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Septoria tritici blotch (STB) is one of the most important leaf spot diseases in wheat worldwide. The goal of this study was to detect chromosomal regions for adult-plant resistance in large winter wheat populations to STB. Inoculation by two isolates with virulence to Stb6 and Stb15, both present in the parents, was performed and STB severity was visually scored plotwise as percent coverage of flag leaves with pycnidia-bearing lesions. 'Florett'/'Biscay' and 'Tuareg'/'Biscay', each comprising a cross of a resistant and a susceptible cultivar, with population sizes of 316 and 269 F(7:8) recombinant inbred lines, respectively, were phenotyped across four and five environments and mapped with amplified fragment length polymorphism, diversity array technology, and simple sequence repeat markers covering polymorphic regions of ≈1,340 centimorgans. Phenotypic data revealed significant (P < 0.01) genotypic differentiation for STB, heading date, and plant height. Entry-mean heritabilities (h(2)) for STB were 0.73 for 'Florett'/'Biscay' and 0.38 for 'Tuareg'/'Biscay'. All correlations between STB and heading date as well as between STB and plant height were low (r = -0.13 to -0.20). In quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis, nine and six QTL were found for STB ratings explaining, together, 55 and 51% of phenotypic variation in 'Florett'/'Biscay' and 'Tuareg'/'Biscay', respectively. Genotype-environment and QTL-environment interactions had a large impact. Two major QTL were detected consistently across environments on chromosomes 3B and 6D from 'Florett' and chromosomes 4B and 6B from 'Tuareg', each explaining 12 to 17% of normalized adjusted phenotypic variance. These results indicate that adult-plant resistance to STB in both mapping populations was of a quantitative nature.  相似文献   

A decision‐support system (DSS) has been developed for the holistic management of the invertebrate pest complex of rape. Traditionally, management of one pest has been done in isolation from any other. However, the control tactics used for one may impinge upon the management of other invertebrates. At present, the DSS contains procedures for the concurrent management of five pests. An Internet version of the system has been developed using a combination of Java and Cold Fusion to facilitate the delivery of information.  相似文献   

T. Rder  P. Racca  E. Jrg  B. Hau 《EPPO Bulletin》2007,37(2):378-382
During a three‐year project from 2003 to 2006, two models have been developed to predict leaf rust (Puccinia recondita and P. triticina) occurrence and to simulate disease incidence progress curves on the upper leaf layers of winter rye (PUCREC) and winter wheat (PUCTRI). As input parameters the models use air temperature, relative humidity and precipitation. PUCREC and PUCTRI firstly calculate daily infection favourability and a cumulative infection pressure index and, in a second step, disease incidence is estimated. An ontogenetic model (SIMONTO) is used to link disease predictions to crop development. PUCREC and PUCTRI have been validated with data from 2001 to 2005. Both models give satisfactory results in simulating leaf rust epidemics and forecasting dates when action thresholds for leaf rust control are exceeded.  相似文献   

M. W. SHAW 《Plant pathology》1990,39(2):255-268
After inoculation of winter wheat cv. Longbow at a single time, lesions of M. graminicola were produced over a long interval starting 15–35 days after inoculation, dependent on temperature. There was no evidence that a single infection gave rise to more than one lesion. After the initial infection period at 100% relative humidity (r.h.), keeping leaves wet for c. 10 h per day did not shorten latent period on seedlings. Experiments in controlled-environment chambers demonstrated a minimum latent period at approximately 17°C Variation in the latent period of individual lesions was also minimum at this temperature. The latent period varied among the cultivars tested, cv. Longbow having the shortest, cv. Avalon having almost the longest. Field observations broadly confirmed the results of experiments in constant-environment chambers.  相似文献   

Genes for specific resistance to European and American isolates of Mycosphaerella graminicola , the causal agent of septoria tritici blotch (STB) of wheat, have been identified and mapped in various cultivars and breeding lines and are distributed throughout the genome. The location of a gene for resistance to an Ethiopian isolate, IPO88004, which is currently the most widespread resistance present in European wheat cultivars, is reported. The resistance was mapped in the Swiss cultivar Arina which, besides high partial resistance to STB, also has specific resistance to IPO323, controlled by Stb6 and to IPO88004. An F5 recombinant inbred population from a cross between Arina and the susceptible cultivar Forno was tested in whole seedling trials. Using multiple QTL mapping (MQM), a gene for resistance to M. graminicola isolate IPO88004 in cv. Arina was located to chromosome 6AS. The gene is named Stb15 . Seedling tests on a double haploid population of cvs Arina × Riband indicated that the UK wheat cv. Riband also has Stb15 or another gene for specific resistance to IPO88004 allelic or closely linked to Stb15 .  相似文献   

