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In this paper, we study the dynamics of economic growth for 140 countries during the period 1951–2003. The variables representing economic performance are levels and growth rates of per capita gross domestic product. Using the concept of economic regime, we introduce a notion of distance between the dynamical paths of different countries. Then, a minimal spanning tree and a hierarchical tree are constructed from time series to help detect the existence of groups of countries sharing similar economic performance. The two main clusters that are identified over the whole‐time interval can be interpreted as two groups of countries with high and low performance, respectively. The evolution of such clusters shows three main stylised facts: Certain countries move across clusters; the high‐performance cluster tends to span, while the low‐performance one tends to be (more) compact; and the distance between the two groups increases in time.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Local and regional employment growth is generally studied either by searching for local qualitative explanatory factors such as governance, synergy between firms, and milieu effects, or by searching for general growth factors using statistical techniques. The body of work that relies on this approach has tended, in keeping with economics’ nomothetic tradition, to assume that local and regional growth factors are constant over space. The focus of this paper is on exploring the spatial stationarity of employment growth factors in Canada, but it also seeks to clarify some of the broad principles behind spatial regression techniques in order to provide a point of entry and a conceptual framework for empirical researchers. To do so, we apply a recently developed technique, Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR), and we explore the method's advantages and limits for answering our research question. We find evidence that growth factors differ across Canada, but we also conclude that the GWR technique, given the number and shape of regions available for our analysis and given certain limitations that are currently inherent to the method, can only provide tentative and exploratory results.  相似文献   

This paper empirically discusses the mechanism of China Neutral Technology by Embodied Spillovers from North America, and the effect on China economic growth. The simulations show that the effects of technology spillovers on both the innovating and the receiving economies depend on SS and AC. The three sectors spillovers of North America can improve China's Hicks-neutral technological progress, but only the third industry can increase the output of same industry of China, and decrease the output of other two industries. Based on the simulations, some advices are given on China trade policy.  相似文献   

Using data for U.S. metropolitan statistical areas, an earlier study of aggregate local geographic research spillovers generated by universities (Anselin et al.1997) was extended to a sectorally disaggregated level. These findings suggest the existence of significant sectoral variation with respect to local university effects on innovation. Apparent differences were found across sectors with respect to the “mix” of applied local knowledge inputs in general, and the extent to which university research plays a role in innovation in particular. The main conclusion is that local university spillovers seem to be specific to certain industries, such that at the two‐digit SIC level, no university spillover effects are at work in the Drugs and Chemicals (SIC28) and in the Machinery (SIC35) sectors. On the contrary, very strong and significant university research spillovers are evidenced in the Electronics (SIC36) and the Instruments (SIC38) industries. These spillovers extend beyond the boundary of the MSA within a 75‐mile range from the central city.  相似文献   

“三控”施肥技术对水稻生长发育和氮素吸收利用的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
以两系杂交稻品种粤杂889为材料,设置三控施肥法和习惯施肥法2种处理,进行了早、晚两季试验,研究了“三控”施肥技术下水稻的生长发育和氮素吸收利用特性。结果表明:(1)与习惯施肥法相比,三控施肥法在减少氮肥10 %的情况下增产6 %~8 %,有效穗数、结实率和千粒重均有不同程度的提高。(2)三控施肥法具有明显的物质生产优势,其总干物质量比习惯施肥法高3.8 %~11.0 %。三控施肥法的中、后期叶绿素含量高,但叶面积指数相差不大。(3)三控施肥法的成穗率高,其最高茎蘖数比习惯施肥法减少5.9 %~10.6 %,但有效穗反而高于习惯施肥法,成穗率比习惯施肥法高5.5~11.8个百分点。(4)与习惯施肥法相比,三控施肥法在前期(幼穗分化前)的吸氮量低,但中、后期的吸氮量和全生育期总吸氮量明显高于习惯施肥法。三控施肥法的氮肥吸收利用率、农学利用率和氮肥偏生产力均高于习惯施肥法。  相似文献   

Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology - Two domestic wheat varieties were grown in the growth chamber set at 17°C, 20°C, 23°C and 26°C on average after the emergence of...  相似文献   

Employing a unique index of Tax and Expenditure Limitation (TEL) restrictiveness, we estimate a family of economic growth models using a panel of the 50 U.S. states for the period 1969 to 2005. Our central goal is to assess the relationship between TEL restrictiveness and economic growth. Results suggest that stronger TELs imposed on state governments have a dampening effect on state economic growth and TELs imposed on local governments have a weak negative impact on growth. The results do not support the argument that legislatures can use tax and expenditure limits as a mechanism to promote economic growth.  相似文献   

The Firm as Social Networks: An Organisational Perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT This paper offers an organizational perspective on the firm in new economic geographies. It starts with the premise of the firm as a production function in neoclassical economics and a cost minimisation device in transaction cost economics. By pointing out the inadequacy in these mainstream economic perspectives on the firm, I draw upon recent behavioral and managerial theories to develop a relational conception of the firm as social networks in which actors are embedded in ongoing power relations and discursive processes. In further elaborating this relational perspective on the firm as an organisational device, I show how the firm is governed through social relations among different actors, how it is a site of contested ideologies and political representations among these actors, and how space and geographical scales matter in shaping its social construction. Taken together, this organisational perspective aims to shift our research agenda in urban and regional development from promoting the growth of the firm per se to understanding how the firm serves as a relational institution that connects spatially differentiated actors in different places and regions.  相似文献   

