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本文对毛皮动物品种、环境因素、饲养管理、剥皮及储存技术等影响毛皮品质的主要因素进行了分析,以便规范毛皮生产技术,提高毛皮业经济效益。  相似文献   

主要综述了我国毛皮动物养殖业的资源优势,毛皮动物生产、贸易、销售及裘皮消费市场的现状,同时介绍了国内外毛皮拍卖市场的现状,提出了我国建立国际毛皮拍卖市场的必要性。  相似文献   

我国毛皮业现状及建立国际毛皮拍卖市场的必要性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国毛皮动物资源丰富,毛皮交易活跃并且消费市场巨大,这些先天优势使我国的毛皮业得到了快速发展,我国也因此成为毛皮生产大国和贸易大国,但目前还不是强国。当前国际竞争的需要和全球贸易一体化进程要求我国毛皮业的发展必须走专业化、规模化和国际化道路。无论从毛皮业发展现状还是实现毛皮业强国目标来看,我国建立国际毛皮拍卖市场的时机已经基本成熟。  相似文献   

毛皮动物巴氏杆菌病是由多杀伤性巴氏杆菌引起的一种急性败血性传染病,是毛皮动物常见的传染病之一。其对毛皮动物养殖业的影响比较大,本文就毛皮动物巴氏杆菌病的病原、流行病学、临床症状及诊治进行了简要论述,以期为毛皮动物养殖者提供参考。  相似文献   

中国毛皮生产链存在诸多不规范农村养殖技术  国内毛皮生产链存在诸多不规范之处。首先,毛皮动物养殖业缺乏统一科学的动物饲料配送系统,保证不了动物的优质毛皮。其次,中国当前毛皮动物养殖业尚处于生产力较低下、多而散且小而全的状态,企业规模小,饲养品种单一。第三,毛皮动物屠宰不规范,屠宰方式不文明,降低了毛皮的价值;屠宰时间不当,降低了毛皮的质量。加工市场不规范;中国大多数毛皮加工企业规模小,由于受技术、资金的制约,产品往往集中在中低档次上,且产品比较单一,存在恶性竞争的现象。再就是人才市场不规范,毛皮加工技术人员、成…  相似文献   

钙、磷是毛皮动物代谢需要的重要元素,维生素D在调节毛皮动物钙、磷吸收、调节其骨骼钙、磷的沉积和溶解中发挥着重要作用。文章总结了毛皮动物钙、磷及维生素D基本功能,概述其过量和缺乏引起的症状,分析了目前毛皮动物饲料生产中钙、磷和维生素D添加量中存在的问题,并提出有效的解决方法,结合国内外学者的研究成果总结出了毛皮动物饲料中钙、磷及维生素D适宜的添加水平,并提出了毛皮动物钙、磷及维生素D营养的进一步研究方向。  相似文献   

对影响毛皮品质的主要因素——品种、环境因素、饲养管理、剥皮及储存技术等进行了分析,以便规范毛皮生产技术,提高毛皮业经济效益。  相似文献   

北欧毛皮贸易、加工、养殖业现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2 0 0 2年笔者随团对北欧丹麦、挪威、瑞典、芬兰四国的毛皮业进行了考察 ,本文主要介绍的是丹麦的自然状况、毛皮饲养者协会的组织机构和职能 ,哥本哈根毛皮中心的毛皮贸易情况 ,北欧世家皮草 (SAGA)总部设计中心及经营方式 ,毛皮分级标准和丹麦水貂饲养场的饲养管理 ,技术设备的特点。  相似文献   

提出了优质毛皮品质的要求,并对毛皮成品鉴定中常见的问题及缺陷进行了分析,对毛皮鉴定人员和消费者快速准确地判断毛皮及成品的质量优劣提供了依据.  相似文献   

饲料营养对毛皮动物皮毛质量影响的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
营养成分对毛皮动物的毛皮质量产生重要影响。综述了蛋白质、氨基酸、矿物元素、维生素对毛皮动物皮毛质量的影响。  相似文献   

Infectious factorial diseases of domesticated small animals are infection dependent diseases, whose pathogenesis is finally activated by additional, secondary factors, that influence the multiplying and spreading of latent and clinical symptomless infective agents present in the animals. These factorial diseases are not autonomous infectious processes, but only special types and courses of diseases by secondary activated infective agents. Secondary factors may be of exogenous origin (housing, climate, feeding, managing) or may arise by endogenic processes (immunity, resistance disregulations a.o.). In fur bearing animals and rabbits infectious factorial diseases arise by activation of latent, symptomless infections of mucosal membranes in the nose and oral cavity, in the intestinal tract, in the descending urinary tract and on the external skin. The majority of infection activating secondary factors go back on wrong housing conditions, extreme climate, malnutrition and simultaneous infections, but also animal specific situations and immunosuppression may influence the activation of latent infections. - Typical factorial diseases in fur bearing animals and rabbits are: the infectious coryza (Pasteurella multocida, Bordetella bronchiseptica) in rabbits, the Coli-dysentery and the enterotoxemia in rabbits and herbivorous fur animals, the ascending infections of urinary tract, particular in young male minks, and the different types of microbial dermatitis in all small animals. - In the prevention and control of infectious factorial diseases the improvement of housing and living conditions as well as feeding the animals with species conforming and nonobjectionable food are most important and essential measures.  相似文献   

