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In a retrospective study on 265 cases of sporadic bovine abortions, stillbirths, and neonatal deaths in Atlantic Canada (1990 to 2001), an etiological diagnosis was made in 117 cases (44.2%). The cases were divided into 2 groups: 234 abortions, and 31 stillbirths and neonatal deaths. Identified causes of abortion were bacteria (24.4%), fungi (6.8%), viruses (6.0%), protozoa (Neospora spp.) (2.1%), congenital anomalies (0.4%), and miscellaneous conditions (1.3%). In addition, placentitis without demonstrable infectious agents was observed in 17 (7.3%). Of the 31 cases of stillbirth and neonatal death, identified causes were dystocia (22.5%), congenital anomalies (22.5%), meconium aspiration syndrome (16.1%), and miscellaneous conditions (6.5%). No etiological diagnosis was made in 59% of abortions and 32.4% of stillbirths and neonatal deaths. The 3 most common identifiable causes of abortion in this study were bacterial, fungal, and viral infections.  相似文献   

To investigate the possible role of cpb2-positive type A Clostridium perfringens in neonatal diarrheal illness in pigs, the jejunum and colon of matched normal and diarrheic piglets from 10 farms with a history of neonatal diarrhea were examined grossly and by histopathology, and tested for C. perfringens, for C. perfringens beta2 (CPB2) toxin, as well as for Clostridium difficile toxins, Salmonella, enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, rotavirus, transmissible gastroenteritis (TGE) virus, and coccidia. Clostridium perfringens isolates were tested using a multiplex real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to determine the presence of cpa, consensus and atypical cpb2, and other virulence-associated genes. The numbers of C. perfringens in the intestinal contents were lower in diarrheic piglets (log10 5.4 CFU/g) compared with normal piglets (log10 6.5 CFU/g) (P < 0.05). The consensus cpb2 was present in 93% of isolates in each group, but atypical cpb2 was less common (56% healthy, 32% diarrheic piglets isolates, respectively, P < 0.05). The presence of CPB2 toxin in the intestinal contents of normal and diarrheic piglets did not differ significantly. Clostridium difficile toxins and rotavirus were each detected in 7 of the 21 (33%) diarrheic piglets. Rotavirus, C. difficile toxins, Salmonella, or enterotoxigenic E. coli were concurrently recovered in different combinations in 4 diarrheic piglets. The cause of diarrhea in 8 of the 21 (38%) piglets on 6 farms remained unknown. The etiological diagnosis of diarrhea could not be determined in any of the piglets on 2 of the farms. This study demonstrated that the number of cpb2-positive type A C. perfringens in the intestinal contents was not a useful approach for making a diagnosis of type A C. perfringens enteritis in piglets. Further work is required to confirm whether cpb2-carrying type A C. perfringens have a pathogenic role in enteric infection in neonatal swine.  相似文献   

Thirty-two Escherichia coli colonies were taken from the primary step of cultivation of the jejunal contents of each of 10 dead piglets which had suffered from diarrhea. The organisms of each colony were examined for the presence of adhesion fimbria (F4 (K88) and F5 (K99)), production of heat-stable and heat-labile enterotoxin and of colicins.The presence of heat-labile enterotoxin in the intestinal content of the necropsied pigs was also tested, and results correlated with enterotoxin production of the isolated E. coli strains. In all but 3 pigs, 50–80 % of the E. coli strains were found to produce one or both of the enterotoxins and to possess the F4 of the F5 antigen. All bacteria producing both heat-labile and heat-stable enterotoxin proved to belong toi O group 149 and to possess the F4 antigen. Strains from 1 pig belonged to O group 64 and possessed the F5 antigen; these bacteria produced heat-stable enterotoxin only. Most of the enterotoxin-producing E. coli also produced colicins.After each subcultivation, the strains produced less heat-labile enterotoxin, some becoming negative when assayed.  相似文献   

