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Zachary G. Loman William V. Deluca Daniel J. Harrison Cynthia S. Loftin Brian W. Rolek Petra B. Wood 《Landscape Ecology》2018,33(1):77-91
Species-specific models of landscape capability (LC) can inform landscape conservation design. Landscape capability is “the ability of the landscape to provide the environment […] and the local resources […] needed for survival and reproduction […] in sufficient quantity, quality and accessibility to meet the life history requirements of individuals and local populations.” Landscape capability incorporates species’ life histories, ecologies, and distributions to model habitat for current and future landscapes and climates as a proactive strategy for conservation planning.Objectives
We tested the ability of a set of LC models to explain variation in point occupancy and abundance for seven bird species representative of spruce-fir, mixed conifer-hardwood, and riparian and wooded wetland macrohabitats.Methods
We compiled point count data sets used for biological inventory, species monitoring, and field studies across the northeastern United States to create an independent validation data set. Our validation explicitly accounted for underestimation in validation data using joint distance and time removal sampling.Results
Blackpoll warbler (Setophaga striata), wood thrush (Hylocichla mustelina), and Louisiana (Parkesia motacilla) and northern waterthrush (P. noveboracensis) models were validated as predicting variation in abundance, although this varied from not biologically meaningful (1%) to strongly meaningful (59%). We verified all seven species models [including ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapilla), blackburnian (Setophaga fusca) and cerulean warbler (Setophaga cerulea)], as all were positively related to occupancy data.Conclusions
LC models represent a useful tool for conservation planning owing to their predictive ability over a regional extent. As improved remote-sensed data become available, LC layers are updated, which will improve predictions.2.
Studies dealing with community similarity are necessary to understand large scale ecological processes causing biodiversity
loss and to improve landscape and regional planning. Here, we study landscape variables influencing patterns of community
similarity in fragmented and continuous forest landscapes in the Atlantic forest of South America, isolating the effects of
forest loss, fragmentation and patterns of land use. Using a grid design, we surveyed birds in 41 square cells of 100 km2 using the point count method. We used multivariate, regression analyses and lagged predictor autoregressive models to examine
the relative influence of landscape variables on community similarity. Forest cover was the primary variable explaining patterns
of bird community similarity. Similarity showed a sudden decline between 20 and 40% of forest cover. Patterns of land use
had a second order effect; native bird communities were less affected by forest loss in landscapes dominated by tree plantations
(the most suitable habitat for native species) than in landscapes dominated by annual crops or cattle pastures. The effects
of fragmentation were inconclusive. The trade-off between local extinctions and the invasion of extra-regional species using
recently created habitats is probably the mechanism generating the observed patterns of community similarity. Limiting forest
loss to 30–40% of the landscape cover and improving the suitability of human-modified habitats will contribute to maintain
the structure and composition of the native forest bird community in the Atlantic forest. 相似文献
Landscape Ecology - Theory predicts that species diversity of isolated habitat patches depends on patch size and isolation. However, there are few previous studies of how patch size and isolation... 相似文献
Bonfim Fernando César Gonçalves Dodonov Pavel Cazetta Eliana 《Landscape Ecology》2021,36(9):2535-2547
Landscape Ecology - Anthropogenic land use and cover changes impact biodiversity worldwide. However, ecological groups are differently affected by landscape composition and configuration.... 相似文献
Toledo R. M. Perring M. P. Verheyen K. Martini A. M. Z. Ferreira M. P. Santos R. F. 《Landscape Ecology》2020,35(6):1403-1416
Landscape Ecology - Neighbouring forests constitute biological sources that enable the succession from species-poor systems, such as tree-plantings, to highly diverse forests. However, old forest... 相似文献
The purpose of our study was to compare the number, proportion, and species composition of introduced plant species in forest
patches situated within predominantly forested, agricultural, and urban landscapes. A previous study suggested that agricultural
landscape context does not have a large effect on the proportion of introduced species in forest patches. Therefore, our main
goal was to test the hypothesis that forest patches in an urban landscape context contain larger numbers and proportions of
non-native plant species. We surveyed the vegetation in 44 small remnant forest fragments (3–7.5 ha) in the Ottawa region;
15 were situated within forested landscapes, 18 within agricultural landscapes, and 11 within urban landscapes. Forest fragments
in urban landscapes had about 40% more introduced plant species and a 50% greater proportion of introduced plant species than
fragments found in the other two types of landscape. There was no significant difference in the number or proportion of introduced
species in forest fragments within forested vs. agricultural landscapes. However, the species composition of introduced species
differed among the forest patches in the three landscape types. Our results support the hypothesis that urban and suburban
areas are important foci for spread of introduced plant species. 相似文献
Effects of urbanization on ground-dwelling spiders (Araneae) were studied using pitfall traps along an urban-suburban–rural
forest gradient in Debrecen (Hungary). We found that overall spider species richness was significantly higher in the urban
sites compared to the suburban and rural ones. The increased diversity was due to the significantly more open-habitat species
in the assemblages at the urban sites. This suggests that species from the surrounding matrix (grasslands and arable lands)
penetrated the disturbed urban sites. The ratio of forest species was significantly higher in the rural sites than in the
suburban and urban ones, suggesting that forest species are indeed sensitive to the disturbance caused by urbanization. Canonical
