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Correlated responses were determined for growth, feed consumption, feed efficiency and body composition following short‐term selection for large 8‐week body weight in transgenic and nontransgenic mice. Replicate lines which either carried or did not carry the sheep metallothionein 1a‐sheep growth hormone transgene (oMt1a‐oGH) were established. The lines carrying the transgene at an initial frequency of 0.5 came from a high‐growth (TM) and a randomly selected (TC) background. The respective nontransgenic lines were identified as NM and NC. Control replicates (CC) came from the randomly selected background. During the selection process the transgene was activated by adding 25 mm ZnSO4 to the drinking water of all mice. Correlated responses were measured with (Z) and without (C) the addition of zinc. After seven and eight generations of selection, the frequency of transgenic mice in line TM had fallen sharply, whereas transgene frequency had risen moderately in TC. The reduced frequency of oMt1a‐oGH in the high‐growth genetic background may have been caused by a lower additive effect compared with the randomly selected background combined with a fitness disadvantage of the transgene. Therefore, the utility of a transgene in improving a quantitative trait may depend in part on genetic background. Correlated responses for most traits in NC were similar for Z and C. In contrast, correlated responses in TC showed marked differences in C compared with Z. For example, daily gain and feed efficiency showed no significantly correlated responses under C and positive responses (p < 0.001) under Z, and the reverse was found for indicators of body fat percentage. These line by environment (Z versus C) interactions may represent a genetic correlation of less than one between a trait expressed in two distinct environments. Thus, in developing lines with a transgene that can be regulated, a critical question is whether selection for quantitative trait(s) should be conducted when the transgene is activated or not activated.  相似文献   

Genetic differences in performance of dams were estimated by linear contrasts using means of two selected lines of mice and reciprocal F1's, F2's and backcrosses. The lines were selected for increased 6-wk body weight (W) or increased litter size (L). Genetic differences estimated were direct average (gD), direct heterosis (hD), maternal average (gM), progeny average (gP), and progeny heterosis (hP). For dam weight and feed consumption from 12 to 21 d postpartum (pp), gD was the largest genetic difference and favored line W. For litter size, litter weight at birth, litter efficiency (litter weight gain/dam feed consumption) from birth to 12 d pp and within litter mortality from 1 to 21 d pp, gD favored L and, except for hD in litter efficiency, was the most important genetic difference for these traits. Direct heterosis was the only significant difference for litter weight at 21 d pp, litter efficiency from 12 to 21 d pp and within litter mortality at parturition. The gM were larger in W than in L for dam weight and feed consumption, and for litter size and weight at birth, but they were usually of smaller magnitude than gD. The gP were significant only in litter traits measured before 12 d pp and favored W. For no trait measured was hP of consequence. Line differences in dam and litter weight accounted for genetic differences in dam feed consumption. Genetic differences in litter size at birth were not due to line differences in dam weight. The lower mortality within litters nursed by crossbred dams was responsible for hD on litter weight and litter efficiency. Within but not among lines, higher mortality rates were associated with larger litters.  相似文献   

Three populations of Japanese quail, selected over 13 generations for increased body weight, a randomly selected base population and reciprocal backcrosses of selected lines to the control were studied. Live body weight and weights of liver, testes, oviducts and carcasses were obtained to assess the effects of selection.

At 6 weeks of age a 20 g. difference in live body weight existed between selected line and base population. Sexual dimorphism in live body weight in favour of females appeared at 3 weeks of age and increased with age. A 5 g. difference in 6‐week body weight between female backcross progeny from sires from selected lines and those sired by males from the base population suggested an influence of sex‐linked genes. At 8 weeks of age the weight of females of both reciprocal back‐cross types significantly exceeded the average of females from the selected lines suggesting that female reproductive organ weight had increased under selection as well as heterosis. Carcass weight of selected females was lower than for corresponding males, a reversal of the sexual dimorphism displayed by the controls.

Reciprocal differences in liver weight between backcross females, but not males, suggested an effect of sex‐linked genes.

Testis as well as oviduct weights of quail from selected lines were substantially greater than from controls.  相似文献   

1. Four populations—two that had undergone 37 generations of selection for high (HH) and low (LL) body weight, and reciprocal crosses between them (HL and LH) were fed two diets differing in protein and energy. Diet A, under which selection had been made, contained 200 g protein and 11.23 MJ/kg. Diet E contained 240 g protein and 13.16 MJ/kg.

