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Chemistry, nutrition, and microbiology of D-amino acids.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Exposure of food proteins to certain processing conditions induces two major chemical changes: racemization of all L-amino acids to D-isomers and concurrent formation of cross-linked amino acids such as lysinoalanine. Racemization of L-amino acids residues to their D-isomers in food and other proteins is pH-, time-, and temperature-dependent. Although racemization rates of the 18 different L-amino acid residues in a protein vary, the relative rates in different proteins are similar. The diet contains both processing-induced and naturally formed D-amino acids. The latter include those found in microorganisms, plants, and marine invertebrates. Racemization impairs digestibility and nutritional quality. The nutritional utilization of different D-amino acids varies widely in animals and humans. In addition, some D-amino acids may be both beneficial and deleterious. Thus, although D-phenylalanine in an all-amino-acid diet is utilized as a nutritional source of L-phenylalanine, high concentrations of D-tyrosine in such diets inhibit the growth of mice. Both D-serine and lysinoalanine induce histological changes in the rat kidney. The wide variation in the utilization of D-amino acids is illustrated by the fact that whereas D-methionine is largely utilized as a nutritional source of the L-isomer, D-lysine is totally devoid of any nutritional value. Similarly, although L-cysteine has a sparing effect on L-methionine when fed to mice, D-cysteine does not. Because D-amino acids are consumed by animals and humans as part of their normal diets, a need exists to develop a better understanding of their roles in nutrition, food safety, microbiology, physiology, and medicine. To contribute to this effort, this multidiscipline-oriented overview surveys our present knowledge of the chemistry, nutrition, safety, microbiology, and pharmacology of D-amino acids. Also covered are the origin and distribution of D-amino acids in the food chain and in body fluids and tissues and recommendations for future research in each of these areas. Understanding of the integrated, beneficial effects of D-amino acids against cancer, schizophrenia, and infection, and overlapping aspects of the formation, occurrence, and biological functions of D-amino should lead to better foods and improved human health.  相似文献   

Chemistry, biochemistry, and safety of acrylamide. A review   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
Acrylamide (CH2=CH-CONH2), an industrially produced alpha,beta-unsaturated (conjugated) reactive molecule, is used worldwide to synthesize polyacrylamide. Polyacrylamide has found numerous applications as a soil conditioner, in wastewater treatment, in the cosmetic, paper, and textile industries, and in the laboratory as a solid support for the separation of proteins by electrophoresis. Because of the potential of exposure to acrylamide, effects of acrylamide in cells, tissues, animals, and humans have been extensively studied. Reports that acrylamide is present in foods formed during their processing under conditions that also induce the formation of Maillard browning products heightened interest in the chemistry, biochemistry, and safety of this vinyl compound. Because exposure of humans to acrylamide can come from both external sources and the diet, a need exists to develop a better understanding of its formation and distribution in food and its role in human health. To contribute to this effort, this integrated review presents data on the chemistry, analysis, metabolism, pharmacology, and toxicology of acrylamide. Specifically covered are the following aspects: nonfood and food sources; exposure from the environment and the diet; mechanism of formation in food from asparagine and glucose; asparagine-asparaginase relationships; Maillard browning-acrylamide relationships; quenching of protein fluorescence; biological alkylation of amino acids, peptides, proteins, and DNA by acrylamide and its epoxide metabolite glycidamide; risk assessment; neurotoxicity, reproductive toxicity, and carcinogenicity; protection against adverse effects; and possible approaches to reducing levels in food. Further research needs in each of these areas are suggested. Neurotoxicity appears to be the only documented effect of acrylamide in human epidemiological studies; reproductive toxicity, genotoxicity/clastogenicity, and carcinogenicity are potential human health risks on the basis of only animal studies. A better understanding of the chemistry and biology of pure acrylamide in general and its impact in a food matrix in particular can lead to the development of improved food processes to decrease the acrylamide content of the diet.  相似文献   