Approaches for analyzing employment stability with aggregated data for SICs in large regions or major metropolitan areas are misleading indicators of the impact of manufacturing growth in rural areas. Performance of moderate-sized individual establishments seriously impact total employment variation in small-employment-sized rural communities, requiring analysis of the determinants of employment stability of these establishments. Aggregate SIC performance and most conventional criteria for judging probable stability appear to provide very limited predictability for individual firm performance. However, manufacturing development appears generally to have desirable effects on community-wide employment stability.  相似文献   

用Hoagland溶液培养玉米幼苗, 研究分根交替胁迫对玉米根系生长和叶片蒸腾效率的影响, 实验证明: 当一半根系处于高水势, 另一半根系处于低水势, 并在一定时间间隔内交替, 4~5天后受胁迫一半根系能够形成大量侧根使根总量和总长度超过未受胁迫的对照, 当1/2根受胁迫时, 这部分根系内源ABA含量明显增加, 与气孔导度  相似文献   

This paper extends previous theorems concerning aggregation bias in single-region and national input-output models to interregional input-output (IRIO) models. The results indicate that the conditions for zero aggregation bias are more stringent in input-output models involving multiple regions. In addition, the paper derives the relationship between the information content of IRIO and national input-output accounts. The results confirm the conventional wisdom that the information content of multiple region input-output models of the U.S. economy contain more information than national input-output models.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the relationship between financial development and economic growth. Some essential Chinese macroeconomic datum during late twenty years which include Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the whole economy,state and private sectors,investment in fixed Assets,financial relative rate and real interest rate estimated in a multivariate vector auto regression (VAR) framework. The estimates suggest that financial development boosts GDP growth, and it does not exist in reverse.  相似文献   

This paper firstly discusses the relationship among money,real interest rate and economic growth of China. Then estimates the causality between financial development and economic growth by Bivariate Granger Casual Relation Test. The conclusion suggests that economic growth stimulate financial development more in China.  相似文献   

Against the backdrop of aggravating resource and environment restriction,it is an inevitable choice to adopt the sustainable development pattern to maximize social well-being within the ecological threshold.From the perspective of ecological well-being performance,ecological footprint per capita and human development index were selected to construct the evaluation index system for sustainable urban development,and DEA applied to calculate the input-output efficiency,so as to analyze the sustainable development level of Shanghai from 1999 to 2012.The results showed that①human development index,ecological footprint per capita of Shanghai grew in step with economic development,but ecological footprint per capita level exceeded the ecological carrying capacity,thus the overall ecological conditions remained in the state of worsening deficit;②ecological well-being performance of Shanghai in most years remained in the DEA ineffective state,and the scale return had decreased gradually since 2005.In addition,the paper gave pertinent suggestions.  相似文献   

We estimate a spatial econometric interaction model for bilateral aggregate FDI stock data between 25 European Union member countries in 2010. We find evidence for spatial spillovers of foreign direct investment for three different types of spatial dependence. Our results document FDI spillovers between neighboring countries of FDI origin countries, neighboring countries of FDI destination countries as well as between neighboring countries of both FDI origin and destination countries. Relying on recently developed methods, we provide the first model‐consistent interpretation of marginal effects of market size (measured by GDP) as well as GDP per capita on bilateral FDI activity. Our research highlights the importance of taking into account spatial lags when estimating bilateral FDI gravity models.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of tax rates and tax rate differentials in a trade area on local sales tax revenues. Sales data for FY 1986 were analyzed for the 75 nonmetropolitan communities in Oklahoma with populations between 2,500 and 50,000. Multiple regression techniques were used to estimate local tax revenues as a function of tax rates, tax rate differential and local community economic and locational attributes. The results indicate that the tax rate differential was not significantly related to local revenue collection in the overall sample, but that the differential was significant for rural communities with relatively higher tax rates. Tax rate, income, service sector employment and a gravity factor were also significant influences on local sales tax revenues. These results imply that, because of the unique characteristics of rural retail markets and the dominance of rural trade centers, these rural trade center cities are able to raise local tax rates and effectively export tax burden to nonresidents without significantly affecting their retail sales when the tax differential is not a large one.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In this paper, a formal model for the relationship between innovation and growth in European Union regions is developed drawing upon the theoretical contribution of the systems of innovation approach. The model combines the analytical approach of the regional growth models with the insights of the systemic approach. The cross‐sectional analysis, covering all the Enlarged Europe (EU‐25) regions (for which data are available), shows that regional innovative activities (for which a specific measure is developed) play a significant role in determining differential regional growth patterns. Furthermore, the model sheds light on how geographical accessibility and human capital accumulation, by shaping the regional system of innovation, interact (in a statistically significant way) with local innovative activities, thus allowing them to be more (or less) effectively translated into economic growth. The paper shows that an increase in innovative effort is not necessarily likely to produce the same effect in all EU‐25 regions. Indeed, the empirical analysis suggests that in order to allow innovative efforts in peripheral regions to be as productive as in core areas, they need to be complemented by huge investments in human capital.  相似文献   

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