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 在从摩洛哥引进的脐血橙田间植株的新梢嫩叶上观察到褪绿环斑和污斑,褪绿斑驳,叶背有边缘凹刻的圆形或近圆形环,以及脉明和叶脉环阻等症状。通过向Madam Vinous甜橙、邓肯葡萄柚等柑桔类指示植物的嫁接接种;用钝刀醮取汁液切割指示植物墨西哥来檬和埃特洛香的茎部进行机械传播;以及汁液磨擦接种草本指示植物昆诺藜等方法,鉴定到柑桔环斑病毒(citrus ringspot virus,CRSV)。嫁接接种的柑桔类指示植物上的症状包括新梢休克、新叶脱落,新叶表现褪绿环斑和污斑以及斑驳,脉明和叶脉环阻等;机械接种的柑桔类指示植物表现新叶的褪绿环斑症状;昆诺藜在接种后4~6d于接种叶上产生褪绿至坏死的局部枯斑,但无系统感染的症状出现。取表现症状的柑桔类指示植物和昆诺藜的叶片作接种源,汁液磨擦接种回接至昆诺藜,再现了同样的症状。  相似文献   

柑桔黄龙病毒研究初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
試驗用萊檬(Citrus aurantifolia)及麻疯柑(C.hystrix)作指示植物,用两广黃龙病区病株接穗嫁接接种,表現脉明、叶脉木栓化、茎部凹斑、及矮化、小叶等典型退化病毒(tristeza virus)所致症状,可知我国柑桔黄龙病与国外柑桔退化病(tristeza)系同一种病毒(或病毒群)所致。无病区的四川江津、湖南溆浦和北京的健康甜橙、桔类、及北京檸檬也带有黄龙病毒,可見黄龙病毒的分布远较病区为广。各种柑桔上所带黄龙病毒株系的強弱不同;在碰柑上的为强毒系,甜橙上的为强毒系或较弱毒系,桔类及北京檸檬上的各别为較弱毒系及弱毒系。  相似文献   

<正>0引言核桃黑斑病是核桃的三大主要病害之一,发病范围广,危害严重,一般植株受害率70%~90%,果实受害率10%~40%,严重时达65%以上,导致核桃栽培经济效益大幅降低[1]。核桃黑斑病病菌在病枝、芽鳞和残留的病果等处越冬,从气孔、皮孔、柱头、伤口等处侵入,借雨水、花粉、昆虫传播,可多次侵染[2]。  相似文献   

<正>椰枣树(Phoenix dactylifera L.)属多年生棕榈科热带植物,是阿拉伯国家重要的经济和粮食作物,果实被称为“沙漠面包”,具有较高的营养价值[1-2]。 目前我国对椰枣的研究主要集中于椰枣化学成分分析[3]、基因表达[4]、植物组织培养[5]、逆境胁迫[6]等领域,对椰枣病害发生及病原菌种类鲜有报道。2020年11月—2021年6月,对海南省椰枣病害发生情况进行调查,  相似文献   

引起花生果腐病的新孢镰刀菌及其生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>0引言花生果腐病(俗称花生烂果病)是一种世界性土传病害,主要导致花生荚果腐烂。近年来花生果腐病在我国山东、河南、河北等花生主产区日趋严重,造成15%以上的减产甚至绝收[1]。国内外已报道的花生果腐病病原菌有Sclerotium minor[2]、Neocosmospora vasinfecta[3,4]、N. striata[5]、Fusarium sp.[6]、Pythium myriotylum[7]和Rhizoctonia solani[8]。其中,我国不同地域的花生果腐病病原菌有N. vasinfecta[3,4]、N. striata[5]、Fusarium sp.[6]、P. myriotylum[7]和R. solani[8]。  相似文献   

<正>0引言凤仙花(Impatiens balsamina)为凤仙花科(Balsaminaceae)凤仙花属(Impatiens)一年生草本植物,在我国大部分地区均有分布。栽培过程中凤仙花真菌病害主要有白粉病、褐斑病、炭疽病和立枯病等[1-2]。有关凤仙花病毒病的报道,如番茄斑萎病毒(tomato spotted wilt virus,TSWV)[3]、凤仙花坏死斑点病毒(impatiens necrotic spot virus,INSV)[4]、黄瓜花叶病毒(cucumber mosaic virus,CMV)[5-6]、烟草花叶病毒(tobacco mosaic virus,TMV)[7]、番茄花叶病毒(tomato mosaic virus,ToMV)[8]、长叶车前花叶病毒(ribgrass mosaic virus,RMV)[9]等均可侵染凤仙花。  相似文献   

<正>0 引言河南省是我国玉米小麦的种植大省,玉米和小麦的种植面积常年保持在3 800千公顷和5 670千公顷以上。玉米黄花叶病毒(maize yellow mosaic virus, MaYMV)是2016年在我国云南省玉米上首次发现的一种新病毒[1],属于马铃薯卷叶病毒属(polerovirus),能够引起玉米植株叶片黄化、花叶、红叶等症状[6],之后该病毒在亚洲[1-2]、非洲[3-4]、南美洲[5]等地区禾本科作物上均有发现,  相似文献   