From May through October 2016, we conducted a repeated cross‐sectional study examining the effects of temporal, spatial, flock and demographic factors (i.e. juvenile vs. adult) on the prevalence of Campylobacter and antimicrobial resistant Enterobacteriaceae among 344 fresh faecal samples collected from Canada geese (Branta canadensis) from four locations where birds nested in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. The overall prevalence of Campylobacter among all fresh faecal samples was 9.3% and was greatest in the fall when these birds became more mobile following the nesting season. Based on 40 gene comparative genomic fingerprinting (CGF40), the increase in prevalence noted in the fall was matched by an increase in the number of unique CGF40 subtypes identified. Resistance to colistin was detected most commonly, in 6% of Escherichia coli isolates, and was highest in the late summer months. All colistin‐resistant isolates were negative for the mcr‐1 to mcr‐5 genes; a chromosomal resistance mechanism (PmrB) was identified in all of these isolates. The prevalence of samples with E. coli exhibiting multi‐class resistance or extended spectrum beta‐lactamase was low (i.e. <2% of samples). The intra‐class correlation coefficients, estimated from the variance components of multilevel logistic regression models, indicated that the shedding of Campylobacter and antimicrobial resistant E. coli among geese within a flock (i.e. birds collected from the same site on the same day) was moderately correlated. Spatial, temporal, and spatiotemporal clusters identified using the spatial scan statistic, largely supported the findings from our multi‐level models. Salmonella was not isolated from any of the fresh faecal samples collected suggesting that its prevalence in this population of birds was very low.  相似文献   

调查江苏某集约化管理的大型种猪场的仔猪腹泻情况及分析病因,为有效防控仔猪腹泻提供参考。通过对该场腹泻仔猪的临床症状、病理变化进行观察、记录,对采集的发病仔猪病料进行细菌学和病毒学检查以及细菌的药敏试验,并统计、分析仔猪腹泻发病的主要原因。结果发现在临床上观察到仔猪发生严重的呕吐、腹泻和脱水症状,病理变化主要出现在胃肠道。腹泻主要发生于3~19日龄的仔猪,症状随着日龄增大而逐渐减轻。病原体为大肠杆菌的病例占70.0%、猪流行性腹泻病毒(PEDV)占42.5%、猪传染性胃肠炎病毒(TGEV)占15.0%、A群轮状病毒(GARV)占2.5%。本场的腹泻以大肠杆菌和流行性腹泻病毒感染为主,也存在一定的传染性胃肠炎病毒和轮状病毒病的混合感染,故发生仔猪腹泻病时做多种病原检测很有必要。  相似文献   

This review summarizes the results of a study on rotaviruses isolated from calves affected by neonatal diarrhea.

The results indicated that rotavirus infection is widespread and supported the evidence for an etiologic role of these viruses in neonatal diarrhea. Differences in virulence among bovine rotaviruses appeared also to be confirmed.

Conventionally reared calves were fully susceptible to the experimental infection induced by rotaviruses originating from heterologous hosts, i.e. monkeys, pigs and rabbits.

When rotavirus strains of bovine, simian and rabbit origin were compared by cross neutralization tests, it was found the simian and porcine strains were indistinguishable and both appeared to relate antigenically to the bovine strain.

Finally, it was proven that feeding newborn calves with colostrum and first milk of their dams, previously vaccinated with an inactivated adjuvanted rotavirus vaccine, could prevent the neonatal diarrhea from occurring.  相似文献   

Background: Bacteremia in sick foals is associated with survival, but the association of bacteremia and diarrhea is not reported.
Hypothesis: Neonatal foals with diarrhea will commonly be bacteremic.
Animals: One hundred and thirty-three neonatal foals.
Methods: Records of all foals <30 days of age presenting with diarrhea between January 1990 and September 2007 were reviewed.
Results: Sixty-six of 133 foals (50%) were bacteremic at admission, with 75 isolates from the 66 samples. The blood culture from a further 18 foals (13.5%) grew coryneform bacteria. Nine foals (6.8%) had 2 or more organisms grown on blood culture. One foal had 5 different organisms, interpreted as contamination. Forty-eight foals (36%) had no growth on admission blood cultures. No cultures isolated fungal organisms. Excluding coryneform bacteria, 43 isolates (57%) were Gram-negative organisms and 32 isolates (43%) were Gram-positive organisms. The most common isolate was Enterococcus spp. (22 isolates, 29%), followed by Pantoea agglomerans (13 isolates, 17%). IgG concentration at admission was not associated with blood culture status. Blood culture status was not associated with survival to hospital discharge.
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Bacteremia is common in neonatal foals with diarrhea. Decisions regarding antimicrobial selection should be made with these differences in mind.  相似文献   

