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The population density and distribution of the three major boring pests,Holcocerus artemisiae,Sphenoptera sp.and Adosopius sp.were studied in their host plant Artemisia ordosica.Results show that the larvae of H.artemisiae mainly bore the rhizome of A.ordosica,but also the larvae of Sphenoptera sp.and Adosopius sp.bore the rhizome of A.ordosica.The adults of Sphenoptera sp.and Adosopius sp.feed on the leaves of A.ordosica as a nutritional supplement.The distribution of the larvae of three pests in their hos...  相似文献   

应用多尺度排序法(multiscale ordination,简称为MSO),对乌兰布和沙漠东北缘黄河水与井水2种灌溉模式绿洲外围的半固定油蒿群落进行多种群格局对比研究。结果表明:在黄灌区,油蒿不仅是群落的优势种(重要值为45.26%),而且对植被格局的贡献率也最高;83.84%的植被形成了油蒿单种群格局,且油蒿贡献率高达0.889 6。在井灌区,植物种对格局的贡献率与其在群落中的重要值明显不一致:油蒿是群落的优势种(重要值为47.41%),但在植被格局中的贡献率明显下降,只有15.54%的植被形成了以油蒿为主的格局;沙冬青、白刺却相反,它们在植被格局中的贡献率远远高于其在群落中的重要值。对比2区段的其它格局特点还发现:井灌区油蒿群落植被的斑块化现象更严重一些,并且油蒿斑块内的格局强度低于黄灌区。  相似文献   

沙蒿尖翅吉丁幼虫危害特性和空间格局研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
油蒿(Artemisia ordosica Krasch.)为菊科蒿属半灌木,具有耐旱、耐瘠薄、抗风蚀、喜沙埋、结实丰富、采种容易、生长迅速、固沙作用强等特点,是我国重要的荒漠灌木林植物,在荒漠化防治中具有特殊的重要作用。近年来,由于生态环境的改变,灾害性天气频发,我国内蒙古、宁夏、陕西等地的油蒿灌丛内  相似文献   

沙棘主要蛀干害虫危害特性及种群动态变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
沙棘木蠹蛾主要危害沙棘栽植树的根部和干部,红缘天牛同时危害沙棘栽植树和根蘖苗的干部,已成为宁夏沙棘林中两大主要蛀干害虫。通过对沙棘树不同高度范围内沙棘木蠹蛾幼虫和红缘天牛幼虫的调查发现,沙棘木蠹蛾幼虫主要分布在地下根部和干部40~120cm的范围内,而红缘天牛主要分布在树干40~120cm的高度内。红缘天牛幼虫数量随时间变化大致呈现向树干上部增加的变化趋势。沙棘木蠹蛾幼虫数量随时间变化呈现明显的向根部转移的趋势,7月末,有近98%的幼虫在根部危害。之后,由于初孵幼虫的大量出现,使干部幼虫数量急剧增加,越冬前,虽然有部分转移至根部危害,但到9月末仍有近43%的幼虫停留在树干40~120cm处越冬,直到次年越冬结束。沙棘木蠹蛾和红缘天牛在沙棘树干部40cm以上危害位置的较大重叠,必然造成它们在时间、空间和营养上的激烈竞争。  相似文献   

山楂叶螨种群动态及其危害研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
15a的研究结果表明:在冀中南部果产区,山楂叶螨种群消长呈单峰曲线,不同年份或同一年份不同果园的发生高峰不同,梨、桃园发生在6月下旬至7月中旬,苹果园发生在6月中旬至8月上旬。发生高峰的温湿度界限指标是旬日均温度26.14±2.11℃,日均相对湿度61.67%±8.92%;在发育起点温度(9.2℃)与界限指标温度范围内,种群增长与有效积温呈高度正相关,符合线性函数logy=-3.5574+2.5195logx,在果园和树冠内的种群空间分布属聚集型;山楂叶螨危害苹果、梨、桃树造成早期落叶的螨口指标分别是叶均31.79、32.34、19.47头(均指雌成螨),叶片被害指数分别为61.27%、60.07%和58.01%。  相似文献   

An investigation was conducted to determine the extent of variations among nine provenances of Populus tomentosa Carr. in terms of leaf characteristics. A total of 263 accessions were studied under field conditions in the National Gene Bank of P. tomentosa in 2003. All of the accessions were characterized by 17 indices from 1 to 2-dimension constructions. Variance analysis of all characteristics showed that there were significant differences among the nine provenances and among individuals within each provenance. This study reveals that the evaluated germplasm appears to have a wide genetic base and high potential for further genetic improvements and it also indicates that abundant gene resources of P. tomentosa have been collected and preserved in the National Gene Bank. [Supported by the “Tenth Five-year Plan” National Key Project in Science and Technology (Grant No. 2002BA515B0303) and the National “863” Project (Grant No. 2002AA241071)]  相似文献   

