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This paper examines how the presence of dual, disparate environmental disamenities located near each other impact property values in a semi‐rural area. A heavy metals manufacturing facility and a rubber‐compounding factory operate two and one half miles apart in a small community. The heavy metals manufacturing facility uses low‐level depleted uranium in its production. The level of production is small and the production process does not emit visible air pollution or odors that can be easily identified. Thus, if the surrounding community negatively perceives a potential risk, it is not through the channels of sight or smell. The rubber‐compounding factory emits foul odors and some visible air pollution. Thus, its negative externalities and potential risks are easily perceptible. Using the hedonic price technique, this paper examines the impact of the use of a non‐perceptible hazardous material in the production of a good on housing prices in a community when another more visible, noxious facility is present. The results show that noticeable disamenities are capitalized into housing values, while non‐visible ones are not.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In conventional modeling of housing demand, consumers choose living arrangement, tenure, and housing on the basis of price, income, wealth, and tastes. However, it is both costly and onerous to alter one's housing conditions. It is argued therefore that consumers employ housing strategies to cope with labor market risks and expectations about their future: strategies that may differ from one demographic group to the next. In conventional modeling of housing demand, it is also well‐known that selection bias can arise: that is, omitted variables that help account for one aspect of housing (say, tenure choice) also subsequently affect the nature of the demand function for other aspects of housing demand (say, the amount spent on housing by a renter household). One such variable is the consumer's wealth, a variable that is typically not available in household survey data. This paper argues that the most important variables that may give rise to selection bias are variables that also reflect the coping strategies employed by consumers. The paper estimates a model of housing choice using Canada‐wide pooled samples from the 1980s and 1990s. In this paper, the prices of housing services and income prospects vary region by region. The paper shows how individuals and families in different housing markets across Canada respond, and how this evidences the use of coping strategies (from doubling up to substandard housing). The paper presents evidence to support the argument that selection bias is important in understanding how consumers cope.  相似文献   

The costs of sprawl are well documented, but there are fewer studies of its potential benefits. One such benefit is argued to be the facilitation of the filtering process, resulting in a greater quantity of affordable and available housing for low‐income households. While metropolitan area data indicate a positive correlation between sprawl and the supply of affordable housing for very low‐income households, regression analysis does not provide evidence for this hypothesis, after controlling for other metropolitan characteristics. The results put into question the argument that sprawl expands housing opportunities for households of all incomes, specifically those who are the poorest.  相似文献   

This paper investigates intra‐urban population and employment shifts over 1980–2000, using the Cincinnati Metropolitan Area as a case study. Population and employment are disaggregated by ethnicity (White, Black, Others) and industry (10 sectors) to better capture different location behaviors. Inter‐industry relationships are considered when constructing accessibility variables. Additional diversity, locational and socio‐economic variables are included. A location‐specific index of air quality is also considered, as a proxy for environmental quality. A structural equation model is specified to account for the dynamic interactions between populations, activities, and air quality. The results reveal strong interactions between ethnic groups, confirm the existence of agglomeration effects, and suggest that diversity has positive effects on both firms and households in both periods (1980–1990 and 1990–2000). For firms, better access to their potential customers and employees is more important than better access to their input–output sectors. Better air quality attracts population, which in turn worsens it. The results reveal changing dynamics, from 1980–1990 to 1990–2000, for different population and activity groups, and suggest that overall, firm location behaviors are more stable than household behaviors.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Over the past twenty years, the environmental regulation of landfills has become increasingly restrictive both at the federal and state levels. Using a panel dataset of Ohio landfills, we developed a theoretical framework to explain the landfill operators’ responses to regulatory actions, and then estimate an empirical model of changes in industry structure. Because not all Ohio counties have landfill operations, we hypothesize that there is self‐selection in the location of landfills, which is accounted for with an appropriate econometric model. The study finds that environmental regulations had significant impact both on the location of landfill operations and concentration of the industry during the time period studied.  相似文献   

