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A new genus of Myobiidae, Hylomysobia gen. n. with two new species, H. mikhailzaitzevi sp. n. (type species) and H. chinensis sp. n., is described from gymnures of the genus Hylomys Müller (Eulipotyphla: Erinaceidae). The two species parasitize Hylomys suillus Müller from Cambodia and Vietnam, and Hylomys sinensis (Trouessart) from China, respectively. These species represent the first records of myobiid mites from species in the family Erinaceidae. The new genus differs from the closely related Eutalpacarus Jameson, 1949 by the following features: in both sexes, coxae I have a triangular process, setae ve are about three times wider than sce and c2, and coxae II bear two pairs of setae; in females, setae sci are lanceolate, setae ag1 and ag3 are absent, and the vulvar lobes are weakly developed; in males, setae e2 are absent, and setae c1, d1, d2 and e1 are situated on the genital shield. The life cycle of Hylomysobia spp. includes egg, larva, protonymph, deutonymph, and adults, male and female. In contrast to the most other myobiid genera possessing the tritonymphal stage, the deutonymphs of Hylomysobia moult directly to adults, and the tritonymphs are absent. Based on the restricted distribution of Hylomysobia species on hosts of this family (only on species of the genus Hylomys) and close morphological similarities to myobiids from Soricidae and Talpidae, it is suggested that the ancestor of this genus secondarily colonized the ancestor of Hylomys from moles or shrews.  相似文献   

In the region of the Barun Glacier, in the vicinity of the Makalu Mountain in the Great Himalaya (Nepal) two mite species of the family Myobiidae, Protomyobia kounickyi sp. n. and Radfordia lemnina (C. L. Koch, 1841) were found on Soriculus caudatus soluensis (Gruber) and Alticola roylei (Gray) respectively at high altitudes (3450--4900 m). A single specimen of the latter species slightly differs from specimens from the typical host, Clethrionomys glareolus (Schreber), in a greater length of l4 and d5 and in the form of coxal setae I, but it is not regarded as a different taxon.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, is the major strawberry pest in Brazil. The main strategies for its control comprise synthetic acaricides and predatory mites. The recent register of a commercial formula of azadirachtin (Azamax® 12 g L?1) can be viable for control of T. urticae. In this work, the effects of azadirachtin on T. urticae and its compatibility with predatory mites Neoseiulus californicus and Phytoseiulus macropilis in the strawberry crop were evaluated. RESULTS: Azadirachtin was efficient against T. urticae, with a mortality rate similar to that of abamectin. In addition, the azadirachtin showed lower biological persistence (7 days) than abamectin (21 days). Azadirachtin did not cause significant mortality of adult predatory mites (N. californicus and P. macropilis), but it did reduce fecundity by 50%. However, egg viability of the azadirachtin treatments was similar to that of the control (>80% viability). The use of azadirachtin and predatory mites is a valuable tool for controlling T. urticae in strawberry crop. CONCLUSIONS: Azadirachtin provided effective control of T. urticae and is compatible with the predatory mites N. californicus and P. macropilis. It is an excellent tool to be incorporated into integrated pest management for strawberry crop in Brazil. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Ewingana (Doreyana) baekelandae sp. n. (Acari: Myobiidae) is described on the basis of several adults and immatures collected on Tadarida (T.) teniotis from the province of Teruel, Spain. The species is a Palearctic representative of the evolutive line nanula Fain and digitata Fain. Differences within these species are observed in the female genito-anal area and in the shape and size of leg I, both in adults and in immatures.  相似文献   

The effects of fungicides containing mancozeb or copper oxychloride, as principal active ingredients, on phytoseiid mites were investigated in a vineyard comprising four varieties (Prosecco, Cabernet Franc, Pinot gris and Merlot) and located in north-eastern Italy. Phytoseiid colonisation was different among the four varieties: Amblyseius andersoni and Kampimodromus aberrans were dominant on Pinot gris and Merlot, respectively, while Typhlodromus pyri was more common than the above species on Prosecco and Cabernet Franc. Applications of mancozeb fungicides significantly affected K. aberrans populations. Concerning T. pyri, a significant effect was observed on Cabernet but not on Prosecco. The effects of mancozeb fungicides on A. andersoni were less clear. The response of phytoseiids to fungicides containing mancozeb appeared to be mediated by the variety. Therefore, the choice of one or two varieties as a standard reference for field tests is recommended. These results also suggest that the side effects of fungicides on predatory mites should be studied on different phytoseiid species and, possibly, on susceptible and resistant strains in order to gain useful insights.  相似文献   