[目的]揭示茶籽象危害与不同品种油茶果实物理性状间的关系,揭示不同品种油茶的物理特性对茶籽象寄主选择的影响。[方法]调查茶籽象对相同种植条件下的不同油茶品种的危害情况,通过聚类分析评价抗虫性,同时测定茶果质量、果皮厚度及果实大小等物理性状,分析两者间的关系。[结果]茶籽象对不同油茶品种的危害率存在显著差异,危害率在12.4%49.7%之间,而落果中茶籽象的危害率在13.23%91.83%之间,茶籽象是造成落果的主要因素。11个油茶品种分为抗性较高、抗性中等、抗性较差3个类群,3个类群的油茶品种受害率存在极显著性差异(P0.01),抗性较高类群平均抗虫率达82.23%±5.00%,而抗性较差类群仅为52.47%±6.00%。茶籽象危害与茶果质量、果皮厚度及果实大小密切相关,茶果质量越大、越薄,果径越大,危害越严重。[结论]茶果质量越大,越薄,果径越大,受到茶籽象的危害越大。选育抗性品种是控制茶籽象危害的重要手段。  相似文献   

The objective of our study was to test the comparative efficiency of neem (Azadirachta indica) kernel oil, groundnut oil and a synthetic insecticide, K-Othrine®, in protecting stocks of leguminous tree seeds against seed beetles under Sahelian conditions. The following insect/seed combinations were used as models: Caryedon acaciae/Acacia nilotica, C. longispinosus/A. raddiana and C. serratus/Tamarindus indica. Neem oil, when used at concentrations of 5 to 20 ml per kg of seeds, had pronounced adulticidal and ovicidal effects which were maintained for five months. No significant fall in seed viability was observed except in the case of C. acaciae/A. nilotica. Groundnut oil, when used at concentrations of 5 to 20 ml per kg of seeds, had pronounced adulticidal and ovicidal effects which were relatively short-lived. A significant fall in seed viability was observed over five months. K-Othrine®, when used at concentrations ranging from 25 to 100 mg per kg, had high adulticidal effects which were maintained for five months. However, K-Othrine® was found to have no ovicide properties. No significant fall in seed viability was observed. This study concluded that it is possible to use neem oil, a product that can be obtained locally at low cost, to efficiently protect tree seed stocks in the Sahel.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Dehydroleucodine (DhL), a sesquiterpene lactone obtained from Artemisia douglasiana, was screened for antidiarrheal effects. DhL inhibited castor oil-induced diarrhea in mice by judged by a decrease in the number of wet faeces in the DhL-treatment groups. DhL significantly reduced intestinal transit in mice. Yohimbine and phentolamine counteracted the inhibitory effect of DhL. It is suggested that alpha(2)-adrenergic receptors mediate the effect of DhL in intestinal motility. DhL reduced also intraluminal accumulation of fluid. Thus, the antidiarrheal activity of DhL is possibly related, at least in part, to its inhibitory action against gastrointestinal motility and the inhibition of enteropooling property.  相似文献   

用WP4露点水势仪观测不同固定程度沙地上油蒿叶水势日动态,同时分析各环境因子与油蒿叶水势的关系。结果表明,3种样地油蒿的叶水势均在5砄00最高,之后随着太阳辐射强度的增强,叶水势逐渐降低,直到中午13砄00左右达到最低值,此后随着太阳高度角的降低,叶水势又逐渐开始升高;相关性分析表明,油蒿叶水势变化主要受大气温度和光合有效辐射强度的影响,大气相对湿度及土壤水分对油蒿叶水势的影响并不显著;中午13砄00以前3种沙地油蒿叶水势的基本情况是流动沙地>半固定沙地>固定沙地,而15砄00~17砄00这段时间3种沙地油蒿叶水势与中午相反,这主要是由不同固定程度沙地上油蒿植株的年龄差异及浅层土壤水分自身的差异导致的。在大气温度和光合有效辐射强度较高的情况下,流动沙地上油蒿植株吸收水分的能力最强,而固定沙地上油蒿植株的吸水能力最弱,加之固定沙地自身匮乏的土壤水分条件,必将导致固定沙地上油蒿群落的衰退。  相似文献   

