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Socio-economically motivated land use changes are a major threat for species diversity of grasslands throughout the world. Here, we comprehensively explore how plant species diversity of grasslands in the species-rich cultural landscape of the Swiss Alps depends on recent land use changes, and, neglected in previous studies, on old cultural traditions. We studied diversity in 216 grassland parcels at three altitudinal levels in 12 villages of three cultural traditions (Romanic, Germanic, and Walser). In valleys of Romanic villages more different parcel types tended to occur than in those of Germanic and Walser villages, suggesting that socio-economic differences among cultural traditions still play a role in shaping landscape diversity. Moreover, at the village level, higher man-made landscape diversity was associated with higher plant species richness. All observed changes in land use reduced the farmers’ workload. Plant species richness was lower in fertilized than in unfertilized parcels and in abandoned compared with used parcels. Grazing slightly reduced species richness compared with mowing among unfertilized parcels, while in fertilized parcels it had a positive influence. The highest species diversity was found in mown unfertilized subalpine grasslands. Nevertheless, moderate grazing of former meadows can be a valuable alternative to abandonment. We conclude that the ongoing changes in land use reduce plant species richness within parcels and at the landscape level. To preserve plant species diversity at the landscape level a high diversity of land use types has to be maintained.  相似文献   

This study investigates the influence of fragment size on tree species composition, species richness and on individual groups of species within 11 semideciduous forest fragments in southeastern Brazil. We compared same-sized samples of 500 trees from 10 fragments <100 ha, allocated to three size categories, with three 500-tree samples collected in different areas within a large forest, used as a reference forest. The variation in species richness, in the proportion of species/individuals in dispersal modes, and in the proportion of rare species was not related to fragment size. Nonetheless, comparisons between the mean values of these variables of each fragment size categories, using 95% confidence intervals, showed a wider range of variation within the category of small-sized fragments than in the other size categories. NMS ordination plot also suggested the absence of a relationship between fragment area and tree species composition. However, multiple regressions using the scores from the NMS ordination as response variables, and area and disturbance intensities as predictor variables, suggested that the interaction of area and disturbance might be a good predictor of species composition. Pre-existing environmental heterogeneity and geographical proximity also appeared to play a role in the variations of forest composition among the fragments studied. Our results demonstrated the high conservation value of small forest fragments.  相似文献   

Presence of higher plant species was recorded in 1455 permanently marked quadrats located across Britain in 1978, 1990 and 1998 in a stratified, random sample of 259 1 km squares. Significant increases and decreases in frequency of each species were summarised as changes in the representation of simple traits, each of which had an established relationship with varying levels of fertility or disturbance. By testing the null hypothesis that the trait values represented among increasing or decreasing species were a random draw from the 1978 species pool, we determined the consistency of botanical change with changes in land-use in different vegetation types and landscape locations across Britain.Overall, 63% of significant changes in species occupancy were decreases and 37% increases. Trait changes were largely consistent with the impact of increased nutrient availability across vegetation types associated with inherently low fertility, such as infertile grassland, heath, bog and moorland. Linear habitats in lowland Britain saw trait changes consistent with secondary succession. Although trait changes were highly consistent with eutrophication in upland vegetation, the identity of the changing species left open the possibility that increased N deposition, sheep grazing intensity and local improvement could all have played a part.Recent changes in common plant species across Britain suggest that objectives for large-scale restoration and maintenance of plant communities must address four problems: (a) the increasing scarcity of stress-tolerant species in lowland species pools, (b) exploitation and maintenance of species populations on habitat fragments and linear features in the lowlands, (c) the spread and persistence of generalist species in upland Britain, (d) systemic nutrient enrichment in both lowland and upland environments.  相似文献   

In this paper, we show that fine-scale data on seed plant diversity exhibit exponential scaling behaviour across the taxonomic hierarchy. One practical implication of this result is that the scaling behaviour of higher taxonomic levels can be used to predict species richness in a given area with reasonable accuracy.  相似文献   