Food in its many manifestations allows us to explore the global control of health and to examine the ways in which food choice is moulded by many interests. The global food market is controlled by a small number of companies who operate a system that delivers 'cheap' food to the countries of the developed world. This 'cheap' food comes at a price, which externalises costs to the nation state in terms of health consequences (diabetes, coronary heart disease and other food-related diseases) and to the environment in terms of pollution and the associated clean-up strategies. Food policy has not to any great extent dealt with these issues, opting instead for an approach based on nutrition, food choice and biomedical health. Ignoring wider elements of the food system including issues of ecology and sustainability constrains a broader understanding within public health nutrition. Here we argue that public health nutrition, through the medium of health promotion, needs to address these wider issues of who controls the food supply, and thus the influences on the food chain and the food choices of the individual and communities. Such an upstream approach to food policy (one that has been learned from work on tobacco) is necessary if we are seriously to influence food choice.  相似文献   

Chemistry and biochemistry of (-)-hydroxycitric acid from Garcinia.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
(-)-Hydroxycitric acid [(-)-HCA] is the principal acid of fruit rinds of Garcinia cambogia, Garcinia indica, and Garcinia atroviridis. (-)-HCA was shown to be a potent inhibitor of ATP citrate lyase (EC, which catalyzes the extramitochondrial cleavage of citrate to oxaloacetate and acetyl-CoA: citrate + ATP + CoA --> acetyl-CoA + ADP + P(i) + oxaloacetate. The inhibition of this reaction limits the availability of acetyl-CoA units required for fatty acid synthesis and lipogenesis during a lipogenic diet, that is, a diet high in carbohydrates. Extensive animal studies indicated that (-)-HCA suppresses the fatty acid synthesis, lipogenesis, food intake, and induced weight loss. In vitro studies revealed the inhibitions of fatty acid synthesis and lipogenesis from various precursors. However, a few clinical studies have shown controversial findings. This review explores the literature on a number of topics: the source of (-)-HCA; the discovery of (-)-HCA; the isolation, stereochemistry, properties, methods of estimation, and derivatives of (-)-HCA; and its biochemistry, which includes inhibition of the citrate cleavage enzyme, effects on fatty acid synthesis and lipogenesis, effects on ketogenesis, other biological effects, possible modes of action on the reduction of food intake, promotion of glycogenesis, gluconeogenesis, and lipid oxidation, (-)-HCA as weight-controlling agent, and some possible concerns about (-)-HCA, which provides a coherent presentation of scattered literature on (-)-HCA and its plausible mechanism of action and is provocative of further research.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Despite the increasing dependence on systematic reviews to summarise the literature and to issue public health recommendations, the formal assessment of the reliability of conclusions emerging from systematic reviews has received little attention. The main goal of the present study was to evaluate whether two independent centres, in two continents, draw similar conclusions regarding the association of food, nutrition and physical activity and endometrial cancer, when provided with the same general instructions and with similar resources. DESIGN: The assessment of reproducibility concentrated on four main areas: (1) paper search and selection; (2) assignment of study design; (3) inclusion of papers; and (4) individual studies selected for meta-analysis and the summary risk estimate obtained. RESULTS: In total 310 relevant papers were identified, 166 (54 %) were included by both centres. Of the remaining 144 papers, 72 (50 %) were retrieved in the searches of one centre and not the other (54 in centre A, 18 in centre B) and 72 were retrieved in both searches but regarded as relevant by only one of the centres (52 in centre A, 20 in centre B). Of papers included by both centres, 80 % were allocated the same study design. Agreement for inclusion of cohort-type and casekey' papers was 87 %. Summary risk estimates from meta-analyses were similar. CONCLUSIONS: Transparency of process and explicit detailed procedures are necessary parts of a systematic review and crucial for the reader to interpret its findings.  相似文献   

