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This paper presents a comprehensive methodology for the post-harvest management of quality in the distribution of horticultural produce. The methodology consists of three connected subsystems—quality prediction, price prediction and management decision making. The theoretical frameworks developed have been tested experimentally and the methodology is now available as an aid to decision making.The three main forms of deterioration—mechanical damage, physiological deterioration and pathological decay—are modelled and quality out turn is predicted from input quality and environment-event-time histories in each case. Price prediction is based on price-supply-quality relationships developed from studies of prices on wholesale markets. The price of a particular consignment is calculated from a quality index using quality-price functions. A management decision subsystem then evaluates alternative distribution strategies in terms of profit.A case study on water loss in spinach during distribution from harvest to markets shows how the methodology works.  相似文献   

A model for predicting bruising in multilayered apple packs was subjected to an extensive experimental test progam. A specially built test rig was used to simulated pothole and bump effects. A comparison of experimental and predicted total bruise volumes and bruise distribution between interfaces in a single column of apples showed that the transport model successfully predicted the effects of varying severity of potholes and bumps, number of apples (layers) in the column, suspension spring stiffness and damping constant and the ration of load to vehicle mass. All but four of the 72 experimental conditions examined showed very good correlation between experimental and predicted results at, or better than, the 0·025 significance level. Similarly, at-test of the effect of changing one variable at a time gave excellent correlations, mostly at the 0·1 significance level.The application of the model to commercial packages is described. The model is applicable to two-and three-dimensional packing arrangements, energy absorbing packages and a wide range of produce. The model is used to evaluate the effects of important transport variables-i.e. load-vehicle mass ration, suspension spring and damping constants and severity of road irregularity.The paper concludes tha the model opens the way to the management of transport damage in horticultural distribution by providing the means of selecting optimum vehicles, roads and packaging.  相似文献   

通过随机抽取25家上市房地产企业2010年第一季度财务报告的分析.采用回归分析对相关数据进行了实证研究,实证结果表明,房地产行业的每股收益等指标较之其他财务指标对股票价格的影响力要更加明显.  相似文献   

Numerical solutions of the seepage equation of groundwater flow were used in an analysis of the effect on drain performance of the herring-bone pattern of vertical fissuring, with fractures fanning out from the central slit, in mole-drained soils. Drain performances were assessed from values of the dimensionless parameter Wm = 2EmqD2, where Em is the ‘seepage potential’ at the position of maximum water-table height when the steady rainfall is q and the drain spacing is 2D. Wm decreased with increase in the length of the fractures and, to a lesser extent, with decrease in the spacing of them, showing that the fracturing enables a mole-drainage system to cope with higher rainfall rates and to produce more rapid water-table drawdowns.  相似文献   

Tatonnement programming is used to examine the effect of energy prices on commodity prices and farm income. This method uses a national interregional linear programming model in conjunction with demand equations for feedgrains, soybeans and wheat. This spatial programming model is solved iteratively with these demand functions using an algorithm based upon the Walrasian tatonnement process. While the model is static in nature, it indicates that once adjustment to a doubling of energy prices occurs returns to land will increase by 10·8%. Commodity prices will increase 24·1, 18·7 and 9·9% for feedgrains, wheat and soybean, respectively, and demand will decrease 2·2, 1·9, and 0·9% for these same three commodities.  相似文献   

Capillary barriers (CBs) occur at the interface of two soil layers having distinct differences in textural and hydraulic characteristics. The objective of this study was to introduce an artificial CB, created by a layer of gravel below the root zone substrate, in order to optimize conditions for the cultivation of horticultural crops. Potential root zone formats were analyzed with and without the gravel CBs for variables including the following: depth of CB; barrier separating the root zone from the surrounding soil; and root zone soil texture. Field and simulated results revealed that artificial CBs increased root zone water content and changed water flow dynamics. Volumetric soil water content was increased by 20–70%, depending on the soil texture and depth of the barrier. Sandy soil texture and shallower placement resulted in relatively higher water content. For sandy soil without plants, a shallow (0.2 m depth) CB increased water content of the overlaying soil by 50% compared to the control. The introduction of a gravel CB below the root zone of pepper plants (Capsicum Annum L.) lead to 34% higher matric head, 50% lower diurnal fluctuations in matric head and 40% increase in pepper fruit yield. Increasing water content by way of artificial CBs appeared to improve the water use efficiency of pepper plants. Such an improvement could lead to reduced water and fertilizer application rates and subsequent reduction in contamination below the root zone. This is especially relevant for substrates of low water-holding capacity typically used in horticulture crop production.  相似文献   

为明确非洲猪瘟对生猪等畜产品价格产生重要影响,构建包含非洲猪瘟疫情的猪肉等主要肉类产品价格的动态面板数据,运用PVAR模型研究非洲猪瘟疫情对猪肉、白条鸡、牛肉和羊肉四种主要肉类价格波动的动态影响.结果表明,非洲猪瘟疫情对肉类价格的影响并不一致,从冲击方向上看,非洲猪瘟疫情对猪肉价格的冲击主要为正,对白条鸡价格的冲击在考...  相似文献   

