the southern part of Chile which has a high proportion of the bovine population, has a low prevalence of TB and will be classified as an eradication zone (Paredes, 2008). Although there have been several past attempts to create a national control and eradication program in Chile, none has been successful. A national program is proposed, and outlined in this paper. Progress toward program initiation in 2009 has been difficult, mostly because of the global economic crisis, difficulties in the milk and meat industry, and social and political issues.  相似文献   

Despite the compulsory test and slaughter campaigns in cattle, bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is still present in Spain, and the role of wildlife reservoirs is increasingly recognized. We provide an update on recent progress made in bTB control in Spanish wildlife, including aspects of epidemiology, surveillance, host-pathogen interaction and wildlife vaccination. At the high densities and in the particular circumstances of Mediterranean environments, wild ungulates, mainly Eurasian wild boar and red deer, are able to maintain Mycobacterium bovis circulation even in absence of domestic livestock. Infection is widespread among wild ungulates in the south of the country, local infection prevalence being as high as 52% in wild boar and 27% in red deer. Risk factors identified include host genetic susceptibility, abundance, spatial aggregation at feeders and waterholes, scavenging, and social behaviour. An increasing trend of bTB compatible lesions was reported among wild boar and red deer inspected between 1992 and 2004 in Southwestern Spain. Sporadic cases of badger TB have been detected, further complicating the picture. Gene expression profiles were characterized in European wild boar and Iberian red deer naturally infected with M. bovis. The comparative analysis of gene expression profiles in wildlife hosts in response to infection advanced our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of infection and pathogenesis, revealed common and distinctive host responses to infection and identified candidate genes associated with resistance to bTB and for the characterization of host response to infection and vaccination. Ongoing research is producing valuable knowledge on vaccine delivery, safety and efficacy issues. Baits for the oral delivery of BCG vaccine preparations to wild boar piglets were developed and evaluated. The use of selective feeders during the summer was found to be a potentially reliable bait-deployment strategy. Safety experiments yielded no isolation of M. bovis BCG from faeces, internal organs at necropsy and the environment, even after oral delivery of very high doses. Finally, preliminary vaccination and challenge experiments suggested that a single oral BCG vaccination may protect wild boar from infection by a virulent M. bovis field strain.  相似文献   

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