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为明确福建省部分马铃薯产区晚疫病菌群体结构,2017年-2019年在龙海市、福安市、霞浦县共分离获得96株马铃薯晚疫病菌。采用对峙培养法、鉴别寄主法和PCR-RFLP法对这些菌株的交配型、生理小种及线粒体DNA (mtDNA)单倍型进行分析。交配型测定结果显示,除了福建省福安市有5株(5.21%)为A1交配型外,其余91株(94.79%)均为自育型,未发现A2交配型及A1A2型菌株。从96个菌株中检测出16个生理小种类型,龙海市和福安市的优势生理小种均是可克服11个显性抗病单基因的1.,霞浦县的优势生理小种为1.。供试菌株均至少含有6个毒性基因。mtDNA单倍型共检测出3种类型,其中55个菌株(龙海市22株、福安市8株、霞浦县25株)为Ⅰa型,占57.29%,32个菌株(龙海市2株、福安市25株、霞浦县5株)为Ⅱa型,占33.33%,9个菌株(福安市7株、霞浦县2株)为Ⅱb型,占9.37%。研究结果表明,福建省马铃薯晚疫病菌群体遗传多样性日趋复杂。  相似文献   

为明确江苏地区Q型烟粉虱的遗传多样性及其入侵来源,基于mt DNA COI基因序列,对2010、2011年采自江苏13个市的Q型烟粉虱种群进行了单倍型分析。结果显示,江苏地区Q型烟粉虱有4个单倍型,分别为单倍型Q1、Q2、Q3、Q4,不同单倍型的分布和发生频率不同,其中单倍型Q2是13个地理种群的共享单倍型,2010、2011年的发生频率均超过50%;单倍型Q1和Q3分别是部分地理种群的共享单倍型,发生频率较低;单倍型Q4仅在扬州种群中出现,发生频率最低;单倍型Q1和Q3亲缘关系较近,单倍型Q2和Q4亲缘关系较近,表明各地理种群间既有一定的基因交流,也存在一定程度的遗传分化;系统发育分析表明,江苏地区的Q型烟粉虱可能来源于西部地中海地区,与日本的Q型烟粉虱具有相同的入侵来源。  相似文献   

亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis(Guenée)是世界性的玉米重要害虫,近年来研究证明,吉林省发生的亚洲玉米螟存在化性差异,不同化性亚洲玉米螟在繁殖力、抗寒性、滞育后发育历期等方面存在显著差异,并具有一定的遗传稳定性。  相似文献   

入侵云南草地贪夜蛾的分子鉴定   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda(J.E. Smith)是一种原产于美洲热带和亚热带地区的重要农业入侵害虫,目前已从缅甸进入我国云南西南部地区,且呈现蔓延之势。对入侵物种快速准确鉴定是早期预警和监测预防的关键。本研究采用分子标记手段,对采自云南5个县(市)的83份样品进行鉴定,通过PCR扩增细胞色素C氧化酶第Ⅰ亚基(COⅠ)和磷酸甘油醛异构酶(Tpi)两个基因片段并进行序列测定分析。结果表明,基于COⅠ基因片段的序列比对能够对草地贪夜蛾进行准确的物种鉴定,并且能够对其近源种甜菜夜蛾等进行鉴定。基于Tpi基因序列的特异单倍型位点比较分析,确认入侵我国的草地贪夜蛾均为"玉米型"。该研究为草地贪夜蛾的快速识别提供了方法支持,同时为进一步的虫源地解析和遗传溯源积累了宝贵的前期数据。  相似文献   

箭杆杨和梭梭柴水量平衡的研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
采用非称重蒸渗仪对箭杆杨、梭梭柴的水量平衡各分量变比规律进行了探讨.箭杆杨和梭梭柴水量平衡各分量的分配比例为:灌溉+降水均为100%,蒸散量51.1%、77.7%,渗漏量48.9%、14.2%,土壤水变化量不足0.1%、8.1%.分别就两个树种灌溉对蒸散和渗漏水分循环的影响进行了分析。初步确定二年生箭杆杨合理灌溉指标为:5、9两月每月灌溉1次,灌溉量900m3/ha(90mm),6、7、8三个月每月灌溉两次,每次的灌溉量也为90Om3/ha,每月为1800m3/ha。每公顷每年由造林规程的9900—13200m3/ha减少到7200m3/ha。梭梭柴保证每年11月初灌溉1次.灌溉量1500m3/ha(150mm)。  相似文献   