2. Body weight and feed efficiency were measured weekly from hatch to 56 d of age at which time oesophagus, abdominal fat pad, heart, liver and lungs were removed and weighed. At 35 d of age chicks were inoculated with sheep erythrocytes (SRBC) and antibody titre was measured 6 d later.

3. Chicks fed diet E were heavier than those fed diet A. HH chicks were heavier dian LL chicks wim HL and LH chicks intermediate to the parental lines. LH chicks were heavier than HL ones reflecting large maternal effects.

4. Food efficiencies among stocks and diets were consistent with those for body weight, with HH > LH > HL > LL and E > A. Relative differences between diets were similar across ages and heterosis for food efficiency was about 15%.

5. Relative to body weight, oesophagus and liver weights were heavier in chickens fed diet A than fed diet E. The pattern reversed for abdominal fat pad.

6. Antibody to SRBC antigen was greater in the crosses than in line HH and in cross HL than line LL, with heterosis of 70%.  相似文献   

Genetic factors affecting female reproductive performance in lines of mice with a known history of selection were estimated from a 5 X 5 diallel cross. Lines were selected as follows: large litter size at birth (L+); large 6-wk body weight (W+); an index for large litter size and small 6-wk body weight (L+W-); the complementary index (L-W+) and randomly (K). Partitioning of direct and correlated responses for litter size, 6-wk body weight and related traits into average direct genetic (li) and average maternal genetic (mi) effects indicated that the magnitude of differences in li exceeded those in mi. Lines having positive responses in li were W+ greater than L+ greater than L-W+ for dam body weight, L+ greater than L+W- greater than W+ for litter size and L+ greater than (W+, L+W-) for litter birth weight, whereas L-W+ responded negatively for litter size. A positive association was found between mi for litter size and dam body weight, W+ and L-W+ being high and L+ and L+W- low for both traits. Female infertility and time from male exposure to parturition had relatively small correlated responses. Line rankings in general combining ability (gi) and net line effects were similar for the respective traits. Depending upon the line and trait involved, the relative contribution of average direct genetic and line direct heterotic (hi) effects to general combining ability [gi = (1/2) li + hi] varied. Line heterosis refers to average heterosis in crosses involving that line. Direct heterosis ( hij ) for each trait differed considerably among crosses. The three crosses showing the highest hij for litter size at birth, W+ X L-W+ (1.78), L+ X W+ (1.28) and L-W+ X L+W- (1.22), possibly had loci contributing directional dominance to litter size with frequencies of parental lines deviating in opposite directions relative to mean gene frequency. The correlation between absolute difference in parental line means and hij for litter size was not significant, suggesting that the magnitudes of absolute differences in parental means were not reliable predictors of divergence in gene frequency. Crossbred performance increased linearly with midparent values for litter size at birth (b = .88 +/- .09, R2 = .92) and dam parturition body weight (b = 1.13 +/- .04, R2 = .99), the latter trait showing an increase (P less than .01) in heterosis as midparent values increased.  相似文献   

