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从马克思土地产权理论、三权分置、新型城镇化的内涵以及国内外的研究现状入手,在熵权法原理的基础上,对"三权分置"背景下六安市的新型城镇化发展水平进行了熵评价,结果表明:六安市新型城镇化发展水平整体呈逐年上升趋势,其中2010~2013年,发展指数从0.12438上升到0.41212,呈缓慢上升趋势;2013~2014年指数从0.41212下降至0.39597,呈缓慢下降趋势;2014~2017年指数又从0.39597上升到0.92923,呈较快上升趋势。最后,对提升六安市新型城镇化发展水平提出了对策。  相似文献   

森林和湿地是陆地最重要的两大生态系统,分别被称为"地球之肺"和.地球之肾",它们以70%以上的程度参与和影响着地球化学循环的过程,在生物界与非生物界的物质交换和能量流动中扮演着主要角色,对保持陆地生态系统的整体功能、维护地球生态平衡、促进经济与生态协调发展发挥着中枢和杠杆作用.  相似文献   

提出一种基于k-mean聚类与灰度-梯度最大熵的树木图像分割算法,将要处理的树木彩色图像在RGB颜色空间下进行基k-mean聚类,通过选取合适的类参数实现初分割.由于灰度-梯度空间清晰地描绘图像中各个像素点的灰度、梯度的分布规律及图像目标与背景之间的边缘情况,采用灰度-梯度最大熵算法进行精分割,结合形态学后处理提取图像边缘最终将获得更理想的独立目标图像.与二维最大熵分割方法比较的实验结果表明,灰度-梯度最大熵算法提高了树木图像分割的准确度.  相似文献   

湿地被誉为"地球之肾"、"物种基因库"和"人类文明的摇篮"。健康的湿地生态系统不仅为人类提供多种物质产品和文化产品,而且在维护国家水资源安全、粮食安全和生态安全,应对全球气候变化方面起着不可替代的重要作用。按照科学发展观要求,保护好湿地,对于维护生态平  相似文献   

全球变化背景下土地退化防治的挑战与创新发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类对今日之地球气候、环境和生命系统的影响已接近或超过自然变化的强度和速率, 亟需探索全球变化背景下土地退化综合防治的创新理论和途径, 构建地球系统良性互动循环体系, 促进全球可持续发展的进程。文中侧重分析全球变化背景下土地退化防治面临的新挑战, 探讨土地退化防治的新思路, 分享中国土地退化防治的新经验, 旨在力推将土地退化防治与应对气候变化、保护生物多样性、消除贫困和实现千年发展目标有机链接, 以推进绿色发展, 建设美丽地球。  相似文献   

指出了人类在自然环境中对物质和自然能的利用已经非常广泛和发达,从宏观至微观、从有限至无限极大促进了人类的生存和发展,特别是在电能、原子能的发掘利用方面,利用了物物相互作用的"数量级效应",人类的智慧得到了高度的展示和启发,让人们在生存斗争中受益匪浅。阐述了不同阶段人类对物质和能量的利用,对今后的可持续利用,提供了有益的探索。  相似文献   

湿地与森林、海洋并称地球三大生态系统,是自然界富有生物多样性和较高生产力的生态系统,具有调节气候、涵养水源、调蓄洪水、促淤造陆、降解污染、保护生物多样性等不可替代的环境调节功能和生态效益,被誉为"地球之肾"。湿地通过物理过滤、生物吸收和化学合成与分解等把人类排入湖泊、河流等湿地的有毒物质转化为无毒无害甚至有益的物质,使湿地水体得到净化。为此,在流域内污染控制、减少污染源的基础上开展湿地恢复与保护,必须先做好科学规划,以逐步恢复和保护流域内的自然湿地,促进水环境改善。    相似文献   

汤辉  陈浩然 《广东园林》2021,43(1):36-41
近代岭南乡村名人宅园作为乡村景观遗产的重要组成部分和岭南地域文化的物质载体,于中西文化剧烈碰撞的时期完成了从"得风气之先"到"开风气之先"的飞跃,具有独特的历史价值和艺术魅力.从空间布局、建筑装饰及建筑小品、植物配置3个角度探析其中西合璧特征及其生成逻辑,以及华侨、军阀、官宦等园主不同身份背景下的造园差异,既有利于公众...  相似文献   

以"珍惜爱,分享爱"为使命的"地球天使",是舒淇在2011年发起的公益项目。她近些年全心投入慈善公益事业中,并通过公益活动"地球天使",呼吁人们关注地球环境。作为"地球天使"公益活动发起人,舒淇出席多次"地球天使守护爱心构筑梦想游园地"公益活动。在活动现场,舒淇与在场的小朋友大互动,并通过  相似文献   

众所周知,宇宙中所有星系都是有一定寿命的,地球也一样。那么地球的阳寿究竟还有多少呢?地球到最后又将以何种方式结束自己的“生命“呢?科学家们对此作出了种种推测。 1.火化说太阳产生的强光强热,是它的氢核聚变的结果,震变反应使太阳每秒钟托损400万吨的物质。等氢物质耗尽后,很有可能其它的元素会接替其震变反应,而其产生的能量远高于氢聚变的能量,这就导致太阳剧烈膨胀,地球也最终将被太阳烤化。不过科学家指出,太阳上的氢物质还可供使用至少100亿年。这样看来,地球可谓长寿之星了。  相似文献   

The bait effects of 38 attractants for houseflies are compared. Most effective were fementated animal products; milk and sugar-containing substances were also considerably active. Test sweet or of decay and faeces smelling substances used in this series showed weak atractivity, also 9-cis-tricosene, the sexual pheromone of the house fly.  相似文献   