Epidemics of disease caused by Septoria tritici were studied in detail in 11 crops of winter wheat cv. Longbow over 4 years. Serious damage to the uppermost two leaf layers was caused by splash-borne infection from lower in the crop early in the life of the leaves, followed by one or rarely two cycles of multiplication within a leaf layer. Infection conditions rarely limited damage, even in a dry year; the timing and, to a lesser extent, amount of initial inoculum movement to an upper leaf layer was of greater importance. Timing of initial infection was determined by when rain splash occurred in relation to emergence of a leaf layer. Occurrence of infections soon after a leaf layer started to emerge allowed more time for multiplication of disease within that layer. These infections tended to be more severe because the leaves were closer to inoculum sources within the crop. Slight differences in phenology between locations explain why initially random disease distributions sometimes become aggregated. Early-sown crops are at greater risk because they mature more slowly, allowing more disease multiplication and better transfer between leaf layers.  相似文献   

The pattern and extent of primary infection by Septoria tritici were compared over a period of 3 years in winter wheat grown at sites with differing histories and from seed stocks obtained in different countries, in the open, under airtight cover and in sterilized soil. Only the airtight cover altered the number of lesions found, substantially reducing it. Lesions were evenly distributed. Lesions were found throughout the autumn and occasionally in the winter and spring on wheat seedlings exposed in trays to the open air for periods of 1 week, then given good conditions for infection to occur. This was true even at a site 0.4 km distant from wheat residues. The results show that the main source of primary infection of winter wheat in these experiments was evenly dispersed and airborne. It probably consisted mainly of ascospores of Mycosphaerella graminicola.  相似文献   

E. Bouma 《EPPO Bulletin》2000,30(1):65-68
Reduction in the amount of active substance and reduced dependence on chemical plant production products are the main items in the Dutch Government Multiyear Crop Protection Plan. There are problems in reaching this goal, as weather conditions in The Netherlands are very beneficial to all kinds of fungal diseases. Such diseases have to be controlled by applications of preventive fungicides, and it is quite regular to use a spray interval of 6–7 days. Another problem is application at the wrong time. With the help of decision‐support systems (DSSs), it is possible to calculate the period of protection by a product, the danger of an infection period and the moment of highest efficacy. DLV‐Meteo offers advice based on five DSSs for individual pests (Prophy, onion leaf spot disease, Botrypré, Mycos and Contapré) and on a general DSS for application at the time of day that ensures highest efficacy (Gewis).  相似文献   

In many European countries, factors important for decision‐making in plant protection, such as biology, weather and environmental conditions, crop management level and their relationships, have been incorporated into decision‐support systems (DSSs). In 1996, a project was jointly elaborated, and research was started by the Danish Institute of Plant and Soil Science, the Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture and the Lithuanian and Danish Agricultural Advisory Services. This research was focused on the testing, development and adaptation of a Danish computer‐based decision‐support and information system (PC‐Plant Protection) for plant protection under Lithuanian conditions. Trials were carried out by the Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture in 1996/1998 to investigate the potential for reducing fungicide inputs in cereal production in different regions of Lithuania representing typical local agrometeorological conditions. On the basis of the trials, the following conclusions were drawn: the reduced doses and fungicide combinations recommended by the DSS gave rather good control of diseases; spraying according to the recommendations of the DSS increased yield significantly in all experiments and allowed saving in fungicides; some models, e.g. for Leptosphaeria nodorum, were not fully suitable for Lithuanian conditions and need to be developed further.  相似文献   

Generally, it is recognized that inocula of Septoria tritici present on the basal leaves of winter wheat crops are spread towards the top of the canopy by splashy rainfall. This mechanism of inoculum dispersal is commonly accepted to be a key limit on disease progression. Therefore, attempts to forecast epidemics of S. tritici often quantify rainfall by some means, but largely ignore measurement of pathogen and host variables. In the present study, we show that new wheat leaves emerge initially at a height below established leaves that can contain sporulating lesions of S. tritici . This presents the possibility of horizontal inoculum transfer, even without splashy rainfall. The extent and duration of overlap between emergent and established leaves was found to differ considerably with cultivar and sowing date. Nitrogen application had little effect on overlap, because differences in crop phenology, e.g. leaf area and nodal length, were relative. However, estimates of raindrop penetration to the base of crop canopies suggested that vertical movement of inoculum is affected by nitrogen application. Crops receiving more nitrogen are denser, and therefore less rainfall reaches the base of the canopy. The interactions between crop and pathogen development are discussed with reference to the implications for predicting disease risk. In particular, cultivar traits that promote disease escape are quantified.  相似文献   