We conducted a systematic global review of differences between timber plantations and pasture lands in terms of animal and plant species richness and abundance, and assessed the results using meta-analysis techniques. Our principal aim was to test the hypothesis that plantations contain higher species richness or abundance than pasture. Of the 1967 studies of potential relevance, 66 provided biological monitoring information and 36 met the requirements for meta-analyses. Sufficient data were available for meta-analyses to be conducted comparing the species richness and abundance of plantations and pasture lands for five taxonomic groups: plants, invertebrates, reptiles/amphibians, mammals, and birds. Within each taxon there was considerable variation in the difference between species richness and abundance between plantations and pasture lands. Birds and reptile/amphibians exhibited significantly higher species richness, and mammals exhibited significantly higher abundance, in plantations than in pasture lands which lacked remnant vegetation. Reptile/amphibian species richness was significantly higher in plantations in general. No significant differences in species richness were found for mammals, plants, or invertebrates, and no significant differences in abundance were found for birds, reptiles/amphibians, invertebrates, or plants. It is only within the presence of taxonomic caveats (i.e. reptiles/amphibians), or specific landscape features (i.e. absence of remnant vegetation within pasture), that it can be concluded that plantations support higher species richness or abundance than pasture land. We emphasize that caution is warranted when making general statements about the inherent biodiversity value of diverse and broadly-defined land-uses.  相似文献   

In terms of managing biodiversity, a third of the land area of New Zealand is included in a conservation estate of national parks, reserves and sanctuaries. Administration of this large natural heritage asset is by 13 separate Department of Conservation (DOC) conservancies. A survey was conducted, across all conservancies, of DOC staff directly involved with the management and recovery of threatened New Zealand species. The aim of the survey was to gain an insight into how DOC staff regard the management tools available to them for the recovery of threatened species. The survey also assessed the perceived relevance of the threatened species recovery plans (TSRPs) currently in use by these staff. The results of the survey show that in general, the DOC staff consider that a lack of adequate funding, poor communication between conservancies and staff shortages have resulted in failure to achieve comprehensive management and recovery of threatened species. There was an expectation for TSRPs to comprehensively guide management and recovery actions but most staff concluded that TSRPs failed to meet this objective. It was identified that TSRPs need to be kept up-to-date and preferably in an electronic format accessible to all DOC staff throughout New Zealand. There was strong support for the establishment of a national approach for the recovery of threatened species. Concern was expressed that current resourcing only allowed recovery of a very small number of New Zealand’s threatened species with staff calling for secure funding for the duration of threatened species recovery programmes.  相似文献   

Biodiversity conservation and the identification of conservation units among invertebrates are complicated by low levels of morphological difference, particularly among aquatic taxa. Accordingly, biodiversity is often underestimated in communities of aquatic invertebrates, as revealed by high genetic divergence between cryptic species. We analyzed PCR-amplified portions of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene and 16S rRNA gene for amphipods in the Gammarus pecos species complex endemic to springs in the Chihuahuan Desert of southeast New Mexico and west Texas. Our analyses uncover the presence of seven separate species in this complex, of which only three nominal taxa are formally described. The distribution of these species is highly correlated with geography, with many present only in one spring or one spatially-restricted cluster of springs, indicating that each species likely merits protection under the US Endangered Species Act. We present evidence suggesting that habitat fragmentation, long-distance colonization, and isolation-by-distance have occurred at different temporal and spatial scales within this system to produce the lineages that we report. We show that patterns detected in the G. pecos species complex also correlate with endemic fishes (Gambusia spp., pupfish) and hydrobiid snails. Our results provide clues important for future biodiversity investigations in geographically isolated aquatic habitats, and shed light on the understudied and underestimated levels of biodiversity present in desert spring systems.  相似文献   

Bees are believed to be in decline across many of the world’s ecosystems. Recent studies on British bumblebees proposed alternative theories to explain declines. One study suggested that greater dietary specialization among the rarer bumblebee species makes them more susceptible to decline. A second study disputed this theory and found that declines in British bumblebees were correlated with the size of species’ European ranges, leading to the suggestion that climate and habitat specialization may be better indicators of the risk of decline. Here we use a new and independent dataset based on Irish bumblebees to test the generality of these theories. We found that most of the same bumblebee species are declining across the British Isles, but that, within Ireland, a simple food-plant specialization model is inadequate to explain these declines. Furthermore, we found no evidence of a relationship between declines in Irish bumblebees and the size of species’ European ranges. However, we demonstrate that the late emerging species have declined in Ireland (and in Britain), and that these species show a statistically significant westward shift to the extremity of their range, probably as a result of changing land use. Irish data support the finding that rare and declining bumblebees are later nesting species, associated with open grassy habitats. We suggest that the widespread replacement of hay with silage in the agricultural landscape, which results in earlier and more frequent mowing and a reduction in late summer wildflowers, has played a major role in bumblebee declines.  相似文献   

