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树皮形态特征和解剖结构与两种星天牛危害的关系分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对50种主要造林阔叶树种形态特征,组织解剖结构进行观察,结合对光肩星天牛,黄珏星对天牛危害调查进行了分析,得出树皮的粗糙程度与天牛的选择刻槽产卵有关,与树皮颜色无在。皮层和韧皮部中的石细胞,结晶体的分布,数量,纤维素的多少,排列状况,木栓层厚度,组成,后含物均能影响树木的抗虫性能。  相似文献   

赵猛  亢晶 《林业科学》2019,(6):167-175
【目的】以漆树科3属4个种(盐肤木、青麸杨、黄连木和黄栌)的次生韧皮部为研究对象,阐明各物种次生韧皮部组成细胞的结构特征和分布规律,为植物次生韧皮部组成细胞结构特征与分泌结构之间的关系研究提供理论依据,并为漆树科植物系统演化的相关研究提供参考依据。【方法】采集盐肤木、青麸杨、黄连木和黄栌的树皮样品(样品含形成层、次生韧皮部及周皮,不含次生木质部),采用比较解剖学的方法,对漆树科4种植物的次生韧皮部的结构特征、组成细胞的构成及其排列方式进行比较,并对4种植物的乳汁道结构进行研究。【结果】漆树科4种植物次生韧皮部均是由筛管分子和伴胞、韧皮薄壁组织细胞、射线细胞、乳汁道和韧皮纤维构成,呈切向带状相间排列。黄连木、青麸杨和盐肤木的具功能韧皮部和无功能韧皮部分界明显;青麸杨的射线细胞在无功能韧皮部中倾斜分布,其余3种植物均为整齐纵向排列;青麸杨的乳汁道为分枝型乳汁道,其他3个种的乳汁道均无分枝,仅有少量相邻乳汁道融合现象发生;黄连木和黄栌次生韧皮部内分布有大量的韧皮纤维,青麸杨韧皮部中较少,而盐肤木韧皮部中无韧皮纤维分布。【结论】漆树科4种植物次生韧皮部组成细胞及乳汁道结构存在一定差异,青麸杨乳汁道是目前为止漆树科植物中发现的较为稀有的分枝型乳汁道,研究结果能够为漆树科系统进化研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

树皮结构与山核桃溃疡病抗性关系的研究   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3  
对树皮结构与山核桃溃疡病之间关系的研究表明,随着树龄的增大,周皮呈现出较厚的胞壁特征,病害较轻或不发病,感病指数与周皮厚度存在一定的负相关,其中,木栓层的厚度对植株抗病性的影响最大,木栓形成层区的宽度与感病指数之间呈一定的正相关,栓内层与之呈微弱的负相关。皮层的机械性能在一定程度上影响着树皮对溃疡病抗性。韧皮纤维比量在30%~50%之间,与感病指数则呈较强的负相关。次生韧皮部里的含晶纤维束占韧皮纤维总量的50%~55%,不同龄级之间差异不明显,与抗病性的相关性不明显。筛管活动能力与病害程度之间有着较强的负相关性,随着病害程度的加重,直径逐渐减小。韧皮射线组织比量与感病指数之间也呈负相关。  相似文献   

本研究根据吉安地区不同立地条件的265块标准地内的大量解析木资料,以山本式Vb=C0·DC1·Hc2模型为基本框架,分析了参数C1、C2与直径和树高之间的相关关系,建立了湿地松二元立木树皮材积及树皮率动态估侧模型。两个模型均能充分利用样本信息,具有稳定的参数,明显优于一元常规模型。经检验,完全适用于建模范围,可为生产实际提供科学依据。  相似文献   