This paper describes a decision‐support scheme (DSS) for mapping the area where economically important loss is likely to occur (the endangered area). It has been designed by the PRATIQUE project to help pest risk analysts address the numerous risk mapping challenges and decide on the most suitable methods to follow. The introduction to the DSS indicates the time and expertise that is needed, the data requirements and the situations when mapping the endangered areas is most useful. The DSS itself has four stages. In stage 1, the key factors that influence the endangered area are identified, the data are assembled and, where appropriate, maps of the key factors are produced listing any significant assumptions. In stage 2, methods for combining these maps to identify the area of potential establishment and the area at highest risk from pest impacts are described, documenting any assumptions and combination rules utilised. When possible and appropriate, Stage 3 can then be followed to show whether economic loss will occur in the area at highest risk and to identify the endangered area. As required, Stage 4, described elsewhere, provides techniques for producing a dynamic picture of the invasion process using a suite of spread models. To illustrate how the DSS functions, a maize pest, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, and a freshwater invasive alien plant, Eichhornia crassipes, have been used as examples.  相似文献   

This review summarises recent investigations into the molecular mechanisms responsible for the decline in sensitivity to azole (imidazole and triazole) fungicides in European populations of the Septoria leaf blotch pathogen, Mycosphaerella graminicola. The complex recent evolution of the azole target sterol 14α‐demethylase (MgCYP51) enzyme in response to selection by the sequential introduction of progressively more effective azoles is described, and the contribution of individual MgCYP51 amino acid alterations and their combinations to azole resistance phenotypes and intrinsic enzyme activity is discussed. In addition, the recent identification of mechanisms independent of changes in MgCYP51 structure correlated with novel azole cross‐resistant phenotypes suggests that the further evolution of M. graminicola under continued selection by azole fungicides could involve multiple mechanisms. The prospects for azole fungicides in controlling European M. graminicola populations in the future are discussed in the context of these new findings. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The contribution of wheat debris to the early stages of septoria leaf blotch epidemics was assessed in a 3‐year field experiment. First lesions were detected very early (December) in the case of an early sowing (mid‐October), showing that the first contamination could occur as soon as the seedlings emerge. The tested debris management options (chopped debris, removal of debris followed by tillage, or tillage in absence of debris) had a strong effect, although transient, on the epidemic dynamic: the more debris present on the soil surface, the more severe initial disease was. The magnitude of differences between treatments differed substantially between years. The relative production of pycnidiospores and ascospores was measured on the chopped debris. Peaks in pycnidiospore and ascospore production coincided in October–November. Both types of spores can be involved as primary inoculum in north‐west European conditions. The local amount of pycnidiospores available on debris in the field, estimated per square metre, was 1000‐fold the local ascospore production. Moreover, inoculum production was quantified on debris exposed to different environmental conditions. Autumnal conditions, characterized by moderate temperature with alternating wet and dry periods, were favourable for the production of both pycnidiospores and ascospores, as shown by the high inoculum production on debris exposed to field or outdoor conditions. By late autumn, the canopy became the most important source of pycnidiospores, and this period, characterized by the decreasing role of debris as a local source of inoculum compared to distant potential sources, can be considered as the end of the early epidemic stages.  相似文献   

Two field studies were conducted in Central and Northern Spain over a total of five seasons to assess the usefulness of a decision support system (AVENA-PC) from agronomic, economic and environmental points of view on herbicidal control of Avena sterilis ssp. ludoviciana in winter wheat. The control treatments evaluated were: (i) AVENA-PC-based recommendations, (ii) full herbicide dose (standard farmer practice), (iii) half herbicide dose and (iv) no herbicide. The herbicide rates used in the AVENA-PC treatment averaged 65% and 30% lower than the full and half dose treatments respectively. AVENA-PC implementation controlled A. ludoviciana with similar efficacy as standard herbicide treatments. Nevertheless, it did support a reduction in relation to the non-herbicide treatment. Yields obtained with AVENA-PC were, in general, not statistically different to those obtained with herbicide treatments and were on average 69% higher than those in the no herbicide application strategy. Comparing AVENA-PC economic performance with the other treatments there were, in general, no significant statistical differences in Central Spain. In Northern Spain, all herbicide treatments had similar net returns, with there being no statistical differences between AVENA-PC and the herbicide treatments. However, there were differences recorded with the non-herbicide treatment. The results of this research indicate that AVENA-PC, due to its flexibility, may recommend less herbicide than the standard farmer practice, providing clear environmental benefits and adequate weed control with maintained crop yield and net returns similar to standard farmer practice.  相似文献   