The juxtaposition of oil and gas wells against the Rocky Mountains on Colorado's Front Range provides a picture of the complicated interaction between Colorado's natural resources above and below ground. As hydraulic fracturing has increased oil and gas development—bringing jobs and money to an already highly sought after amenity‐rich area—it has also increased concerns about the impact on natural amenities, such as water quality and mountain views. Using data on housing sales between 2006 and 2014, we estimate how shale development is capitalized into housing prices in a booming market when households are in close proximity to other natural amenities. We find that shale development negatively impacts house prices, more so for houses with private water and houses that are closer to the mountains, but that competition for land along the Front Range has driven up house prices overall in the region. Our results also suggest the policy responses to shale development may differ for growing, amenity‐rich regions.  相似文献   

This study examines energy choice, consumption pattern and household energy expenditure in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) using the Linear Approximate Almost Ideal Demand System (LA‐AIDS). The study used micro‐level data to estimate the price and expenditure elasticities by employing (SUR) methodology. Empirical findings showed that energy choice, consumption patterns, and demand are different for urban‐rural households in the province. Each household living in KPK spent 1838.81 Rupees (9.92%) on energy purchases out of its total average monthly expenditure of Rs. 18,542.79. Compared to urban households, households living in rural areas spend more on energy consumption in a proportionate manner. The expenditure elasticities estimated for all energy sources are positive and statistically significant. Furthermore, the result showed that expenditure elasticities estimated for urban and rural households are less than one, suggesting that all the sources of energy are necessities. Natural gas and electricity are the main energy sources for urban households, while firewood and electricity are key energy sources for rural households in the province. The study suggested that rural households need to switch from conventional energy sources to modern and renewable energy sources, which would reduce the cost of energy use.  相似文献   

This research assesses the extent to which there is evidence of population re‐centralization or back to the city moves by tracking the historical trend of household and income mobility in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. County‐to‐county migration data and four migration efficiency measures are used to investigate net flows of households and income in the region. The results show a nascent tendency of back to the city movement; however, the redistribution of households and income in the metropolitan area is more complex. While the region's core may be starting to gain households and income, there are still significant flows into the region's most distant suburbs. The results of this research have implications for transportation, housing, and economic development policy making in Washington, DC and other regions. The study also offers a unique example of how to study household and income redistribution within U.S. metropolitan areas.  相似文献   

This study examines two important issues concerning the evaluation of business location factors. First, in contrast to many analyses that seek to determine the influence of a single factor or set of factors on site selection, this study aims to measure the relative importance of a wide range of factors. Second, it investigates the extent to which the perceived importance of a given location factor varies based on the type of facility in question. While there is a substantial amount of research devoted to identifying industry‐specific location factors, little is known about the influence that facility type has on the assessment of location criteria. Drawing on original survey data collected from real estate professionals in the U.S., we found significant differences in the mean ratings for more than half of the 39 location factors on the basis of facility type. In particular, “corporate/office” respondents were significantly more likely than “manufacturing” or “retail” respondents to assign higher ratings to “quality‐of‐life” location factors, such as crime rates, amenities, housing, and schools. We discuss the implications of these findings for future research on location theory.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In the U.S., people are more likely to be poor if they live in a nonmetropolitan (nonmetro) than in a metropolitan (metro) area. A common explanation for this phenomenon is that nonmetro places offer relatively few economic and social opportunities. This article explores another plausible explanation, asking if the disproportionate poverty in nonmetro areas partly reflects attitudes of people with personal attributes related to poverty: they may be attracted to nonmetro places or otherwise reluctant (or unable) to leave them. To test this hypothesis, data from nine waves of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) are used to track economic well‐being and nonmetro–metro residential choice among a sample of 2,007 low‐income householders. A series of multivariate regression models are estimated in which the dependent variable is a householder's income to need (adjusted for spatial cost‐of‐housing differences), and regressors are individual attributes, a binary variable for nonmetro residence, and state fixed‐effects. Regression results show that controlling for householder educational attainment reduces the negative association between nonmetro residence and income to need; but controlling for unobserved, time‐invariant heterogeneity via individual fixed‐effects increases the magnitude of this negative association. Study findings thus appear to indicate that enduring nonmetro poverty is explained both by a sorting of low human capital individuals into nonmetro areas and by reduced economic opportunities in nonmetro compared to metro places.  相似文献   