文中对我国毛皮动物主要传染病流行特点和防控现状进行了概述,总结了毛皮动物传染病防控制剂研究现状,并提出了毛皮动物传染病防控建议。  相似文献   

经济毛皮动物“白鼻子病”发病原因初析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
“白鼻子病”在毛皮动物间的广泛流行已经影响到了毛皮动物养殖业的健康快速发展,虽然大多数学者认为是营养代谢病,但是到现在还没有确定该病的具体发病原因。在综合分析了近年基层兽医对“白鼻子病”的治疗体会和国外曾发生过的毛皮动物代谢病的情况后,对它们的发病原因、发病症状、防治方法进行了分析比较,以期为“白鼻子病”的防治提供新的思路。  相似文献   

人工控制光照技术在毛皮动物的饲养过程中起着重要作用。主要介绍了在毛皮动物饲养过程中人工控制光照的方法,并综述了人工控制光照对毛皮动物生长发育的影响,以期为更科学地饲养毛皮动物提供参考。  相似文献   

犬瘟热病毒细胞受体研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
犬瘟热病毒是一种引起犬类、毛皮动物、野生动物和部分海洋哺乳动物发生多系统感染的病毒性传染病。犬瘟热的宿主范围和组织嗜性主要由其感染动物的细胞表面受体决定。目前,已经确认的犬瘟热受体有信号淋巴细胞激活因子。为了更好地对犬瘟热病毒的受体进行研究,就当前犬瘟热病毒的受体研究进行综述。  相似文献   

韩菲菲  钟伟  王静  李光玉 《中国畜牧兽医》2019,46(11):3225-3233
日粮能量和蛋白质水平可直接影响毛皮动物的健康状况与生产性能,决定日粮成本,产生环境污染效应。日粮中营养物质的能量比和来源会影响动物对日粮能量的利用率,从而影响日粮的有效能值。因此,探究毛皮动物能量与蛋白质需要量,明确日粮中营养物质的能量比和来源对实际生产具有重要意义。作者介绍了毛皮动物能量体系,综述了国内外毛皮动物日粮营养物质能量比和来源、能量与蛋白质需要量及其代谢规律研究进展,并对未来研究发展方向进行展望,旨在为毛皮动物精准化饲养及日粮配制提供参考。  相似文献   

犬皮肤真菌病是犬的常见传染性皮肤病,在临床皮肤病例中占16.86%。该病表现为局部或全身脱毛,脱屑,继发细菌感染可形成脓癣。此病可在动物之间,人与人之间,人与动物之间互相传播,造成一定程度的公共卫生问题。此病多发生于幼龄犬以及体质衰弱、机体抵抗力降低和老龄的犬,也易在犬场和宠物庇护所流行。文章从流行病学、发病机理、临床症状、诊断方法、治疗和预防等方面进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The domestic animals/wildlife interface is becoming a global issue of growing interest. However, despite studies on wildlife diseases being in expansion, the epidemiological role of wild animals in the transmission of infectious diseases remains unclear most of the time. Multiple diseases affecting livestock have already been identified in wildlife, especially in wild ungulates. The first objective of this paper was to establish a list of infections already reported in European wild ungulates. For each disease/infection, three additional materials develop examples already published, specifying the epidemiological role of the species as assigned by the authors. Furthermore, risk factors associated with interactions between wild and domestic animals and regarding emerging infectious diseases are summarized. Finally, the wildlife surveillance measures implemented in different European countries are presented. New research areas are proposed in order to provide efficient tools to prevent the transmission of diseases between wild ungulates and livestock.  相似文献   

毛皮动物一般指那些能提供高档裘皮产品的动物,属于野生或经过人工驯化饲养的哺乳类动物。作者对毛皮动物的栖息环境、采食习性、行为等野生习性及驯化的关键问题和方法进行了综述。  相似文献   

The causative agents of nearly all bacterial and viral infectious diseases are either directly excreted by the infected animals or they reach the floor via other ways and thus end-up also in the fecal and urinary excretions of the animals. Occasionally pathogens also can be found in slurries of clinically unsuspected livestock for a short period of time while they pass through the gut of individual animals without colonization or invasion of the tissues (e.g. salmonellas). Consequently the manures are a potential for spreading infectious diseases. But their real significance as a vector for infectious agents is to a large extent still unsolved, because in the literature only very few and sometimes doubtful cases are described. During storage of manures the numbers of pathogens are reduced. This effect can be intensified by prolongation of the storage time. To assess the real epidemiological significance of the animal manures as vectors for infectious diseases further research work is urgently needed. After disinfection of animal manures in accordance with the regulations during eradication of notifiable diseases no cases of spread of disease became known in the Federal Republic of Germany. The problems of agricultural utilization of manures in water protection areas are discussed from a microbiological point of view.  相似文献   

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