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The value of environmental regulation through command and control measures has been questioned because of inflexibility and high cost. Voluntary environmental initiatives have been proposed as an alternative approach to save costs, overcome problems of inadequate enforcement and monitoring and to take advantage of the environmental leadership of transnational corporations (TNCs). Amongst voluntary environmental initiatives certified environmental management system standards have so far had most impact in Singapore and the rest of Southeast Asia. This paper investigates the environmental policy statements of 52 ISO14001 certified organisations in Singapore and shows that the environmental commitments being made are no substitute for traditional environmental regulations.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article: Edward Aspinall, et al, (eds) The last days of President Suharto Richard W. Baker, et al, (eds) Indonesia: The Challenge of Change Arief Budiman, et al, (eds) Reformasi: Crisis and change in Indonesia Geoff Forester, (ed) Post‐Soeharto Indonesia: Renewal or Chaos?  相似文献   

《Asia Pacific viewpoint》1997,38(3):287-308
Daljit Singh and Liak Teng Kiat (eds), Southeast Asian Affairs Michael Hobday, Innovation in East Asia: the challenge to Japan Patricia Jeffrey and Roger Jeffrey, Don’t marry me to a plowman! Women’s everyday lives in rural North India Helen Morton, Becoming Tongan: an ethnography of childhood Edvard Hviding, Guardians of Maravo Lagoon: practice, place, and politics in maritime Melanesia Carol J. Ireson, Field, forest, and family: women’s work and power in rural Laos Jayant Menon, Adjusting towards AFTA: the dynamics of trade in ASEAN Singapore R. Gerard Ward and Elizabeth Kingdon (eds), Land, custom and practice in the South Pacific Paula Brown, Beyond a mountain valley: the Simbu of Papua New Guinea Hal Levine and Anton Ploed (eds), Work in progress: essays in the New Guinea Highlanders ethnography in honour of Paula Brown Glick  相似文献   

Neher, Clark D. and Marlay, Ross Values, Culture, Development and Democracy in Southeast Asia: The Winds of Change Ravenhill, John (ed.) The Political Economy of East Asia: Vol. 1 Japan Vol 2: China, Korea and Taiwan Vol 3: Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines and Thailand Lim, David Explaining economic growth: a new analytical framework Naya, S.F. and Tan, J.L.H. (eds) Asian Transitional Economies: Challenges and Prospects for Reform and Transformation Tilton, Mark Restrained trade: cartels in Japan's basic materials industries Province, Guizhou The population atlas of Guizhou Province Smith, Michael French Hard times on Kariru island: poverty, development and morality in a Papua New Guinea Village Dalziel, Paul and Lattimore, Ralph The New Zealand macroeconomy: a briefing on the reforms  相似文献   

《Asia Pacific viewpoint》1998,39(2):257-263
Donald Tuzin, The cassowary’s revenge: the life and death of masculinity in a New Guinea society Raul Pertierra, Philippine Localities and Global Perspectives: Essays on Society and Culture Jacqueline Leckie, To Labour with the State: the Fiji Public Service Association  相似文献   

为了健全中国植物检疫体系、充分发挥植物检疫在农业生产和贸易中的作用,总结了国际植物保护公约组织、区域性植物保护组织、TBT/SPS协议和检疫双边协定的现状。同时,重点从机构设置、法律法规及标准方面阐述了美国、欧盟、日本和澳大利亚等发达国家和组织的植物检疫体系及其特点,并且对中国目前的植物检疫体系进行了归纳,结合中国实际情况,在完善植物检疫性法律法规和标准体系、推进有害生物风险分析,加强检验检疫项目合作,积极参与国际标准的制定等方面提出了建议,更好地保护中国农产品国际贸易。  相似文献   

With the rapid increase of the Internet user and widely application of Web,the current network technology is facing great challenge. More and more multimedia operations occupy plenty of bandwidth,and result in the network congestion. Therefore,people begin to use QoS to utilize the bandwidth effectively,and ensure the transport of the emergent operation data. The paper introduces the protocols and basic components of QoS,then expatiates the conception and the basic principles of policy control QoS, moreover,emphasizes the structure model of policy control QoS and how it runs. At last,it introduces the transport process of data packets under the control of policies in a policy control QoS system,and how to make the policies in the real world.  相似文献   