Seed yield is a major breeding target in tetraploid red clover. We investigated if marker‐assisted parentage analysis can identify progeny plants with two high seed‐yielding parents in tetraploid red clover and if this technique is more advantageous than traditional half‐sib selection. Parentage analysis was successfully performed on the progeny from the 10% highest seed‐yielding genotypes from a second‐cycle family selection trial: 16.0% of progeny were identified with a high seed‐yielding father. However, progeny plants with two high seed‐yielding parents did not produce more seeds than traditionally selected progeny (27.3 g vs. 30.7 g/plant, respectively). The 10% highest seed‐yielding genotypes displayed on average 2% self‐fertilization. Four genotypes were self‐fertile with individual selfing rates up to 20%. Our results discourage the use of marker‐assisted parentage analysis to improve seed yield in tetraploid red clover when the material has been preselected for seed yield. Breeders should be aware that intensive selection for seed yield in tetraploid red clover may inadvertently lead to selection for increased self‐fertility, which may increase inbreeding in the long term.  相似文献   

This paper applies a semi-logarithmic hedonic model to a sample of 1,115 households drawn from low-, moderate-, and upper-income regions in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in order to measure household valuations of a variety of dwelling attributes. The results: 1) allow an assessment of the predictive power of the hedonic function; 2) enable a determination of whether the data provide sufficient information on housing conditions in Rio to make hedonic estimations worthwhile; and 3) provide an important spatial dimension which is useful in evaluating the relative importance of a variety of housing attributes to households located across income sub-regions in Rio. The study demonstrates the need to strategically design housing projects that are consistent with the preference structures of intended beneficiaries. This, in turn, should facilitate the design of more efficient and equitable cost recovery affordable housing programs in developing countries.  相似文献   

Through kinship and other links to destinations, many African American interstate migrants in the United States join other people in destination households. These “linked” migrants contrast to “independent migrants” who move as individuals or intact groups and set up their own households at the destination. Using U.S. Census Public Use Micro Sample data, this paper first shows that, in the 1985-90 period, about 45 percent of all Black interstate migrants were independent, compared to 38 percent who were linked to housing at the destination and 17 percent who moved into group quarters. Second, a multinomial logit model, incorporating individual and state-level variables, is specified that contrasts the determinants of independent and linked migration. Tests show that independent migration can be modeled with classic migration determinants, including individual educational and occupational resources, labor market conditions at the destination, and public goods at the destination including the level of welfare payments. Linked migration, on the other hand, is much less responsive to these factors, and not at all responsive to destination unemployment and welfare levels. Separate tests of male and female models suggest a great contrast between independent and linked migration for females. It is concluded that the understanding of Black migration must take into account a variety of factors beyond traditional labor market conditions, including links to the destination and individual housing circumstances.  相似文献   

Abstract The number of households in Chicago's suburbs grew rapidly between 1960 and 1980, and the spatial distribution of households of various income groups changed greatly. Nonetheless, at the conclusion of the 20-year period, the differences among the distributions of the income groups had changed little. Only in a few areas did invasion and succession play a role in neighborhood economic change, since few poor blacks or Hispanics have migrated to suburban Chicago, and there was little European ethnic concentration there. In several areas there is evidence of filtering of older expensive housing to lower income households. In other places it appears that real income of many households has decreased over time sufficiently to cause them to enter a lower income category.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Cities and metropolitan regions face several challenges including urban sprawl, auto dependence and congestion, and related environmental and human health effects. Examining the spatial characteristics of daily household activity‐travel behavior holds important implications for understanding and addressing urban transportation issues. Research of this sort can inform development of urban land use policy that encourages the use of local opportunities, potentially leading to reduced motorized travel. This article examines the potential household activity‐travel response to a planned metropolitan polycentric hierarchy of activity centers. Behavioral observations have been drawn from an activity‐travel survey conducted in the Portland, Oregon, metropolitan area during the mid‐1990s. Evidence presented from exploratory analysis indicates an urban/suburban differential, with less daily travel and smaller activity spaces for urban households. Investigation of the travel reduction potential of the proposed land‐use strategy suggests that location effects could be offset by adjustments to household sociodemographic and mobility characteristics.  相似文献   

