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Goats, both in late pregnancy and soon after parturition, were inoculated intravenously with Brucella abortus, and mammary glands and supramammary lymph nodes were examined by light and electron microscopy at 2 to 55 days post-inoculation. After 7 days, lymphoplasmacytic, histiocytic interstitial mastitis with a lobular and periductal distribution were detected microscopically. Brucellae, identified in tissues with immunoperoxidase staining and antibody-coated colloidal gold stain, were first seen in macrophages and neutrophils throughout mammary parenchyma, but most commonly in mammary alveoli. In subsequent samples, infected phagocytes progressively increased in number, especially in ductal and alveolar lumina, and adjacent parenchyma. B. abortus was in phagosomes and phagolysosomes in macrophages and neutrophils; degenerate and necrotic phagocytes were often filled with brucellae. Extracellular brucellae were associated with ruptured necrotic infected phagocytes. Supramammary lymph nodes draining infected mammary glands were enlarged. Lymphofollicular hyperplasia, medullary plasmacytosis, and sinus histiocytosis were seen microscopically. Brucellae were seen exclusively in macrophages, which were most often located in subcapsular and cortical sinuses. This study suggests that phagocytic leukocytes 1) transport brucellae into mammary glands; 2) provide a site for intracellular replication in mammary secretions; and 3) transport brucellae from mammary glands to supramammary lymph nodes.  相似文献   

The isolation of virulent Brucella abortus from specimens taken from cattle was studied using culture in biphasic medium in which solid and liquid media were contained in the same flask and on solid medium in Petri plates. A total of 8638 specimens from 441 cattle, reactors to one or more of several serological tests or to an allergic test, were used. The specimens consisted of lymph nodes, udder, spleen, uterine caruncles, cotyledons, foetal tissues, foetal stomach contents and mammary secretions. Following maceration each specimen was inoculated into 2 flasks of biphasic medium one with 1 ml (Flask A) and the other with 2 ml (Flask B), and on to solid medium in one Petri plate. The biphasic medium and solid medium were shown to have equal ability to support the growth of B. abortus. The increased rate of detection in the biphasic medium was due to the increased volume of the inoculum used. Brucella were isolated from 1151 specimens. By direct plating on the solid medium 685 specimens were positive whereas Flask A positive for 961 specimens and Flask B for 1031 specimens. The success of the biphasic medium can be judged by the increase in the number of infected animals detected. Of the 150 infected cattle, both techniques identified 126 animals in common, 4 were identified only by the plate technique and 20 only by the biphasic technique. Culture on both solid medium and in biphasic medium is recommended for optimum results.  相似文献   

The superficial supramammary lymph nodes of 54 lactating dairy cows were examined ultrasonographically with a 7.5 MHz linear transducer; each node was measured in two planes within 24 hours of recording the milk somatic cell count. In most cows, the nodes were well demarcated from the surrounding tissue. The parenchyma of the nodes ranged from hypoechoic to anechoic, with a central bright hyperechoic area, and a thin hyperechoic line surrounded the nodes. The size of the nodes varied, but their internal architecture remained relatively consistent. Their mean length was 7.4 cm (range 3.5 to 15 cm) and their mean depth was 2.5 cm (range 1.2 to 5.7 cm). They were significantly larger in cows with more lactations (P<0.05), but there were no correlations between their size and either the time calved or the milk somatic cell count. The lymph nodes on sides which were positive in a California milk test were significantly larger than those on sides which were negative (P<0.05).  相似文献   

A process of emulsifying and centrifuging abattoir specimens before plating out is described. Brucella abortus was isolated more successfully by this process than by conventional methods, especially in low grade infections. The 5 different media used were equally effective in our attempts at isolation, but growth did not necessarily occur on all 5 plates. In dairy cows, specimens from supra-mammary lymph nodes, udder and iliac lymph nodes accounted for a high percentage of positive isolations.  相似文献   

Chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) explants were used to determine the in vitro growth and cytotoxic potential of 3 strains of Brucella abortus. Bovine CAM explants were inoculated with 2 x 10(7) colony-forming units of the pathogenic strain 2308, attenuated strain 19, or the rough strain RB51 of B abortus. After inoculation, the explants were harvested and examined at 2 or 4 hours, 12 or 14 hours, and 24 or 26 hours of incubation. Bacterial growth associated with each explant was determined by counting colony-forming units. The degree of cellular damage in each explant associated either with bacterial growth or bacterial toxins was evaluated by morphometric analysis after trypan blue staining. Significant differences were not detected in the numbers of bacteria of any strain of B abortus in the CAM explants at comparable time intervals. The rate of growth of the bacteria in CAM explants was higher between 2 and 12 hours after inoculation than between 12 and 24 hours after inoculation. Cytotoxic effects associated with strain 2308 were significantly (P less than 0.05) greater than that caused by other strains. Cytotoxic effects associated with strain 19 and rough strain RB51 were similar, and both were significantly (P less than 0.05) greater than the phosphate buffer solution control. Chorioallantoic membrane explants inoculated with a filtrate of heat-killed strain 2308 induced minimal cellular damage, compared with that caused by the viable bacteria. These results indicated that the number of B abortus in trophoblasts was independent of the degree of cellular damage.  相似文献   

Brucella abortus strain RB51 (SRB51) is the standard vaccine used to protect cattle against brucellosis and is currently being used to vaccinate bison in the United States (US). Currently available media for culture of Brucella have not been evaluated for their ability to support growth of SRB51. In this study, five selective media for isolating brucellae, four commercially available media for gram-negative bacteria, and tryptose agar with 5% bovine serum (TSA) were compared to two SRB51 selective media developed in this study (rifampin brucellae medium (RBM), and malachite green brucellae medium (MGB)), for their ability to support growth and enhance recovery of SRB51. Four of the five media currently used for isolation of brucellae and two of the four media used for other Gram-negative bacteria did not support growth of SRB51. Modified Kuzdas and Morse (MKM), Brilliant Green, Skirrow's, RBM, and MGB supported growth of SRB51 in a manner similar to TSA. Recovery of SRB51 from tissues of SRB51-vaccinated bison was attempted on TSA, MKM, RBM, and MGB. From a total of 436 samples, SRB51 was isolated from 9.6, 4.3, 5.5, and 9.0% on TSA, MKM, RBM, or MGB media, respectively. Strain RB51 was recovered on only one medium (nine on TSA; three on RBM; and 9 on MGB) from 21 samples. Overgrowth of contaminating bacteria prevented potential detection of SRB51 from 9. 4, 5.5, 0.07, and 5.9% of samples on TSA, MKM, RBM, or MGB, respectively. These data suggest that the use of RBM and MGB, in combination with TSA, enhances the ability to recover SRB51 from tissue samples.  相似文献   

Intracellular localization of Brucella abortus in bovine placenta   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

In both the complement fixation test (CFT) and the serum agglutination test (SAT) titres were reproducible for the most part within a twofold range. They seldom exceeded these limits and never a fourfold range. Brucella abortus was successfully isolated in 86% of serologically positive cases and evidence is presented to confirm the use of the 30 International Units/ml level in the CFT as being diagnostically significant. The SAT, when done in microtitration plates, is even more reproducible than when done in tubes. The incidence of infected animals aborting or calving down with negative titres was found to be low.  相似文献   

Tissues from 104 cows in herd were examined for brucellae. Brucella abortus, strain 19, was isolated from 22 cows, a field strain of B abortus, biotype 1, was isolated from 9 cows, and both strains were isolated from 2 cows.  相似文献   

Efferent mammary lymph was collected from lactating ewes which were unimmunised (controls) or immunised during pregnancy with two doses of an attenuated live Staphylococcus aureus vaccine either in the hindlimb ("directly primed' supramammary nodes) or in the brisket ("indirectly primed' supramammary nodes). Mammary lymph was also collected from unimmunised animals in which the supramammary nodes had been extirpated several months before. Ewes in which the supramammary nodes had been directly primed by staphylococcal vaccination before challenge had a significantly greater output of IgM- and IgG2-containing cells in lymph and higher concentrations of IgG1 and IgG2 antibody against S aureus surface antigens than did other groups. Lymphadenectomised ewes had fewer leucocytes in mammary lymph but a much higher proportion of neutrophils than other ewes, indicating that afferent mammary lymph has an unusually high number of neutrophils and most of these cells are filtered out in the supramammary lymph nodes under normal circumstances. The results indicated that most of the leucocytes in efferent lymph were derived from the supramammary nodes. After induction of experimental staphylococcal mastitis there was a rapid drop in leucocyte output in lymph within one to four hours after infection; the data indicated that events within the supramammary nodes were responsible for this phenomenon. The output of immunoglobulin-containing cells was reduced during this phase. No significant increases in output of lymphoblasts, immunoglobulin-containing cells or specific antibody occurred during the six hours immediately following infection.  相似文献   

