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茶叶副产物的开发利用综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国是世界上主要产茶国之一,年产茶叶已达到56万t以上。茶叶在生产过程中,茶叶的副产物也相当可观。据调查,生产1t红茶约有30~50的茶灰、筋毛、梗朴等副产物;生产1t绿茶或其它茶类,亦有20~30的副产物。据此测算,目前,我国每年茶叶加工中的副产物...  相似文献   

我国是产茶大国,茶叶的综合利用一直是茶产业发展的重要方向。采摘、生产、饮用茶叶的同时,产生了大量的茶叶副产物,例如茶汁、茶渣和茶粉等。茶叶副产物中含有大量的生物活性物质,如多酚类(儿茶素、黄酮类、原花青素)、色素、生物碱类(咖啡因、茶碱、可可碱)、氨基酸以及茶多糖等;具有抗病毒、抗氧化、降血糖及改善肠道健康等生物学功能。茶叶副产物可以有效提高动物的生产性能及畜产品品质,增强机体抗病能力,在畜牧养殖领域应用较为广泛。文章综述了茶叶副产物的活性成分、生物学功能以及在动物生产中的应用,为茶叶副产物在动物生产中的进一步推广与利用提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来茶叶产业发展迅速,茶叶资源利用率不高,茶园效益提升困难;茶叶副产物资源化利用可以有效促进茶产业健康、可持续的发展。综述了近年来茶叶副产物资源化利用的最新研究进展,重点阐述了茶树花、茶渣、茶树枝的资源化利用现状。  相似文献   

玉米淀粉湿法加工副产物是玉米采用湿磨工艺生产淀粉过程中多种副产物的合称,在猪、家禽及反刍动物等畜禽生产上具有应用潜力。本文根据多种玉米淀粉湿法加工副产物的营养成分及其应用,综合探讨了玉米淀粉湿法加工副产物的研究现状,为其在畜禽生产中的进一步研究、开发和应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

本文从综合利用茶业资源、研究开发绿色无公害茶叶饲料和兽药产品的角度,简述了茶叶精深加工在养殖业中的应用意义,并对相关的应用技术进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

1茶叶标准化及品牌建设现状1.1茶叶标准化工作进展状况计划经济时期,茶叶属国家统购统销物质,生产单位全部是国营或集体企业,工作性质主要是茶叶生产与加工,无需顾忌产品销售,在这特殊时期,江西茶叶标准化工作和其他产茶省一致,均是按照国家商业部、供销总社制定的茶叶加工、收  相似文献   

本文从综合利用茶业资源,研究开发绿色无公害茶叶饲料和兽药产品的角度,简述了茶叶精深加工在养殖业中的应用意义,并对相关的应用技术进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

高新技术在茶叶加工中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简述了膜分离技术,超临界流体萃取技术,冷杀菌技术及真空冷冻干燥等新技术的基本原理及其在茶叶加工中的应用状况。  相似文献   

制拣矛盾是茶叶精制中普遍存在的现象。它的产生及其解决办法,常为茶人所研讨。笔者根据多年的实践体会,在此谈点浅见,与同行商榷。(一)、制拣矛盾的形成 1.加工计划与实际工量形成的矛盾  相似文献   

简化工艺和精工细做,都属茶叶精制中应当遵循的原则。但前者的重要性不及后者显而易见,容易被人们所忽视。茶叶精制过程是毛茶通过各种工序处理,分清长短、精细、轻重、甄别净杂,再将分号茶拼和成商品茶的过程,其间工艺繁复,要求细致,不贯彻精工细做,难以达到精制目的。因而长期以来,茶叶加工企业十分重视精工细做。认真确定毛茶付制方案,按传统加工习惯形成,实施多条加工“路线”,对半成品,制品制定严格的工艺标准,在具体生产过程中还刻意强调多方取料,筛路茶分清、孔号茶做净等。精工细做体现了茶叶精制加工的本质要求,是…  相似文献   

There is continued incentive for the development of alternative feed resources for use in swine production. The availability of distillery by-products may be expected to increase as the use of corn and cereal grains for ethanol production expands. The acceptability of distillery by-products, milling by-products, forages and other fibrous feeds as energy sources for swine depends on such factors as cell wall content of the plant, degree of microbial fermentation in the large intestine, and extent of absorption and utilization of the volatile fatty acids produced. Physiological effects of dietary fiber, including effects on gastric emptying, rate of transit of digesta, gut motility, digestive secretions, and absorption and utilization of breakdown products need quantification. Limited evidence suggests that there are genetic differences in the response of pigs to dietary fiber and in their ability to utilize it as an energy source. Recombinant DNA technology offers the possibility of cloning cellulase genes from microorganisms for application in swine feeding programs. The extent to which biotechnology will be applied in swine feeding will depend ultimately on the economic incentive for developmental effort and on unknown biological limitations of the pig and its gastrointestinal microbial ecosystem.  相似文献   

向日葵作为一种高产优质经济作物,在内蒙古河套地区有着广泛种植,其加工油脂过程中产生的葵花粕、葵花盘、葵花秆等用于动物养殖,不仅可解决因堆放和焚烧造成的环境污染,也可弥补饲料资源的不足。作者对内蒙古河套地区向日葵生产基本情况及其副产品作为饲料资源加工利用现状进行分析,并提出了开发利用中存在的问题及对策。  相似文献   

生物发酵饲料作为"第四代活的饲料",近年来备受畜牧行业的关注,也是国家实行饲料全面禁抗后的替抗研究手段之一.生物发酵饲料立足于去除原料抗营养因子、改善饲料营养价值、提高饲料养分消化利用率、产生有益微生物代谢产物,达到维护动物肠道健康、提升动物机体免疫力、促进动物生产性能、减少动物粪污排放和环保健康养殖的目的.生物饲料在...  相似文献   