Several phytoecdysteroids have been found in the extracts ofA. multiflora andAlinerifolia using HPLC analysis. Those were 20-OH ecdysone, cyasterone. 3-acetate-20-OH ecdysone. 2-acetate-20-OH edysone, ajugalactone. We found out that those phytoecdy steroids could lead the second instar larva ofClostera anastomosis andStilpnotia candida to death. The modified mortality rate was from 44.64% to 96.24%. Those extracts could significantly reduce the amount of nymph produced by the femaleTuberolachnus salignus. The number of the nymph produced after treating with those extracts was only 20% to 70% of that produced by the untreated group. The death rate of the newly produced nymph which treated was among 33.33% to 58.82%. It was much higher than the death rate of the control group (17.57%). This research project was sponsored by the Natural Sciences Fundation of Heilongjiang Province (94003) Responsible Editor: Chai Ruihai  相似文献   

应用标准株收获法对鄂尔多斯高原油蒿灌丛群落生物量和净初级生产力进行了一个生长季(6月~10月)的研究。结果表明:(1)生长季内不同月份之间相同株型单株油蒿地上和地下生物量差异不显著(p>0.1),而地上当年生部分生物量差异显著(p<0.01);(2)油蒿群落中,地上和地下总生物量为699.76~1246.40gm-2,年地上部分NPP值为224.09 gm-2y-1;(3)单株油蒿生物量和 NPP 与灌丛体积具有较好的相关性,应用幂指数方程能够达到较好的拟合效果。  相似文献   

为探讨持续高温干旱灾害天气对毛竹林生长的影响,为毛竹林抗灾减灾及灾后恢复提供参考,调查分析了毛竹林持续高温干旱灾害特征及立地条件、经营水平等对立竹受损程度的影响。结果表明:持续高温干旱天气使毛竹叶片灼伤、枯黄、失绿变白,严重的全株叶片脱落;竹秆脱水、皱缩、枯黄,中下部位出现黑斑,局部表皮灼伤。竹龄越小受损程度越严重,1度竹死亡率显著高于2度及2度以上竹。海拔高度、坡向、坡位、土壤厚度、立竹密度、经营水平等对毛竹林立竹受损程度均有较明显的影响,其中海拔较高毛竹林高于海拔较低毛竹林,阳坡毛竹林显著高于阴坡毛竹林,且上坡>中坡>下坡,土壤厚度<50 cm 毛竹林明显高于土壤厚度>100 cm毛竹林,立竹密度3 750 4 500株·hm-2和2 250 3 000株·hm-2毛竹林高于立竹密度3 000 3 750株·hm-2毛竹林,集约经营毛竹林高于粗放经营毛竹林。典范对应分析(CCA)表明,持续高温干旱灾害对毛竹林的影响因子主要为土壤厚度、坡位,其次为海拔高度、坡向和立竹密度。  相似文献   

This study investigated the occurrence and diversity of hemi-parasitic plants, vertebrate and insect pest species of Parkia biglobosa (Keay), and Vitellaria paradoxa (Gaertn.) as well as the strategies for their control in the parklands of the Nigerian humid savanna. Results indicated that of the two major hemi-parasitic plants encountered, Tapinanthus globiferus was the more widespread with wider host range than T. dodonifolius. Mechanical control by cutback of infested branches was ineffective for both species. The major vertebrate pests consist of 6 avian species from 3 families: Nectaridae, Plocidae and Cuculidae; a fruit bat, Epomops frangueti and an unidentified squirrel. The species fed on both the fruits of the trees and the seeds of the hemi-parasitic plants. Twenty insect species from 14 families were encountered on P. biglobosa compared to 33 species from 17 families on V. paradoxa in all the ecological zones covered in the study. Species diversity was comparatively higher in the fallow than in the cultivated land. The majority of the insects encountered was of little significance and may not warrant application of control. Cirina forda (Saturnidae:lepidoptera) was a major pest causing 60%–90% defoliation of mature trees of V. paradoxa. All larval stages were destructive but control at this stage is not advised because it provides incidental source of food to locals. Control after pupation using a slow-release insecticide with a soil penetration depth of 15–20 cm is suggested.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

在毛乌素沙地采用样线法调查了油蒿植冠下生物结皮分布状况并对其影响因素进行了分析。结果表明:油蒿植冠下生物结皮厚度分布不均匀,生物结皮厚度的最大值出现在距油蒿根部20 cm处,厚度值为0.84 cm,20 cm处向外生物结皮厚度呈环带状降低,距离每增加10 cm生物结皮厚度平均下降约0.07 cm。东南方向上生物结皮分布半径长于其他3个方向,西北方向生物结皮分布半径短于其他方向;距油蒿根部相同距离处东南方向生物结皮最厚,西北方向生物结皮最薄。油蒿植株下生物结皮的分布与枯落物的分布关系密切,枯落物是影响油蒿植株下生物结皮形成的重要因素,同时枯落物的分布又受到油蒿植冠形态和当地风况的影响。  相似文献   