Preimplantation bovine embryos were exposed in vitro to Brucella abortus to determine if the bacteria would adhere to zona pellucida (ZP)-intact embryos or adhere to or infect ZP-free embryos. Brucella abortus was not isolated from ZP-intact or ZP-free groups of embryos after 10 sequential antibiotic-free washings. Brucella abortus was isolated from all groups containing ZP-defective embryos after the exposure period and washing. Detrimental effects on healthy in vitro development of embryos were not observed.  相似文献   

Nonopsonized Brucella abortus and bacteria treated with fresh antiserum, heat-inactivated antiserum, or normal bovine serum were evaluated for their ability to stimulate production of superoxide anion and myeloperoxidase-mediated iodination by neutrophils from cattle. Brucella abortus opsonized with fresh antiserum or heat-inactivated antiserum stimulated production of approximately 3 nmol of O2-/10(6) neutrophils/30 min. Similarly treated bacteria also stimulated the binding of approximately 4.3 nmol of NaI/10(7) neutrophils/h to protein. Significant (P less than 0.05) production of O2- and iodination activity by neutrophils were not stimulated by nonopsonized bacteria or organisms treated with normal bovine serum. Seemingly, B abortus stimulated oxidative metabolism in bovine neutrophils; however, the stimulation was dependent on the presence of bacterial associated opsonins.  相似文献   

Optimal reagent parameters for a haemolysis in gel test for detection of bovine anti-Brucella abortus antibody were established. Using an alkali-treated crude lipopolysaccharide antigen attached to J-negative bovine erythrocytes, 0.125 mg of antigen, 0.1 ml of erythrocytes and 0.4 ml of guinea pig complement were required to perform 15 tests with appropriate serum controls. The haemolysis in gel test and an IgM radioimmunoassay (RIA) procedure were compared for their ability to detect the onset of increased serum antibody levels and antibody levels in sera diluted to extinction. While the RIA was more sensitive in amount of antibody detected, the haemolysis in gel test was equally able to detect initiation of antibody synthesis.  相似文献   

One hundred isolates of Brucella abortus, which were recovered from bovine and human tissues or fluids, were identified as strain 19 by conventional bacteriologic methods. Each isolate was examined using a Warburg respirometer to determine oxidative rates on substrates of D- and L-alanine, L-glutamic acid, d(+)-galactose, D-ribose, and i-erythritol. These results were compared with those of repository (seed) cultures of strain 19 used for making antigens and vaccines. Except on the substrate of i-erythritol, each of the 100 isolates oxidized these substrates with rates different from the repository cultures and indistinguishable from those of field strains of B abortus. Thus, oxidatively, i-erythritol was the only substrate useful to help distinguish between strain 19 and virulent strains of B abortus biotype 1.  相似文献   

The Jerne hemolytic plaque assay was used to compare the number of antibody forming cells in the ipsilateral supramammary/suprainguinal lymph node which drains the udder, its counterpart area in males, of dairy goats inoculated with the antigen, sheep red blood cells, and in the contralateral lymph node which drains the corresponding non-inoculated area. Parenteral immunization was shown to have suppressing effects upon the local immune responses to the subsequently applied antigens. Three monthly intramammary inoculations of the antigen induced significant numbers of indirect plaque-forming cells (i.e. immunoglobulin G antibody producing cells) in both draining (ipsilateral) and non-draining (contralateral) nodes, suggesting antigen relocation and/or cell relocation from the inoculated side. However, the number of indirect plaque-forming cells in the ipsilateral node was far greater than that in the contralateral node, indicating that the majority of memory cells remained in the inoculated site.  相似文献   

A second generation competitive enzyme immunoassay (CELISA) for detection of bovine antibody to Brucella abortus was developed. This assay was different from previously developed CELISAs in that the detection reagent used was a recombinant combination of the receptor portions of protein A and protein G, labelled with horseradish peroxidase. This eliminates the need for polyclonal anti-mouse-enzyme conjugate reagents for detection thus allowing for true standardization. The assay utilized a monoclonal antibody specific for a common epitope of the O-polysaccharide (OPS) of smooth lipopolysaccharide (SLPS) derived from B. abortus S1119.3 but which did not react with protein A/G. This monoclonal antibody was used to compete with antibody in the bovine test serum. Binding of bovine antibody to the smooth lipopolysaccharide antigen was then measured directly with the protein A/G enzyme conjugate. In this case, development of colour in the reaction was indicative of the presence of bovine antibody. The performance characteristics, sensitivity, specificity and exclusion of B. abortus S19 vaccinated animals, of the assay were very similar to those of the classical CELISA.  相似文献   

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