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This study investigated the analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic efficacy of the new COX-2 selective inhibitor robenacoxib in the cat and established pharmacodynamic (PD) parameters for these effects. Robenacoxib, at a dosage of 2 mg/kg administered subcutaneously, was evaluated in a kaolin-induced paw inflammation model in 10 cats, using both clinically relevant endpoints (lameness scoring, locomotion tests) and other indicators of inflammation (body and skin temperature, thermal pain threshold) to establish its pharmacological profile. A pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) modelling approach, based on indirect response models, was used to describe the time course and magnitude of the responses to robenacoxib. All endpoints demonstrated good responsiveness to robenacoxib administration and both the magnitude and time courses of responses were well described by the indirect pharmacodynamic response models. Pharmacokinetic and clinically relevant pharmacodynamic parameters were used to simulate dosage regimens that will assist the planning of clinical trials and the selection of an optimal dosage regimen for robenacoxib in the cat.  相似文献   

Tepoxalin is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic properties and has been recently introduced into veterinary medicine. The aim of this study was to evaluate the pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) profile of tepoxalin to assess whether it would be suitable for clinical use in horses. Six female fasting/fed horses were given 10mg/kg tepoxalin orally in a cross-over study. After administration, tepoxalin underwent rapid and extensive hydrolytic conversion to its carboxylic acid metabolite RWJ-20142. In animals that had been fed, the plasma concentrations of tepoxalin were undetectable, whereas in fasting animals they were close to the limit of quantification of the method. No differences between the fasting/fed groups in RWJ-20142 plasma concentrations were shown. Tepoxalin showed a strong and long-lasting ex vivo inhibitory activity against cyclooxygenase (COX)-1, mainly due to its main metabolite RWJ-20142. Tepoxalin and RWJ-20142 do not seem to possess either COX-2 or 5-lipoxygenase inhibitory activity in the horse. These features suggest that the drug is a selective COX-1 inhibitor in horses, with no significant anti-inflammatory activity. Thus, its long term use in equine practice could be of concern.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of cefquinome in Beagle dogs were determined by intravenous (IV), intramuscular (IM) or subcutaneous (SC) injection at a single dose of 2 mg/kg body weight (BW). The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of cefquinome against 217 Escherichia coli isolated from dogs were also investigated. After IV injection, the plasma concentration‐time curve of cefquinome was analyzed using a two‐compartmental model, and the mean values of t1/2α (h), t1/2β (h), Vss (L/kg), ClB (L/kg/h) and AUC (μg·h/mL) were 0.12, 0.98, 0.30, 0.24 and 8.51, respectively. After IM and SC administration, the PK data were best described by a one‐compartmental model with first‐order absorption. The mean values of t1/2Kel, t1/2Ka, tmax (h), Cmax (μg/mL) and AUC (μg·h/mL) were corresponding 0.85, 0.14, 0.43, 4.83 and 8.24 for IM administration, 0.99, 0.29, 0.72, 3.88 and 9.13 for SC injection. The duration of time that drug levels exceed the MIC (%T > MIC) were calculated using the determined MIC90 (0.125 μg/mL) and the PK data obtained in this study. The results indicated that the dosage regimen of cefquinome at 2 mg/kg BW with 12‐h intervals could achieve %T > MIC above 50% that generally produced a satisfactory bactericidal effect against E. coli isolated from dogs in this study.  相似文献   

Flunixin is marketed in several countries for analgesia in adult swine but little is known about its efficacy in piglets. Thirty‐two piglets (6–8 days old) were randomized to receive placebo saline (= 11, group CONTROL) or flunixin meglumine intravenously at 2.2 (= 11, group MEDIUM) or 4.4 (= 10, group HIGH) mg/kg, 10 hr after subcutaneous injection of kaolin in the left metacarpal area. A hand‐held algometer was used to determine each piglet’s mechanical nociceptive threshold (MNT) from both front feet up to 50 hr after treatment (cut‐off value of 24.5 newton). Serial venous blood samples were obtained to quantify flunixin in plasma using LC‐MS/MS. A PKPD model describing the effect of flunixin on the mechanical nociceptive threshold was obtained based on an inhibitory indirect response model. A two‐compartmental PK model was used. A significant effect of flunixin was observed for both doses compared to control group, with 4.4 mg/kg showing the most relevant (6–10 newton) and long‐lasting effect (34 hr). The median IC50 was 6.78 and 2.63 mg/ml in groups MEDIUM and HIGH, respectively. The ED50 in this model was 6.6 mg/kg. Flunixin exhibited marked antinociceptive effect on kaolin‐induced inflammatory hyperalgesia in piglets.  相似文献   