Altogether 235 strains of Escherichia coli isolated from jejunal content of piglets with neonatal diarrhea were examined for serological, enterotoxin-producing and certain biochemical properties. Of 198 strains examined, 84 (42 %) belonged to O-group 149, while 14 (7 %) strains belonged to each of the O-group s 8 and 64. Seventy strains (30%) could not be grouped with the sera used. The remaining strains were distributed among the following O-groups with only a few strains in each group: 2,6,9,32,45,98 and 141. Eighty out of 84 E. coli strains of O-group 149 possessed the K88 antigen and produced heat labile enterotoxin (LT). Besides, LT production was demonstrated in 3 out of 14 strains of E. coli 08. K88 antigen was demonstrated in only 1 strain not belonging to O-group 149. Among strains of E. coli 064 12 out of 14 were K99 positive. This antigen was not demonstrated in E. coli strains of other O-groups. A close relationship was demonstrated between strains of E. coli 0149 possessing the K88 antigen and the ability to ferment both raffinose and adonitol. This ability was only detected in 2 other strains of E. coli not belonging to O-group 149.  相似文献   

A total of 567 strains of Escherichia coli were isolated from piglets with neonatal diarrhea (ND) or post-weaning diarrhea (PWD) in Japan. They were investigated for enterotoxigenicity and possession of adhesins and O antigens. There were clear differences between the strains of ND origin and those of PWD origin in the occurrence of enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) strains, type of enterotoxin and frequency of adhesins: ETEC was found in 77 (25.7%) of 300 strains of ND origin and in 137 (51.3%) of 267 strains of PWD origin. ETEC strains producing heat-labile enterotoxin (LT) or heat-stable enterotoxin (STa), alone or in combination were evenly distributed among the strains of PWD origin. In contrast most of the ETEC strains of ND origin produced LT alone. Adhesins appeared in 42 (54.5%) of 77 ETEC strains of ND origin and in 36 (26.3%) of 137 ETEC strains of PWD origin. Adhesins were less common in ETEC strains of PWD origin than in those of ND origin. Some K99-positive ETEC strains of PWD origin produced both LT and STa. There was a similarity in the distribution of O antigens, particularly O149 and O157, between the strains of ND origin and those of PWD origin.  相似文献   

This work was conducted to investigate calf-level factors that influence the risk of neonatal diarrhea and shedding of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in calves, on dairy farms in Ontario with histories of calf diarrhea or cryptosporidiosis. Fecal samples were collected weekly for 4 weeks from each of 1045 calves under 30 days of age on 11 dairy farms in south-western Ontario during the summer of 2003 and the winter of 2004. A questionnaire designed to gather information on calf-level management factors was administered on farm for each calf in the study. Samples were examined for C. parvum oocysts by microscopy, and a subset of specimens was also tested for enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, Salmonella, bovine rotavirus and bovine coronavirus. The consistency of each sample was scored and recorded at the time of collection in order to assess the presence or absence of diarrhea. In addition, a blood sample was taken from each calf upon enrollment in the study, for assessment of maternal antibody transfer and for polymerase chain reaction testing for persistent bovine viral diarrhea virus infection. Using the GLLAMM function in Stata 9.0, multilevel regression techniques were employed to investigate associations between management practices and the risk of C. parvum shedding or diarrhea. C. parvum oocysts were detected in the feces of 78% of the 919 calves from which all four fecal samples had been collected. Furthermore, 73% of the 846 calves for which all four fecal consistency scores had been recorded were diarrheic at the time of collection of at least one sample. Significant predictors of the calf-level risk of C. parvum shedding included the use of calf diarrhea prophylaxis in pregnant cows, and the type of maternity facilities in which the calves were born. Factors associated with an increased risk of diarrhea were leaving the calf with the dam for more than an hour after birth, and the birth of a calf in the summer as opposed to winter. Calves shedding C. parvum oocysts had 5.3 (95% CI 4.4, 6.4) times the odds of diarrhea than non-shedding calves, controlling for other factors included in the final multivariable model. Furthermore, infected calves shedding more than 2.2 x 10(5) oocysts per gram of feces were more likely to scour than infected calves shedding lower numbers of oocysts (OR= 6.1, 95% CI 4.8, 7.8). The odds of diarrhea in calves shedding oocysts that had been allowed to remain with their dams for more than an hour were higher than the odds of diarrhea in shedding calves that had been separated from their dams within an hour after birth.  相似文献   

