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A 9-year-old Quarter Horse mare was referred for evaluation of continuous oestrus, polyuria and suspected pyometra after a glass marble was placed in the uterus by the owner. Palpation per rectum and transrectal ultrasonography confirmed the presence of a spherical object, but it was not possible to discern whether it was located within the lumen of the uterus or urinary bladder. Thus, an endoscopic examination of both uterus and bladder was carried out and a spherical, spiculated surface urolith was found on the floor of the bladder. The cystic urolith with suspected marble core was removed using a 12-mm specimen retrieval bag with endoscopic guidance. Follow-up with the owner one month after discharge revealed that the mare had not shown any signs of discomfort while urinating nor signs of oestrus.  相似文献   

A 13‐year‐old Quarter Horse mare presented for evaluation of chronic intermittent colic. Following extensive diagnostics, abdominal radiographs revealed two round, radiopaque objects in the caudal abdomen. Palpation per rectum and transrectal ultrasonography of the reproductive tract confirmed that the round objects were uterine marbles. Dinoprost tromethamine (Lutalyse, 5 mg i.m. q. 24 h for 2 days) was administered to bring the mare into oestrus, and both uterine marbles were manually removed from the uterus following digital dilation of the relaxed cervix. Follow‐up with the owner 12 months after discharge revealed that the mare had shown no further signs of abdominal discomfort since having the uterine marbles removed. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first published report of chronic intermittent colic attributed to uterine marbles in a mare.  相似文献   

This report describes the identification and removal of 2 glass balls, both of which had fragmented, from the uterus of a mare. The glass balls had been placed into the uterine lumen to prolong function of the corpus luteum for suppression of oestrous behaviour. This report adds to a growing body of evidence that severe complications can result from the use of intrauterine glass balls for oestrus suppression in mares, particularly if they are retained for a prolonged time.  相似文献   

With an objective to evaluate the follicular dynamics and vascularity changes in follicles and corpus luteum, the ovaries of cyclic Surti buffaloes (n = 9) were examined daily sequentially by transrectal B‐mode and colour flow mode (CFM) ultrasonography starting from the day of oestrus till the onset of next oestrus. Higher proportion of buffaloes evidenced one‐wave cycle (66.66%) compared to two‐wave cycle (33.34%) with none showing a three‐wave cycle. The dominant follicle of the first follicular wave was the ovulatory follicle and persisted for 19.70 ± 0.50 days compared to its persistence for 16.5 ± 1.45 days in a two‐wave cycle. The maximum diameter of the ovulatory follicle in a one‐wave and two‐wave cycle did not differ yet their linear growth rates were significantly lower (p < 0.01) in a one‐wave cycle. Colour flow mode examination of follicles revealed that the percentage of follicles with detectable blood flow in the subsequently determined largest follicle (dominant follicle) was not different from that in the second largest follicle before follicle deviation. The blood flow in the dominant follicle increased significantly on the day of oestrus. The mean diameter and blood flow to the corpus luteum (CL) increased linearly and significantly from Day 5 of oestrus till Day 13 after which both parameters started declining. At or around Day 16, there was precipitous fall in the blood supply to the CL and CL diameter that continued declining thereafter to reach the lowest around Day 20 of the oestrous cycle. Rise in plasma progesterone concentrations was synchronous to CL diameter and vascularity and showed significant and positive correlations. It was concluded that Surti buffaloes evidence a preponderance of one‐wave follicular growth pattern with a significant increase in the vascularity of ovulatory follicle on the day of oestrus and corpus luteum on Day 13 of the oestrous cycle.  相似文献   

An 8‐year‐old mare was presented for investigation of a 1‐month history of blepharospasm, eyelid swelling, corneal edema, and ocular discharge of the right eye (OD). Ophthalmic examination confirmed mucopurulent ocular discharge, conjunctival hyperemia, and a dry, dull appearance to the cornea OD. Schirmer tear test results confirmed an absence of tear production OD (0 mm/min) consistent with keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Treatment with topical 0.2% cyclosporine A resulted in an improvement in clinical signs. An episcleral cyclosporine A implant was placed under standing sedation 5 days after initial presentation. Re‐examination 9 days post‐operatively confirmed that the mare's tear production in the right eye had improved and no further clinical signs had been observed. Topical medications were gradually discontinued. Re‐examinations performed up to 12 months postsurgery showed no recurrence of clinical signs and no adverse effects of the implant. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the use of a cyclosporine A implant in the management of KCS in a horse and highlights its potential as an effective, alternative therapy in the management of KCS in horses.  相似文献   

The most significant focal points of the embryo transfer technology are as follows: the selection of donors, the response of the selected donor to the superovulation protocol and the obtained number of the transferable embryos. For this purpose, it is suggested that donor selection can be done by anti‐Müllerian hormone (AMH) levels, and embryo production is evaluated. AMH is secreted by the granulosa cells of primordial, pre‐antral and antral follicles below 4 mm in the ovary, independent of FSH. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between serum AMH levels and the number of corpus luteum (CL), total embryos and transferable embryos that were shaped after a uniform superovulation protocol. For this reason, 48 Simmental cows, which were located at General Directory of Agricultural Enterprises (region, province, etc. instead of the general directorate), were used as donors for the embryo transfer. Blood samples were taken at random, regardless of the stage of animal's sexual cycle. AMH levels were measured by enzyme‐linked fluorescent assay (ELFA) method of the miniVIDAS® (bioMérieux SA) using AMH Bovine Test Kit. According to the statistical analyses of the obtained data, AMH levels were positively correlated with CL and total embryos (p < .05). No significant correlations between AMH and transferable embryos were approved (p > .05). It was also determined that each 200 pg/ml increase in serum AMH level resulted in one increase in CL number. Overall, considering the positive correlation between AMH level and the obtained number of CL and total embryos after a superovulation treatment, it was concluded that measuring blood AMH level prior to any further costly implementation may be an effective method in donor selection.  相似文献   

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