Decisions on biodiversity management and conservation are increasingly based on indicators. These imply, explicitly or implicitly, a number of criteria such as nativeness, rarity, endangeredness and (economic) value. We investigated to which degree such criteria matter to members of the general public and conducted a survey in eight sites across Europe (n = 2378). We explored the relationships between perceived desirability of a species’ population increase and six species-related attributes, including previous population change, rarity, vulnerability, harmfulness, value, attractiveness, and nativeness.For all three species types investigated, previous population change, followed by perceived harmfulness and value, had the strongest relationship with desirability of future increase. Perceived nativeness played only a minor role in informing a species’ desirability. A strong relationship between previous change and desirability of future increase could also be found in a number of additional species and six different habitat types, suggesting that previous change is a key criterion that the general public draws on to inform their attitudes towards biodiversity management.We compare the roles of such criteria for the general public to those used in the scientific and political discourse, and draw conclusions for the use of indicators in the conservation debate, arguing that biodiversity management that is strongly focused on nativeness might fall short of the interests of the citizenship, whereas other criteria, such as population trends, harmfulness and role and value of a species in the ecosystem strongly resonate with the views of the general public.  相似文献   

In the Indian desert, the economics of mining is second only to agriculture in importance. However, research on the rehabilitation of land disturbed by mining has only recently received serious attention. An attempt has been made to determine both the qualitative and quantitative success of rehabilitation plans used to revegetate limestone mine spoils in an area near Barna, northwest arid India. Rehabilitation success was achieved using a combination of rainwater harvesting techniques, soil amendment application approaches, plant establishment methods and the selection of appropriate germplasm material (trees, shrubs and grasses). It is expected that the resulting vegetative cover will be capable of self‐perpetuation under natural conditions while at the same time meeting the land‐use needs of the local people. The minespoils have adequate levels of the major nutrients (except P, Mo and Se) for proper plant and grazing animal health. Levels of organic matter are low whereas total B concentrations are exceptionally high. Also, the population of soil fungi, Azotobactor, and nitrifying bacteria is negligible. Enhanced plant growth was achieved in treated plots, compared to control plots, where spoil moisture storage was improved by 5 – 45 per cent. Due to the decomposition of farmyard manure and nitrogen fixation by planted leguminous plant species, the electrical conductance of treated mine spoils increased threefold, CaCO3 content decreased from 20·0 to 5·2 per cent, and organic carbon, P, K, and biological activity increased significantly. The rehabilitation protocol used at the site appears to have been successful because plant self‐regeneration is occurring. The increased diversity of woody perennials resulted in ‘dominance’ being better shared among species and ‘evenness’ being increased within the plant community elements. The early to mid‐successional trends are continuing for six years following initial rehabilitation. This study developed methods for the rehabilitation of lands mined for limestone and has also resulted in an understanding of rehabilitation processes in arid regions with an emphasis on the long‐term monitoring of rehabilitation success. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Inputs of aboveground plant litter influence the abundance and activities of belowground decomposer biota. Litter-mixing studies have examined whether the diversity and heterogeneity of litter inputs affect decomposer communities in ways that can be predicted from monocultures. They have mainly attempted to detect non-additive effects of litter mixing, although individual species effects (additivity) as well as species interactions (non-additivity) may alter decomposition rates. To determine potential impacts of plant species loss on aboveground-decomposer linkages, we assessed both additive and non-additive effects of litter mixing on decomposer communities. A full-factorial litterbag experiment with leaves from four deciduous tree species was conducted, to assess responses of bacteria, fungi, nematodes, and microarthropods. Data were analyzed using a statistical method that first looked for additive effects based on the presence or absence of species and then any significant species interactions. We observed almost exclusively additive effects of all four litter species on decomposer biota, with each species exerting effects on different aspects of the community. These results imply that the consequences of species loss for the decomposer community will be largely predictable from knowledge of single species litter dynamics. The two species at opposite ends of the quality spectrum exerted the most effects. High-quality Liriodendron tulipifera supported a more diverse arthropod community and drove bottom-up effects on the decomposer food web. Low-quality Rhododendron maximum had negative effects on most groups of biota. Litter of mid-quality species exerted fewer effects. The influence of litter species richness on the Tylenchidae (nematodes) was the only non-additive effect of litter mixing. Together, these data demonstrate an effect of plant community composition on decomposer biomass, abundance, and diversity, confirming a link between above and belowground communities. We were able to identify the species to which the decomposer community is most sensitive, aiding predictions of the consequences of the loss of these dominant species on the decomposer community, with potential feedbacks for organic matter and nutrient turnover.  相似文献   