Ascocarps of Mycosphaerella graminicola regularly developed in debris of wheat crops from eastern England after natural weathering. Identity with the Septoria tritici anamorph and pathogenicity to wheat were demonstrated by isolation and inoculation. Ascospores were present from autumn onwards and were most frequent in December and January. They may contribute to the primary inoculum for epidemics on autumn-sown wheat.  相似文献   

The effect of the quinone outside inhibitors (QoI) azoxystrobin and pyraclostrobin on yields of winter wheat where QoI resistant Mycosphaerella graminicola isolates were dominant was investigated in field trials in 2006 and 2007. Pyraclostrobin significantly increased yields by 1·57 t ha?1 in 2006 and 0·89 t ha?1 in 2007 when compared to the untreated controls, while azoxystrobin only provided a significant increase of 1·28 t ha?1 in 2006. These yield increases were associated with reduction in septoria tritici blotch (STB) development as determined by weekly disease assessments over a 7 week interval. The effect of pyraclostrobin on STB was studied in controlled environment experiments using wheat seedlings inoculated with individual M. graminicola isolates. Pyraclostrobin significantly reduced STB symptoms by up to 62%, whether applied 48 h pre‐ or post‐ inoculation with resistant M. graminicola isolates containing the cytochrome b mutation G143A. Extremely limited disease (<1%) was observed on similarly treated seedlings inoculated with an intermediately resistant isolate containing the cytochrome b mutation F129L, while no disease was observed on seedlings inoculated with a wild‐type isolate. Germination studies of pycnidiospores of M. graminicola on water agar amended with azoxystrobin or pyraclostrobin showed that neither fungicide inhibited germination of spores of resistant isolates containing the mutation G143A. However, pyraclostrobin significantly reduced germ tube length by up to 46% when compared with the untreated controls. Although the QoIs can no longer be relied upon to provide effective M. graminicola control, this study provides an insight into why QoIs still provide limited STB disease control and yield increases even in situations of high QoI resistance.  相似文献   

The association of the cell wall degrading enzyme endo‐beta‐1,4‐xylanase (EC with pathogenicity of Mycosphaerella graminicola was examined in planta. The enzyme production of two M. graminicola isolates (T0372 and T0491), as well as their ability to infect seedlings of susceptible wheat cv. Scorpion, was first compared. No significant difference was found between the two isolates regarding spore germination rates, mycelial growth on the leaf surface or direct and stomatal penetrations. However, restricted hyphal growth was observed inside leaves inoculated with T0372, whereas successful mesophyll colonization with a strong intercellular fungal growth was found in leaves infected with T0491. Likewise, T0372 was unable to induce lesions bearing pycnidia and to produce endo‐beta‐1,4‐xylanase activity until 22 days post‐inoculation (d.p.i.). On the other hand, significant high increases of both diseased leaf area bearing pycnidia and endo‐beta‐1,4‐xylanase activity were observed between 16 and 22 d.p.i. for T0491 (r = 0·98). The investigation of 24 additional isolates, including the IPO323 and IPO94269 reference isolates, highlighted a strong correlation between endo‐beta‐1,4‐xylanase activity and disease development levels (r = 0·94). This study demonstrates that differences in pathogenicity in M. graminicola are not linked to events on the leaf surface or to frequency of leaf penetration, but to the ability of the fungus to colonize the mesophyll and to produce the cell wall degrading enzyme endo‐1,4‐beta‐xylanase during the necrotrophic phase.  相似文献   

Assessing the potential environmental impact of alien plants and plant pests is notoriously difficult. New protocols have been developed in the framework of the EC project PRATIQUE to provide guidance on environmental impact assessment in the EPPO pest risk analysis (PRA) decision‐support scheme and enhance consistency between risk assessors and risk ratings for different pests. A set of questions with rating guidance and examples is provided, and individual scores are summarized into final scores, using a hierarchy of risk matrices, to assess current and potential environmental impacts. Two separate protocols are available: for alien plants and for other pests. These protocols could also be used to assess environmental impact in other PRA schemes as well as to assign alien species to regional black lists or to prioritize species for management decisions.  相似文献   

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