Four time series of monthly prices of oak and softwood lumber and flooring are analysed using the autoregressive integrated moving average technique. The principles of the method are exposed and one model is estimated for each time series. The steps in model formulation, estimation and diagnostic checking are described in detail for the series of oak lumber prices. All series are stationary after a first order differencing. The behaviour of monthly prices of softwood products is well described by pure autoregressive models while the oak product prices require full autoregressive integrated moving average models. The models obtained generate one-month forecasts which are significantly more accurate than those obtained from a no-change extrapolarive model, except in the case of softwood flooring prices for which the behaviour is close to a random walk. Six-month forecasts are computed for each series with corresponding confidence intervals. An adaptive forecasting procedure is used to revise multiple-month forecasts after the errors on the first month forecast have been observed.  相似文献   

商品房价格是牵涉到国计民生的大问题,事关人民的切身利益,房价的节节攀升不仅影响到社会的稳定与政府形象,更是给宏观经济运行埋下了重重隐患.要合理调控商品房价格必须加强土地政策调整、改善住房供应结构、严格控制地方政府土地财政行为、完善商品房预售制度和房地产金融体系等,以促进房地产事业的健康发展.  相似文献   

Australia is the driest inhabited continent on earth, and pressure on its water resources is already high and increasing. Environmental, social, and economic drivers are forcing horticultural industries in Australia to reassess their use of freshwater resources. Reclaimed water is potentially a major resource for the horticultural industry. In general, however, there has been some apprehension towards using reclaimed water for irrigation, owing primarily to uncertainties related to agricultural sustainability and human health. Here, we consider the current standing of the Australian horticultural industry in terms of its preparedness to use reclaimed water for irrigation. We address issues related to policy, economics, market access, pragmatic directives (such as state and federal guidelines), environmental impact, agronomic sustainability, and public health. From these appraisals, we have attempted to summarise the major impediments to the use of reclaimed water by the Australian horticultural industry. These are: insufficient knowledge of impacts on market access; commitment to provide continuity of quality and supply to markets; implications of substitution of alternative water sources on security of supply; insufficient knowledge of food safety issues; inadequate understanding of consumer perceptions; and uncertainty about pricing of reclaimed water.  相似文献   

由于全球变暖,水资源短缺的风险越来越大,为此优化传统栽培模式,实行节水灌溉势在必行,调亏灌溉是提高水分利用效率的关键技术。本文首先深入探讨了调亏灌溉的机理,从葡萄树体的生长状况、根系的发育情况以及相关蛋白的表达调控等多个角度进行了综合分析。其次文章对分期调亏灌溉、根系分区灌溉和隔行交替灌溉这三种具体的调亏灌溉模式进行了详细的概述。文章进一步探讨了不同灌溉时期对葡萄生长发育的影响,以及不同物候期对水分的需求及如何根据葡萄的生长周期来合理安排灌溉时间。最后,文章总结了调亏灌溉对葡萄果实中糖分、酸度、酚类化合物以及香气物质等关键品质因素的影响。通过对调亏灌溉机理的深入研究,以及对不同灌溉模式和时期影响的探讨,为科学管理葡萄园,实现节水增效,促进农业可持续发展奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

Policy makers in the agricultural sector are confronted with challenges which might drive land use change and ultimately agricultural profitability to a substantial degree. The challenges include questions around climate variability, demographic changes, use of land for bio-fuel production and ensuring an increase in food production. As profitability triggers many agri-business decisions, knowledge about the existing socio-economic landscape and the economic profile of a region as well as potential impacts on profits provides useful contextual information when agricultural policies are designed. Given the upcoming challenges and their associated uncertainties, it is important to ensure that a map of agricultural profit can be reproduced in a scenario and simulation setting which will allow exploring uncertainties around the impacts on agricultural profits as well. There is however currently no flexible system in operation which allows for a consistent update of a map of agricultural profits in Australia or elsewhere. This paper describes a process that has been developed to produce a map of agricultural profit for Australia for the year 2005/2006. The process involves a complex data architecture that accounts for heterogeneous information that is collected by a variety of institutions across different scales. All information can be comfortably queried and query results can be forwarded for immediate processing and subsequent visualisation in a geographic information system (GIS). To facilitate the production of profit maps in the future, the system provides flexibility regarding an update of new economic information but it can also be linked to maps that show an updated distribution of land use. A map of agricultural profit on a large scale and regular updates thereof will help understand profit trends in time and across space. It will help identifying regions that have a lower economic profile and will inform decisions regarding the design of regulatory policies. As these maps are developed using national scale data, we do not recommend using the results at the farm level but we suggest using separate catchment scale profit assessments to calibrate the national scale profit map. The proposed system is well suited to be used in various land use management and economic scenarios and will represent a step forward regarding a scenario impact assessment on agricultural profits. It will also help understand the economic benefit of land use on a large scale.  相似文献   