Recent studies of British bumblebees have proposed a seemingly simple explanation for the decline in some species: that greater dietary specialization among the rarer species has put them at greater risk. However, comparisons of dietary specialization require: (1) that bees have access to the same dietary options among which to make their choices; (2) that the differing relative breadths of dietary choices made are not obscured by the differing sample sizes among bee species. Using one of the few suitable data sets, I find no evidence for a relationship between, on the one hand, rarity or declines in British bumblebees and, on the other, their dietary breadths, the strengths of their dietary preferences, or their proboscis lengths (which influence dietary choices). In contrast, there is support for a relationship between rarity or declines within Britain and the sizes of species’ European ranges, particularly when these measures are adjusted to represent their ranges near sea level. Adjusted range sizes may reflect overall niche breadth and perhaps climatic and habitat specialization. This is not to say that climate change is the driving factor for declines or that changing food-plant availability is unimportant, but that climatic and habitat specialization may be a better indicator of risk of decline, which deserves further study.  相似文献   

农业系统中生物多样性利用的研究现状与未来思考   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
"现代农业"生产力高,但生物多样性简单化、生物之间的相互作用及其生态学效应常常被忽略,其生产力的稳定性主要依赖于化学肥料、农药、灌溉和高产品种等的投入。传统农业则是利用当地生物多样性(物种多样性和遗传多样性)和生物之间的相互作用来产出食物和维持系统的稳定。因而现代农业能否借鉴传统农业对生物多样性利用的经验,将工业化模式的现代农业转换为生物多样性利用与现代技术相结合的农业受到关注。本文分析了农业系统中生物多样性的特点及农业方式对农业生物多样性的影响;综述了农业系统中生物多样性利用模式与效应方面的研究进展;讨论了在现代农业系统中,利用生物多样性需要开展的研究,即区域上如何布局农业景观多样性,农田内如何根据生物之间的互惠关系配置物种多样性的种养体系,如何建设与生物多样性利用相应的田间设施和发展新型的农业机械、并建立以信息化为基础的管理体系。  相似文献   

The effect of tree species, stand structure, landscape and historical variables was studied on the species composition, species richness and cover of epiphytic bryophyte assemblages in mixed deciduous-coniferous forests of Western Hungary. Stand and tree level assemblages were analyzed by ordinations and generalized linear modeling in 35 70-110 year old stands of different management regimes.Bryophytes showed a considerable preference to different host trees, so that stand level diversity of bryophyte assemblages was determined mainly by tree species diversity, and their composition by tree species composition. Cover and diversity of epiphytic bryophytes were the highest on oaks (Quercus petraea and Quercus robur), and the lowest on Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris). The presence of sapling (shrub) layer increased, whereas a large number of medium sized trees decreased bryophyte species richness in this study. Tree size was much less influential which is explained by the lack of large, veteran trees. Forest management maintaining tree species diversity, structural heterogeneity and temporal continuity of the stands could considerably contribute to the conservation of this organism group. Selective cutting is more appropriate for these conservational purposes than shelterwood management system.  相似文献   

Citrus indica and C. macroptera are the wild endangered species of Citrus occurring in northeastern India. Surveys were undertaken in this region for ascertaining distribution, studying variability and for collection of germplasm of these two species. C. indica, an endemic species of this region, was collected from the Citrus Gene Sanctuary located in buffer zone of Nokrek Biosphere Reserve in the Garo hills of Meghalaya. In addition, a putative natural hybrid of C. indica and C. limon was collected for the first time from the south Garo hills. C. macroptera had much wider distribution and was collected from Mizoram and Meghalaya states. In Jantia hills of Meghalaya, natural populations of this species are in a highly threatened state. The two species were unevenly distributed all over the explored territory. Morphological characterization of leaves, fruits and seeds indicated the presence of sizable variability within collected accessions of these two Citrus species. Indigenous technical knowledge gathered on the use and socio-economic importance indicated commercial potential for these two species in northeastern India. However, lack of cultivation of these species and clearing of forest cover at an alarming rate has led to an urgent need to adopt complementary conservation strategies to safeguard these species and to ensure their availability for future utilization. A major emphasis on developing methods for their propagation, multiplication and regeneration in in situ and ex situ conditions is required.  相似文献   