引起橡胶树停止排胶主要有两种不同症状:(1)割面干涸(TPD),一种过度采胶引起的可恢复性生理反应;(2)树皮坏死(BN),一种从芽接部位韧皮部扩展的不可恢复的病症。目前树皮坏死在世界各国橡胶种植园都有发生,其危害程度取决于种植品种、树龄和种植地点。通过对大量种植园的调查,目前澄清了橡胶树树皮综合病症多态的各种争议。虽然对以前和近来的病原分析还不能下定论,但环境因素确实与树皮坏死有关。对一些开割树位的流行规律研究表明,早期病树发生的位置不是随机的,其主要发生在靠近沼泽、胶园道路、边行、原推土机过道、树桩残余地和斜坡缓冲地等区域。树皮坏死的发生与土壤的化学因素没有显著的相关性,但是土壤物理测定(如土壤紧实度)表明,树皮坏死树较差的根系与土壤较高的紧实度有关。此外,在砧木与芽片接合处首先观察到树皮坏死的早期症状。用PMS压力计测定的大量生理生态学对照数据表明,树皮坏死树内有水分胁迫。这些结果意味着患病树树干同其根系的维管联系处于非理想状态。因此,同土壤紧实度相关的土壤有效水分的减少、不能满足旱季水分需求的脆弱根系、被扰乱的树液流动和土壤水分循环等因素的共同作用,被认为是在芽接区产生树皮坏死的主要外部诱因,坏死随后向上扩展到割面。此外,细胞及分子生物学研究表明,橡胶树内在失调是导致树皮坏死迅速扩展的原因。在这些胁迫的作用下,胶树芽接部位的细胞破裂,释放出极具扩散性的高浓度氰化物。这种韧皮部内氰化物的产生和分解作用的不平衡将毒害邻近细胞。多学科的交叉研究为多因素胁迫诱导的这种生理病害提出了一个新的、完整的模型。  相似文献   

马占相思与厚荚相思树皮抽提物的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对马占相思树皮和厚荚相思树皮单宁进行定性和定量分析,模拟栲胶生产小试并对制取的栲胶进行质量分析。结果表明:两种树皮所含单宁均属缩合类单宁;绝干马占相思树皮含单宁高达36.75%,纯度为85.9%.单宁与非单宁之比为6.10,约2.34t气干树皮可生产1t栲胶,制得的栲胶不仅单宁含量高,颜色浅.而且鞣革渗透速度快,富有弹性.皮质好.证明马占相思树皮是一种优良的栲胶原料;绝干厚荚相思树皮含单宁仅9.56%.生产1t栲胶约需气干树皮4.96t,制得的栲胶含单宁53.32%.含非单宁46.47%.测得栲胶中多酚含量接近70%,可代替部分酚类物质用于制取高分子材料,可见大量的厚荚相思树皮也有生产栲胶的价值。  相似文献   

不同寄主植物“树皮”从外向内皆由周皮、皮层、次生韧皮部构成,但是在每层结构中,不同寄主之间存在一定的差异。大叶千斤拔的周皮最薄,光叶合欢的皮层最薄。在栾树和苏门答腊金合欢的周皮中,局部地方木栓层显著加厚,滇刺枣的木栓层角质化呈点状分布。滇刺枣石细胞纤维层最厚,共有4层,聚果榕、苏门答腊金合欢的皮层中未见连续的石细胞纤维层。苏门答腊金合欢的韧皮部最薄,聚果榕的韧皮部最厚,栾树周皮到次生韧皮部的最小距离最短,苏门答腊金合欢到韧皮部的最大距离最短。苏门答腊金合欢筛管在单位面积的分布密度最大。在筛分子具功能区,大叶千斤拔、栾树、滇刺枣射线为单列,偶有多列;聚果榕、光叶合欢、久树射线单列、双列、多列并存;苏门答腊金合欢射线为多列。文中还从寄主植物的韧皮部厚度、节管密度等解剖特征研究了不同寄主树对紫胶蚧的固虫密度和死亡的影响。  相似文献   

晓峰 《湖南林业》2002,(7):22-22
一、剥皮时间杜仲剥皮的时间一般在每年的5月中旬至7月底,最佳时机在雨后天气晴朗的上午10点以前或下午4点以后。要尽量避开阴雨天气,以免污染伤口,使伤口愈合困难。二、剥皮方法用剥皮刀(或嫁接刀)在距树基部10厘米处,绕树干环割一圈,再在其上方1.5~2.0米处环割一圈,然后在两切口之间纵割,走刀时用力要均匀,以刀深达韧皮部而不伤及木质部为宜(手和刀尽量不要碰到木质上)。然后用竹片从纵切口处轻轻拨动,使树皮与木质部分离,边撬边剥,即可将整张树皮剥下。三、剥后树体处理树皮剥下后,迅速用塑料膜将树体包扎(也可涂上生皮灵)…  相似文献   

一、小蠹虫生物学特性和木材检疫的关系按照小蠹的食性,本科昆虫可分为两类:树皮小蠹类(bark beetles)和食菌小蠹类(ambrosia beetles)。小蠹科大部分的属是树皮小蠹类。它们筑坑道于韧皮部与边材之间,坑道能完全展现在树皮里面,呈平  相似文献   

