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Climate change is one of the major challenges for ecosystem conservation. One of the most vulnerable areas to climate change is the Mediterranean Basin which is expected to suffer important changes in temperature and precipitation in the next few decades, leading to a warmer and dryer climate. Therefore, it is necessary to determine species-specific responses to increased drought to predict possible future changes in the structure and composition of Mediterranean forests, as well as to identify appropriate management strategies to mitigate these effects.The main aim of this study has been to experimentally simulate the effects of a 15% reduction in annual rainfall on the survival and growth of two co-occurring Mediterranean oaks with contrasting leaf-habit (the evergreen Quercus ilex spp. ilex and the winter-deciduous Quercus cerrioides) and, to assess whether traditional selective thinning carried out in these mixed oak coppices (i.e. selection of one to few stems per stump) can modify the consequences of rainfall reduction.Soil moisture decreased under the rainfall reduction level while it increased in the thinned plots. Reduced rainfall did not influence tree mortality, but did lead to species-specific effects on height growth: no changes were observed in Q. ilex while height growth rate of Q. cerrioides decreased (c.a. 20%). Selective thinning improved tree growth (c.a. 50%) in stands both under natural and, and to a lesser extent, under reduced rainfall conditions. Nevertheless, the positive effects of thinning rapidly declined during our three years experiment, probably because the vigorous resprouting of thinned stumps.Our results show that the forecasted reduction in annual rainfall for the Western Mediterranean Basin can constrain the growth of some deciduous oaks in mixed oak coppices. Traditional selective thinning can increase soil moisture and encourage tree growth, thus partially mitigating this effect. However, the transient results observed in this experiment suggest the need to reconsider the intensity and the frequency of this traditional management practice in light of new climatic scenarios.  相似文献   

Acorns collected from a range of Quercus robur L. and Q. petraea(Matt.) Liebl. populations were germinated and grown in an unheatedgreenhouse using a standard commercial compost. Total seedlingdry weight did not increase until the end of the growing season,with Q. robur and Q. petraea seedlings showing mean dry weightincreases of 211 per cent and 414 per cent respectively. Oakseedlings appear to depend upon cotyledon reserves of carbohydrate,P, K and Mg during most of the first year of growth, but relyon external sources of Ca. Seedlings become independent of thecotyledons at the end of the first growing season.  相似文献   

PANDEY  UMA; SINGH  J. S. 《Forestry》1982,55(1):47-59
The decomposition rates of certain dominant litter species inan undisturbed oak-conifer forest in the Kumaun Himalaya wereinvestigated by enclosing pre-weighed, newly senesced leavesin litter bags, placing these bags on the forest floor and determiningthe weight loss by recovering the bags at monthly intervals.Among the species examined, Daphne cannabina decomposed fastestand Cupressus torulosa decomposed most slowly. The former took6 months for complete decomposition, while Cupressus torulosadecomposed to about 72 per cent in 18 months. A linear combinationof rainfall and temperature explained 80 per cent of the variabilityin monthly weight loss. The rate of decomposition was also relatedto the initial chemical composition of the litter. Initially,several constituents showed a significant relation with decomposition;these are nitrogen, calcium, water soluble compounds, totalnonstructural carbohydrates, lignin, acid detergent cell wallcomponents and fibre. Of these, lignin and fibre contents showeda negative relation with weight loss while the others were positivelyrelated. As decomposition progressed, only nitrogen, lignin,ADCW and fibre content remained important. With further lapseof time only two constituents, nitrogen and lignin, remainedimportant. Among these the effect of nitrogen declined withtime while that of lignin increased. A linear combination ofnitrogen and lignin explained 59 per cent variability in theannual weight loss.  相似文献   