Postpartum dam performance was studied in a complete diallel design involving five lines of mice. The selection criterion in each line was: large litter size at birth (L+); large 6-wk body weight (W+); an index for large litter size and small 6-wk body weight (L+W-); the complementary index (L-W+) and random (K). Females from the five lines and 20 reciprocal F1 crosses were mated to sires of a randomly selected control line (CC). Correlated responses in average direct genetic and average maternal genetic effects for dam body weight and litter size at parturition persisted throughout lactation, indicating important pleiotropic effects. Major correlated responses occurred for litter weight, feed intake and litter feed efficiency, primarily due to average direct genetic effects. Using general combining ability and net line effects as criteria for choosing among lines, L+ had a distinct advantage if the objective was to increase litter size in a crossing program. If the objective was to maximize litter weaning weight, then W+ would be favored for net line effects, while L+ and W+ would be about equivalent for general combining ability. None of the lines had an advantage for litter feed efficiency. Direct heterosis for dam weight at 12 and 21 d of lactation averaged 2.7 and 1.9%, while for litter size the respective averages were 7.4 and 7.3%. The W+ X L+W- cross exhibited overdominance for litter size. Direct heterosis was moderate for feed intake and litter weight, but was negligible for litter feed efficiency because of the mathematical relationship among the three traits. Maternal heterosis for preweaning progeny growth was suppressed because of heterosis for litter size in the dam. Grand-maternal effects on growth of the young were small and would not be an important consideration in choosing among these lines in a crossbreeding program.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate selection in lines of transgenic mice. Two replicates of lines that either carried or did not carry the sheep metallothionein-1a sheep growth hormone transgene (oMt1a-oGH) were established. The host lines had been previously selected for rapid growth or selected randomly. Within-litter selection for increased 8-wk body weight was carried out for 13 generations. The frequency of oMt1a-oGH was monitored in all generations in the transgenic lines, but no genotypic information regarding the transgene was used as an aid to selection. The oMt1a-oGH was activated from weaning, at 3 wk, until 8 wk of age by adding ZnSO4 to the drinking water. Zinc stimulation of the transgene was not done during mating, gestation, or lactation. Data on body weights and weight gains were analyzed with a conventional mixed model and with an animal model. Genetic progress was achieved in all lines subjected to directional selection. In the control background, response to selection for 8-wk body weight was larger in the nontransgenic lines than in the transgenic lines, whereas no difference was found in the selected background. The frequency of the transgene was increased from the initial .5 to .62 in the randomly selected background but decreased to .04 in lines from a selected background. The REML estimates of variance components and genetic gain estimates varied greatly between the two methods. In general, there was better agreement between the realized heritability estimates and the heritability estimates obtained from the conventional mixed model analysis than between realized heritability estimates and results obtained using the animal model. Favorable correlated responses were obtained for 3- and 6-wk body weights and on 3- to 6- and 6- to 8-wk weight gains. Correlated responses to selection were larger in the selected than in the nonselected background but were not affected by the presence of the transgene. Results suggest that constructs similar to the oMt1a-oGH, which allow tight regulation, may be successfully incorporated into commercial livestock and should have larger effects in populations that have not been subject to selection.  相似文献   

1. Assay conditions for measuring hepatic 5'-deiodinase (5'D) activity at initial velocity, using reverse T3 as substrate, have been validated for adult chicken liver. 2. The characteristics of hepatic 5'D activity in adult chickens from lines selected for high (HW) and low (LW) juvenile body weight are similar to those in mammals and in the other birds that have been investigated. 3. Chickens from the HW line have significantly higher specific activity of hepatic 5'D, and thus potentially higher T3 production, than those from either the LW line or the F1 cross (HL) between the HW and LW lines.  相似文献   

1. The present study was conducted to compare body weight, daily weight gain, relative growth rate, food intake, food conversion efficiency, abdominal fat weight, thyroid weight, plasma T4 concentration, body temperature, oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production and heat production among three Japanese‐quail lines selected for body weight: a random bred line (RR) and lines for large (LL) or small (SS) body weight.

2. T4 concentration increased in the order SS, RR, LL in both sexes and did not vary significantly between sexes; the SS line had a significantly higher value than that of the LL line.

3. The body temperatures of SS, RR and LL lines were 42.45, 42.03 and 41.25°C in males, and 42.7, 42.03 and 41.63°C in females.

4. The oxygen consumptions of SS, RR and LL lines were 63.4, 46.0 and 43–8 ml/kgW0.75 min. in males, and 61.4, 44.8 and 37.2 in females. The value for SS was significantly higher than those of RR and LL lines in both sexes (P< 0.01). The carbon dioxide productions of SS, RR and LL lines were 31.8, 33.8 and 27–3 ml/kgW075 min. in males, and 31.2, 31.9 and 27.3 in females. In both sexes, that of the LL line was significantly lower than those of the SS and RR lines (P< 0–01).

6. The heat productions of SS, RR and LL lines were 1.178, 0.994 and 0.842 k]/kgW01b min. in males, and 1.142, 0.879 and 0.736 in females. In both sexes, the heat production of the SS line was higher than those of the RR and LL lines (P< 0–01).