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基于水热耦合平衡的长江源实际蒸散变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用1960~2012年长江源地区8个气象站的气象数据和直门达站的径流数据,基于流域水热耦合平衡方程计算了长江源区实际蒸散(ET),采用云模型、Mann-Kendall检验、Pettitt检验和Sen趋势度等方法分析了ET的时空变化特征,并通过敏感性分析确定了影响ET的主要气候因子。结果表明:1)1960~2012年长江源区多年平均ET为277.6mm/a,呈显著上升趋势(99%置信度),上升速率为6.27mm/10a,并在1997年发生突变(99%置信度)。2)年均ET从西北向东南递增,且上升速率从西北向东南递减。熵值En和超熵He分别呈西高东低和西北高东南低的分布规律。ET均值大的区域年ET随时间变化较为均匀且稳定性较强。3)源区年ET变化对降水最为敏感,其后依次是相对湿度、日照时数、最高气温、风速、最低气温和平均气温。降水量上升对ET的增加起主要贡献作用,其次是气温与日照时数的上升和相对湿度的下降。  相似文献   

根据黑河下游额济纳绿洲柽柳灌丛波文比-能量平衡法的实测资料,分析了该地区的辐射特征,研究了热量平衡各分量的变化特征及热量平衡规律。在绿洲内部,其太阳辐射、净辐射具有明显的日进程和季节变化规律;太阳辐射月总量最大值(2133325.0kW.m-2)出现在6月份,最小值(133325.0kW.m-2)出现在10月份;在柽柳灌丛生态系统的热量平衡中潜热通量占能量支出量的62.85%,感热通量占32.85%,土壤热通量占4.44%。在日变化中,潜热在上午大于感热,在下午,由于湍流加剧,感热交换大于潜热。  相似文献   

结球甘蓝抗根肿病SSR分子连锁图谱的构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
结球甘蓝(Brassica oleracea L.var.capitata)简称甘蓝,是我国重要的蔬菜作物之一.甘蓝根肿病是由芸苔根肿菌(Plamodiophora brassicae Woron.)侵染引起的一种世界性真菌病害.近年来,该病在我国的发病面积急剧增加,造成甘蓝产量和品质大幅度降低,选育抗病品种成为防治根肿病的重要途径之一.  相似文献   

采用田间试验方法,研究了不同穴播种植方式与平衡施肥对旱地春小麦产量及水分利用效率的影响。结果表明,4种穴播种植方式中,全膜覆土穴播种植方式有利于小麦碳水化合物的合成,增加了小麦干物质积累量,实施N、P、K平衡施肥后干物质积累量增加效果明显;该种植方式下各施肥处理比全膜小垄沟覆土穴播、全膜不覆土穴播和露地穴播小麦产量分别增加3.7%~6.7%、9.4%~10.3%、30.7%~35.4%;该种植方式下,N、P2O5和K2O的用量分别为180 kg/hm2、120 kg/hm2、90 kg/hm2时(Z0F1处理),小麦产量最高,达到4 034 kg/hm2;该方式的小麦水分利用效率明显高于露地穴播,在相同施肥水平下,前者小麦水分利用效率比后者显著提高33.7%~48.3%。表明春小麦在全膜覆土穴播栽培技术条件下,平衡施肥可显著提高小麦籽粒产量和水分利用效率。  相似文献   

