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张丽琴  宁斌 《长江蔬菜》2015,(20):10-11
恩施旭田生态农业有限公司(以下简称旭田公司)坐落在贺龙曾经战斗过的地方,湖北省楚天明星乡镇--咸丰县忠堡镇明星村,这里土地肥沃、气候温和、雨量充沛,适合多种作物生长。忠堡资源丰富,方解石、重晶石、硫铁矿、锌矿、松香玉等矿石藏量可观。境内的忠建河是省级大鲵自然保护区。忠堡区位独特,地处咸丰、来凤、宣恩三县交界,是连接来凤、咸丰两县的重镇,猪、牛、家禽等养殖业发展迅速。  相似文献   

山娜  张勇涛 《长江蔬菜》2015,(18):17-18
记者:可以介绍一下现阶段四季美的整体发展情况吗? 李华清:从2010年11月29日开业至今,武汉四季美农贸城的交易量逐年递增,平均增速10%.目前开业面积约26.7 hm2,档口300多个,齐聚了200多位老板,其中实力商户100多位. 菜品来自全国各地,外菜来自云南、广东、广西、山东和海南诸省,本地郊菜则来自东西湖、嘉鱼、长阳、恩施、襄樊等地.采购商户主要来自于华中五省,分别为湖北、江西、湖南、河南、安徽.当季交易量较大的蔬菜品种有辣椒、黄瓜、白萝卜、番茄、马铃薯和洋葱等.  相似文献   

河阴石榴始栽于汉,距今已有2100年历史.因被封为皇室贡品而盛于唐,唐至明清备受历代帝王之青睐.近年来,更是被誉为"中州名果"享誉中外.石榴籽粒似玛瑙水晶,风味酸甜适口,有润燥并兼收敛之功,能治咽喉燥渴,并富含糖类、有机酸、磷、钙、铁等多种营养成分,Vc含量很高,汁可加工清凉饮料.  相似文献   

朝鲜蓟为菊科多年生蓟类植物.原产地中海沿岸、欧洲南部及北非.其食用部分为肉质花托及花托的肥嫩苞片.朝鲜蓟的叶是一种欧洲传统的草药,含有洋蓟酸等物质,具有利尿、促进胆汁分泌及降低胆固醇的作用,其根部含有较多的菊糖.国内对朝鲜蓟的报道很少,但该品种有很大的出口创汇潜力,我国上海、浙江、云南、山东及北京等地已有种植.  相似文献   

近年来,在果业气象服务与调查中,了解到果农在果树嫁接过程中存在与气象条件有关的问题,并进行了试验性嫁接.试验证明,就北方落叶果树而言,决定果树嫁接成活率高低的因素除砧木、接穗等自身条件外,还与气象条件中的温度、湿度、光照、降水、风有着密切关系.  相似文献   

杨辉 《中国食用菌》2008,27(1):60-62
对我国农产品出口遭受绿色贸易壁垒阻碍的形式和原因进行了分析与综合,在此基础上提出了一些建议,旨在降低绿色贸易壁垒对现行我国农业的不利影响,推动我国农业朝着可持续绿色农业方向发展。  相似文献   

大樱桃发展的形势、问题及建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近几年,苹果、梨、葡萄等大宗水果过剩,价格下降.随着果业结构调整,小杂果不断升温,发展大樱桃热潮迭起,一些历史上栽培大樱桃很少的地区,把发展大樱桃作为重点,规划千亩、万亩基地,大批量从大樱桃主产区调人苗木,或在当地大面积育苗.随着大樱桃生产的发展,问题也不断出现,就此,谈点个人看法.  相似文献   

