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周文来 《浙江柑橘》2008,25(2):8-11
黄岩蜜橘是黄岩农业的主导产业,也是食品加工业的重要原料。无论是鲜果,还是经加工之后的橘子罐头,都是黄岩区出口创汇的名品。随着一批新兴橘区于1980年代以后的相继崛起,橘果产业内的竞争趋向激烈。在黄岩蜜橘的种植区域内,工业经济的快速发展,形成了对黄岩蜜橘在空间上的挤压;黄龙病的为害,更给黄岩蜜橘这一传统优势产业蒙上了一层阴影。现状是橘园面积逐年减少,橘果总产量连续下降,橘农种橘的积极性大不如前。  相似文献   

朝鲜蓟为菊科多年生蓟类植物.原产地中海沿岸、欧洲南部及北非.其食用部分为肉质花托及花托的肥嫩苞片.朝鲜蓟的叶是一种欧洲传统的草药,含有洋蓟酸等物质,具有利尿、促进胆汁分泌及降低胆固醇的作用,其根部含有较多的菊糖.国内对朝鲜蓟的报道很少,但该品种有很大的出口创汇潜力,我国上海、浙江、云南、山东及北京等地已有种植.  相似文献   

山娜 《长江蔬菜》2015,(16):13-14
在白沙洲批发市场,甜玉米的销售价格从5月初的3.8元/kg降至现在的2.4元/kg,说明眼下又到了甜玉米集中上市的季节。随着价格的下跌,市民对甜玉米的购买热情有增无减,白沙洲批发市场甜玉米的日均销量高达472.4 t,在主销蔬菜品种中一举拔得头筹。  相似文献   

正没有人能够知道,五月的原野上盛开着多少种鲜花。在这个五彩缤纷的季节里,有一种花,她盛开在三湘大地的广袤原野,绽放在青青山岗的灌木丛中,缠绕在农家小院的篱笆墙头,飘香于村姑农妇的两鬓发际。她有着来自原野的自由散漫,又兼具小女子那种柔藤缠树的依附,她的花蕾从来都是相伴而生,好似一对相亲相爱的双胞胎姐妹,姐姐的名字叫金,妹妹的名字叫银,她就是那一年年一季季盛开在我的心头,让我忘不了、放不下的,大自然里最朴实无华的金银  相似文献   

海柏公园(High Park)是加拿大多伦多市中心最大的一个公园,占地1.6平方公里,堪比英国伦敦的海德公园、美国纽约的中央公园。海柏公园一年之中最热闹的时候,当属樱花盛开的季节。每逢春季,园中的樱花树花开如海,吸引着无数的游人前来观瞻。一般赏樱盛开的时节在四月底五月初,2011年加拿大的春天来得晚  相似文献   

说来惭愧,我的第一棵花是偷来的。我偷的不是足以使我锒铛入狱、价值百万的天价兰花,而是当时我们这边并不多见的金边吊兰。那时我尚不足学龄。一天,经过我们农场场长家门口时,我眼前一亮,两盆金边吊兰在树阴下享受着班驳陆离的阳光,娇嫩欲滴的叶子在微风中惬意地摇晃。在那之前我所见过的植物都是全绿的,我不信天底下竞有植物可  相似文献   

选育一个特色、富有推广前景的蔬菜新品种,需花费育种者们数年的汗水和智慧。如何将优秀的蔬菜新品种快速推上市场,为种植户、经销商及育种者带来更高更快的经济效益,是每个拥有蔬菜新品种知识产权的单位(或组织)必须面对的问题。  相似文献   

设施农业不良环境因素发生与防治对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着农业产业化结构的不断调整,设施农业如雨后春笋,在辽北这片肥沃的土地上成规模地发展起来,给广大农民带来了直接的效益,由于辽北地区所处北温带季风性气候,10月份开始到次年的4月份,开始进行蔬菜生产,各类型蔬菜在长达210多天的人为控制的环境下生长,与此同时各种不良的环境因素也时刻在阻碍着蔬菜的生长发育,它们以不同的方式,不同的特点威胁着蔬菜的生长.  相似文献   

