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The pathogenesis of infectious agents with human tropism can only be properly studied in an in vivo model featuring human cells or tissue. Humanized mice represent a small animal model featuring human cells or tissue that can be infected by human-specific viruses, bacteria, and parasites and also providing a functional human immune system. This makes the analysis of a human immune response to infection possible and allows for preclinical testing of new vaccines and therapeutic agents. Results of various studies using humanized mice to investigate pathogens with human tropism are presented in this review. In addition, the limitations of humanized mice and methods to improve this valuable animal model are discussed.  相似文献   

Infectious diseases remain one of the most important limitations to the successful propagation of aquatic animals. Most of the losses caused by pathogens in aquaculture could be prevented by health inspection, adequate environment and sound management practices. Effective control measures, mainly based upon 1) avoidance of pathogens 2) modification of the environment 3) improvement of host resistance 4) vaccination and 5) chemoprophylaxis are described.  相似文献   

一、细小病毒肠炎 犬细小病毒的传染源通常为犬的粪便.病毒会攻击肠道、白血球及心肌.临床症状有呕吐、严重下痢、血痢、食欲不振、抑郁及高烧.多数死亡发生于临床症状开始后2~3天.3个月左右的幼犬易导致心肌炎,形为表现举止慵懒、以微弱的喘气方式呼吸,继而死亡.幼犬即使治愈,也会留下永久性的心脏损坏.  相似文献   

Epidemiological surveillance, namely the continuous monitoring of diseases and health determinants in a population, has developed over the past fifteen years, in the sphere of human health as well as in animal health. All epidemiological surveillance networks include the following four stages: data collection, data transmission, data processing and dissemination of information. However, despite this basic similarity, the very many networks existing in France are extremely varied in nature. At the national level, the bodies involved in epidemiological surveillance for infectious animal diseases are the Direction générale de l'alimentation, the Agence fran?aise de sécurité sanitaire des aliments and, to a lesser degree, the Institut fran?ais de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer. In the field, the networks rely on the Direction des services vétérinaires, veterinary practitioners, laboratories in each département, and livestock producers' groups (especially animal health protection groups). Some twenty French networks currently in operation are presented in this article according to a classification based on published criteria. In the case of human infectious diseases, epidemiological surveillance is carried out almost entirely by the Direction générale de la santé and the Directions départementales d'action sanitaire et sociale, the Institut de veille sanitaire and the various Centres nationaux de référence (CNRs). Most human infectious diseases are monitored by one or more of the following broad categories of networks: reporting of notifiable diseases, the CNRs, the network of sentinel doctors, the network of hospital laboratories and departments, and medical causes of death. An example where surveillance is covered by several networks is also presented, namely surveillance for salmonellosis and Salmonella. Lastly, methods for evaluating networks are discussed.  相似文献   

哺乳动物热休克蛋白研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应激是动物对影响其正常生理机能的一切内外环境因素所作出的非特异性适应反应,而应激诱导产生的热休克蛋白能保护机体免受应激原所造成的伤害。随着热休克蛋白研究的不断深入,揭示其复杂的生物学效应对提高动物的抗逆性和更好地激发动物潜在的经济性能具有重要的意义。本文综述了近年来哺乳动物热休克蛋白的研究成果及目前的研究现状,以期为热休克蛋白的进一步研究提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

刘勇 《水禽世界》2004,(7):29-31
家禽传染病是危害养禽业发展最严重的一类疾病,它不仅会造成大批家禽死亡和畜产品废弃,影响人民生活和对外贸易,而且某些传染病还会给人民健康带来严重的威胁。因此,做好家禽传染病的防治工作,对于发展畜牧业生产和保障人类健康具有十分重要的意义。1家禽传染病1.1传染病的发病原因家禽传染病的发病原因包括存在于外界环境中的各种致病因素(外因)、机体内在的因素穴内因雪以及虽不直接引起疾病发生但却降低动物的机能活动性与防御适应性,或者加强外因的作用的因素。例如:鸡新城疫的发生,首先是新城疫病毒穴外因雪侵入机体,鸡受气候变化(如受…  相似文献   

After a brief historical introduction, the authors describe a list of pathogens likely to be used by bioterrorists to adversely affect animal health and production, and eventually human health in case of zoonotic agents. The selection criteria for these numerous pathogens as well as the means available for their procurement, manipulation and dispersal are discussed. The potential consequences of this bioterrorism are evaluated mainly in economic terms. The authors conclude that the threat of bioterrorism is serious and suggest appropriate measures to prevent it or to limit its consequences.  相似文献   

Control of infectious diseases of wildlife in Europe   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
During the last 30 years, new epidemiological patterns have emerged as free-ranging wildlife have become progressively more involved in the epidemiology of both common and emerging infectious diseases of humans and domestic animals. This has been seen in rabies, bovine tuberculosis and more recently in wild-boar classical swine fever. Emerging diseases are of interest to veterinarians as well as public health officials but attempts to control these diseases have not always been successful as in wildlife populations control of either host or pathogen can present particular problems. Lessons should be learnt from previous experiences to help in the management of new emerging diseases in the future.  相似文献   

近年来,随着养鸡行情越来越不稳定,我市养鹅业得到了蓬勃发展.但是由于鹅病的防治一直未受到重视,往往造成疫病的流行及不必要的损失.其实鹅的疾病种类很多,在病毒方面,除了小鹅瘟和鹅感染鸭瘟病毒外,还有鹅副粘病毒病、鹅流感;在细菌方面,除鹅巴氏杆菌病、鹅大肠杆菌病、曲霉菌外,又出现了霉菌性脑炎、鹅鸭疫里默氏杆菌病;在寄生虫方面,有球虫病、绦虫病、裂口线虫病、眼丝虫病.根据笔者在门诊临床的体验,现介绍几种危害较大的传染病.  相似文献   

Poxvirus and several serotypes of calicivirus cause recognizable disease in marine mammals. Pox lesions in pinnipeds are raised and proliferative and are seen most frequently after confinement in captivity. In cetaceans, a poxvirus is associated with a much more benign and chronic lesion called a "tattoo." Numerous caliciviruses of differing antigenic types have been isolated from vesicular lesions and aborted fetuses of northern fur seals and California sea lions as well as from clinically normal and orphaned northern elephant seal pups. An adenovirus has been isolated from a sei whale and an enterovirus has been isolated from a gray whale.  相似文献   

丁明广 《水禽世界》2002,(10):19-20
禽场传染病的控制重点在于防,而现在一般所讲的防指的也是综合防制,而不是仅仅的用药、疫苗预防。一旦发生传染病,总会对经营者造成一定的经济损失,更何况如禽流感、新城疫、传支等原则上根本无法治疗。可以说,只要成功地防治好鸡病,养鸡生产就成功了一多半。做好传染病的防治工作,应从以下几方面入手。1隔离、消毒隔离工作在综合防制中占有举足轻重的地位,“隔离”在这里指的是病原微生物与生物机体(易感鸡群)隔离开,使易感鸡群远离病原微生物,使病原微生物失去感染的机会。作为鸡群的隔离工作主要有:鸡舍与鸡舍之间的隔离,…  相似文献   

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