7. It was demonstrated that selection for body weight in Japanese quail was accompanied not only by changes in growth rate and conversion efficiency but also by changes in thyroid function and energy metabolism.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Four lines of mice with and without the rat growth hormone (rGH) transgene were developed to measure responses to selection for increased 42-day body weight and evaluate fitness of mice with and without the rGH transgene. Each line contained selected and unselected (control) sublines. At the last three generations of selection (Generations 12-14), selected sublines differed from unselected controls by 3.8 to 4.7 g (14.8 to 19.8%) in 42-day weight, -0.5 to -8.3% in fertility, and 0.5 to 1.6 in litter size at birth. The origin of the lines (W: previously selected for 42-day weight and C: unselected) affected 42-day weight, i. e. 42-day weight of mice originating from W was significantly (P < 0.01) heavier than that of mice originating from C. Responses to selection, as measured by the deviation of the selected subline from the control, continued to be positive over 14 generations. Realized heritability of 42-day weight ranged from 0.30 to 0.42. The rGH transgene that increased 63-day weight by 54% was not found at Generation 12. The unexpected loss of rGH transgene was due to poor fitness of mice with the rGH transgene. Mice with the transgene had lower fertility rate than those without the transgene (50.0 to 73.7% vs. 95.0%), smaller litter size (6.8 to 7.8 vs. 8.6) and poorer survival of the progeny (69.2 to 74.5% vs. 88.3%). Based on these data, selective advantage/disadvantage of the rGH transgene in the fitness traits was estimated quantitatively. The results from the study on growth and reproductive traits suggest that desirable effects of gene transfer on a specific trait (42- and 63-day weight in the present study) might be offset by undesirable effects on other traits (e. g., reproduction and survival) in some cases of transgenic animals. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Selektion auf hohes adultes Gewicht in M?uselinien mit und ohne Rattenwachstumshormon-Transgenen Vier M?uselinien mit und ohne das Rattenwachstumshormon (rGH) Transgen wurden zur Messung des Selektionserfolges auf gesteigertes 42-Tage-K?rpergewicht entwickelt, um auch Fitne? zu prüfen. Jede Linie bestand aus einer selektierten und aus einer unselektierten (Kontroll-)Unterlinie. In den drei letzten Selektionsgenerationen (Generationen 12-14) unterschieden sich die selektierten Unterlinien um 3,8 bis 4,7 g (14,8 bis 19,8%) im 42-Tage-Gewicht, -0,5 bis -8,3% in Fruchtbarkeit und 0,5 bis 1,6 in Wurfgr??e bei Geburt. Der Ursprung der Linien (W: früher auf 42-Tage-Gewicht selektiert, C: unselektiert) beeinflu?te das 42-Tage-Gewicht. M?use aus der ersten waren signifikant (p < 0,01) schwerer als jede aus C. Selektionserfolg gemessen als Abweichung von der Kontrolle war über 14 Generationen positiv, realisierte Heritabilit?t variierte von 0,3 bis 0,42. Das rGH-Transgen steigerte das 63-Tage-Gewicht um 54%, aber war in der Generation 12 nicht mehr vorhanden. Der unerwartete Verlust des RGH-Transgens war auf schlechte Fitne? der besitzenden M?use zurückzuführen. Transgene M?use hatten geringere Fruchtbarkeit als jene ohne das Transgen (50 bis 73,7% im Vergleich zu 95%), kleinere Wurfgr??e (6,8 bis 7,8 gegenüber 8,6) und schlechtere überlebensrate der Nachkommen (69,2 bis 74,5% im Vergleich zu 88,3%). Die Ergebnisse erlauben die quantitative Sch?tzung der selektiven Vorteile/Nachteile des rGH-Transgens im Bezug auf Fitne?. Erwünschte Wirkungen von Gentransfer auf spezifische Merkmale (41- und 63-Tage-Gewicht in dieser Untersuchung) k?nnen durch unerwünschte Wirkungen von Transgenen auf andere Merkmale (Reproduktion und überleben) neutralisiert werden.  相似文献   