correspondence analysis revealed that the species composition changed remarkably along the urbanization gradient. Open-habitat
spiders were associated with the urban sites of higher ground and air temperature. Forest spiders were characteristic of the
rural sites with higher amount of decaying woods. Our findings suggest that the overall diversity was not the most appropriate
indicator of disturbance; species with different habitat affinity should be analyzed separately to get an ecologically relevant
picture of the effect of urbanization. 相似文献
Effects of landscape structure and forest reserve location on old-growth forest bird species in Northern Finland 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Brotons Lluís Mönkkönen Mikko Huhta Esa Nikula Ari Rajasärkkä Ari 《Landscape Ecology》2003,18(4):377-393
Old-growth forest birds in Fennoscandia have sharply declined in numbers during the last decades apparently due to commercial
forest harvesting and fragmentation of old-growth forests. Conservation measures have led to the establishment of a forest
reserve network to assure the persistence of forest birds at a regional scale. However, little is known about the effects
of landscape structure within and around the reserves on the distribution of old-growth forest birds. We used a hierarchical
approach to address the questions of how landscape structure and composition within forest reserves, landscape composition
of surrounding areas and reserve location affect the abundance of resident, old-growth forest birds in the Northern Finnish
forest reserve network. The positive role of particular landscape features on bird distribution indicates that both the proportion
of old-growth forests and the structure of boreal landscape mosaic has an important role in determining the distribution of
these birds. The landscape composition surrounding the reserves proved to be only a weak predictor in species distribution
models, which argues against the primary role of the surrounding matrix in determining species distribution within forest
reserves. Reserves located near the Russian border showed a higher abundance of old-growth birds than more western ones. Once
east-west gradients in overall landscape composition had been accounted for, however, reserves did not differ significantly
in the number of species present. These results suggest that landscape gradients, rather than ecological processes such as
the presence of source areas located along the border with Russia, are the main determinant of the distribution of old-growth
forest birds in the Finnish reserve network. We propose that to enhance regional persistence of old-growth forest birds, conservation
efforts should be primarily directed towards the protection and enhancement of forest habitat quality and natural heterogeneity
of landscapes within targeted areas.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Moreira Francisco Ferreira Paulo G. Rego Francisco C. Bunting Stephen 《Landscape Ecology》2001,16(2):175-187
Fire is a major driving force of landscape change in the Mediterranean region. The objectives of this paper were to explore the implications of landscape change and wildfires in a region of northwestern Portugal for the diversity of breeding birds. Land use cover for the years 1958, 1968, 1983 and 1995 was obtained from aerial photography for a study area of 3700 ha. Breeding bird assemblages in each of six land use categories were characterized in 1998 using point counts. The main landscape changes in the study area across the 40 years were a decrease in the area of agricultural land and low shrublands (respectively 29% and 48%) and an increase in forests and tall shrublands (both over 95%). Bird assemblages showed increased richness and diversity across the gradient: low shrublands tall shrublands conifer mixed deciduous agricultural areas. Many of the species with narrow niche breadth (specialists) were associated with agricultural areas and deciduous forests. In spite of the low diversity of burned areas (mostly shrublands) a few specialist species depend on this habitat. Thus, the current fire regime probably contributes to maintaining bird diversity at the landscape level. There was an inverse relationship between landscape diversity and estimated bird diversity across the last 40 years. Landscape management actions to preserve bird diversity should focus on the maintenance of agricultural land and deciduous forests. In parallel, a wider use of prescribed burning and grazing is suggested. This would contribute to maintaining low shrublands in the landscape, useful both as an habitat for some bird species and as fuel breaks for preventing the occurrence of large wildfires. 相似文献
Luciana Signorelli Rogério P. Bastos Paulo De MarcoJr Kimberly A. With 《Landscape Ecology》2016,31(9):1997-2012
The Brazilian Cerrado, a global biodiversity hotspot, is being converted to agricultural production. Amphibians in particular are susceptible to agricultural practices that threaten both their wetland and upland habitats. Although local site variables are important for determining species occurrence, site occupancy is also mediated by the broader landscape and management context in which the site occurs.Objectives
Investigate the relative effects of broad-, intermediate-, and local-scale factors on species occurrence for pond-breeding anurans within different landscapes across an agricultural-disturbance gradient in the Cerrado.Methods
Ponds were surveyed for adult anurans over 3 years within 18 landscapes (each 625 km2) that varied in their degree of agricultural land use (landscape context). We analyzed species distribution models for eight pond-breeding anurans, using hierarchical binomial generalized linear models.Results
The broader landscape context had a significant effect on the incidence of pond-breeding anurans, even after accounting for variation in other environmental factors at more local (pond) or intermediate (1-km2) scales. The top-ranked models for most species included some combination of broad-, intermediate- and local-scale factors, however. These covariates influenced species occurrence in different ways, with the response to agricultural disturbance varying among species. Although some species were negatively affected, others appeared to benefit from agricultural activities that increased breeding habitat (e.g., impoundments to provide water for cattle).Conclusions
Landscape context, the degree to which landscapes have been transformed by agricultural land use, has a major influence on the distribution of pond-breeding anurans in the Brazilian Cerrado.13.