A method is presented for preparing samples of freeze-dried mixtures of microorganisms for proficiency tests and collaborative studies. The samples may include most microorganisms that are found in routine analysis in food laboratories. Transport of samples during 48 h did not decrease the number of microorganisms, nor was the variability among samples significantly affected by transport. The standard deviation of counts after 5 weeks of storage varied from 0.04 (Staphylococcus aureus) to 0.17 (Clostridium perfringens) log unit. Storage of samples for 10 weeks decreased the number of viable organisms by 0.02-0.43 log unit. Variability among samples increased for Providencia alcalifaciens and Bacillus cereus after 10 weeks of storage. No significant increase was found for the other organisms.  相似文献   

pH-Induced cold gelation of whey proteins is a two-step process. After protein aggregates have been prepared by heat treatment, gelation is established at ambient temperature by gradually lowering the pH. To demonstrate the importance of electrostatic interactions between aggregates during this latter process, beta-lactoglobulin aggregates with a decreased iso-electric point were prepared via succinylation of primary amino groups. The kinetics of pH-induced gelation was affected significantly, with the pH gelation curves shifting to lower pH after succinylation. With increasing modification, the pH of gelation decreased to about 2.5. In contrast, unmodified aggregates gel around pH 5. Increasing the iso-electric point of beta-lactoglobulin via methylation of carboxylic acid groups resulted in gelation at more alkaline pH values. Comparable results were obtained with whey protein isolate. At low pH disulfide cross-links between modified aggregates were not formed after gelation and the gels displayed both syneresis and spontaneous gel fracture, in this way resembling the morphology of previously characterized thiol-blocked whey protein isolate gels (Alting, et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. 2000, 48, 5001-5007). Our results clearly demonstrate the importance of the net electric charge of the aggregates during pH-induced gelation. In addition, the absence of disulfide bond formation between aggregates during low-pH gelation was demonstrated with the modified aggregates.  相似文献   

Duck eggs were pickled in alkali for 20 days to prepare Pidan. The extent of the degradation of compositional amino acids, the formation of lysinoalanine (LAL) in Pidan, and the relationship between the formation of LAL and the racemization values of D-serine and D-aspartic acid in Pidan albumen during the pickling period were investigated. Results showed that the remaining percentages of Cys, Arg, Lys, Ser, and Thr in albumen were much lower than that of the corresponding amino acid in yolk. The formation of LAL in albumen in the first stage was due to the speedy increase in the pH and the abundant formation of dehydroalanine (DHA) from cysteine. However, the formation of LAL in the later pickling period was related much more to the alkali-treating time than to the pH factor. Among the amino acids, cysteine was observed to be the most sensitive to alkaline and contributed mostly to the formation of LAL throughout the pickling period.  相似文献   

小米蛋白质中赖氨酸含量AAS和CS<1,其它氨基酸的AAS和CS≥1,脂肪含量4%~5%,不饱和脂肪酸达85.5%.多种维生素和矿质元素的的含量都比稻米、玉米和小麦面粉含量高,营养丰富并有一定食疗保健作用.以小米为主料或辅料研制开发了五仁小米营养糊、小米粉饼干、面包、蒸糕等多种小米深加工产品,为小米杂粮保健主食品的开发开辟了新的途径.  相似文献   

International experience of Policy Councils on food and nutrition has developed over recent decades but they have not received the attention that is due to them. The 1992 International Conference on Nutrition recommended that governments create Food Policy Councils but few have been created. There has been more experience in local and sub-national policy councils, particularly in North America. Developing country experience of attempting to improve food policy integration stems from the 1970s. The UK's House of Commons' (Parliamentary) Health Committee, in its 2004 report on obesity, reviewed current policy determinants of the rise in obesity, concluding that national food and health policy lacked coherence, integration and effectiveness. To address this vacuum, it proposed the creation of a new 'Council of Nutrition and Physical Activity to improve co-ordination and inject independent thinking into strategy'. The case for creating such a Council in the UK is reviewed, as are possible organisational options, functions and remit. A Council could be created under the forthcoming Public Health Act. The purpose of the new Council would be to provide independent advice and strategic advice as well as monitor the linkages between policies on food, nutrition and physical activity, noting their environmental implications.  相似文献   