针对以往水质评价中评价指标权重相对固定的不足,提出一种基于动态权重的水质评价方法.首先建立地下水水质评价多指标评价体系,采用熵权法和层次分析法分别计算指标客观权重和主观权重,通过主客观综合赋权确定一个随指标取值变化而变化的指标动态权重.然后将集对分析模型由以往的3元联系度拓展为5元联系度,并将该权重引入改进的集对分析模型,提出基于动态权重的集对分析模型对地下水水质进行评价.将此方法应用于宁夏石嘴山市大武口区地下水水质评价,结果表明:测点1,2,5的水质级别为Ⅰ级;测点3,4,6,7的水质级别为Ⅲ级.结合研究区地质、水文地质条件以及人类活动情况验证评价结果的科学性及合理性,并通过与综合评判法、属性识别法和模糊物元法的评价结果相比较,表明基于动态权重集对分析模型的评价结果客观、合理,具有较好的实用性和科学性.  相似文献   

Quantifying the effect of drainage on crop yield is of essential importance in agricultural management. In this article a model is described with which this effect can be computed. For both arable land and grassland the factors acting in spring, summer and autumn are dealt with separately.Arable land. In spring sowing date is the main factor affecting the crop yield. Sowing date depends on the tillage conditions of the soil toplayer. By means of an existing model, the course in time of the soil water tension of the upper layer is simulated in connection with rainfall, evaporation, drain depth and drain intensity data. Using specific criteria on minimum soil water tension for tillage operations, the dates and number of workable days can be established from the model output. The expected yield depression is then derived, using an experimental relationship between yield depression and number of days of sowing delay.During the growing season the yield directly depends on the magnitude of the actual evapotranspiration. This value can be computed by means of a known evapotranspiration model for various drought frequencies, groundwater table depths in spring, drain intensities and amounts of water supplied. The yield can be obtained from the relationship between yield and relative evapotranspiration. Combining this yield with the yield depression obtained by means of the workability model gives the actual yield.In autumn crop yield is influenced by the working conditions during harvest. Via the workability model, the dates and the number of days available for harvesting are determined. Yields are derived from an experimental relationship between yield depression and number of days of earlier harvesting. An example is given for summer cereals growing on a heavy sandy loam soil under meteorological conditions prevailing in The Netherlands.Grassland. The effect of shallow groundwater table depths in winter and spring on the yield of the first and second cut can be determined with the workability model in an identical manner to that given for arable land. Because of lack of data, a slightly different approach was followed in this paper. With the workability model the course of groundwater table depth during winter and spring can be simulated and the mean depth determined. From the relation between yield depression and mean groundwater table depth over the period November through May the yield depression can be found. Combining this with the yield obtained with the evapotranspiration model gives the actual yield. An example representative for The Netherlands is given for grass on peat soil.  相似文献   

Capillary barriers (CBs) occur at the interface between two soil layers having distinct differences in hydraulic characteristics. In preliminary work without growing crops, it was demonstrated that CBs implemented in sandy soils increased hydrostatic volumetric water content by 20–70%, depending on soil texture and depth of barrier insertion. We hypothesized that the introduction of an artificial CB at the lower root-zone boundary of horticultural crops can increase yields as a result of increased water content and uptake efficiency. The effects of introduced CBs on soil water content, plant growth, and yields of bell peppers (Capsicum annum L), lettuce (Lactuca sativa L), tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculantum L.), and melons (Cucumis melo L.) were studied in a desert environment in southern Israel. Inclusion of a CB increased soil water content by 60% and biomass and fruit yields by 25% for pepper, and increased matric head and biomass yield by 80 and 36%, respectively, for lettuce. Neither tomatoes nor melons reacted significantly to the presence of CBs, in spite of increased soil moisture. Daily soil matric head amplitude was reduced fivefold when lettuce was grown with a CB. Spatial variability was highly reduced when a CB was present. When peppers were grown with a CB, the standard deviations of water content and biomass yield were reduced by 40% relative to control.  相似文献   

文章浅谈了函数发展的历史时期及函数发展的现实意义,文章通过思考论述的方法,论证了函数发展经历的各个不同时期及函数发展带来的现实意义,得出了不同时期函数发展经历的变化及了解函数发展历史有着极高的现实意义。  相似文献   

文章论述了低速载货起车变速器设计的基本方法,目的是为从事汽车变速器的工作者提供设计模板,为工程实践提供理论和实际参考。  相似文献   

文章从具体的实际操作出发,首先对近年来我国数控机床维修中出现的问题进行细致分析,之后针对这些问题提出数控机床维修中应该注意的要点分析,期望对我国现代企业的数控机床维修技术的改进有一定的帮助。  相似文献   

挥发酚是一种毒性较大、污染性较强的有机化合物,普遍存在于大部分水体中,这就使得水样中挥发酚的检测工作尤为重要.在水质挥发酚检测过程中,会存在较多的干扰因素,从而使检测结果出现严重的偏差.因此,对挥发酚检测过程中存在的干扰因素进行消除,是相关人员需要面临的首要问题.本文通过分析挥发酚检测方法以及其测定结果的影响因素和解决措施,进而对水质分析挥发酚检测过程中干扰因素的消除进行深入探究,以供参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

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