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非洲猪瘟自暴发以来,对我国养猪业造成重大的经济损失,使得养殖户养殖信心受到重创.值得注意的是,猪场猪群的饮水管理与生物安全控制往往容易被忽视,但它事关猪场的效益高低和管理成败.猪场在给予优质饮用水的时候,要做好饮水管理工作,尤其要做好哺乳仔猪、断奶仔猪和母猪等不同阶段猪群的饮水管理工作,同时,还要密切关注当前非洲猪瘟疫...  相似文献   

在临床上,猪的注射给药是常用方法,注射给药的途径包括肌肉、皮下、皮内、静脉、气管、胸腔、腹腔、后海穴注射等方法,本文按照注射给药的途径详细介绍了猪的注射给药方法。  相似文献   

1 选择适宜的药物 猪群发病时,应先确诊疾病,再针对致病的原因选择药物。严禁盲目投药。此外,在给药前应先了解所选药物的主要成分,同时应注意药物成分的有效含量,避免治疗效果不佳或发生中毒。  相似文献   

笼养鸡主要给药途径有三种:注射、口服、吸入。其中口服给药的方法主要有拌料、饮水,直接投服三种。但随着养殖设备的更新改造以及兽药新药、新剂型的开发应用,原有的给药方法已不能完全满足人们的需求。现介绍一种口服给药新方法——溜药法,其方法及步骤如下:  相似文献   

集约化的饲养管理方式要求对疾病的药物防治必须有新的与之相适应的给药方案,通常是采用群体给药法,如将药物混在饲料中或加入饮水中。本文论述了群体给药的方法——混饲与混饮给药、剂量确定及注意事项。  相似文献   

正现代养鸡业主要给药途径有三种:注射、口服、吸入。其中口服给药的方法主要有拌料、饮水、直接投服三种。但随着养殖设备的更新改造以及兽药新药、新剂型的开发应用,原有的给药方法已不能完全满足需求,人们都在寻求新的方法来适应新形式的需求。现介绍一种口服给药新方法——溜药。溜药可以充分提高药物利用率,如冲剂常沉积于饮水器底部,降低了药物利用率,同时  相似文献   

正治疗猪病给药方法要恰当。不同的给药途径影响着药物吸收的快慢、血药浓度的高低和疗效的强弱。要根据病情缓急、用药目的及药物本身性质来选择最适宜的给药方法。静注几乎可立即出现药物作用,以下依次为肌注、皮下注射和内服。危急病例,宜静注或静滴;治疗败血症或全身性严  相似文献   

<正>在我国当前猪病的临床治疗里,对于药物的选择,剂量的服用以及使用的方法,并不能做到准确。而对猪的给药方法往往只有静脉注射一种,为了解决这个问题,本人总结多年对猪病治疗的经验,仅供读者参考。1猪病治疗过程中给药应该具备的5种观念1.1对猪用药要慎重在我国当前的猪病治疗中,临床上对猪病治疗最常用的方法就是对其乱用各种抗生素,而且还存在抗生素使用剂量过大的问题。如果  相似文献   

猪肌肉注射给药前的保定方法有多种,在保定给药时,由于猪骚动不安,易造成注射针或注射针座扭伤,注射部位不准确;另外,保定较大猪只时,由于多人近距离强迫按压保定,易造成^员及猪的损伤。对猪的保定及有效肌肉注射给药一直是兽医工作者的难题之一。  相似文献   

吕惠序 《养猪》2009,(3):79-79
1口服给药法 (1)按规定的剂量将药物拌入少量饲料或饮水中让猪服用。 (2)用胃导管经口腔直接插入食道内灌服。灌药时,药量不宜过多,胃导管插入不宜过浅,严防药物误入气管而导致异物性肺炎或猪窒息死亡。插胃导管前还必须用开口器使猪的嘴巴张开。  相似文献   