Cuculisyringophilus crotophaginus gen. n. et sp. n. is described from the guira cuckoo Guira guira (Gmelin) from Paraguay and also was collected from the groove-billed ani Crotophaga sulcirostris Swainson from Colombia and Mexico. This new genus is closely related to Neoaulobia Fain, Bochkov et Mironov, 2000 but is distinguished by the following characters: propodosomal setae sce are situated distinctly anterior to level of setae d1, leg setae vs'II are absent, apodemes I are divergent.  相似文献   

Pterygosoma livingstonei sp. n. collected from the Kenyan lizard Agama caudospinosa Meek shows morphological affinities with other South African congener species parasitizing lizards of the genus Agama, especially with P. triangulare Lawrence, 1936, but it differs in having glabrous genua II and III. P. livingstonei shows affinities with the Lawrence's hispida species group in the characters of genital and peripheral setae. This new species was found concentrated in a nuchal "mite pocket-like structure", a behaviour previously unreported among species belonging to the genus Pterygosoma. Mite pockets (or acarodomatia, acarinaria) of lizards typically house damaging chigger mites, and are usually interpreted as the evolutionary host's response to limit damage caused by parasites. Because scale mites are permanent ectoparasites and less damaging than seasonally occurring larval trombiculids, the heavy infestation by P. livingstonei in the nuchal skin folds of its host is interpreted as a consequence of the best utilisation of an available protected site by these mites that spend their entire life cycle on their host and whose primitive body shape prevents them from seeking shelter beneath the scales of their lizard host.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Spinosad is a biopesticide widely used for control of Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande). It is reported to be non‐toxic to several predatory mite species used for the biological control of thrips. Predatory mites Typhlodromips montdorensis (Schicha), Neoseiulus cucumeris (Oudemans) and Hypoaspis miles (Berlese) have been used for control of F. occidentalis. This study investigated the impact of direct and residual toxicity of spinosad on F. occidentalis and predatory mites. The repellency of spinosad residues to these predatory mites was also investigated. RESULTS: Direct contact to spinosad effectively reduced the number of F. occidentalis adults and larvae, causing > 96% mortality. Spinosad residues aged 2–96 h were also toxic to F. occidentalis. Direct exposure to spinosad resulted in > 90% mortality of all three mite species. Thresholds for the residual toxicity (contact) of spinosad (LT25) were estimated as 4.2, 3.2 and 5.8 days for T. montdorensis, N. cucumeris and H. miles respectively. When mites were simultaneously exposed to spinosad residues and fed spinosad‐intoxicated thrips larvae, toxicity increased. Residual thresholds were re‐estimated as 5.4, 3.9 and 6.1 days for T. montdorensis, N. cucumeris and H. miles respectively. Residues aged 2–48 h repelled T. montdorensis and H. miles, and residues aged 2–24 h repelled N. cucumeris. CONCLUSION: Predatory mites can be safely released 6 days after spinosad is applied for the management of F. occidentalis. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Evidence of three distinct Demodex species parasitizing the sheep is given for the first time. A newly distinguished Demodex sp. is described, and diagnostic characters are compared for Demodex ovis Hirst, 1919, D. aries Desch, 1983, and Demodex sp. Information on prevalence, distribution in the tissues, and pathogenicity of these three Demodex species in 132 head of sheep in Czechoslovakia is presented, with a review of such data published to date.  相似文献   

An analysis is presented of a community of mesostigmatid mites from the nests of Clethrionomys glareolus found in the forest biotopes of Vsetínské Beskydy Mts. (North Moravia) throughout all seasons of the year. Main attention was paid to the structure of the nest community, relationships of mites to their host and interspecific relationships in the mites themselves. Primarily cluster and factor analyses based on correlation matrix were used for mathematical assessment. The particular elements of correlation matrix were Spearman's non-parametric correlation coefficients computed from frequencies of species in the nests studied.  相似文献   

The following 14 species of phytoseiid mites were recorded on various plants:Typhlodromus kerkirae sp. nov.,T. psyllakisi sp. nov.,T. athenas sp. nov.,T. aff.recki Wainstein,T. cryptus Athias-Henriot,T. atticus sp. nov.,T. longipalpus sp. nov.,T. tiliaruml Oudemans,Seiulus isotrichus Athias-Henriot,Amblyseius aberrans (Oudemans),A. aff.finlandicus (Oudemans),A. stipulatus Athias-Henriot,Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot, andPhytoseius (Phytoseius) finitimus Ribaga.  相似文献   