The present research dealt with the toxicity of GCSC-BtA (Germany–China Scientific Cooperation-Bacillus thuringiensis-Abamectin), a new type biocide developed by conjugating a toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.) with Abamectin from Streptomyces avermitilis, on arthropod pests under different temperature conditions. The results showed that GCSC-BtA possessed higher toxicity than B.t. crystal, Abamectin or Cypermethrin, with pest mortalities of 97.9, 93.7, 96.4, 82.3 and 96.7% for Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Boisd.) (Acari, Tetranychidae), Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande (Thys., Thripidae), Aphis fabae Scopoli (Hom., Aphididae), Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lep., Plutellidae) and Cameraria ohridella Deschka et Dimić (Lep., Gracillariidae), respectively. Toxicities of GCSC-BtA to T. cinnabarinus and P. xylostella decreased significantly at the older developmental stage with an exception that egg stage had the highest tolerance, in which LC50s of GCSC-BtA were 0.0001, 0.0019 and 0.0708 mg/ml for nymph, adult and egg of T. cinnabarinus, and that 0.0399, 0.2035 and 0.9033 mg/ml for the 2nd instar larvae, 4th instar larvae and egg of P. xylostella, respectively. Also, the biocide was more effective to the lower stage of A. fabae than the higher one with LC50s of 0.0023, 0.0086 and 0.0171 mg/ml against 1st instar nymph, 3rd instar nymph and adult, respectively. In general, toxicity of the new type of biocide was positively related to temperature against all the tested pests, except against T. cinnabarinus, where it was almost similar at the three temperature conditions. GCSC-BtA displayed significantly lower toxicities at 15/20°C than 20/25°C or 25/30°C against F. occidentalis, A. fabae, P. xylostella and C. ohridella. However, no significant difference was found in the toxicities against F. occidentalis, A. fabae and C. ohridella above 20°C, whereas toxicity against P. xylostella increased as temperature raised. Therefore, to achieve higher efficacy in the field, application rate and time should be devised according to these factors.  相似文献   

该文对来源于危害石榴枝干部和果实部的疮痂病病原菌Dothiorella sp.菌株的生理学特性进行了系统研究。研究结果表明:两菌株的菌丝体在5~40℃范围内均可生长,最适温度为25~30℃;在pH3~11均可生长,最适酸碱度为pH4,pH6~7时生长较为迅速;在不同碳源中,多糖生长最好,其次为单糖、二糖;在不同氮源中,以牛肉膏和蛋白胨生长最好;分生孢子在多糖中萌发最好,其次为单糖、二糖;而在氮源中以硫酸铵萌发最好;分生孢子萌发的最适温度为30℃,最适湿度为100%。两菌株问没有显著差异。  相似文献   

杜鹃属(Rhododendron)隶属杜鹃花科(Ericaceae)杜鹃花亚科(Rhododendroideae)。杜鹃或杜鹃花是杜鹃属植物的统称,为我国10大传统名花之一,因其观赏价值极高而备受园艺界青睐。文中着重论述了杜鹃属植物保护遗传学、繁殖生物学(包括繁育系统、传粉生物学、自然杂交和种子生理生态)以及种群生态学等方面的研究进展,提出了杜鹃属植物保护生物学要加强特有、稀有、濒危以及具有重要使用和科研价值种类的研究,并探讨了杜鹃属植物保护生物学研究存在的问题及发展方向,以期为杜鹃花研究与开发提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

内蒙古阿拉善左旗沙蒿尖翅吉丁生物学特性初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沙蒿尖翅吉丁为沙蒿的一种毁灭性蛀干害虫,寄主为白沙蒿,在阿拉善左旗一年一代,以幼虫在浅层木质部蛀建蛀道越冬,第2年4月开始化蛹.5月底到7月底为成虫期和卵期,为防治适期.  相似文献   

引种的不同种源黄花蒿青蒿素含量的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用恒温振荡浸提法和柱前衍生紫外检测高效液相色谱法,测定黑龙江省引种的黄花蒿青蒿素含量.结果表明:2007年引自酉阳的黄花蒿(YY-2)含青蒿素质量分数最高为0.668 %,药用部分生物量最大的为YY-3(4 014.6±420.0)kg/hm2,其主要因素受遗传背景的影响.引种的黄花蒿青蒿素含量虽然下降,但能够达到药用收购标准且生物量很大.引种的黄花蒿具有很强的适应性,可利用黑龙江省生产力差的闲置、废弃土地推广,即可获得可观的经济效益,又避免与传统农作物争地.  相似文献   

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