Markers, old and new, for examining Phytophthora infestans diversity   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Late blight, caused by Phytophthora infestans , is an ongoing threat to potato and tomato crop production worldwide and considerable fundamental and applied research is conducted with the long-term aim of improved disease control. Understanding the mechanisms, processes and rates of P. infestans evolution is an important factor in predicting the effectiveness and durability of new management practices. A range of phenotypic and genotypic tests has been applied to achieve this goal, but each has limitations and new methods are sought. Recent progress in P. infestans genomics is providing the raw data for such methods and new high-throughput codominant biomolecular markers are currently being developed that have tremendous potential in the study of P. infestans population biology, epidemiology, ecology, genetics and evolution. This paper reviews some key applications, recommends some changes in approach and reports on the status and potential of new and existing methods for probing P. infestans genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Monilinia fructicola is a quarantine fungal pathogen in Europe, but many major stone fruit growing countries in Europe have reported its presence recently. In Switzerland, the fungus was first found in a single apricot orchard in 2008. This study confirms the presence of M. fructicola in nine out of 22 commercial orchards in Canton Valais, Switzerland. Five simple sequence repeat markers (SSRs) were developed for M. fructicola and samples from Switzerland, Spain, Italy, France and the United States were analysed and compared in order to assess the genetic diversity of the pathogen, identify the origin of the disease, and verify if the fungus reproduces sexually in Europe. In the 119 European samples analysed, 12 different haplotypes were found, indicating a relatively high genetic diversity of the pathogen considering that the first report in Europe was 10 years ago. Three haplotypes found in Europe were identical to those found in the American samples (two from the east coast and one from the west coast). Population structure analysis suggests that the European population is derived from at least two ‘invasion’ events probably originating from the US (one from the east coast, the other from the west coast). Preliminary evidence of sexual reproduction of M. fructicola in Europe is reported.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of several local populations of the fungal pathogen Cochliobolus sativus, collected over 3 years from different regions of the Czech Republic, was examined using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). A high level of variability was found even among isolates from one lesion. Measures of multilocus linkage disequilibrium suggested that recombination has a minor impact on the genetic structure of populations. Cochliobolus sativus forms genetically divergent populations (FST = 0·33), indicating a low level of geneflow between populations. This was supported by a significant correlation between genetic diversity and geographical distances up to 80–100 km. The most likely explanation for the genetic variability is that the fungus forms conidia with highly variable chromosomal rearrangements. The differentiation observed among local populations implies that genetic drift, including a founder effect, combined with restricted migration generates the structure of C. sativus populations.  相似文献   

固相微萃取技术是一种无需溶剂、方便快速的样品前处理技术。本文介绍了固相微萃取在设备构造、萃取纤维及涂层材料的开发等方面的发展情况,并对其在农药残留分析中的应用进行了总结。  相似文献   

以引进国际干旱地区农业研究中心(ICARDA)的160份小麦为研究对象,在苗期用20% PEG-6000模拟干旱条件进行处理,以正常营养液作为对照,分析干旱环境对7个苗期相关性状(苗高、最长根长、根数、茎叶鲜质量、茎叶干质量、根鲜质量和根干质量)的影响,利用综合评价值进行抗旱评价及抗旱分级,并结合55K SNP芯片对159份小麦的苗期抗旱相关性状的抗旱系数进行关联分析。抗旱鉴定结果表明:干旱处理下的各个苗期相关性状均低于正常处理水平,按照综合评价值及系统聚类,将160份小麦分为高抗旱(5份)、中等抗旱(53份)、低抗旱(97份)和干旱敏感(5份)四类;在苗期筛选出5份高抗旱品种,包括ICARDA69、ICARDA51、ICARDA49、ICARDA83、ICARDA84,其D值分别为0.823、0.813、0.765、0.722、0.711。关联分析结果显示:利用24151个SNP标记位点结合苗期相关性状的抗旱系数在P≤0.001水平下共定位到227个抗旱相关标记,分布在除1B、2D、4D和6D外的17条染色体上,可解释7.13%~14.68%的表型变异。检测到3个多效应位点,分别位于4B、5B和6A染色体上,可解释9.31%~13.28%的表型变异。其中,位于4B染色体上的AX-108789337与茎叶干质量和根干质量显著关联,可解释10.44%~13.28%的表型变异;位于5B染色体上的AX-109353092与苗高和根鲜质量显著关联,可解释9.31%~10.93%的表型变异;位于6A染色体上的AX-110432128与苗高和根鲜质量显著关联,可解释9.95%~9.99%的表型变异。  相似文献   

风成沉积物源分析方法及其应用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
风成沉积物的物源追踪对于重建干旱区地表过程、恢复区域过去大气环流模式的变化历史以及更加深刻地理解各种不同类型风积物的环境意义具有重要作用,同时还能帮助我们厘清物源变化与气候变化以及构造运动之间的关系。在回顾了风成沉积物的矿物学、元素地球化学、同位素地球化学以及单矿物地球化学等物源示踪方法及其应用的研究现状的基础上,探讨了各种物源分析方法的优势以及可能存在的问题,并对未来的物源研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