天竺葵的应用和组织培养   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
天竺葵是牻牛儿苗科,多年生直立草本植物.茎肉质,基部木质,多分枝,通体被有细毛和腺毛,有鱼腥气.叶互生,圆肾形,基部心脏形,直径7~10 cm,波状浅裂,上面有暗红色马蹄形环纹,伞形花序顶生,花多数,未开前,花蕾柄下垂,花柄连距长2.5~4 cm,花瓣红色、粉红色,白色,下面3片较大,1.2~2.5 cm,蒴果,成熟时5瓣开裂,果瓣向上卷曲.原产非洲南部,我国各地均有栽培.另有马蹄纹天竺葵,叶面上有显著的马蹄纹.大花天竺葵,叶面上无显著的马蹄纹.  相似文献   

大棚苋菜高产高效栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
早春采用大棚生产苋菜是武汉市新洲区双柳街菜农的创举,它打破了沿习千百年流传的"出汗"(夏季高温)时,才能吃到苋菜的常规,从20世纪80年代末期以来,棚栽苋菜一直成为当地农民早春种植的首选蔬菜,且种植规模逐年扩大,经济效益和社会效益非常显著.2004年双柳街全年种植棚栽苋菜面积920 hm2,一般1月开始播种,3月开始陆续上市,平均每667 m2产量2 000kg,产值3 000元.双柳的早春苋菜不仅满足了武汉春淡市场的需要,而且还销往周边省市,双柳苋菜2004年已通过中国绿色蔬菜认证.现将其栽培技术介绍如下.  相似文献   

1减产原因 1.1定植苗弱或带病 苗床土壤松软度不一致,不平整,播种后浇水时,土层下陷导致高低不平,使植株不能均势生长;育苗畦由于选择在地势低的地块,当雨水多时,排涝不及时,土壤中氧气不足,导致根系坏死;播种过密,分苗不及时,幼苗拥挤,徒长,根部染病;拔草不及时,草大伤苗.  相似文献   

AIM: To detect the expression of cytoplasmic inhibitor of apoptosis protein 2 (c-IAP2) and growth arrest-specific gene 1 (GAS1) in Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) and anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) and to investigate the role of two genes in the pathogenesis of HL and ALCL.METHODS: HE staining, the antibodies CD30, CD15, CD45RO and CD20 were used to screen the cases of HL and ALCL from 288 cases of lymphoma. The clarified HL and ALCL were subjected for immunohistochemical staining by SP and ABC methods to analyze the expression of c-IAP2 and GAS1. RESULTS: ①The positive rate of c-IAP2 in HL was 25/26(96.1%) while that in ALCL was 6/19(31.6%), there presented statistic significance between HL and ALCL groups(P<0.05), meanwhile the positive rate of GAS1 showed statistic significance between HL and ALCL groups(P<0.05). ②Two cases were showed to be a mixed type combined with large tumor cells of HL and relatively smaller tumor cells of ALCL.CONCLUSION: ①The different expression of c-IAP2 and GAS1 in HL and ALCL implied a different mechanism of oncogenesis and the different defects in the pathway of signal transduction of apoptosis in HL and ALCL;②Few cases showed an overlap and a likely transitional state between HL and ALCL; ③The different expressing manner of GAS1 and c-IAP2 in HL and ALCL implied the potential marks for the differential dignosis of two kinds of lymphoma.  相似文献   

以国内种植的5个代表性的甜叶菊栽培品种为材料.利用高效液相色谱法,对其各部位和各生育期植株体内甜菊糖苷RA及STV的分布和积累动态进行了调查研究。结果表明:地上部各器官中.以叶片中RA及STV含量最高,且以叶肉RA和STV含量较叶脉高:同一植株不同叶位RA和STV含量存在差异,从植株顶端到中部RA和STV含量逐渐升高,而从植株中部到底部RA和STV含量略下降:在整个生育阶段.从生长发育中期到种子成熟期,甜叶菊叶片中RA和STV的含量变化幅度小,但以始花至花后这段时间含量较高,表明,甜叶菊叶片的采收可在开花前至种子成熟期较长时间内进行.  相似文献   