Summary According to nonequilibrium thermodynamics, the local rate of entropy production is minimized for moist wood in the stationary state. Furthermore, the rate of entropy production due to moisture flow must be zero in this state. Conservation of energy applied to the steady flow of water vapor through an arbitrarily selected volume element of wood shows that the vapor entropy gradient is zero. Because the entropy production due to moisture flow must be balanced by a corresponding entropy flow away from the element, entropy gradients for bound water and water vapor are equal and the bound water entropy gradient also is zero.  相似文献   

基于遗传算法的强化木地板表面缺陷的图像分割   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
强化木地板表面质量的图像检测技术在我国尚属空白.本文将遗传算法应用于强化木地板表面缺陷的图像分割,利用最大熵准则作为算法的适应度函数.实验表明,该算法可较准确地分割出强化木地板的表面缺陷,是一种有效的图像分割方法.  相似文献   

The nomenclature of cell wall deformations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The nomenclature of cell wall deformations has been subject to confusion since first described in the early 1900's. The reasons for this confusion are discussed and a history of the nomenclatural changes presented. A revision of the nomenclature is suggested which takes account of recent observations made using the scanning electron microscope.  相似文献   

胡桃醌(5-羟基-1,4-萘醌)是从核桃楸中提取分离出来的一种萘醌类活性物质.研究采用超声波辅助浸提和减压蒸馏等方法,从核桃楸树皮中提取制得胡桃醌产品,产品得率 0.09%.分别用FT-IR表征了产品的有机官能团、用GC-MS分析了产品的化学组成和产品中胡桃醌的相对含量(GC含量达 96.42%)、通过 1 H NMR确认了产品的胡桃醌结构.本研究提供了一种从核桃楸树皮中简便快捷地提取制得高纯度的胡桃醌产品的方法.  相似文献   

The antiinflammatory effect of the aqueous leaf extract of Byrsocarpus coccineus was evaluated using the carrageenan and egg albumin induced rat paw edema, xylene induced mouse ear edema and formaldehyde induced arthritis inflammation tests. The extract administered orally at doses of 50, 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg b.w produced a significant (P<0.05) dose dependent inhibition of edema formation in all four methods used. The results obtained suggest that the aqueous leaf extract of B. coccineus is endowed with effective antiinflammatory activity mediated via either inhibition of phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) activity or cyclooxygenase cascade and by blocking the release of vasoactive substances (histamine, serotonin and kinins). These findings seem to justify the use of the plant in traditional African medicine in the treatment of inflammation, including arthritic conditions.  相似文献   

石榴果实香气物质的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用顶空固相微萃取法提取大青皮甜石榴整体果实、石榴皮和石榴籽汁的芳香物质,气相色谱-质谱联机定性定量分析,检测香气组分.石榴香气组分中以醛类和醇类为主,在石榴整体果实中占总峰面积的78.32%和14.52%,在石榴皮中占89.88%和4.70%,在石榴籽汁中占82.15%和9.78%.石榴中共检测出77种香气组分,其中石榴果实、果皮和籽汁中分别检测出42种、39种和43种.香气成分中共有的成分为18种,在果实、果皮和籽汁中分别占总峰面积的94.62%、95.59%和93.76%.2-己烯醛、己醛、3-己烯醛、(E,E)-2,4-己二烯醛为石榴的主要香气成分,在果实、果皮和籽汁分别占78.27%、89.78%和81.79%.结果表明,石榴香气组分以C6醛和醇为主,石榴不同部分香气组分差异也主要表现在C6醛和醇含量的差异上.  相似文献   

生物多样性计算方法的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
生物多样性的评价指标是有效保护生物多样性、合理利用其资源、保护其可持续发展的关键。本文就目前常用的生物多样性评价指标的计算方法进行了初步系统地探讨。将其分为5类,分别为物种多样性指数(包括Shannon-wiener指数,Simpson指数),物种丰富度指标(包括Margaler指数,Gleason指数),均匀度指数,生态优势度以及熵(包括信息熵,概测度熵,统计力学熵)。这些指数及其计算方法的探讨,对生物多样性的研究具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

Information entropy measures for stand structural diversity: Joint entropy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Structural diversity is the key attribute of a stand. A set of biodiversity measures in ecology was introduced in forest management for describing stand structure, of which Shannon information entropy (Shannon index) has been the most widely used measure of species diversity. It is generally thought that tree size diversity could serve as a good proxy for height diversity. However,tree size diversity and height diversity for stand structure is not completely consistent. Stand diameter cannot reflect height information completely. Either tree size diversity or height diversity is one-dimensional information entropy measure. This paper discussed the method of multiple-dimensional information entropy measure with the concept of joint entropy. It is suggested that joint entropy is a good measure for describing overall stand structural diversity.  相似文献   

Many natural resource agencies and organizations recognize the importance of fuel treatments as tools for reducing fire hazards and restoring ecosystems. However, there continues to be confusion and misconception about fuel treatments and their implementation and effects in fire-prone landscapes across the United States. This paper (1) summarizes objectives, methods, and expected outcomes of fuel treatments in forests of the Interior West, (2) highlights common misunderstandings and areas of disagreement, and (3) synthesizes relevant literature to establish a common ground for future discussion and planning. It is important to understand the strengths and limitations of fuel treatments to evaluate their potential to achieve an objective, develop sensible fire management policies, and plan for their effective use. We suggest that, while the potential of fuel treatment to reduce wildfire occurrence or enhance suppression capability is uncertain, it has an important role in mitigating negative wildfire effects, increasing ecosystem resilience and making wildfire more acceptable.  相似文献   

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