Ascites is a cardiovascular metabolic disease characterized by accumulation of fluid around the heart and in the abdominal cavity that eventually leads to death. This syndrome is the end‐point result of a series of metabolic incidents that are generally caused by impaired oxygen availability. Mitochondria are the major sites of oxygen consumption, therefore major contributors to oxidative stress. Genetic, metabolic and dietary factors can influence variations in mitochondrial biogenesis (mitochondrial size, number and mass) that might have an effect on oxygen consumption and reactive oxygen species production. This study evaluated the effect of genotype on PGC‐1α mRNA gene expression and mitochondrial biogenesis. These parameters were examined in male broiler chickens at 22 weeks of age from the SUS and RES lines divergently selected for ascites phenotype. From each line, five birds were sampled for right ventricle and breast muscle. Gene expression and mtDNA copy number were assessed by quantitative PCR. Results showed that birds from SUS had significantly higher PGC‐1α mRNA gene (p = .033) and mitochondrial DNA copy number (p = .038) in breast muscle. There was no difference in right ventricle PGC‐1α expression or mitochondrial DNA copy number between the two lines. These findings indicate that mitochondrial biogenesis and PGC‐1α mRNA gene expression differ between male broiler chickens from RES and SUS lines in a tissue‐specific manner.  相似文献   

1. The pronounced episodic release of chicken growth hormone (cGH) in male broiler chicks, as well as its peak interval of about 90 min was confirmed in this study. 2. Lines selected for 6-week body weight (GL line) or for food conversion between 3 and 6 weeks of age (FC line) not only differ in the selection criteria but also in percentage abdominal fat. 3. The overall mean plasma GH concentration was higher in the FC line in both experiments, and this was only caused by peak amplitudes which were almost twice as high as in the FC line. Peak intervals were identical in both selected lines. 4. These observations suggest that decreased abdominal fat and increased protein efficiency may be genetically linked to increased plasma GH peak amplitude. This, and earlier observations on the effectiveness of pulsatile administration of cGH on the growth of broilers suggest that the biological function of GH may depend on its secretory pattern rather than its mean concentration in plasma.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters were estimated for 6-month weight (W6), 9-month weight (W9), 12-month weight (W12), average daily gain from birth to 6 months old (ADG6), and Kleiber ratio at 6 months (KL6) traits using 6,442 records obtained from a Raini Cashmere goat flock. The parameters were estimated using the restricted maximum likelihood procedure and applying four animal models excluding or including maternal additive genetic and permanent environmental effects. Heritability estimates for W6, W9, W12, ADG6, and KL6, under the most appropriate model were 0.028, 0.26, 0.29, 0.02, and 0.25, respectively. The estimates of genetic and phenotypic correlations among W6, W9, W12, and ADG6 were high and ranged from 0.73 to 0.99. The estimates of genetic and phenotypic correlations among KL6 and others traits were negative and low. Thus, these estimates of genetic parameters may provide a basis for deriving selection indices for postweaning growth traits also low genetic correlation between growth traits with KL6, it is possible to increase efficiency in Raini kids by multitrait selection.  相似文献   

Lactation and growth of three contemporary lines of grade Targhee sheep developed from the same genetic base were characterized by three experiments performed over a period of 2 yr. Two lines (HW and DH) had been selected for 120-d weaning weights for 24 yr prior to beginning these experiments. A third line (C) was a randomly selected control. Year I experiment contrasted 10 DH with 7 C ram lambs fed to 58 kg. Year II experiments utilized 9 C, 14 DH and 10 HW ram lambs and 11 ewes suckling twins from each line. All Year II ram lambs were born and weaned as twins, then fed to 50 kg. Mature DH and HW ewes were heavier (P less than .05) than C ewes (65.2 and 68.8 vs 54.9 kg), and the DH and HW lambs grew faster than C lambs both before (P less than .05) and after weaning (P less than .05). While both DH and HW lambs drank more milk (2,419 and 2,368 vs 2,059 g X d-1 X pair-1; P less than .10) only HW ewes showed a trend towards greater potential milk production than controls (HW = 2,774 vs C = 2,155 g X d-1 X ewe-1 P less than .12). The HW lambs tended to be leaner than C lambs (P less than .05), but DH lambs did not differ from either line. Lambs from DH and HW lines required less post-weaning feed (121.9 and 129.3 vs 152.0 kg P less than .05) and exhibited 17 and 16% greater weight per day of age at 50 kg than controls (P less than .05). The DH line displayed lower feed: gain ratios than controls in both post-weaning trials (6.68 vs 7.30 to 58 kg; 5.83 vs 6.24 at 50 kg; P = .06).  相似文献   