It has been considered that drinking oxygenated water improves oxygen availability, which may increase vitality and improve immune functions. The present study evaluated the effects of oxygenated drinking water on immune function in pigs. Continuous drinking of oxygenated water markedly increased peripheral blood mononuclear cell proliferation, interleukin-1β expression level and the CD4(+):CD8(+) cell ratio in pigs. During Salmonella Typhimurium infection, total leukocytes and relative cytokines expression levels were significantly increased in pigs consuming oxygenated water compared with pigs consuming tap water. These findings suggest that oxygenated drinking water enhances immune activity in pigs and increases immune responses of pigs during S. Typhimurium Infection.  相似文献   

进入冬季以来,大部分猪场的猪只出现呼吸道疾病的情况比较严重,特别是北方地区,部分怀孕母猪和育肥猪群晚上干咳严重,呼吸相对紧促,个别猪只出现少许清澈鼻涕,白天  相似文献   

Florfenicol administered through the drinking water has been recommended as a metaphylactic antibacterial drug to control outbreaks of respiratory diseases in pigs caused by strains of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae and Pasteurella multocida, yet it is difficult to pinpoint in practice when the drug is given metaphylactically or therapeutically. Further, pigs are likely to reject florfenicol-medicated water, and plasma concentrations of the drug are likely to be marginal for diseases caused by Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Staphylococcus aureus. The reported minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values for these organisms show a breakpoint of 2 to 3 μg/mL. An experiment was conducted during September and October 2009. One hundred twenty healthy crossbred pigs (Landrace-Yorkshire), weighing 23 ± 6.2 kg, were used in this trial. They were randomly assigned to 5 groups, with 3 replicates of 8 animals/group. Two commercial preparations of florfenicol were administered through the drinking water at 2 concentrations (0.01 and 0.015%). Water intake was measured before and after medication, and plasma concentrations of florfenicol were determined by HPLC. Considerable rejection of florfenicol-medicated water was observed. However, plasma florfenicol concentrations were of a range sufficient for a methaphylaxis approach to preventing disease by bacteria, with MIC breakpoints of ≤ 0.25 μg/mL. Decreased efficacy as a metaphylactic medication should be expected for bacteria with MIC >0.25 μg/mL, considering the reported existence of bacteria resistant to florfenicol and the natural resistance of Streptococcus suis or E. coli to this drug.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to test whether acidified drinking water, with two millilitres of an acid mixture per litre, was able to reduce the number of Salmonella infections in finishing pig herds. In each compartment, half of the pens were supplied with acidified water and the other pens served as negative control. In three herds the required dose was not applied to the pigs as a result of various practical problems. In another herd, all pigs remained seronegative throughout the study. Analysis of the remaining three herds showed a large and significant treatment effect in one herd (P<0.001). As a result of the small number of observations and the overall lower seroprevalence in the control groups, the other two herds only showed a statistical trend to a treatment effect (0.10相似文献   

对于蛋鸡的饲养,在注重饲养技术的同时,还需要在经营观念和思路上下工夫,学会对市场风险进行预测和规避,改变传统的饲养观念和办法来适应新时代养殖思路,从而不被市场所淘汰。笔者认为,养好蛋鸡必须重视“品种、饲料、管理”3个环节。  相似文献   

A commercial doxycycline formulation was administered in drinking water to 12 pigs at the recommended dose of 10 mg/kg daily for 5 days. The mean plasma concentration at steady-state was 1.37 +/- 1.21 microg/mL, which was reached at 68 +/- 27.2 h postadministration. Absorption and elimination half-life values were 7.20 +/- 2.42 and 7.01 +/- 2.10 h, respectively. Most plasma concentrations during dosing were higher than the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) described for the main porcine bacterial pathogens of the respiratory tract (Pasteurella multocida, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Bordetella bronchiseptica and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae). It is concluded that when pigs were treated with doxycycline in drinking water at the recommended rate, therapeutically effective concentrations were achieved throughout the treatment period, supporting the clinical use of this tetracycline in the control of respiratory infections. However, inter-animal differences were marked.  相似文献   

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