Forest loss has been invoked as a cause for changes in the reproductive success of animal-pollinated woodland plants, associated
with changes in their pollinators. To analyze such effects, it is important to include all of the three key players: landscapes,
pollinators and a plant. We investigated effects of forest loss on an insect-pollinated plant through landscapes in forested
ecosystems to pollinator communities and plant populations. Then we questioned if abundance and species richness in pollinator
communities decrease as forest loss increases, and this in turn leads to a decrease in reproductive output of an insect-pollinated
plant. We made a study with 12 populations of the bee pollinated herb, Erythronium americanum, in a landscape characterized by scattered fragments of deciduous forest within intensively managed agricultural fields.
We also sampled bees as the potential pollinators by pan traps. We quantified the study landscapes using the amount of forest
cover and the length of forest edge within each of the six radii (250, 500, 750, 1,000, 1,250 and 1,500 m). Regression analyses
showed that the abundance and species richness of all collected bees were positively related to only the forest cover at the
radius of 750 m. We also found the positive relationships for the seed set of E. americanum when the forest cover at the same radius and abundance of all collected bees were used as the predictor variables. These
results indicate that forest loss causes negative impacts on potential pollinator communities and seed sets of some woodland
herbs. 相似文献
Singleton Megan P. Thode Andrea E. Sánchez Meador Andrew J. Iniguez Jose M. Stevens Jens T. 《Landscape Ecology》2021,36(12):3429-3449
Landscape Ecology - Spatial patterns of high-severity wildfire in forests affect vegetation recovery pathways, watershed dynamics, and wildlife habitat across landscapes. Yet, less is known about... 相似文献
Michael R. Guttery Christine A. Ribic David W. Sample Andy Paulios Chris Trosen John Dadisman Daniel Schneider Josephine A. Horton 《Landscape Ecology》2017,32(3):515-529
Beyond the recognized importance of protecting large areas of contiguous habitat, conservation efforts for many species are complicated by the fact that patch suitability may also be affected by characteristics of the landscape within which the patch is located. Currently, little is known about the spatial scales at which species respond to different aspects of the landscape surrounding an occupied patch.Objectives
Using grassland bird point count data, we describe an approach to evaluating scale-specific effects of landscape composition on patch occupancy.Methods
We used data from 793 point count surveys conducted in idle and grazed grasslands across Wisconsin, USA from 2012 to 2014 to evaluate scale-dependencies in the response of grassland birds to landscape composition. Patch occupancy models were used to evaluate the relationship between occupancy and landscape composition at scales from 100 to 3000 m.Results
Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) exhibited a pattern indicating selection for grassland habitats in the surrounding landscape at all spatial scales while selecting against other habitats. Eastern Meadowlark (Sturnella magna) displayed evidence of scale sensitivity for all habitat types. Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum) showed a strong positive response to pasture and idle grass at all scales and negatively to cropland at large scales. Unlike other species, patch occupancy by Henslow’s Sparrow (A. henslowii) was primarily influenced by patch area.Conclusions
Our results suggest that both working grasslands (pasture) and idle conservation grasslands can play an important role in grassland bird conservation but also highlight the importance of considering species-specific patch and landscape characteristics for effective conservation.16.