中国农业政策环境影响初步分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
国家农业政策是国家总体经济政策的重要组成部分,是政府为了实现一定的农业、经济和社会发展目的。对影响农业发展的重要环节所采取的一系列具有宏观调控作用的政策措施的总称。国家农业政策的实施,可能会对中国的环境及其保护事业造成巨大的压力和影响。通过对中国农业政策背景、政策目标、政策利益相关者、政策手段等进行分析总结,指出中国农业政策通过改变农户生产结构、生产方式和生产技术等对农业环境产生影响。目前对农业环境影响较大的农业政策有粮食安全政策、土地政策、提高农民非农收入的政策、结构调整政策和农业环境政策。通过对这些政策对农业环境的影响分析,提出了要提高对农业环境问题的重视程度、实施农业政策与环境政策一体化,深化农地使用制度改革、明确界定土地所有权主体、稳定土地承包关系,制定激励政策减轻农业面源污染,建立健全农业环境污染监管机制,重视生态建设,发展生态农业等政策调整建议。  相似文献   

经过改革开放20多年的发展,江苏省农业科技工作的经济社会环境发生了变化,科技进步的主体发生了变化。针对新的情况和存在问题,主张政府增加投入,稳定现有基层农技队伍,改善市县农科所的工作条件;建立先进性和有用性两套评价体系,以鼓励科技人员解决江苏省农业生产中的实际技术问题;鼓励外资、民营资本等投资农业,鼓励专业大户、农民经济组织等的发展;政府收购和推广各种实用农业技术等。  相似文献   

东北黑土区是中国重要的商品粮基地,但由于经济的快速发展和工农业水平的提高,造成区域水土流失严重,黑土层变薄,土壤肥力变差,区域内土壤环境质量逐年下降。从研究区实际情况出发,结合现存环境问题,通过对东北黑土区驱动力、土壤环境压力、土壤环境状态、土壤环境影响及响应5个方面出发,在驱动力-压力-状态-影响-响应(DPSIR)框架模型基础上,进行典型黑土区土壤环境质量指标筛选,建立由5大部分,18个一级指标,30个二级指标构成的指标体系。同时,以评价指标体系为指导,结合东北地区现有环境管理政策和存在的土壤环境质量问题,提出黑土区土壤环境分区分类管理方案,为区域土壤环境管理和土壤环境保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Abstract: As the largest archipelagic nation in the world, with distinctive environmental conditions and biodiversity, Indonesia on the one hand has tremendous natural and environmental riches while on the other hand faces a variety of environmental problems. After three decades of the New Order era, 1967–1998, Indonesian society is in a crucial transformation process towards a more democratic era. At the same time, as indicated in that country's decentralisation laws No. 22/99 and 25/99, Indonesia is also shifting its style of government, from a centralistic to decentralised one. These two trends are happening simultaneously with globalisation prompting a flow of global capital that directly increases pressure on the Indonesian environment. This paper evaluates the decentralisation of environmental management programmes in Indonesia and focuses on the implications of these changes. The weaknesses of current environmental policies and programmes in Indonesia, which give too dominant a role to the government and neglect civil society's involvement in natural resources and environmental management, are analysed. Further, the paper addresses the lack of attention to date to issues of environmental rights and justice that create many complex environmental and social conflicts throughout Indonesia. We conclude by recommending some fundamental changes to environmental policies and programmes in the decentralised system.  相似文献   

《Asia Pacific viewpoint》1998,39(3):327-344
Mason Durie Te Mana Te Kawanatanga: the politics of Maori self-determination Christopher Lingle Singapore’s authoritarian capitalism: Asian values, free market illusions and political dependency Roland J. L. Breton Atlas of the languages and ethnic communities of South Asia Lenore Manderson and Margerat Jolly (eds) Sites of desire, economies of pleasure: sexualities in Asia and the Pacific Eric Venbrux A Death in the TWI Islands: conflict, ritual and social life in an Australian community Brij V. Lal A vision for change  相似文献   

《Asia Pacific viewpoint》1999,40(3):295-307
Books reviewed: Joel S. Kahn (ed), Southeast Asian identities: culture and the politics of representation in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand Peter Dauvergne, Shadows in the forest: Japan and the politics of timber in Southeast Asia Geoffrey Murray, China: the next superpower: dilemmas in change and continuity Lynne T. White, Unstately Power, Volume I: Local causes of China's economic reforms; Volume II: Local causes of China's intellectual, legal and government reforms Amarjit Kaur, Economic change in East Malaysia: Sabah and Sarawak since 1850 Josieana Cauqueline, Paul Lim and Birgit Mayer-König, Asian values: encounter with diversity  相似文献   