The present experiment was designed to determine a dosage regimen (dose, interval of administration) in the dog for nimesulide, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug with in vitro selectivity for the inhibition of cyclo-oxygenase 2 (Cox-2), using a pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) approach. The PK/PD results were compared with those obtained using a classical dose titration study. In the PK/PD experiment, 11 dogs were subjected to Freund's adjuvant arthritis characterized by permanent hyperthermia. Nimesulide (5 mg/kg, oral route) was tested during the secondary phase of the inflammatory response. In the dose titration study, nimesulide (0, 3, 6 and 9 mg/kg, oral route) was tested in eight other dogs using a reversible urate crystal arthritis in a 4-period crossover design. Different PD endpoints (including lameness assessed by force plate and hyperthermia) were regularly measured during the PK/PD experiment, and plasma samples were obtained to determine the plasma nimesulide concentration. The data were modeled using an indirect effect model. The IC50 of nimesulide for lameness was 6.26 +/- 3.01 microg/mL, which was significantly higher than the EC50 value obtained for antipyretic effect (2.72 +/- 1.29 microg/mL). The ED50 estimated from the classical dose titration study were 1.34 mg/kg (lameness) and 3.0 mg/kg (skin temperature). The PK/PD parameters were used to simulate different dosage regimens (dose, interval of administration). The antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects were calculated from the model for the recommended dosage regimen (5 mg/kg/24 h). It was apparent from this approach, that this dosage regimen enabled 76% of the theoretical maximal drug efficacy to be obtained for pyresis and 43% for lameness. It was concluded from the comparison of in vivo and in vitro IC50, that nimesulide is a potent NSAID for which some Cox-1 inhibition is required to obtain clinically relevant efficacy.  相似文献   

Holstein bull calves received ampicillin sodium by the intravenous, intramuscular and subcutaneous routes and ampicillin trihydrate by the intramuscular route, at a dosage of 5 mg/kg. In addition ampicillin sodium and ampicillin trihydrate were given at a 12 mg/kg dosage intramuscularly. The serum ampicillin concentrations were determined at five, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240 and 300 min after drug administration and at 360 min after ampicillin trihydrate injection. Intravenous administration gave a high initial level (16.2 mug/ml) at five min that declined to below 1 mug/ml by 120 min. Subcutaneous administration produced the lowest initial levels of drug but concentrations of drug detected did not differ significantly from the intramuscular administration at any sampling interval. The 12 mg/kg intramuscular ampicillin sodium dosage produced significantly higher levels than the 5 mg/kg dosage only at five min. Ampicillin trihydrate gave higher levels than ampicillin sodium at all times except 30 min (5 mg/kg) and five min (12 mg/kg). The serum ampicillin disappearance study (5 mg/kg intravenous) gave a two component bi-exponential curve. Kinetic analysis of the first component showed a C01 (theoretical initial conc) of 44.8 mug/ml, a ke1 (rate constant of disappearance) of 0.064 mug min and a t1/21 (calculated half-life) of 10.8 min. The Co2, ke2 and t1/22 of the second component were 6.2 mug/ml, 0.0157 mug/min and 46.2 min respectively.  相似文献   

Enterocolitis caused by Yersinia pseudotuberculosis was identified by bacterial culture and histopathology in a 5-month old suckler calf. No other significant enteric pathogens were detected. Diagnosis of this condition can be missed if selective media are not used for bacteriology and if histopathology is not attempted or the alimentary tract is unsuitable for examination. This is the first case report of Y. pseudotuberculosis infection in a calf in the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

Complex vertebral malformation (CVM), a familial syndrome of Holstein calves, has been reported in aborted fetuses and in prematurely born, stillborn, and neonatal calves. Affected calves have anomalies in the vertebral column, including hemivertebrae, fused and misshapen vertebrae and ribs, scoliosis, and vertebral synostosis. Concurrent low body weight, symmetrical arthrogryposis, and cardiac anomalies have been documented in affected calves. The syndrome was identified and characterized in Holstein cattle in Denmark; however, a global distribution of this genetic disorder is likely based on identification of common ancestral sires widely used for artificial insemination. This is the first documented case of CVM in a Holstein calf in the USA.  相似文献   

The present experiments on goats were conducted with the aim of verifying (a) whether the identity of the goat kids can affect the characteristics of milk let-down during suckling (Study 1) and (b) whether the presence of the goat kids may improve the milk let-down during hand milking (Study 2). In Study 1, 16 lactating goats with twins and 12 with single kids were used. Dams with single goat kids ejected more milk when suckling their kids at Days 5 and 20 of lactation, than when suckling aliens. Dams with twins ejected more milk when suckling their own kids than aliens only at Day 5 of lactation. Taking into account all the dams, they ejected more milk with more fat, protein, and lactose during suckling their own litter than when suckling aliens. In Study 2, when dams (n = 13) were hand milked in the presence of their own litter or in its absence, they ejected more milk with more fat, protein, and lactose than when milked in the presence of alien kids. We conclude that milk let-down in goats can be influenced by the type of stimuli applied or to which they are exposed to during suckling and milking.  相似文献   