Production and biomass allocation patterns, the growth rates of aboveground biomass, and crown traits were examined in saplings of the deciduous Quercus faginea and the evergreen Q. ilex to determine whether differences in these traits might account for the greater mortality during periods of drought undergone by Q. faginea. Strong differences were observed in almost all the traits analyzed, which suggests that the two species use different strategies to cope with the main limiting factors for woody seedling establishment in Mediterranean environments: excess light and low water availability. In Q. faginea, sapling design seems to be oriented to maximize light capture and, hence, leaf productivity during the short life span of the leaf biomass. Thus, the seedlings of Q. faginea showed crown traits that permit self-shading to be minimized: longer shoots with more spaced leaves that result in lower leaf area index than in Q. ilex. In addition, the larger area per unit leaf biomass in Q. faginea leads to a larger interceptive leaf area per unit plant mass and to higher light capture. These characteristics imply higher investments in woody tissues (SWR) that permit the plants to support a wide canopy and facilitate water transport to meet the strong transpiratory demands of a canopy with such characteristics. By contrast, in Q. ilex, saplings are apparently designed to guarantee leaf survival against temperature extremes and photoinhibition through avoidance of excessive radiation.  相似文献   

GIBBS  J. N.; INMAN  A. 《Forestry》1991,64(3):239-249
After the great gale of 1987, the role of the pine shoot beetle,Tomicus piniperda, as a vector of blue stain fungi to windblownpine in southern England was examined by macerating adult beetlesand culturing the macerate on various agar media. Isolationswere also made from pine tissue associated with beetle galleriesand tunnels. Using data from between three and nine sites, it was found that17 per cent of the overwintered adult beetles were carryingfast-growing Leptographium spp. as they began to construct breedinggalleries in spring 1988. More than half the new generationof adult beetles were contaminated with these fungi when theyemerged in June-July 1988, but this proportion dropped as thelife cycle of shoot-feeding and overwintering progressed. Itaveraged 26 per cent at the time of brood gallery constructionin spring 1989. Isolations made from pine tissue around the galleries also showedchanges in the frequency of blue stain fungi. Of early broodgalleries 25 per cent yielded Leptographium, while the figurefor late galleries was 51 per cent. These results were consistentwith the direct introduction of Leptographium by the parentbeetles into some galleries, and the subsequent rapid hyphalgrowth of the fungus within the tree to colonize tissue adjacentto other galleries. The principal species identified was L. wingfieldii. However,L. lundbergii, L. huntii, L. procerum and an unidentified Leptographiumspecies were occasionally recorded, both on the beetles andin the trees. Graphium species were quite common also. In addition,the black yeasts, Hormonema dematioides and Aureobasidium pullulans,were frequently present, particularly in the pine shoot samples.  相似文献   

KIRBY  K. J. 《Forestry》1990,63(3):241-249
Changes in the ground flora, relative to undisturbed woodland,were measured in permanent (100 m2 quadrats in a clear fell,group fells and a coppice area in Sheephouse Wood (Buckinghamshire)from 1984 to 1988. Species numbers rose rapidly in the clearand group fells to about twice that in the undisturbed woodland.Species indicative of higher light, moisture and nutrient conditionsappeared after felling or coppicing and the flora shifted fromone dominated by stress-tolerant species to a flora with morecompetitive and ruderal species. After two years, in both clearand group fells, the ground flora covered 90–100 per centof the quadrats (compared with 30–75 per cent in the undisturbedwoodland), but species richness started to decline. This wasprobably because of increased competition associated with thespread of grasses and rushes (Agrostis stolonifera, Deschampsiacespitosa, Holcus mollis and Juncus spp.). Species richnessdid not increase as much in the coppice area, and bramble (Rubusfruticosus), rather than grasses, became dominant. The subsequentdecline in species richness was more gradual in the coppicearea than in the clear fells. During this period there wereno significant changes in the species richness, total coveror species composition within the undisturbed woodland.  相似文献   