《Asia Pacific viewpoint》1997,38(2):169-184
Paul Keating. Australia, Asia and the New Regionalism Jacques Chirac. France and the New Euro-Asian Partnership Malcolm McKinnon. Immigrants and Citizens: New Zealanders and Asian Immigration in a Historical Context Raj Vasil and Hong-key Yoon. New Zealanders of Asian Origin Adrian Vickers (ed.). Being Modern in Bali: Image and Change Pilat, Dirk. The Economics of Rapid Growth: The Experiences of Japan and Korea Pomfret, Richard. Asian Economies in Transition: Reforming Centrally Planned Economies Richard Morse, Anisur Rahman and Kersten L. Johnson (eds). Grassroot Horizons: Connecting Participatory Development Initiatives East and West Francis T. Seow. To Catch a Tartar: A Dissident in Lee Kuan Yew’s Prison Nicholas Tarling. Britain, Southeast Asia and the Onset of the Pacific War Marion W. Ward. Pacific 2010: Women and Employment in Solomon Islands  相似文献   

中国污染场地环境管理存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李梦瑶 《中国农学通报》2010,26(24):338-342
为了完善中国的污染场地法律法规体系和管理办法,建立健全场地修复管理体系,笔者概述了中国目前的污染场地环境管理体制,指出管理体制现存的问题,结合中国的环境现状,提出建立完整的环境管理标准体系、加强场地修复信息公开化、完善场地修复决策支持系统以及场地修复再开发评价,是解决中国污染场地管理和修复的根本。  相似文献   

《Asia Pacific viewpoint》2000,41(1):111-127
Books reviewed: Ross McLeod and Ross Garnaut (eds), East Asia in crisis: from being a miracle to needing one? Anthony Reid (ed.), Sojourners and settlers: histories of Southeast Asia and the Chinese William Callahan, Imagining democracy: reading ‘the events of May’ in Thailand Lynne T. White, Unstately Power, Volume I: Local causes of China's economic reforms; Volume II: Local causes of China's intellectual, legal and government reforms Michael Young, Malinowski's Kiriwana; fieldwork photography 1915‐1918 Colin Filer with Nikhil Sekhran, Loggers, donors and resource owners. Policy that works for forests and people Michael Dutton (ed.), Streetlife China Kimberly Ann Elliott (ed.), Corruption and the global economy  相似文献   

《Asia Pacific viewpoint》1999,40(2):207-213
Books reviewed: Ben Burt and Christian Clerk (eds), Environment and development in the Pacific Islands Glenn Banks and Chris Ballard (eds), The Oki Tedi Settlement – issues, outcomes and implications Bill Gammage, The Sky Travellers: journeys in New Guinea 1938–1939  相似文献   

《Asia Pacific viewpoint》2000,41(2):207-213
Books reviewed: H.W. Arndt and Hal Hill (eds), Southeast Asia’s economic crisis: Origins, lessons and the way forward William Cline, Trade and income distribution Morris Goldstein, The Asian financial crisis: Causes, curses and systemic implications Lamont Lindstrom and James Gwero (eds), Big Wok: Storian blong Wol Wo Tu long Vanuatu  相似文献   

《Asia Pacific viewpoint》2002,43(2):253-266
Book reviewed in this article: Winston Halapua, Living on the fringe: Melanesians of Fiji Patrick Fuery and Nick Mansfield, Cultural Studies and Critical Theory Keith Chambers and Anne Chambers, Unity of Heart. Culture and Change in a Polynesian Atoll Society Alice Aruhe’eta Pollard, Givers of Wisdom, Labourers without Gain: Essays on Women in Solomon Islands Prema–chandra Athukorala, Chris Manning and Piyasiri Wickramasekara, Growth, Employment and Migration in Southeast Asia: Structural Change in the Greater Mekong Countries Edvard Hviding and Tim Bayliss–Smith, Islands of Rainforest: Agroforestry, Logging and Eco–tourism in Solomon Islands  相似文献   

水源涵养区水土资源合理利用与管理研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对国内外水源涵养区内水污染及水土流失防治、生态补偿、水土资源合理利用与管理模式及规划与管理模型等方面研究进行了回顾,并对其有关的理论和实践方面以及研究特点进行了概括与分析,同时指出了当前我国研究中存在的问题,最后对有待于进一步研究的问题进行了展望。  相似文献   

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