Using survey data by the Seoul Metropolitan Government for 5 years (n = 228,103 individuals), this study analyzes the magnitudes of the impacts of major grouping variables on variations in the overall happiness through partial least squares regression analysis. This study then uses the importance–satisfaction analysis to explore how the between‐group variations can be reduced according to the current satisfaction as well as the ultimate importance of the five happiness components (health, finance, relationships with close relatives/friends, home life, and social life). The regression finds that self‐respect‐as‐a‐Seoul‐citizen, social class recognition, years (other than 2014), household income, and not being elderly have a positive difference in happiness. The importance of the social class recognition over the objective income suggests the validity of soft policies for increasing happiness as a subjective concept. The low happiness level in 2014 may reflect history effects or events that occurred in that year. The importance–satisfaction analysis presents customized strategies by group. Specifically, policies oriented to financial happiness are prioritized for groups with low values on self‐respect, class recognition, household income, and age while health‐ and home life‐related policies should be additionally arranged for the older population.  相似文献   

I studied the similarities and differences of public housing policy between European countries and the United States using historic and comparative methods. Public housing policy was put in place in postwar European countries and the U.S. Differences in the policies of these countries were that the European policy intervened in the housing market directly and thoroughly but the American policy intervened in the housing market indirectly by financial and revenue means. The key finding is that housing in P. R. China is an important part of the people's livelihood and the government should not completely pass responsibility for providing it to the market. China should set up its own public housing policy and change the mode of land supply and housing manufacturing. China also should adopt multiplicative means, including direct government investment and encouraging the social anticipation and planning adjustment to guarantee the housing rights of middle-and-low-income households.  相似文献   

Genomic selection employs genome‐wide marker data to predict genomic breeding values. In this study, a population consisting of 391 lines of elite winter oilseed rape derived from nine families was used to evaluate the prospects of genomic selection in rapeseed breeding. All lines have been phenotyped for six morphological, quality‐ and yield‐related traits and genotyped with genome‐wide SNP markers. We used ridge regression best linear unbiased prediction in combination with cross‐validation and obtained medium to high prediction accuracies for the studied traits. Our results illustrate that among‐family variance contributes to the prediction accuracy and can lead to an overestimation of the prospects of genomic selection within single segregating families. We also tested a scenario where estimation of effects was carried out without individuals from the family in which breeding values were predicted, which yielded lower but nevertheless attractive prediction accuracies. Taken together, our results suggest that genomic selection can be a valuable genomic approach for complex agronomic traits towards a knowledge‐based breeding in rapeseed.  相似文献   

Oregon is known for its strict Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) policies. While UGBs are designed to accommodate land supply for 20 years of growth, land within UGBs must be annexed into city limits before it can be developed at urban densities and serviced. In Oregon, cities use a variety of municipal annexation and voter‐approved annexation policies (VAAPs), providing an opportunity to study how different annexation policies affect land and housing markets, and affect urban density. Previous research on annexation has not considered how annexation policy influences housing values. This paper examines how VAAPs impact land growth, housing development, and density at the city level. It also examines how VAAPs impact housing values. Based on city‐level and tax‐lot‐level statistical analyses from 107 cities outside Portland Metro area, the results suggest that VAAPs negatively impact the availability of developable land within city limits. VAAPs also positively impact residential density and housing value. Lastly, VAAPs inequitably affect housing value between relatively high‐value housing and relatively low‐value housing, posing economic equity impacts for lower value housing. These findings provide important lessons for Oregon and other states. While VAAPs may increase residential density in cities, the policies may exacerbate affordability problems.  相似文献   

Coastal Bangladesh is highly vulnerable to climate change and salinisation; hence, farm‐level adaptation is critically important. Farmers' perceptions of and responses to environmental change were investigated in two villages in Khulna District. Perceived environmental trends included increases in temperature, extreme weather events, soil toxicity, erratic rainfall and scarcity of water for irrigation. Perceptions of climate trends were consistent with measured trends in Khulna. On‐farm adaptation strategies included adjusting planting dates, excavating trenches in rice‐fields, adopting new crops, salinity‐reducing technologies, livestock‐rearing and home‐yard cropping. Non‐farm adaptation strategies included wage employment, short‐term migration and self‐employment. Adaptation was facilitated by income‐earning opportunities, training, and credit, and impeded by lack of access to water, markets, capital, and extension services. Farmers suggested policy support for dissemination of stress‐tolerant cultivars, access to irrigation, and price stabilisation or crop insurance to assist adaptation. While the study shows an impressive degree of awareness and adaptation, external support is needed to increase adaptive capacity.  相似文献   

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