ALDHOUS  J.R. 《Forestry》1981,54(2):197-210
The condition of beech (Fagus sylvatica L) growing in thirtywoods in the south of England is described. In older woods,up to 20 per cent of trees were killed or seriously damagedby the summer drought of 1976. Most surviving trees have recoveredfully. Beech snap disease, associated with the fungus Nectria coccineais widespread in younger stands, especially those also affectedby lime-induced chlorosis, beech scale (Cryptococcus fagisuga)or severe competition. Nevertheless, sufficient trees surviveto provide a choice of final crop. In the long term, beech doesnot seem likely to die out through drought or disease. Trees of almost all ages and conditions exhibit a tendency tomultiple forking. The principle remedy is to keep trees in closedcanopy until a 6 to 8 m clean bole has been obtained. Beechresponds well to heavy thinning at this stage. The long term future of beech woodlands depends on timber valuesand on support for their ecological and amenity value. Silviculturally,beech is the best adapted species for the shallowest calcareoussoils, especially on the Jurassic limestone.  相似文献   

Knowledge on reproductive phenology and pollination biology are basic elements that should be considered in the management and exploitation of plant species that offer non-timber products. The tropical tree Manilkara zapota is a species from which non-timber products have been obtained for centuries by Mayan communities in Mexico. Nevertheless, there are no quantitative reports on its reproductive biology and the factors that limit fruit production. The present study describes the reproductive phenology, breeding system and pollination of this species in two contrasting environments: medium-height, subdeciduous forest, and homegardens (“solares”) in a Mayan community in the state of Yucatan. Significant differences were found between environments both in the temporal distribution of flower and mature fruit production, as well as in the proportion of mature fruits. Homegarden trees showed the greatest fruit production, although flower production did not differ between environments. Mature fruits were of better quality (i.e., greater fresh weight) in homegardens. Hand pollination experiments showed that M. zapota is self-compatible, and that there is pollinator limitation for fruit production in trees that grow in homegardens. We propose that water and soil nutrients are the main factors limiting M. zapota fruit production in forests, while in homegardens the main factor appears to be pollinator availability.  相似文献   

The expected changes to the environmental conditions have concerned the scientific community over the last few decades. A rise in the mean temperature and a variation in rainfall patterns could modify the current distribution of plant species. In this study, we analysed four evergreen oaks (Quercus ilex subsp. ilex, Q. ilex subsp. ballota, Q. suber and Q. coccifera) by means of species distribution models. Three algorithms were used: maximum entropy, logistic regression and environmental distance. Taxa occurrences were taken, chiefly from the National Forest Inventories, and climate data was retrieved from the WorldClim 1.4 project. The present period and four future scenarios were studied. The latter were carried out by averaging thirteen global circulation models (GCMs). Area under the curve was used for validating the models. Maps indicating the suitability and cosuitability among the evergreen oaks were developed. The potential distribution of evergreen oaks in the present period was found to be wider than the actual distribution. Simulations indicate that climate change would increase the cosuitability of western temperate areas for Mediterranean oaks. The use of different algorithms and GCMs, as well as the high validation values obtained, make the study robust. Oaks are an important source of income, especially Q. ilex subsp. ballota and Q. suber. Our findings contribute to our understanding of the dynamics of oaks, and can be considered for management programmes aimed at conserving this natural heritage.  相似文献   

  • ? Quercus ilex L., the dominant species in Mediterranean forests and one with a great capacity for resprouting after disturbances, is threatened by the expected increase in fire frequency and drought associated with climate change.
  • ? The aim of this study was to determine the contribution of photosynthesis limitants, especially mesophyll conductance (g mes) during this species’ resprouting and under summer drought.
  • ? Resprouts showed 5.3-fold increased g mes and 3.8-fold increased stomatal conductance (g s) at mid-day with respect to leaves of undisturbed individuals. With increased drought, structural changes (decreased density and increased thickness) in resprouts contributed to the observed higher photosynthesis and increased g mes. However, g mes only partially depended on leaf structure, and was also under physiological control. Resprouts also showed lower non-stomatal limitations (around 50% higher carboxylation velocity (V c,max) and capacity for ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate regeneration (J max)). A significant contribution of g mes to leaf carbon isotope discrimination values was observed.
  • ? g mes exhibits a dominant role in photosynthesis limitation in Q. ilex and is regulated by factors other than morphology. During resprouting after disturbances, greater capacity to withstand drought, as evidenced by higher g mes, g s and lower non-stomatal limitants, enables increased photosynthesis and rapid growth.
  •   相似文献   