蔬菜是人们生活中的重要副食品之一,含有人体所需的维生素、碳水化合物、矿质元素、蛋白质等营养成分。随着营养学的发展,人们进一步认识到纤维素对人体健康的重要作用,在传统的五大营养源(碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪、维生素、矿质元素)基础上添加了纤维素,称为六大营养源。蔬菜是纤维素的重要来源之一,因而在一些涉及蔬菜营养的书籍、文献中,常常会看到“粗纤维”、“纤维素”、“半纤维素”、“膳食纤维”等专有名词。由于这些名词的特定含义及其相互之间的交叉关系,有时会在非专业人员中造成歧义。  相似文献   

  因栽培管理条件不同,单个竹笋质量大的200~250 g,小的50 g左右;成年植株高度高的9~10 m,矮的2~3 m;胸径粗的4~5 cm,细的1.5~2 cm。成年植株的节间长度一般为15~20 cm,每条小枝一般长有5~6片叶,多的长有9~10片叶,叶片狭小呈瓦状卷曲;竹鞭一般生长在深度10~30 cm的土壤中。3月初至4月底出春笋,9月初至11月底出秋笋。细叶雷竹耐低温,怕积水,适宜生长于肥沃的土壤。  相似文献   

以豌豆为试验材料,采用水培方法研究了镧对镉、汞复合胁迫下豌豆种子萌发与生长的影响.结果表明:当镉、汞浓度都为5 mg/L时,0.2 mg/L的镧对镉、汞的解毒效应最为显著,表现为能够促进镉、汞复合污染下豌豆幼苗的萌发,促进豌豆幼苗根和芽的生长,降低豌豆幼苗根尖细胞的细胞核畸变率,提高豌豆幼苗的叶绿素含量及过氧化物酶(POD)的活性.当镧浓度高于0.4 mg/L时,则与镉、汞协同迫害豌豆幼苗的生长.  相似文献   

AIM: To detect the expression of cytoplasmic inhibitor of apoptosis protein 2 (c-IAP2) and growth arrest-specific gene 1 (GAS1) in Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) and anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) and to investigate the role of two genes in the pathogenesis of HL and ALCL.METHODS: HE staining, the antibodies CD30, CD15, CD45RO and CD20 were used to screen the cases of HL and ALCL from 288 cases of lymphoma. The clarified HL and ALCL were subjected for immunohistochemical staining by SP and ABC methods to analyze the expression of c-IAP2 and GAS1. RESULTS: ①The positive rate of c-IAP2 in HL was 25/26(96.1%) while that in ALCL was 6/19(31.6%), there presented statistic significance between HL and ALCL groups(P<0.05), meanwhile the positive rate of GAS1 showed statistic significance between HL and ALCL groups(P<0.05). ②Two cases were showed to be a mixed type combined with large tumor cells of HL and relatively smaller tumor cells of ALCL.CONCLUSION: ①The different expression of c-IAP2 and GAS1 in HL and ALCL implied a different mechanism of oncogenesis and the different defects in the pathway of signal transduction of apoptosis in HL and ALCL;②Few cases showed an overlap and a likely transitional state between HL and ALCL; ③The different expressing manner of GAS1 and c-IAP2 in HL and ALCL implied the potential marks for the differential dignosis of two kinds of lymphoma.  相似文献   

以国内种植的5个代表性的甜叶菊栽培品种为材料.利用高效液相色谱法,对其各部位和各生育期植株体内甜菊糖苷RA及STV的分布和积累动态进行了调查研究。结果表明:地上部各器官中.以叶片中RA及STV含量最高,且以叶肉RA和STV含量较叶脉高:同一植株不同叶位RA和STV含量存在差异,从植株顶端到中部RA和STV含量逐渐升高,而从植株中部到底部RA和STV含量略下降:在整个生育阶段.从生长发育中期到种子成熟期,甜叶菊叶片中RA和STV的含量变化幅度小,但以始花至花后这段时间含量较高,表明,甜叶菊叶片的采收可在开花前至种子成熟期较长时间内进行.  相似文献   