西昌市森林火灾给当地人民生命财产安全和森林生态带来巨大威胁,为有效提高森林生物防火能力,对西昌市周边山地林区的6种树种树皮的抗火性进行测定与分析,使用熵权法和聚类分析法,将6种树种按照综合理化性质与燃烧性能差异进行排序和抗火性能等级划分。结果表明:1)树种间树皮的理化性质与燃烧性能指标均呈显著性差异,无患子树皮厚度和粗灰分含量偏高,含水率与粗脂肪含量偏低;余甘子树皮含水率和燃点显著高于其他树种,且粗纤维含量与热值显著低于其他树种;女贞树皮厚度、粗脂肪与木质素含量偏低,燃点显著低于其他树种;乌桕树皮厚度、粗脂肪含量、燃点与热值均偏高;野八角树皮粗灰分含量偏低,粗纤维含量显著高于其他树种;华山松树皮含水率最低,热值显著高于其他树种。2)6种树种树皮的抗火性大小排序为:无患子>余甘子>女贞>乌桕>野八角>华山松。3)6种树种树皮的抗火性可分为3类,无患子的抗火性较好,可作为当地防火树种;余甘子、女贞、乌桕抗火性一般,在生物防火隔离带中可用于混交林营造;野八角和华山松抗火性较差,在大面积纯林区域应注意火灾防治。  相似文献   

White pine blister rust (Cronartium ribicola) causes extensive damage to white pines and their associated ecosystems across North America. The anatomical and cellular characteristics of C. ribicola colonization in Pinus monticola branch and stem tissues were studied as a basis for understanding host tree reactions that may be related to resistance. Samples examined showed typical fusiform swelling and some had produced aecia. The reaction of phloem and xylem tissues was compared with non-infected tissue using light and electron microscopy. Cortical parenchyma and phloem polyphenolic parenchyma cells underwent mitotic division, cell swelling, and ca sixfold greater accumulation of phenolic compounds in colonized vs. control stems. In the cortex and secondary phloem, haustoria were common in parenchymatous cells, and hyphae were abundant in the intercellular spaces, but cell death was rare, unless aecia had ruptured the stem cortex. Hyphae were also common in xylem rays, tracheids and between tracheids. Disease-induced changes in the cambial zone included development of cambium-derived xylem traumatic resin ducts. Results demonstrate that diverse host defence responses were activated in the bark of apparently susceptible trees, but lack of mechanical damage by C. ribicola to the phenol-containing host cells and the resin duct system allowed extensive colonization and development of aecia despite elicitation of these stem defences. Interactions between P. monticola and C. ribicola are discussed and compared with other conifer–fungus pathosystems.  相似文献   

树皮的阻燃性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在对滇中地区云南油杉、旱冬瓜、云南松、直杆蓝桉、华山松5个主要造林树种树皮进行结构特征分析、工业分析和热辐射作用下树皮质量变化、内表面温度变化测定的基础上,提出树皮的阻燃性参数FRP;按照FRP值大小对5种树皮的阻燃性由强到弱的排序为:旱冬瓜、云南油杉、云南松、直杆蓝桉、华山松.根据5种树皮的阻燃性和林木耐火性差异提出相应的森林消防措施.  相似文献   

Palmatine is a valuable ingredient in Chinese medicine that is produced by Phellodendron amurense Rupr.The contents of palmatine content in root bark, trunk bark,perennial branch bark, annual branches, and leaves of the trees with different ages and geographies in Northeast China were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography.The contents of palmatine in the barks of root, trunk, and perennial branch were significantly higher than those in annual branches and leaves. The contents of palmatine in trunk bark and root bark from Lesser Khingan Mountains increased with age, which is significantly opposite to other three vegetation types. The contents of palmatine in perennial branch bark, annual bark and leaves had no significant regularity. Moreover, the contents of palmatine in samples of root bark, trunk bark, perennial branch bark and annual bark varied significantly with latitude. The nature populations of P. amurense growing at low latitude contained significantly more palmatine than those growing at high latitude. These results provide a scientific basis for the reasonable cultivation and efficient utilization of P. amurense.  相似文献   