    Kinnunen  J; Maltamo  M; Paivinen  R 《Forestry》2007,80(1):53-64
    Russia's forests play a significant role at the global levelin producing both timber and environmental benefits, i.e. inroundwood production, carbon sequestration and biodiversityprotection. Information on these forest resources is based onocular compartment-level forest inventory data. The basic problemwith this inventory approach is that its reliability cannotbe assessed, since the method is not based on statistical sampling.The inventory data for the Novgorod region were therefore checkedby remeasuring a sample of the original compartments in orderto determine their accuracy. The results showed that the originaltotal stand volumes based on the Russian forest inventory wereon average underestimated by 13.4 per cent, the correspondingroot mean-square error for the whole material being 32.4 percent. This bias varied in the range 8–20 per cent betweenindividual different forest management units, leskhozy, andalso varied according to the dominant tree species, being 12per cent in pine-dominated compartments, 14 per cent in birch-dominatedcompartments, 21 per cent in aspen-dominated compartments andhaving a slight negative bias of 4 per cent in spruce-dominatedcompartments. Finally, consideration of timber quality in thevolume calculations showed notable changes from sawnwood timberto pulpwood.  相似文献   

    为给油茶林地土壤水分管理和节水灌溉提供技术支撑,以6年生长林4号油茶林为试验材料,设置自然状况、干旱胁迫、干旱覆盖这3个处理措施,就不同土壤水分管理措施对油茶果实、花苞、叶片解剖结构的影响情况进行了试验研究。结果表明:在自然状况、干旱胁迫、干旱覆盖这3种处理下,油茶果高、果径、花径、花高的生长量间均存在极显著差异;在自然状况及干旱覆盖处理下,油茶叶片各解剖结构参数与不同深度土层的土壤含水率间均呈弱相关;在干旱胁迫处理下,油茶叶片解剖结构中的下表皮及叶片总厚度与不同深度土壤含水率间均呈中度相关(0.5r0.8)。在自然状况下,不同深度土层的土壤含水率与油茶果径、花径、花高生长量间均呈弱相关,而与其果高生长量呈中度负相关(0.5r0.8);在干旱胁迫与干旱覆盖处理下,其花径、花高与4种深度的土壤含水率间均呈高度负相关(0.8r1.0);在干旱覆盖处理下,其果径与4种深度土层的土壤含水率间均呈中度负相关(0.5r0.8);在干旱胁迫处理下,其果高与4种深度土层的土壤含水率间均呈中度正相关(0.5r0.8)。  相似文献   

    Large seed banks in the soils of Mediterranean wood pastures can allow the composition of the understorey vegetation to adapt to changing conditions such as under-grazing, grazing exclusion and climate change. This three year study investigated the effect of grazing exclusion on the transient and persistent seed banks of 23 areas of a Mediterranean wood pasture of Quercus suber L., Q. ilex L. and Q. pubescens Willd. A canonical correspondence analysis was used to determine the effect of topo-climatic (elevation, aspect, slope, rainfall, temperature, tree coverage), soil (pH, soil texture, and soil nitrogen, phosphorus, lime and organic carbon content) and biodiversity (Shannon index, species richness index, and Pastoral Value) variables on the soil seed bank under grazed and ungrazed conditions. The size of the persistent seed bank increased with rainfall, grazing, and the available phosphorus content of the soil. Specific site by site grazing regimes could increase the abundance of legumes in the soil seed bank and the species richness and diversity of the understorey vegetation. These results can help guide the conservation management of this silvopastoral area.  相似文献   