Early forest dynamics in stand-replacing fire patches in the northern Sierra Nevada, California, USA 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
There is considerable concern over the occurrence of stand-replacing fire in forest types historically associated with low- to moderate-severity fire. The concern is largely over whether contemporary levels of stand-replacing fire are outside the historical range of variability, and what natural forest recovery is in these forest types following stand-replacing fire. In this study we quantified shrub characteristics and tree regeneration patterns in stand-replacing patches for five fires in the northern Sierra Nevada. These fires occurred between 1999 and 2008, and our field measurements were conducted in 2010. We analyzed tree regeneration patterns at two scales: patch level, in which field observations and spatial data were aggregated for a given stand-replacing patch, and plot level. Although tree regeneration densities varied considerably across sampled fires, over 50 % of the patches and approximately 80 % all plots had no tree regeneration. The percentage of patches, and to a greater extent plots, without pine regeneration was even higher, 72 and 87 %, respectively. Hardwood regeneration was present on a higher proportion of plots than either the pine or non-pine conifer groups. Shrub cover was generally high, with approximately 60 % of both patches and individual plots exceeding 60 % cover. Patch characteristics (size, perimeter-to-area ratio, distance-to-edge) appeared to have little effect on observed tree regeneration patterns. Conifer regeneration was higher in areas with post-fire management activities (salvage harvesting, planting). Our results indicate that the natural return of pine/mixed-conifer forests is uncertain in many areas affected by stand-replacing fire. 相似文献
Christina A. Buelow Ronald Baker April E. Reside Marcus Sheaves 《Landscape Ecology》2017,32(3):547-561
Complex structural connectivity patterns can influence the distribution of animals in coastal landscapes, particularly those with relatively large home ranges, such as birds. To understand the nuanced nature of coastal forest avifauna, where there may be considerable overlap in assemblages of adjacent forest types, the concerted influence of regional landscape context and vegetative structural connectivity at multiple spatial scales warrants investigation.Objectives
This study determined whether species compositions of coastal forest bird assemblages differ with regional landscape context or with forest type, and if this is influenced by structural connectivity patterns measured at multiple spatial scales.Methods
Three replicate bird surveys were conducted in four coastal forest types at ten survey locations across two regional landscape contexts in northeast Australia. Structural connectivity patterns of 11 vegetation types were quantified at 3, 6, and 12 km spatial scales surrounding each survey location, and differences in bird species composition were evaluated using multivariate ordination analysis.Results
Bird assemblages differed between regional landscape contexts and most coastal forest types, although Melaleuca woodland bird assemblages were similar to those of eucalypt woodlands and rainforests. Structural connectivity was primarily correlated with differences in bird species composition between regional landscape contexts, and correlation depended on vegetation type and spatial scale.Conclusions
Spatial scale, landscape context, and structural connectivity have a combined influence on bird species composition. This suggests that effective management of coastal landscapes requires a holistic strategy that considers the size, shape, and configuration of all vegetative components at multiple spatial scales.18.
We address effects of large-scale forestry on landscape structure and the structure and composition of boreal bird communities in North Sweden. Specifically, we ask: after controlling for the effect of patch size, forest age and tree species composition, is there any residual effect attributable to the reduction in area of old forest? Pairs of landscape blocks (25 by 25 km) were selected to maximize area difference in human-induced disturbance, clear-cut as opposed to semi-natural old forest. Median distance to natural edge (wetlands, open water) from randomly selected points in forest was 250 and 200 m in high and low impact landscapes, respectively, indicating a high degree of ‘natural’ fragmentation of the pristine boreal landscape in the area. By contrast, median distance to clear-cut in uncut forest was 750 and 100 m, respectively. Clear-cuts in high impact landscapes were disproportionally more common in areas with contiguous forest land than in areas with spatially disjunct forest, implicating that forestry increases natural fragmentation of the landscape by subdividing larger forest tracts. Point counts along forestry roads showed that species richness and relative abundance of forest birds were higher in landscapes with low forestry impact. These differences can partly be explained by differences in age composition of forest and composition of tree species. After controlling for patch size, forest age and tree species composition, a significant effect of forestry impact remained for Sibirian species and the Tree pipitAnthus trivialis. Our results thus imply that this group of species and the Tree pipit may be sensitive to forest fragmentation. In contrast to previous Finnish studies, we found relatively small negative effects on relative abundance of species hypothesized to be negatively affected by large-scale clear-cutting forestry. However, our picture of the present does not contradict results from Finnish long-term population studies. Five factors may account for this: 1) clear-cut areas are not permanently transformed into other land use types, 2) planted forests are not completely inhabitable for species preferring older forest, 3) the majority of species in the regional pool are habitat generalists, 4) the region studied is still extensively covered with semi-natural forest, and 5) our study area is relatively close to contiguous boreal forest in Russia, a potential source area for taiga species. 相似文献
Landscape Ecology - The majority of remaining tropical forests exist as fragments embedded in a matrix of agricultural production. Understanding the effects of these agricultural landscapes on... 相似文献
Spatial heterogeneity of subsurface soil texture drives landscape-scale patterns of woody patches in a subtropical savanna 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1