西瓜甜瓜嫁接栽培技术研究进展   总被引:31,自引:19,他引:12  
综述了西瓜甜瓜嫁接栽培的意义、嫁接技术的研究和应用概况,详细论述了嫁接在亲和性、抗病抗逆性、产量、品质等方面生理和机理研究进展,探讨了西瓜甜瓜嫁接栽培的应用前景及存在的问题。  相似文献   

Burger and Page (this volume) evaluated our models of habitat preferences and breeding success of a threatened seabird, the marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus), based on the largest available set of confirmed nest-sites found in coastal old-growth forest of the Pacific North-West. We believe our study documented novel and unexpected patterns of landscape-level distribution of marbled murrelets in both heavily logged and relatively intact old-growth landscapes and provided insights into how these patterns influence their reproduction, and, eventually, management. Considering the importance of the issue and to ensure appropriate and responsible use of the information we welcome discussion, detailed scrutiny and evaluation of our original results. Burger and Page claim to have identified flaws with model interpretation, data quality, statistical approaches, presentation and interpretation of our results that would invalidate our conclusions. We respond that most of their critique is irrelevant and/or misdirected with respect to our study and the interpretation of GIS data models, and that valid aspects of their claims do not critically affect our conclusions.  相似文献   

柱型与普通型苹果叶片结构与叶绿体超微结构比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
梁美霞  戴洪义  葛红娟 《园艺学报》2009,36(10):1504-1510
 采用石蜡切片法、扫描电镜和透射电镜法对柱型和普通型苹果各3个品种的叶片结构和叶绿 体超微结构进行比较。结果表明, 柱型苹果叶片每一层内的栅栏组织细胞大小不等, 细胞排列相对杂乱,各层细胞之间相互交错, 层与层之间分界线不明显; 而普通型苹果叶片每一层内的栅栏组织细胞大小一致,细胞排列整齐紧密, 各层之间分界线明显。柱型苹果的叶片总厚度、栅栏组织厚度和栅海比均显著高于普通型苹果。柱型苹果上表皮细胞表面的褶皱明显多于普通型苹果, 表皮细胞隆起的高度较高。两种类型苹果的气孔长度差异不明显, 但柱型苹果的气孔密度显著高于普通型, 气孔宽度则是显著低于普通型。柱型苹果叶绿体内基粒或基质片层与叶绿体长轴方向不平行, 基粒片层排列不规则, 片层数相对较少; 而普通型苹果叶绿体内的基粒或基质片层与叶绿体长轴方向平行排列, 基粒片层排列整齐致密, 片层数相对较多。  相似文献   

平菇子实体内钼,镁富集量,平菇产量,营养成分均与钼、镁添加剂施用浓度相关。钼浓度为484.05mg/kg,镁浓度为1016.92mg/kg时,平菇子实体内钼富集量极大值达13.76mg/kg。钼浓度高于538.35mg/kg,镁浓度高于662.48mg/kg时,镁富集量与钼、镁浓度呈正相关。钼浓度为489.14mg/kg,平菇产量高达158.44g/瓶;钼浓度为538.92mg/kg时,蛋白质含量最大达31.3%。在钼、镁的某些浓度范围内,平菇体内钼、镁富集存在拮抗作用。钼浓度为538.35mg/kg时,镁富集量极小值为0.217%;镁浓度为1087.61mg/kg时,产量最小值为155.01g/瓶;镁浓度为690.52mg/kg时,蛋白质含量最小值为31.20%。当镁浓度高于1087.61mg/kg时,平菇产量与平菇体内镁富集量呈正相关;镁浓度高于690.52mg/kg时,平菇体内蛋白质含量与镁富集量呈正相关。  相似文献   