    The use of shelterwoods to favour the development of natural or underplanted seedlings is common in temperate forests but rare in the pine forests of the Mediterranean area. Our aim was to assess the use of shelterwoods in Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) woodlands in southern France to promote the survival and growth of two co-occurring oak species: the deciduous Quercus pubescens and the evergreen Quercus ilex.Twelve Aleppo pine stands were selected and differentially thinned to create a light shelterwood (basal area = 10 m2/ha, irradiance 52%), a medium shelterwood (basal area = 19 m2/ha, irradiance 33%) and a dense shelterwood (basal area = 32 m2/ha, irradiance 13%). A total of 1248 sowing points, half composed of Q. pubescens and half of Q. ilex, were then set up in these three conditions. Seedling survival and growth were monitored for 3 years. Plant stress was assessed by measuring predawn leaf potential and photosynthetic performance through the Fv/Fm ratio. Soil moisture was also recorded at two depths during two growing seasons.Survival was high for both species in all three conditions due to three consecutive wet years. The lowest survival was recorded for Q. pubescens in the dense shelterwoods. Growth in diameter and height increased from the dense to the light shelterwoods. Shrubs developed more strongly in the light shelterwood, and increasing shrub cover enhanced height growth. Photosynthetic performance was lowest for Q. pubescens in dense shelterwoods and highest in light shelterwoods, whereas the reverse was true for Q. ilex. The lowest predawn potentials were recorded in the dense shelterwoods even though higher soil water content values were measured in this treatment during the summer drought.We show that light shelterwoods were more beneficial to growth than denser ones, indicating control mainly by light availability during the 3 years of the study. However, as lower soil moisture at 30-50 cm depth and faster understorey development were also recorded in this condition, more extended observation is needed to determine whether this benefit persists in subsequent years.  相似文献   

    Seedlings of Quercus ilex and Q. cerrioides, an evergreen and a winter-deciduous oak co-occurring in western-Mediterranean forests, were grown at two light regimes (8 and 36% of photosynthetically active radiation), at two water regimes (500 and 800 mm) and with two nutrient availabilities (standard substrate and 7% increase in soil N). The concentrations of soluble condensed tannins (CT) and nitrogen in the leaves were analyzed to test the phenotypic plasticity of these commonly related parameters in two con-generic species with contrasting leaf habit. Q. ilex contains seven times more CT and a few less N than Q. cerrioides. Light increased CT, whereas neither fertilization nor water had an effect on CT. N concentration was decreased by light, increased by fertilization and not affected by water treatment. Plant growth was increased by light but not affected by fertilization or water treatment. CT were negatively correlated with N concentration. CT of the evergreen species exhibited greater plasticity than the deciduous one as reflected by a steeper negative correlation among nitrogen and CT concentrations in Q. ilex. Given the antiherbivory activity of CT, this implies that in less shaded environments, e.g. canopy aperture by disturbances, leaf tissue quality for herbivores will be much more reduced in Q. ilex than in Q. cerrioides. Higher leaf CT in Q. ilex and its higher plasticity to light availability may explain the higher browsing by sheep in Q. cerrioides than in Q. ilex resprouts, as well as the low recruitment rates of seedlings of the former species, reported in other studies.  相似文献   