我国部分省市甜椒黄瓜花叶病毒的亚组鉴定   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
 CMV是我国甜椒上的主要毒原种类,并有着许多不伺的株系,近年来,一些CMV株系被分为2个亚组[1,2]。同一亚组株系的核苷酸序列同源性在95%以上,在寄主范围、致病性等方面有一定的相似性;而不同亚组株系在寄主范围、致病性、复制及传播等方面均有差异[3]。所以,以快速、准确的分子生物学方法鉴定我国甜椒CMV分离物的亚组地位,可以为抗病毒基因工程育种、品种合理布局以及防治措施的实施提供依据。  相似文献   

<正>木奶果(Baccaurea ramiflora Lour.),为大戟科常绿果树[1],具有重要的观赏、食用及药用价值[2]。文献检索未发现木奶果致病菌相关报道[3]。本研究对广西南亚热带农业科学研究所种质资源苗圃内患病木奶果进行病菌分离、致病性测定及分子鉴定,旨在明确木奶果白绢病致病菌种类,以期为该病害的防治提供依据。2021年10月于广西南亚热带农业科学研究所种质资源苗圃内发现木奶果苗茎部病害,病部黄褐色,环境湿度大时,病部出现白色丝状菌丝,缠绕病茎生长,随后病部生出白色至褐色直径约2 mm的圆形菜籽样粒状菌核(图1-A)。  相似文献   

<正>葡萄黑根病(Black foot disease)是重要的葡萄枝干病害之一,全球葡萄主要种植区均有发生[1],近两年我国有该病害发生的报道[1-2]。田间,黑根病主要危害8年树龄以下的幼树,症状主要表现为发芽异常,枝条节间缩短,叶片失绿黄化,根部出现褐色至黑色坏死等[3-5]。引起葡萄黑根病的病原菌复杂多样,已报道8个属34种病原菌[1]。2021年,北京市林果所育苗棚发现一批葡萄幼苗的根部及根茎部变褐或变黑,根系发育不良,毛细根稀少,  相似文献   

A survey for citrus exocortis viroid (CEV) was conducted in commercial groves of the main citrus-producing areas of Cyprus during 1987–1990. Of 573 trees sampled, representing 25 species and varieties, 506 (88.3%) were found to be infected when indexed by grafting to seedlings of'Etrog' citron (Citrus medica) , selection Arizona 861. Levels of infection by CEV were lower in newer introductions than in introductions made before the 1940s. In greenhouse tests, CEV was readily transmitted from citron to healthy citron and gynura (Gynura aurantiaca) by knife-blade inoculation. Retransmission of CEV from infected gynura back to citron was successful.  相似文献   

A viroid etiology for citrus gummy bark (CGB) disease of sweet orange is supported by the similarity of symptom expression to cachexia disease of mandarins and tangelos caused by the hop stunt viroid (HSVd) related citrus viroid II (CVd-II), as well as the detection of CVd-II variants in CGB infected Washington navel and Dörtyol sweet orange, a Turkish cultivar. A survey was made of 67 clones of CVd-II related variants recovered from severe CGB symptomatic and non-symptomatic trees of the same cultivars growing in close proximity. Only CVd-IIa, a non-cachexia inducing variant, was found in non-symptomatic Washington navel trees and no CVd-II variants were recovered from the Dörtyol control. CGB infected sources contained a number of CVd-II related variants with the predominant species detected closely related to CVd-IIc, a known cachexia inducing viroid. Biological activity of representactive variants from CGB sources was determined by transmission to citron (Citrus medica) as well as by bioassay on the indexing host for cachexia, Parson's Special mandarin (Citrus reticulata).  相似文献   

甘薯病毒病害SPVD抗性鉴定方法及产量损失估计   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了建立规范、有效的甘薯病毒病害(sweet potato virus disease,SPVD)抗性鉴定方法,于2011—2012连续两年,利用田间人工嫁接病毒接穗的方法对12个甘薯品种进行抗性鉴定和产量损失测定。结果显示,嫁接接种后,接穗成活率接近100%,12个品种都有不同程度发病,病情指数在51.0~95.2之间;感染SPVD的甘薯植株叶绿素含量降低、蔓长缩短;单株薯块产量损失范围在55.1%~97.8%之间。研究表明,供试的12个甘薯主栽品种感染SPVD后均可引起严重的产量损失,且田间人工嫁接病毒接穗是一个有效的SPVD抗性鉴定方法。  相似文献   