Norway spruce trees (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) pretreated by wounding and fungal infection showed highly enhanced resistance to a subsequent challenge inoculation with the pathogenic bluestain fungus Ceratocystis polonica (Siem.) C. Moreau. This is the first time the effectiveness of the constitutive and inducible defenses has been shown to depend on prior wounding and infection in conifers, although such acquired resistance has previously been found in several angiosperms. Trees that were pretreated with a combination of 12 bark wounds (1.6 x 10 cm), four fungal inoculations and four sterile inoculations 1-15 days before mass inoculation with C. polonica at 400 inoculations per square meter over a 0.8 m stem section had significantly shorter necroses in the phloem, less bluestained sapwood, and less dead cambium than untreated control trees. Pretreatment with four fungal or sterile inoculations alone did not lead to enhanced resistance. Pretreatment by bark wounding alone seemed to provide an intermediate degree of resistance compared to bark wounding, fungal inoculations and sterile inoculations combined. All trees had a marked increase in the number of resin ducts in the year of inoculation compared with previous years, suggesting that formation of traumatic resin ducts play an important role in the development and maintainance of enhanced resistance.  相似文献   

The phenolic composition of pine bark from a variety of Pinus species was estimated by measuring Klason lignin, acid-soluble lignin, and a 1% NaOH extract. Polyphenol contents of hot water extracts from pine bark were determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu assay and the vanillin-H2SO4 assay. Among the pine bark varieties investigated, Pinus radiata bark showed the highest polyphenol content and potent antioxidant activity. Pinus rigida bark was also a usable polyphenol-rich source, whereas Pinus densiflora bark had a low yield (5.1%) of hot water extract, although it showed potent antioxidant activity. Correlations between proanthocyanidin content in pine bark and antioxidant activity were observed. The results suggested that proanthocyanidin was the crucial contributor to potent antioxidant activity in pine bark. The publication of this article was made possible by an Emachu Research Fund. The authors are grateful for the fund.  相似文献   

辽育3号杨等树种对水泡溃疡病抗性的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对辽宁杨、辽育3号杨、鞍山小钻杨3个品种进行了水泡溃疡病抗性试验,通过野外调查、室内接种、树皮含水率和愈伤组织形成4方面的测试,认为辽宁杨抗病性略优于辽育3号,二者基本处于同一水平,这2个品种抗病性都优于小钻杨,差异达到极显著水平。愈伤组织形成指数和1年生树皮含水率2个指标,都是辽宁杨>辽育3号杨>小钻杨。进一步分析表明,野外调查感病指数与室内接种感病指数、树皮含水率、愈伤组织形成指数呈现spearman相关性,达到极显著水平。其中野外调查感病指数与室内接种感病指数呈正相关,野外调查感病指数与树皮含水率、愈伤组织形成指数分别呈负相关。  相似文献   

Palmatine is a valuable ingredient in Chinese medicine that is produced by Phellodendron amurense Rupr. The contents of palmatine content in root bark, trunk bark, perennial branch bark, annual branches, and leaves of the trees with different ages and geographies in Northeast China were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography. The contents of palmatine in the barks of root, trunk, and perennial branch were significantly higher than those in annual branches and leaves. The contents of palmatine in trunk bark and root bark from Lesser Khingan Mountains increased with age, which is significantly opposite to other three vegetation types. The contents of palmatine in perennial branch bark, annual bark and leaves had no significant regularity. Moreover, the contents of palmatine in samples of root bark, trunk bark, perennial branch bark and annual bark varied significantly with latitude. The nature populations of P. amurense growing at low latitude contained significantly more palmatine than those growing at high latitude. These results provide a scientific basis for the reasonable cultivation and efficient utilization of P. amurense.  相似文献   

为了解健杨94(转基因抗虫杨94)、三倍体毛白杨2个杨树品种干部树皮内生真菌区系及其优势种群的季节变化情况,本研究利用组织分离法从2个杨树品种996块组织中分离内生真菌1 175株,健杨94和三倍体毛白杨分别分离612、563株.利用形态特征和分子生物学方法鉴定为15个属、35个分类单元,包括担子菌1个分类单元,子囊菌34个分类单元.2个杨树品种内生真菌优势种群包括链格孢、葡萄座腔菌、镰孢属真菌、间座壳属真菌等,其中,仅有链格孢、葡萄座腔菌和桑砖红镰孢是两品种共有的优势种群种类,而且优势种群会随季节变化而变化.在两品种的内生真菌中,链格孢、葡萄座腔菌是最为常见的优势种群.  相似文献   

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