AIM: To study the effect of chronic hypoxic hypercapnia on expression of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1). METHODS: Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into three groups: control group(A),hypoxic hypercapnic group(B), hypoxic hypercapnia+hemin group(C). HO-1 and HO-1 mRNA were observed in pulmonary arterioles by the technique of immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. RESULTS: ① mPAP and weight ratio of right ventricle (RV) to left ventricle plus septum (LV+S) were significantly higher in rats of B group than those of A and C group (P<0.01). Differences of mCAP were not significant in three groups(P>0.05). ② Blood CO concentration was significantly higher in rats of B group than that of A group (P<0.01), it was much higher in C group than that of B group(P<0.01). ③ Light microscopy showed that vessel well area/total area (WA/TA), density of medial smooth muscle cell (SMC) and media thickness of pulmonary arterioles were much higher in rats of B group than those of A and C group (P<0.01). ④ The observation by electron microscopy showed proliferation of medial smooth muscle cells and collageous fibers of pulmonary arterioles in rats of B group, hemin could reverse the changes mentioned above. ⑤ HO-1 and HO-1 mRNA in pulmonary arterioles was significantly higher in rats of B group than those of A group(P<0.01), and they were significantly higher in rats of C group than those of B group (P<0.01). CONCLUSION: Expression of HO-1 mRNA and HO-1 in pulmonary arterioles was enhanced by hypoxic hypercapnia. Hemin partly inhibited pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary vessel remodeling by enhancing the expression of HO-1 mRNA and HO-1.  相似文献   

The replacement of living lawns with synthetic (plastic) grass seems to be on the increase in cities. This paper presents some environmental and societal considerations relating to the installation of artificial lawns to encourage research of the phenomenon at this early stage of emergence. After first discussing the development of ‘third generation’ synthetic grasses that have made artificial lawns more appealing, it then considers how the replacement of living lawns with plastic grass represents a potentially concerning step towards ecological simulation, or the replacement of real ecosystems with simulacra that address cultural desires but remove nature altogether. The paper then examines some of the possible environmental and societal impacts that may result from the replacement of living lawns with their artificial counterparts, and concludes with the presentation of a research framework for investigation of the emerging artificial urban lawnscape.  相似文献   

AIM:To study the effect of L-Arg on plasma content of endothelin (ET) and the expression of proto-oncogene c-fos mRNA in the left ventricle of rats with renovascular hypertensive hypertrophy. METHODS: The level of c-fos mRNA were measured by in situ hybridization. The ET in plasma were measured by radioimmunoassay. RESULTS:After eight weeks of treatment with L-Arg, the expression of c-fos decreased markedly (P<0.01). The ET content in plasma also decreased significantly by L-Arg(P<0.01).CONCLUSION: Plasma ET content and the expression of c-fos in the left ventricle of rats with renovascular hypertensive hypertrophy could be decreased by L-Arg administration.  相似文献   

通过定株对7种壳斗科常绿树种的物候期进行定期观察,基本掌握了各树种在南京地区的物候期和各生育期维持的时间,为壳斗科常绿耐寒树种在江苏地区的推广利用提供了依据。结果表明:7种植物生长适应性良好,6种植物开花结果正常,东南柯未见坐果期。不同属间壳斗科常绿树种的物候期存在差异,2种青冈属常绿树种花期较短,平均11.50 d,2种石栎属常绿树种果实次年发育成熟,且花期较长,平均为36 d;栎属常绿树种(乌冈栎)花期出现较早,为4月,时长较短为18 d;栲属常绿树种(苦槠)花期较短,为15 d。石栎属3个种间物候期差异最大,表现为石栎萌芽最迟,绵石栎花期较长,东南柯物候期不完整。  相似文献   