AIM:To Study on the expressive levels of PTTG and FHIT and detect their clinicopathological significances in gastric cancer and pericancerous tissues.METHODS:Immunohistochemical method was used on routinely paraffin-embedded sections of 49 cases with gastric cancer and 20 subjects with pericancerous tissues. RESULTS:The positive rate and score of PTTG in gastric cancer were significantly higher than those in pericancerous tissues (P<0.05,P<0.01),but those of FHIT were opposite (P<0.05,P<0.01),the positive cases of PTTG and negative subjects of FHIT showed severely-atypical hyperplasis. The positive rate and score of PTTG were significantly lower in the cases of infiltrating depth T1-T2 and without-metastasis of distant organs than those in the subjects of infiltrating depth T3-T4 and with-metastasis of distant organs(P<0.05,P<0.01). The positive rate and score of FHIT were significantly higher in the cases of infiltrating depth T1-T2,without-metastasis of lymphnodes,with-metastasis of the first site lymphnodes,and without metatstasis of distant organs than those in the subjects of infiltrating depth T3-T4,with-metastasis of lymphnodes,with-metastasis of the third site lymphnodes,and with-metastasis of distant organs(P<0.05,P<0.01). The significantly negative correlation was found between the score of PTTG and FHIT in gastric cancer tissues(r=-0.36,P<0.01). CONCLUSION:The expression of PTTG and FHIT might be important biological markers for reflecting the carcinogenesis,progression,invasive potential,metastastic status and prognosis of gastric cancer. The assays of PTTG and FHIT in benign lesions might have clinical values for the prevention and early-stage finding of gastric cancer.  相似文献   

本文介绍了1986—1990年番茄专题9个单位育成的19个鲜食、加工番茄新品种(系),其抗病性、品质、产量均优于对照品种,并已通过了农业部主持的专家组验收。  相似文献   

嫁接辣椒对青枯病的抗性及其与渗透调节物质的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 青枯病是当前设施辣椒主要的土传病害之一。为了选择抗性砧木和探讨嫁接辣椒的抗病机理,通过人工接种青枯病原菌,分析了不同辣椒品种砧木的发病率和病情指数变化,结果表明:‘富根卫士’(简称‘卫士’)发病晚,发病率低,病情指数最小,抗病性最强。以‘卫士’辣椒为砧木,以‘新丰2号’为接穗进行嫁接,以接穗自根嫁接为对照,研究其发病率、病情指数和渗透调节物质的变化。结果表明:嫁接植株的发病率和病情指数显著低于对照,接种20 d时,嫁接植株发病率和病情指数分别比对照低33%和43%。接种前嫁接的植株根系和叶片的含水量、水势、渗透势均低于对照,束缚水/自由水比值、可溶性糖及脯氨酸含量均高于对照。接种后,辣椒根系和叶片的含水量、水势、渗透势均逐渐降低,束缚水/自由水比值逐渐升高,可溶性糖和脯氨酸含量先升高后降低;与对照相比,嫁接植株根系和叶片的含水量、水势、渗透势的降低幅度及束缚水/自由水比值升高幅度明显较小,可溶性糖和脯氨酸含量显著增加。研究结果表明嫁接可显著提高辣椒青枯病的抗性,其抗病机理与渗透调节能力增强有关。  相似文献   

AIM: To compare effects of SiNi-decoction and Vitamin E on vascular endothelial function of experimental atherosclerosis rabbits and their therapeutic action on atherosclerosis.METHODS:The model of experimental atherosclerosis rabbits fed with forage of high lipid was established and treated in groups randomly. At the end of the experiment, samples of aorta and blood were taken and the percentage of lipid plaque area of aortic endothelium ,lipid metabolism and vascular endothelial oxidative injury (SOD activity, MDA content, NO level, endothelin concentration) of each group were analyzed. RESULTS: In comparison with model group,the percentage of the lipid plaque area of aortic endothelium and endothelial oxidative injury (except for SOD of VitE group) of SiNi-high and mid-dose group and VitE group are reduced obviously (P<0.05),and the index of lipid metabolism of SiNi-decoction group is improved (P<0.05). CONCLUSION:The comprehensive therapentic effects of SiNi decoction on vascular endothelial oxidative injury and atherosclerosis are superior to VitE.  相似文献   

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