6种柑橘类植物对柑橘衰退病毒分离株TR-L514变异的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 柑橘衰退病毒(Citrus tristeza virus,CTV)存在复杂的株系分化现象,运用弱毒株交叉保护防治柑橘衰退病时需了解不同类型柑橘对CTV构成的影响。作者将CTV分离株TR-L514嫁接接种到6类柑橘植物上获得了18个亚分离株,并对这18个亚分离株和TR-L514进行了指示植物鉴定,p25基因的限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP)和单链构象多态性(SSCP)分析,p23基因的序列比较。结果表明,CTV株系对不同柑橘类植株的适应性存在差异。TR-L514嫁接到不同柑橘类植株其构成会发生变化,在甜橙上可以同时检测出p25//HinfⅠ RFLP第1和6组群,并具有比在其它4类柑橘上更为复杂的SSCP谱型构成,因此甜橙可能更适宜于CTV的增殖。TR-L514及18个亚分离株的p23基因序列差异可能与不同类柑橘植株的适应性有关。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Xylella fastidiosa is the causal agent of citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC), a destructive disease of sweet orange cultivars in Brazil. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based assays constitute the principal diagnostic method for detection of these bacteria. In this work, we established a real-time quantitative PCR (QPCR) assay to quantify X. fastidiosa in naturally and artificially infected citrus. The X. fastidiosa cell number detected in the leaves increased according to the age of the leaf, and bacteria were not detected in the upper midrib section in young leaves, indicating temporal and spatial distribution patterns of bacteria, respectively. In addition, the X. fastidiosa cell number quantified in leaves of 'Pera' orange and 'Murcott' tangor reflected the susceptible and resistant status of these citrus cultivars. None of the 12 endophytic citrus bacteria or the four strains of X. fastidiosa nonpathogenic to citrus that were tested showed an increase in the fluorescence signal during QPCR. In contrast, all 10 CVC-causing strains exhibited an increase in fluorescence signal, thus indicating the specificity of this QPCR assay. Our QPCR provides a powerful tool for studies of different aspects of the Xylella-citrus interactions, and can be incorporated into breeding programs in order to select CVC-resistant plants more quickly.  相似文献   

Citrus huanglongbing (HLB) reduces an affected orchard’s economic life. This work aimed to characterize yield loss due to HLB for different sweet orange cultivars and determine the relationship between disease severity and yield. Disease severity and yield were assessed on 949 individual trees distributed in 11 different blocks from sweet orange cultivars Hamlin, Westin, Pera and Valencia. In each block, plants showing a range of HLB severity levels and asymptomatic plants were selected. Total yield (weight of harvested fruit), mean weight of asymptomatic and symptomatic fruit, relative yield (symptomatic tree yield/mean yield of asymptomatic trees from the same block) and relative number of fruits (fruit number from symptomatic tree/mean number of fruits from asymptomatic trees from the same block) were determined. The weight of symptomatic fruit was lower than the weight of asymptomatic fruit, but the weights of asymptomatic and symptomatic fruit were not correlated with disease severity, indicating that the effects of HLB were restricted to symptomatic branches. The relationship of the relative yield with HLB severity can be satisfactorily described by a negative exponential model. The rates of yield decrease as a function of disease severity were similar for all assessed cultivars. A relative yield (up to 19%) was observed even for trees where disease severity was 100%. The strong linear relationship between relative number of fruits per tree and the relative yield per tree suggested that the yield reduction was due primarily to early fruit drop or lack of fruit set on affected branches.  相似文献   

温州蜜柑萎缩病的分布鉴定   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
1985-1991年,从9个省(自治区、市)采集84个由日本引进的特早、早、中和晚熟的温州蜜柑品系、杂柑以及脐橙类品种样品,采用草本指示植物白芝麻、黑眼豇豆和美丽菜豆以及用ELISA法对各样品感染温州蜜柑萎缩病毒(SDV)情况进行鉴定。结果表明80年代初四川奉节和浙江黄岩分别从日本引进的特早熟宫本温州蜜柑感染该病,而其余样品均不带SDV。不少特早熟温州蜜柑品系感染有柑桔碎叶病毒(CTLV),尤以从浙江黄岩采集的为甚。1991年秋梢嫩梢期从国家果树种质重庆柑桔圃采集除温州蜜柑以外的各地主栽品种25个进行ELISA法测定,结果表明均未带SDV。  相似文献   

Characterization of Citrus tristeza virus isolates in northern Iran   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The biological and molecular properties of four Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) isolates isolated from infected Satsuma trees imported from Japan, and growing in citrus groves in northern Iran (Mahdasht orchards, Mazandaran Province), were investigated. CTV-infected samples were collected from sweet orange trees and grafted onto Alemow (Citrus macrophylla Wester) seedlings. On indicator plants, these isolates produced various symptoms including vein clearing and stem pitting on Mexican lime, Alemow, and Citrus hystrix, and yellowing and stunting on sour orange and grapefruit seedlings. Citrus samples were also surveyed for CTV using serological tests. The coat protein (CP) gene of these isolates was amplified using specific primers, yielding an amplicon of 672 bp for all isolates. Sequence analysis showed 98%–99% sequence homology of Iranian isolates with the Californian CTV severe stem-pitting isolate SY568 and 97%–98% homology with the Japanese seedling yellows isolate NUagA. The Iranian isolates were compared by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of the CP amplicon for further classification.  相似文献   

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