花生在生产过程中产生大量副产物,其营养价值较高,是重要的饲料加工原料。文章主要针对花生生产过程中副产物营养价值及在畜牧生产中的利用进行综述。  相似文献   

酒糟是谷物通过固态发酵和蒸馏工艺酿造酒后的副产物,具有营养价值高、成本低廉和易获得等特点,可有效缓解我国饲料资源紧缺的现状。但鲜酒糟中渣富含抗营养因子,且易腐烂、难以保存,故常常被丢弃,造成环境污染和资源浪费。酒糟经益生菌发酵可以改善饲喂价值,提高动物对酒糟的利用效率。因此,文章就不同种类的酒糟资源营养特性、加工工艺及酒糟发酵在动物饲料中的应用进行综述,以期为酒糟发酵生物饲料的生产实践应用提供参考。  相似文献   

Researches on tea have been developed for decades, which prove that tea, especially green tea, has multiple functional components. With the rapid development of beverage industry, the resultant large amounts of tea grounds attract great attention. However, unreasonable utilization of tea grounds would lead to great waste and environmental pollution, especially in summer. In view of the high nutritive value and multiple functional components, tea grounds could be used as feedstuff. By now, researches of tea grounds as feedstuff are mainly on ruminant, as the utilization on other animals is limited to lower level due to high fiber content. Therefore, the following review will begin with a brief introduction of tea grounds and the possible utilization of tea grounds as feedstuff, and then elaborate on the application of ensiling and total mixed ration on ruminant. Apart from the fermentation quality, nutritive value is also provided to assess feasibilities of using tea grounds as feedstuff resources. Finally, a summary on the utilization situation and future direction of using tea grounds as feedstuff is provided in this review.  相似文献   

随着现代生物技术在玉米深加工产业中的发展和应用,副产品的产量越来越大。玉米胚芽粕是一种以玉米纤维和蛋白质为主的高营养物质,生物效价PER值与WHO/FAO推荐值相近,近似于人奶和鸡蛋生物学价值,目前已用于育肥猪、反刍动物和家禽饲料添加。本研究对玉米胚芽粕的品质进行分析,以期将这一廉价的饲料资源进一步合理开发利用,取得更高的经济效益。  相似文献   

木薯及其副产品的营养价值及在动物生产中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
木薯耐干旱、耐贫瘠且易管理,其茎叶、块根及工业副产物营养物质含量较高,是一种优质的非常规饲料。木薯叶粗蛋白质、粗脂肪、灰分含量较高,含有丰富的钙、铁、锌、锰。木薯块根是很好的能量来源,其粗蛋白质、粗脂肪、矿物质、维生素含量低于木薯叶。木薯渣主要由木薯的外皮、破碎细胞壁等组成,粗蛋白质含量很低,粗纤维、中性洗涤纤维、酸性洗涤纤维含量较高,矿物质、氨基酸丰富,但钙、磷、氨基酸不平衡。木薯品种、生长条件、收割方式、收获时间、加工工艺等均会影响木薯及其副产品营养物质的含量。木薯中含有氰化物、单宁及植酸等抗营养因子,其中氰化物是限制木薯应用的最主要因素,其可结合细胞色素C氧化酶,阻断线粒体电子传递链,抑制有氧呼吸,导致中枢神经系统抑制和死亡。单宁、植酸与蛋白质结合生成络合物,阻碍营养物质的消化吸收,可通过水煮、烘烤、干燥等物理化学方法,以及发酵、育种等手段对木薯进行脱毒。研究表明,木薯及其副产品可广泛应用于动物生产中,对动物生长性能、肉品质无不良影响。开发与利用非常规饲料有利于缓解饲料资源紧张,降低养殖成本。作者详细介绍了木薯及其副产品的营养价值、抗营养因子及其脱毒方法以及其在动物生产上的应用,以期为木薯在畜禽养殖中的综合利用提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

Researches on tea have been developed for decades, which prove that tea, especially green tea, has multiple functional components. With the rapid development of beverage industry, the resultant large amounts of tea grounds attract great attention. However, unreasonable utilization of tea grounds would lead to great waste and environmental pollution, especially in summer. In view of the high nutritive value and multiple functional components, tea grounds could be used as feedstuff. By now, researches of tea grounds as feedstuff are mainly on ruminant, as the utilization on other animals is limited to lower level due to high fiber content. Therefore, the following review will begin with a brief introduction of tea grounds and the possible utilization of tea grounds as feedstuff, and then elaborate on the application of ensiling and total mixed ration on ruminant. Apart from the fermentation quality, nutritive value is also provided to assess feasibilities of using tea grounds as feedstuff resources. Finally, a summary on the utilization situation and future direction of using tea grounds as feedstuff is provided in this review.  相似文献   

Tea trees have a long history of cultivation and utilization. People in many countries have the habit of drinking tea and choosing green tea, oolong tea, or black tea according to different regions and personal tastes. Tea polyphenols are a general term for polyphenol compounds in tea, and has been shown to have good effects on antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, cancer prevention and regulation of lipid metabolism. Tea polyphenols have been widely used as antioxidants in disease treatment and animal husbandry, but their specific mechanism of action needs to be further clarified and revealed. This review focuses on the definition, classification, antioxidant activity and the regulation of signaling pathways of tea polyphenols. This paper also aims to examine the application of tea polyphenols in human and animal health, providing a scientific basis for this application in addition to proposing future directions for the development of this resource.  相似文献   

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