仔猪腹泻无论是在集中产仔管理的大猪场,还是散养状态下的中小猪场,都是普遍存在的。仔猪腹泻主要发生在两个阶段,即出生后到14日龄和仔猪断奶前后的时间内。腹泻导致仔猪成活率低、饲料转化率低、增重慢等,严重影响了养猪生产者的经济效益。  相似文献   

Forty-seven cases of neonatal vertebral fractures/luxations occurred in a 21 year period (1967-1987). All of the fractures were located between the 11th thoracic vertebra and the fourth lumbar vertebra; 77% occurred at the thoracolumbar junction. All but one case was associated with a forced extraction, either unspecified (53%), mechanical (28%), or manual (17%).

A weak calf or continuous recumbency since birth was the major clinical sign. Hemorrhage around the kidneys, adrenal glands, and in perivertebral muscles was a consistent necropsy finding and a useful indicator that a thoracolumbar fracture was present. In addition to the vertebral fracture, the prominent necropsy findings were subdural and epidural hemorrhage, myelomalacia, spinal cord compression or severed spinal cord, and fractured ribs. All of the calves died or were euthanized without regaining locomotory function.


Despite the increasing importance of the Canadian elk industry, the veterinary literature concerning diseases of elk is sparse, in particular for the neonatal period. This study summarizes necropsy findings in 111 farmed elk calves, up to 30 days of age, submitted to the diagnostic laboratory of the Western College of Veterinary Medicine over a 9-year period (990 to 1998). Causes of mortality fit into 3 categories: infectious disease, noninfectious disease, and undetermined. Organisms causing disease included Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, and Cryptosporidium sp. Starvation, including dehydration, was also a significant cause of mortality. Necropsy records are a useful source of information, but their scope is limited. There is a need for research that determines the prevalence of neonatal elk diseases and identifies risk factors for morbidity and mortality.  相似文献   

本试验探讨不同的壳聚糖水平对仔猪腹泻率的影响,为壳聚糖在仔猪日粮中的科学应用提供理论依据。试验选用(60&#177;2)日龄雄性健康大白&#215;长白&#215;Ⅵ系杂种仔猪96头,分为4个处理,每个处理3个重复。4种日粮是在基础日粮中分别添加0、0.01%、0.05%和0.10%的壳聚糖配制而成。日粮壳聚糖对仔猪腹泻率的影响与添加剂量有关,添加0.01%和0.05%的壳聚糖对腹泻率的抑制作用效果较好。  相似文献   

特异性IgY抗仔猪断奶腹泻机理的研究概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对仔猪断奶腹泻(Post—weaning Escherichia coli diarrhea,PWECD)这一仔猪断奶后的常见病和多发病的病原特异性,阐述了利用K88和F18等特异性菌毛作为抗原免疫产蛋母鸡制备的抗PWECD特异性卵黄抗体对大肠埃希氏菌引起的断奶仔猪腹泻的作用机理。认为,特异性IgY用于防治PWECD,具有安全、高效、成本低、产率高、稳定性好,无药物残留,不会产生耐药性,符合现代动物管理理念等诸多优点,是一种能有效防治PWECD的绿色生物制剂,应用前景广阔。  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium parvum infection was detected in 203 (40.6%) of 500 Ontario dairy calves aged 7 to 21 d, on a convenience sample of 51 farms with a history of calf diarrhea. Within-farm prevalence ranged from 0% to 70%, and both shedding and intensity of shedding were significantly associated with diarrhea. This parasite appears to be common in Ontario dairy calves and important as a cause of dairy calf scours in the province.  相似文献   

选择32日龄断乳的健康仔猪120头,分为4组,进行腹泻药物预防效果试验,分别为利高霉素组,庆大霉素、阿莫西林组,恩诺沙星、阿莫西林组,金霉素+阿莫西林组;同时,再选用庆大霉素,磺胺嘧啶+地塞米松,恩诺沙星进行药物治疗试验。结果表明,金霉素、阿莫西林组预防效果最佳(仔猪下痢预防有效率为71.7%),其次是恩诺沙星、阿莫西林组(预防有效率57.2%);而在3种治疗药物中,以庆大霉素治愈率最高(94.3%),其次为恩诺沙星(84.0%)和磺胺嘧啶+地塞米松(77.3%)。  相似文献   

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