Genetic and phenotypic diversity of the population of the late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans in Northern Ireland was assessed from 223 single-lesion isolates collected from 29 sites in 1995 and 1996. The proportion of metalaxyl-resistant isolates was approximately 14%. The A2 mating type was not detected. Allozyme analyses revealed that the Northern Ireland isolates were monomorphic and homozygous at the loci coding for allozymes of glucose-6-phosphate isomerase and peptidase (Gpi 100/100, Pep 100/100). The majority of isolates tested (156 out of 162) were mitochondrial DNA haplotype IIa. Among the remaining isolates, four were haplotype Ia, two were the rare IIb haplotype and none was of the old Ib type. RAPD-PCR analysis of selected isolates revealed relatively little diversity among the Northern Ireland isolates, which clustered separately from isolates from GB and the European mainland.  相似文献   

青海马铃薯晚疫病菌线粒体DNA单倍型鉴定及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 为查明青海地区晚疫病菌单倍型分布情况,本研究对青海不同地区采自2006~2007年的70个晚疫病菌材料的线粒体单倍型进行了分析,结果表明:94.3%的菌株为Ⅱa型,5.7%的菌株为Ⅱb型,其中Ⅱb型均分离自番茄。这说明青海地区马铃薯晚疫病菌群体类型比较单一,主要为Ⅱa型,线粒体单倍型不存在多态性。  相似文献   



Amaranthus palmeri is an aggressive annual weed native to the United States, which has become invasive in some European countries. Populations resistant to acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitors have been recorded in Spain and Italy, but the evolutionary origin of the resistance traits remains unknown. Bioassays were conducted to identify cross-resistance to ALS inhibitors and a haplotype-based genetic approach was used to elucidate the origin and distribution of resistance in both countries.


Amaranthus palmeri populations were resistant to thifensulfuron-methyl and imazamox, and the 574-Leu mutant ALS allele was found to be the main cause of resistance among them. In two Spanish populations, 376-Glu and 197-Thr mutant ALS alleles were also found. The haplotype analyses revealed the presence of two and four distinct 574-Leu mutant haplotypes in the Italian and Spanish populations, respectively. None was common to both countries, but some mutant haplotypes were shared between geographically close populations or between populations more than 100 km apart. Wide genetic diversity was found in two very close Spanish populations.


ALS-resistant A. palmeri populations were introduced to Italy and Spain from outside Europe. Populations from both countries have different evolutionary histories and originate from independent introduction events. ALS resistance then spread over short and long distances by seed dispersal. The higher number and genetic diversity among mutant haplotypes from the Spanish populations indicated recurrent invasions. The implementation of control tactics to limit seed dispersal and the establishment of A. palmeri is recommended in both countries. © 2023 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

高粱种植业是重庆地区重要产业, 高粱炭疽病在部分地区发生流行, 严重危害高粱的产量和品质。明确重庆高粱主要产区高粱炭疽病的致病菌, 筛选出高效防治药剂, 可为重庆地区高粱炭疽病的有效防治提供依据。本研究采集了重庆市永川区、梁平区和江津区等8个高粱主产区炭疽病病样, 分离纯化得到13个菌株。通过病原菌形态特征观察, 结合多基因(ITS, GAPDH, ACT, CHS)联合的系统发育分析, 来自不同地区的13个高粱炭疽菌菌株属于同一分支, 均为高粱刺盘孢Colletotrichum sublineola, 表明C. sublineola是重庆高粱主产区炭疽病的致病菌。采用菌丝生长速率法测定10种杀菌剂对高粱炭疽病菌的菌丝生长抑制效果, 发现氟菌唑、肟菌·戊唑醇、甲基硫菌灵、吡唑醚菌酯和多菌灵等5种杀菌剂对高粱炭疽病菌的EC50在0.018 0~0.109 7 μg/mL之间, 具有较好的抑制作用。田间药效试验结果表明, 75%肟菌·戊唑醇WG、70%甲基硫菌灵WP和250 g/L吡唑醚菌酯EC表现出较好的防治效果, 防效分别达到61.86%、56.09%和54.80%, 在高粱生产中应用潜力大。  相似文献   

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