Three food protein products, soy protein isolates, spray-dried egg white, and whey protein isolates, were chemically modified to varying levels with succinic anhydride, and the extent of modification of these proteins were determined by standard wet chemistry methods. Raman spectra (500-2000 cm(-1)) of the modified proteins were obtained. New C=O stretching vibrations were observed at 1420 and 1737 cm(-1) and were attributed to the carboxylate (COO-) and ester carbonyl (RCOO-) groups, respectively, which were appended to the proteins during succinylation. Two series of calibration curves were obtained by plotting the intensity ratio of the 1420 and 1737 cm(-1) to 1003 cm(-1) phenylalanine stretching band (used as an internal standard) against the extent of substituted epsilon-amino (and alpha-amino) groups and aliphatic hydroxyl groups, respectively. Linear fits were obtained with correlation coefficient r > 0.988. The Raman spectral data were also analyzed to study the effect of succinylation on the conformation of the three proteins. Some conformational changes were observed, including a transition from ordered to disordered structures, an exposure of tryptophan residues from a buried, hydrophobic microenvironment, and probably conformational shift of cystine residues.  相似文献   

Methods to sequentially extract and fractionate wheat flour proteins were evaluated to reliably quantify gliadins, glutenins, and albumins/globulins in single flour samples. Compositions of the resulting protein fractions were analyzed by RP-HPLC combined with SDS-PAGE. Unknown proteins were identified by mass spectrometry or N-terminal sequencing. The best separation and recovery of discrete albumin/globulin, gliadin, and glutenin fractions from the same flour sample was achieved by extraction with 0.3 M NaI in 7.5% 1-propanol followed by 2% SDS, 25 mM DTT in 25 mM TRIS, pH 8.0, and precipitation of the solubilized proteins with ammonium acetate/methanol followed by acetone. Average flour composition for the variety Butte86 was 10% albumin/globulin, 40% gliadin, and 48% glutenin. This method should be useful for determining flour composition in diverse samples and evaluating relationships between proteins and end-use functionality.  相似文献   

The high incidence of food allergies, including oral allergy syndrome, represent major considerations when introducing new crops and foods. A new structural database of allergenic proteins, SDAP-Food, http://fermi.utmb.edu/SDAP/, has been developed to aid in predicting the IgE-binding potential of novel food proteins and cross-reactivities among known allergens. The site is designed to facilitate the first steps of a decision tree approach to determine the allergenicity of a given protein, based on the sequence and structural similarity to known allergens and their IgE binding sites. Immunological tests can then be used to confirm the predictions. A hierarchical procedure for identifying potential allergens, using a physical property-based sequence similarity index, has been designed to identify regions that resemble known IgE binding sites. As an example, SDAP tools were used to find food allergen sequences similar to an IgE binding site of the Jun a 3 allergen from mountain cedar pollen. The SDAP sequence similarity search matched the Jun a 3 epitope to regions in several food allergens, including cherry (Pru av 2), apple (Mal d 2) and pepper (Cap a 1), which are, like Jun a 3, members of the plant pathogenesis-related (PR-5) protein family. Homology modeling, using our EXDIS/DIAMOD/FANTOM program suite, indicated a similar surface location and structure for the potential epitope region on all of these allergens. The quantitative approach presented here can be used as part of a screening process for potential allergenicity of recombinant food products.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To discuss factors which have underpinned the nutrition transition in the countries of East Africa, including Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, from early colonisation to the current, oppressive political-economic structure. RESULTS: Colonisation and neocolonisation in accordance with the desires of the New World Order have ensured the systematic extirpation of indigenous and traditional food habits in East Africa. These indigenous and traditional food habits, associated with myriad health benefits, have been progressively replaced by the globalised food system of the multinational corporations, a system inherently associated with the creation of non-communicable disease (NCD) epidemics throughout this region and globally. While the simplification of the East African food culture may be most apparent today, the nutrition transition has actually occurred over the past 400 years, since the onset of colonial occupation. CONCLUSIONS: It is imperative that greater efforts be directed towards exposing the colonial and neocolonial forces which have undermined food security and health status in East Africa. Heightened awareness of these forces is essential for proposing genuine solutions to the nutrition transition and related NCD epidemics throughout this region and, indeed, worldwide.  相似文献   

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