    HARMER  R.; KERR  G.; BOSWELL  R. 《Forestry》1997,70(3):199-210
    A survey of 78 sites in southern England with approved managementplans for restocking by natural regeneration was made duringthe summers of 1993 and 1994. The following features were recorded:species, stocking, canopy cover and seed-bearing potential oftrees present in the overstorey; species and canopy cover ofthe understorey; ground cover; species, browsing damage, numberand heights of tree seedlings. In general, sites were poorlystocked with overstorey trees having an average of 135 stemsha–1 and a mean canopy cover of 36 per cent. Similarly,the understoreys were poorly developed with an average coverof only 23 per cent. Twenty-nine species of tree were foundin the overstorey, Quercus spp. and Fraxinus excelsior werethe most common. Many of the stems present had poor seed-bearingpotential. Cover of the ground flora often exceeded 75 per cent.Seedlings were present on most sites, with F. excelsior andBetula pendula being most abundant with mean seedling densitiesexceeding 10000 ha–1. Most seedlings were >20 cm tall,few exceeded 120 cm. About 30 per cent of seedlings were browsed.The results are related to current guidance and the future prospectsfor use of natural regeneration.  相似文献   

    We compare dry mass (DM) and storage of starch (St) and nitrogen (N) in seedlings of three Mediterranean oaks, two evergreens (Quercus coccifera L. and Q. ilex L. subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp) and one deciduous (Q. faginea Lam.), across different scenarios of nutrient and water availabilities. Three fertilization (5, 50 and 200 mg of N per plant and growing period) and watering (28–39, 55–71 and 70–85 g H2O 100 g soil ?1 gravimetric soil water) treatments were applied to current-year seedlings between May and October 2002 in two independent experiments. The three species showed a similar response to fertilization, storing nitrogen instead of increasing biomass, in agreement with adaptations to nutrient-poor habitats. However, they differed in their responses to water, reflecting the different water requirements in the field: Q. coccifera, from arid zones, showed no response to water regarding DM and St; Q. faginea, from humid zones, required higher water availability to simultaneously increase growth and storage; while Q. ilex, spanning over most of the water availability range, exhibited a balanced increase of both functions when water increased moderately. In the two evergreen species, N concentration increased with water supply, whereas the reverse occurred in Q. faginea. The latter species favoured growth over storage at moderate water supply (according to its more competitive strategy), although it was the species which accumulated more St and N at the end of the experiments (autumn).  相似文献   

    Oak decline has been a serious problem in Europe since the beginning of the twentieth century. In south‐west Spain, Quercus ilex and Q. suber are the main affected species, and their decline has been associated with Phytophthora cinnamomi. During the last 10 years, a severe decline of Q. ilex and Q. faginea accompanied by a significant decrease in the production of acorns affecting natural regeneration was observed in the eastern part of the Iberian Peninsula. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the possible involvement of Phytophthora spp. in the decline. A forest in the Natural Park ‘Carrascar de la Font Roja’ in Comunidad Valenciana (eastern Spain), which is dominated by Q. ilex and Q. faginea, was surveyed during 2010–2011. Symptomatic trees showed thinning and dieback of the crown, withering of leaves and death. An extensive loss of both lateral small woody roots and fine roots and callusing or open cankers on suberized roots were observed. Soil samples containing fine roots were baited using both Q. robur leaves and apple fruits. Six Phytophthora species were isolated: P. cryptogea, P. gonapodyides, P. megasperma, P. quercina, P. psychrophila and P. syringae. These are the first records of P. quercina and P. psychrophila on Q. faginea, of P. quercina in Spain and of P. psychrophila in mainland Spain. A soil infestation trial was conducted for 6 months under controlled conditions with 1‐year‐old seedlings of Q. ilex and Q. faginea. Phytophthora cinnamomi was included in the pathogenicity test for comparison. The results showed that Q. ilex seedlings were generally more susceptible to infection than Q. faginea with P. cinnamomi being the most aggressive pathogen to both oak species. The two most commonly isolated Phytophthora species, P. quercina and P. psychrophila, also proved their pathogenicity towards both Q. ilex and Q. faginea.  相似文献   