AIM: To examine the expression of alpha-smooth muscle actin in scar tissue, and observe the phenomenon of apoptosis and its involvement in the process of pathological scarring and the presence of myofibroblasts or absence of cell in the dermis. To investigate the potential role of reparative cell apoptosis in hyperplastic scar formation. METHODS: The samples of scar were obtained from post-burn patients undergoing plastic operation in our burn unit recently, and the samples of control came from skin donor site of the same patient correspondingly. TUNEL assays were performed to evaluate the number of apoptotic cells in scar versus normal skin. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry staining technique were employed to determine the expression of different dermis cells markers in scar tissue and normal skin. RESULTS: There existed evident difference in apoptotic cells in the dermis between scars tissue and normal human skin. The expression positive cells were much more in hyperplastic scars than that in normal human skin; the apoptotic cells of proliferative stage were slight more than that of mature stage. However, in proliferative stage, the number of apoptotic cells was higher for the combination of hyperplastic scar than normally healed flat scars. But in mature stage, no obviously difference was detected between hyperplastic scar and normally healed flat scar. The monoclonal anti-α smooth muscle actin (ASMA) expression was significantly stronger in proliferative stage than that of mature stage. CONCLUSIONS: With reconstitution of dermal tissue, myofibroblasts containing alpha-SM actin disappear under normal wound healing, probably as a result of apoptosis. The myofibroblast play a critical role in wound closure and in the pathologic sequelae of healing.  相似文献   

为研究核桃内果皮硬化主要涉及的生物过程及生长素在硬化过程中的作用,以‘新露’核桃为研究试材,形态学观察及木质素沉积分析表明,内果皮硬化与其表面维管束分布具有密切关系,靠近维管组织附近的内果皮硬化先于远离维管的区域。IAA含量在内果皮硬化过程中呈V字形变化;IAA在5个时期平均含量最高(16.467 ng·g-1),约为IBA、ICA和ME-IAA总和的6.8倍。木质素合成中间代谢物分析显示,木质素单体对香豆醇在内果皮硬化区的含量是未硬化区的16倍,芥子醇在内果皮硬化区的含量极高,但在未硬化区未检测到存在,且随着硬化进程这两种物质在内果皮硬化区的含量总体呈上升趋势。转录组与蛋白组关联分析获得了内果皮硬化相关的差异表达基因369条,在转录水平和蛋白质水平同时存在差异的基因关联结果较好,相关系数最低为0.48124;但差异表达基因整体关联结果较差,相关系数最高为0.22112。利用Metascape构建了差异表达基因显著富集的前20个生物学功能之间的关系网络,发现内果皮硬化主要涉及苯丙烷类代谢、氧胁迫响应、细胞壁组织与生物合成和氨基糖与核酸糖代谢4个生物过程。荧光定量结果表明,AUX/IAA...  相似文献   

AIM: The aim of this study was to study the changes of rabbit heart electrophysiological properties caused by increasing left ventricular afterload, and to assess the effects of streptomycin or verapamil on these changes. METHODS: The rabbit heart preparation in situ was used, and the afterload of left ventricle was increased by clipping in part the root of ascending aorta. The changes of heart electrophysiological parameters including relative refractory period (RRP), effective refractory period (ERP), monophasic action potential duration (MAPD90) and ventricular fibrillation threshold(VFT) were observed before and after altering the afterload of left ventricle and were compared in the absence and presence of streptomycin or verapamil. RESULTS: The rising of left ventricular afterload led to shortening of RRP, ERP and MAPD90, and to descent of VFT (P<0.01). Streptomycin inhibited these changes of heart electrophysiological parameters caused by elevation of left ventricular afterload. In contrast, verapamil had no effects on the afterload-related changes of RRP, ERP and MAPD90 (P>0.05) except increasing of VFT (P<0.01). CONCLUSION: The electrophysilogical effect of streptomycin appears consistent with inhibition of stretch-activated ion channels, suggesting that the stretch-activated ion channels might be involved in the afterload-related changes of heart electrophysiological properties.  相似文献   

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