A black and white German Holstein calf displayed a complex double malformation in shape of a thoracopagus parasiticus. By means of a molecular genetic investigation the genesis of the malformation from one zygote could be demonstrated. Both vertebral columns showed a pronounced lordosis, with the vertebral column of one animal ending in a rudimentary head. Close to this rudiment two derivates of branchial arches were found. The two thoracic cavities merged into one "thorax". In the shared thoracic cavity one heart was found. In its right atrium, a cherry-sized structure was found in which heart- and vascular smooth muscles were demonstrated histologically. The aorta split shortly after its origin to provide both animals with one aorta each. The larger pair of lungs was connected with a trachea leading to the head while the smaller pair of lungs originated from a trachea deriving from the rudimentary head. The diaphragm jejunum and split afterwards. The pedigree of the affected animal showed neither inbreeding nor any other affected animal.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: The selective COX-2-inhibitor nimesulide is used extra-label in equine veterinary practice as an anti-inflammatory agent. However, there are no data on which to base the rational use of the drug in this species. OBJECTIVES: To determine the effective COX selectivity of nimesulide in the horse, and suggest a suitable dosing schedule. METHODS: The pharmacokinetics of nimesulide in the horse after oral administration (1 mg/kg bwt), and oral and i.v. administration (1.5 mg/kg bwt) were investigated, effects of feeding status on bioavailability determined, and plasma protein binding of the drug and its principal metabolites measured. Compartmental and noncompartmental pharmacokinetic analyses were performed. The plasma concentration-time profile was used, together with in vitro literature data on nimesulide inhibition of COX isoforms, to determine the effective COX selectivity of nimesulide in the horse, and suggest a suitable dosing schedule. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that 1.5 mg/kg bwt may produce adequate clinical effects, and the dosing interval should be 12-24 h depending on condition severity. However, at that dose, the concentration in the animal exceeds the in vitro IC50 for both isoforms, so that COX-1/COX-2 selectivity is lost and side-effects due to COX-1 inhibition are a possibility. Nimesulide should therefore be used with caution in equine clinical practice.  相似文献   

Sows that lie on their young, pig "crushing", is a significant cause of pig mortality in current production systems. Although mortality rates of pigs in farrowing crates are lower than mortality rates of pigs in pens, loss due to crushing is still estimated to be between 4.8 and 18%. During the first few days after parturition, pigs are highly attracted to the odor of their dam's udder. Thus, our research was designed to move the pigs away from the sow by competing with the sow's udder using a "simulated" udder. Fifteen Yorkshire x Landrace sows and their litters (11.4+/-.78 pigs) were assigned to either a control (C, n = 9) or an experimental group (SU, n = 6). The C pigs had access to a heat lamp, whereas the SU pigs' crate had a simulated udder. Data were collected using time-lapse photography (1 frame/.4 s) for a 3-d duration at the initiation of farrowing. When a sow stood, data were recorded by 1-min scan samples to record the number of pigs using either the heat lamp or the simulated udder. In addition, stillborn pigs, pig crushing, and death by other means also were recorded. Data were analyzed by 12-h periods using generalized estimating equations. Results indicate that from 12 to 72 h postpartum, excluding 24 to 36 h postpartum, the estimated probability that pigs were in a safe area (simulated udder or heat lamp) was .89 for SU pigs, compared with only .72 for C pigs (P = .005). During the 24- to 36-h period, it was more probable to find pigs on a simulated udder (.77) than under only a heat lamp (.61, P = .016). Stillborn pigs, pig crushing, and death by other means were not different between treatments (mean = .87, .60, 1.2; P>.20). The simulated udder drew pigs away from the sow's udder better than heat lamps alone. Considering these findings, mortality of pigs due to crushing may be decreased substantially using a simulated udder. These results are promising, but further refinement should be done, including improved udder design and investigation of the attractiveness of various stimuli.  相似文献   

Colistin is an antimicrobial drug of the polymyxin group and COLIVET SOLUTION is an aqueous solution containing colistin sulphate (2 × 106 IU/mL), formulated for oral administration. The target species is the pig, particularly the suckling and post weaning animal. This investigation was undertaken to provide pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic data on which to base the selection of dosage rate and interval of the solution for the treatment of porcine colibacillosis.Colistin absorption from the gastrointestinal tract of young pigs, when administered at dosage rates of 25,000, 50,000 and 1,00,000 IU/kg, was slight or absent. The drug was therefore restricted almost entirely to the required site of action. The colistin concentration-time profile within the jejunum and ileum was established, and this enabled determination of the pharmacokinetic variables, maximum concentration (Cmax) and area under curve (AUC) and derivation of the surrogate indices of antibacterial activity, Cmax/minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and AUC/MIC through integration of in vivo data with the results of in vitro potency studies for four strains of Escherichia coli.In the in vitro bacterial growth inhibition studies colistin acted by a concentration-dependent killing mechanism. Numerical values for the surrogate parameter AUC/MIC producing bactericidal and eradication effects of colistin against four strains of E. coli were established by PK-PD modeling based on the sigmoidal Emax equation. These data were used to predict a daily dosage regimen for colistin.  相似文献   

A pilot study of 10 Dutch dairy herds was performed to investigate possible causes of stillbirth/perinatal weak calf syndrome in heifers. Possible causes and advice for further investigations on farms affected by this syndrome are discussed based on the results of investigations of blood and urine from pregnant young stock, postmortem examination of still-born calves, and a questionnaire held among farmers. Infections with Neospora caninum, Salmonella spp. or Leptospira hardjo, or a deficiency of iodine could be excluded.  相似文献   

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