Two new species of the syringophilid mites (Acari: Syringophilidae) are described from quills of passeriform birds. Syringophilopsis faini sp. n. is described from Sylvia curruca (L.) (Sylviidae) and Syringophiloidus carpodaci sp. n. is described from Carpodacus erythrinus (Pall.) (Fringillidae). Characters are detailed that differentiate Syringophilopsis faini from three species of a new "turdus" group, and Syringophiloidus carpodaci from S. minor.  相似文献   

Three new species of chigger mites, Eutrombicula costaricensis sp. n., Eutrombicula passerinoruni sp. n., and Eutrombicula hectochaeta sp. n. are described from wild birds from Costa Rica. Two species, Eutrombicula pacae (Floch et Fauran, 1957) and Parasecia findata (Brennan, 1969), are recorded for the first time in Costa Rica and on new host species. Data on the distribution of Blankaartia sinnamaryi (Floch et Fauran, 1956) in Costa Rica are also reported.  相似文献   

Eight species of birds of the families Fringillidae (3), Motacillidae (2), Prunellidae (1), Pycnonotidae (1) and Turdidae (1) were found to be parasitized by 8 species of the genus Proctophyllodes, 3 of them being new to science: P. danieli sp. n. from Pycnonotus leucogenys, P. macrophallus sp. n. from Prunella collaris and P. puniceus sp. n. from Pyrrhospiza punicea. Other species recorded are P. anthi, P. cotyledon, P. glandarinus, P. leucosticti and P. aff. poublani. All hosts were collected in the region of the Barun river valley in East Nepal in the altitude of 3,600-4,900 m a. s. l.  相似文献   

室内条件下,观察了中华甲虫蒲螨Pyemotes zhonghuajia对替代寄主和自然寄主的寄生选择性,比较了不同寄主繁殖的蒲螨发育情况,蒲螨后代的生物学差异.结果表明,中华甲虫蒲螨最喜好的是替代寄主麦蛾Sitotroga cerealella和自然寄主台湾狭天牛Stenhomalus taiwanus,选择系数分别为0.6743和0.6493,差异不显著;其次为多毛小蠹虫Scolytus seulensis和玉米象Sitophilus zeamais,选择系数分别为0.5006和0.4619,差异不显著,但前一组的选择系数显著高于后一组.通过对单头蒲螨发育和生物学特性观察,替代寄主麦蛾、玉米象与自然寄主台湾狭天牛、多毛小蠹虫繁殖蒲螨从接螨至开始产后代历期分别为6.8、7.9、7.4、7.8d;最大膨腹体直径分别为0.9871、0.9243、0.9662、0.9423mm;每雌产后代雌螨数分别为109.6、105.5、130.3、115.9头,雌雄性比分别为24.6:1、22.7:1、27.4:l、22.8:1;后代雌螨爬行速度分别为5.51、5.20、5.89、5.34cm·min-1;单头蒲螨杀死供试寄主多毛小蠹虫幼虫数量分别为9.3、9.3、9.2、9.6头.差异显著性分析表明,除寄主麦蛾繁殖蒲螨完成1代所需时间显著短于其它寄主外,用替代寄主与自然寄主多毛小蠹虫繁殖的蒲螨在其他方面差异均不显著.因此麦蛾幼虫和玉米象幼虫作为中华甲虫蒲螨替代寄主是可行的.  相似文献   


Prey stage preference, mutual interference, and switching of Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot on Eotetranychus frosti (McGregor) (Tetranychidae) and Cenopalpus irani Dosse (Tenuipalpidae) were evaluated under laboratory conditions on apple leaves. The results of no-choice experiments on the two prey revealed that the predator A. swirskii consumed significantly more eggs than other prey stages. The predator consumed about 46% and 57% of the initial density of eggs of E. frosti and C. irani, respectively. In choice experiments the mean consumption rate of A. swirskii females significantly differed among each of the pests’ life stages. The negative value of the interference coefficient in the mutual interference analysis showed an inverse relationship between the predator density and per capita searching efficiency. The prey preference by predator was not dependent on the relative abundance of prey, as it did not switch from of E. frosti when it became rare to another prey which was more abundant except for the ratio 20E. frosti:60C. irani. The results of this study revealed that A. swirskii could be utilized as an effective predator in the integrated management of E. frosti and C. irani; particularly, its heavy preference for E. frosti could play a considerable role in control of it.  相似文献   

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