1. Protein utilisation and turnover were measured in male chickens sampled from a line selected for high breast yield and a randombred control line (lines QL and CL, experiment 1) and in male chickens sampled from lines selected for either high or low abdominal fatness (lines FL and LL, experiment 2). In each experiment, 18 birds per line were given iso-energetic (12.9 MJME/kg) diets containing either 120 or 220 g CP/kg from 21 to 29 d (experiment 1) and 33 to 43 d (experiment 2). 2. Measurements were made of growth rate, food intake, body composition, excreta production and Ntau-methylhistidine excretion as a measure of myofibrillar protein breakdown, and fractional rates (%/d) of protein deposition, breakdown and synthesis were calculated. 3. In experiment 1, there were no significant differences between the line means for the fractional measures of protein turnover, but there was marked differential response in the two lines in the fractional rates of protein deposition, breakdown and synthesis, to increase in protein intake. The positive slope of the regressions of fractional (%/d) protein deposition and synthesis rates on protein intake (g/d/kg BW) were approximately 1.4- and 2.0-fold higher respectively in the QL than the CL line birds, and the negative slope of the regression of fractional breakdown rate on protein intake was approximately threefold greater in the CL than the QL line birds. 4. In experiment 2, fractional deposition rate was 6.2% lower, but fractional breakdown rate 9.4% higher in the LL than the FL birds, whilst there was essentially no difference in response of the FL and LL birds in the components of protein turnover to increase in protein intake. Line differences in deposition and breakdown rates were thus a reflection of the considerably higher (20%) food and hence protein intake in the FL than the LL birds. 5. The differential line responses in protein turnover in the two experiments suggest that selection for increased breast muscle yield and for reduced body fatness manipulate different physiological pathways in relation to protein turnover, but neither selection strategy results in an improvement in net protein utilisation at typical levels of protein intake by birds on commercial broiler diets, through a reduction in protein breakdown rate.  相似文献   

The effects of the 5‐HT1A receptor agonist 8‐OH‐DPAT on food and water intake in male broiler chickens were investigated. The injection of 25 or 50 μg/kg of 8‐OH‐DPAT 15 min before refeeding in fasted animals produced a decrease in food intake. No effect was observed in drinking. The injection of 25 or 50 μg/kg of the 8‐OH‐DPAT 60 min after the start of refeeding did not produce any significant modification in food intake. No effect on drinking was recorded. The agonist 8‐OH‐DPAT injected 15 min before water presentation in water‐deprived chickens, produced an increased drinking 60 min after the presentation of water. No effect on food intake was observed. The results show that the effect on food intake of the agonist 8‐OH‐DPAT in fasted–refed broiler chickens was similar to those observed in mammals and layer‐strain chickens. However, the agonist did not alter significantly the food intake when the broilers were fed 60 min before the injection. These results are contrary to the observed effects in mammals and in layer‐strain chickens. Probably, the selection for rapid growth rate in broilers causes modifications in the feeding control pattern. The comparison between broilers and layers strain may be a useful tool to elucidate the complex mechanisms involved in food and water intake regulation in chickens.  相似文献   

Fertility control is an alternative strategy to traditional culling for the management of rodent pests. Previous studies have demonstrated that quinestrol is a potential contraceptive for male rodents, but the recovery of fertility in quinestrol‐treated rodents has not been evaluated. This study used C57BL/6J mice to evaluate the recovery rate of male fertility after the administration of quinestrol. Diethylstilbestrol (DES), a non‐steroid estrogenic compound, was used for comparison. Different groups of mice were treated with 1 mg/kg quinestrol, 1 mg/kg DES, or castor oil separately for 7 days. These mice were then killed on days 8, 22 and 50 respectively. Our results indicated that the weight of epididymides and seminal vesicles decreased significantly on days 8 and 22 in quinestrol/DES‐treated mice, with extensive histological changes in the seminiferous tubules. Sperm concentrations in the cauda epididymal fluid were significantly reduced on days 8 and 22 in both quinestrol and DES treatment groups and on day 50 for the DES, but not the quinestrol group. Further analysis revealed that DES‐treated mice exhibited a higher proportion of abnormal sperm accumulation in the epididymis, indicating that the normal sperm transportation to the cauda epididymis was blocked. Our results indicate that the anti‐fertility effects on male mice given quinestrol were of shorter duration than for those receiving DES at the dose of 1 mg/kg body weight.  相似文献   

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