    GURNELL  J. 《Forestry》1993,66(3):291-315
    Seed production and seed losses were monitored in an oak (Quercusrobur) wood in southern England between 1975 and 1988. In additionto acorns, seeds from several large beech (Fagus sylvatica)and sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa) trees which occurred withinthe wood, and from the understorey of hazel (Corylus avellana)trees, were also monitored. The seeds from these four tree speciesare all subject to heavy predation by rodents, as well as otherseed-eaters such as birds and insects. Seed fall tended to be irregular and three years, 1976, 1985and 1987 were considered oak mast years. There were too fewyears with large acorn crops to examine whether resource depletionin these years resulted in poor crops in subsequent years. Therewas no correlation in seed production between the four treespecies which does not agree with one of the predictions ofthe predator satiation theory of masting behaviour. The effectsof weather on seed production were investigated but few significantcorrelations were found. In general the results tended to supportprevious findings. Between 1980 and 1982 a serious outbreakof Tortrix moth caterpillars occurred within the wood and mayhave affected acorn production. A negative relationship wasfound between oak defoliation and acorn production in the subsequentyear. The loss of seeds from the forest floor was initially rapidand in 9 years no seeds survived into the following year andfood conditions were poor for granivores. In 3 of the remaining4 years acorns survived well into spring and early summer providinggood food conditions for forest rodents through to the timeswhen alternative food supplies became available. Although oaktrees contributed most seed energy in good years, the othertree species, especially beech, became important when acornproduction was poor. Predispersal losses due to predators werefrequently high and averaged 80 per cent, 40 per cent, 38 percent and 33 per cent in hazel, sweet chestnut, oak and beechrespectively. On average, hazel nuts tended to fall first, some6 weeks before acorns which tended to be the last seeds to fallof the four tree species. Knopper galls and weeviled acornsfell earlier than sound acorns. A key-factor analysis indicatedthat a failure to mature, predispersal predation and insectinfestation from weevils and Knopper galls contributed equallyto changes in numbers of acorns among years.  相似文献   

    Between 1975 and 1982 a study was made of the invertebrate faunacolonizing two deciduous species of southern beech, Nothofagusobliqua and N. procera, introduced into Britain from South America.Special attention was paid to the folivorous larvae of Lepidopterawhich were sampled at 15 localities in southern England, mostlyin Forestry Commission trial plots and arboreta in Gloucestershire. The literature describing the native insect fauna of Nothofagusin Chile and Argentina is briefly reviewed. Mention is alsomade of the few previous records of lepidopterous larvae observedfeeding on Nothofagus in Britain. The larvae of 81 species Lepidoptera are recorded from Nothofagus.Seventy-eight of these were feeding on the foliage, of which73 were found on N. procera and 62 on N. obliqua, although approximately62 per cent of all the larvae collected were from N. obliqua.Faunal differences between the sites studied are briefly described.Two additional species of cutworm larvae are also reported attackingthe roots of Nothofagus seedlings. The changing lepidopterous fauna on Nothofagus from May untilSeptember is described and discussed. Spring-feeding larvaeof Operophtera brumata (L.), Agriopis aurantiaria (Hübn.)and Erannis defoliaria (Clerck) comprised 55 per cent of alllarvae collected on the two hosts, and represented between 68per cent and 87 per cent of those larvae in beating samplescollected in late May and early June. Most of the larvae collected were reared to adult in the laboratoryon a diet of Nothofagus leaves. The majority of these are regardedas polyphagus species although 64 are known to have one of thetwo native Quercus as a host-plant, while 24 have been recordedas feeding on Fagus sylvatica. The relevance of these two generaas sources for the Lepidoptera fauna colonizing Nothofagus isdiscussed. Nothofagus obliqua and N. procera are shown to have acquireda substantial lepidopterous fauna since their introduction intoBritain near the beginning of this century, although most ofthe trees sampled were less than 25 years old. These two speciesof Nothofagus may be vulnerable to defoliation by several speciesof caterpillar, especially if planted as monocultures in areaswhere oak and beech are plentiful. However, their surprisinglylarge insect fauna may be seen to have some value for natureconservation purposes.  相似文献   

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