Assessing the effects of the spatial components on species diversity in a network of protected areas represents an important step for assessing its conservation “capacity”. A clear evaluation on how α-, β-, and γ-diversity are partitioned among and within spatial scales can help to drive manager decisions and provide method for monitoring species diversity. Moving from these concepts, a probabilistic sample of plant species composition was here applied for quantifying plant species diversity within the Sites of Community Importance (SCIs) of the Natura 2000 network in the Siena Province. All analyses were performed separately for all species and those species defined as “focal” (included in regional, national or continental “red” lists). The results indicated that species richness of the SCIs differed from one location to another one independently from the sampling efforts. Diversity partitioning indicated that most of the flora diversity within the network was given by larger-scale β-diversity, i.e. the differences in species composition among SCIs. β-diversity was then decomposed in two components: βArea (due to the differences in area among SCIs) and βReplacement (due to the compositional differences across SCIs). βArea was particularly important for all species, while βReplacement was the most important factor for focal species. The consequent implications for monitoring and nature conservation strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The nitrogenase activity of irrigated and rainfed plants of mung bean, cluster bean and moth bean was studied throughout the growth period in order to estimate the reduction in the potential nitrogen fixation (C2H2 reduction) rate due to field water deficits. Nitrogenase activity followed a similar trend in all crops and was dependent on both plant ontogeny and soil moisture levels. The loss of activity due to water deficits varied from 13% to 100% at different growth stages and was related to the plant water potential. The specific activity was directly correlated with the plant water potential under both the treatments. The average loss of nitrogen fixation rate during the season did not differ markedly among crops. There was an accumulation of ureides in the nodules with increasing field moisture stress in mung bean and moth bean while no such effect was found in cluster bean. The significance of these results is discussed in the N-economy of these legumes grown in the drought-prone areas of the Indian desert.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test the relative importance of changes in density and species richness of soil mesofauna as determinants of nutrient mineralisation and plant growth. The experiment was carried out using microcosms containing a mixture of plant litter and soil in which seedlings of Lolium perenne were planted, and a range of combinations of levels of density and species richness of microarthropods added. Over the duration of the experiment, nutrient release, measured as concentrations of NO3 --N and total N in leachates, increased significantly with increasing microarthropod density, but decreased with increasing species richness. Leachate concentrations of NH4 +-N, dissolved organic N and C (DON and DOC) were not affected by the faunal treatments. Soil respiration, a measure of microbial activity, decreased with increasing density of microarthropods, whereas microbial biomass was not affected by microarthropods. Increasing density of soil animals had a negative effect on the shoot biomass of L. perenne while the effect of species richness was positive. Neither the species richness nor density of soil microarthropods was found to significantly influence root biomass. We conclude that variations in animal density had a greater influence on soil nutrient mineralisation processes than did species richness. Possible reasons for these opposing effects of animal density and diversity on soil N mobilization are discussed.  相似文献   

Physoplexis comosa and Primula glaucescens, endemic to calcareous grasslands of the Lombardy Prealps, northern Italy, are protected under Annex IV of European Community Directive 92/43/EEC. Seed germination dynamics of these species were studied with the aim of producing appropriate germination protocols for use in ex situ conservation. Seeds were collected from Monte Barro (922 m a.s.l.) and for Primula glaucescens from three additional sites in a more central part of its range (1217-2521 m a.s.l.). Physoplexis comosa germinated only in sterile in vitro conditions, in which germination percentages were extremely low without a supply of gibberellic acid (GA3; 1.7%); the optimum GA3 concentration was 100 mg l−1 (> 90% germination), with lower germination at higher doses of 250-500 mg l−1. Primula glaucescens germinated in both sterile and non-sterile conditions and, although total germination was not affected by GA3 concentration, doses of 10-500 mg l−1 acted equally to prompt earlier and more rapid germination. Primula glaucescens from Monte Barro was characterised by slower and poorer germination than from central sites.  相似文献   

We propose a method to establish regional-level priorities for plant species that is based on three criteria. These involve two main criteria associated with species rarity, (a) small range size and thus regional responsibility and (b) low population numbers and thus local rarity, and a third criteria associated with habitat vulnerability to distinguish species currently threatened by human activities. Application of the method shows how the three criteria can be objectively and readily quantified (using a system of equal numbers of ranks) and combined into a hierarchy of priorities. We show how this can be done by using regional responsibility as a first order priority followed successively by local rarity and habitat vulnerability. Since the criteria are closely associated with rarity, this method is easily understandable for decision makers. We illustrate the application of the method to plants (a species rich group) at two regional scales where the objectives are different. If adapted to the availability of different types of data, the three criteria could be used to produce comparable lists in different countries and regions.  相似文献   

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