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土壤、地形作为重要的自然因素,与耕地的关系密不可分。选取河南、江苏、浙江三省的9个典型样区作为研究对象,运用改进的仙农熵测度方法在3 km×3 km网格尺度下计算研究区的地学要素空间分布多样性特征。结果表明:(1)河南省样区的土类个数较其他地区丰富;如皋市、宁波市、诸暨市的土类具有单一性;开封市的土类空间分布特征最具波动性;多数样区土类的空间分布特征都具有相对稳定性。(2)研究区在平耕地以及浙江省的6°~15°下的缓坡耕地上地形的空间分布均匀度都在0.9以上,且耕地与地形坡度的相关强度与该特征具有相同规律。从地形类别来看,平原的空间分布特征最均匀,与耕地的相关性也最强。(3)随着时间变化,研究区耕地面积整体上呈减少趋势,但耕地的空间分布特征均匀度整体稳定。(4)在潮土和水稻土上,耕地的空间分布最均匀,且它们与耕地的关联性也相对最大,具有一致性特征。综上所述,土类和地形的空间分布特征具有复杂性,耕地的空间分布特征具有相对稳定性;研究区典型土类(如潮土、水稻土)、平耕地坡度(≤2°和2°~6°)、平原类别分别与耕地的空间分布格局具有较强的相关性。  相似文献   

李笑莹  张学雷  任圆圆 《土壤》2019,51(4):775-785
耕地分布受众多自然因素的影响,土壤、地形与之密切相关。选取河南省作为研究区,利用改进的仙农熵测度法和互熵关联分析法对河南省地形、土壤与耕地多样性格局特征进行分析。结果表明:河南省18个地市的地形、土壤的构成组分多样性与各要素的类别丰富度有关,与面积大小呈弱相关;其中地形、土壤与其丰富度值的相关系数分别为0.79和0.35,而与面积大小的相关系数小于0.1。基于土壤空间分布多样性指数大小的分级划分河南省的优势土类是潮土和褐土,劣势土类是盐土和碱土,且不同地市的土壤空间分布多样性格局有显著差异,显示河南省土壤类型的丰富性。土壤及地形要素与耕地多样性格局的相关性表现为:地形与耕地的空间分布多样性相关关系除豫南的盆地和豫西丘陵、山地外,整体为平原丘陵山地;土壤与耕地的空间分布多样性之间的关联度与河南省土壤空间分布多样性的格局特征具有基本一致性。  相似文献   

在山东省1∶100万SOTER数据库的支持下,运用土壤多样性理论及其测度方法对山东省不同地形单元上发育的土壤类型的多样性及其分布模式进行了初步的分析和定量化的研究。结果表明:土壤多样性指数从大到小依次为平原、中坡度、中坡度丘陵、山麓平原、中坡度峭壁带、低洼地和高坡度山地;土壤丰富度指数从高到低依次为平原、中坡度丘陵、中坡度、低洼地和山麓平原、中坡度峭壁带和高坡度山地;土壤均匀度指数从大到小依次为:中坡度、平原、山麓平原、中坡度丘陵、中坡度峭壁带、低洼地和高坡度山地。不同类型地形单元上发育的土壤的面积均不同程度地符合对数正态分布。  相似文献   

以地形为基础的河南省域土壤多样性的格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取河南省作为研究区域,对其DEM数据进行处理得到河南省地形分类图。以地形分类图为基础用经典的土壤构成组分多样性算法计算丰富度指数S、多样性指数H′和均匀度指数E,再使用改进的仙农熵指数(Yh)计算不同地形下每个土类面积占本土类总面积的比例及其在1 km×1 km网格尺度下的土壤空间分布多样性。结果表明:河南省主要有平原、丘陵、山地和盆地4种地形,且以平原地形为主;河南省有15种土类,从平原、丘陵、山地到盆地地形,土壤丰富度依次递减,且随着地形面积的增加,土类丰富度指数S也不断增加且二者拟合函数为多项式函数;多样性指数H′测度分析显示,4种地形下从土类、亚类到土属多样性值均处于递增趋势,且从平原、丘陵、山地到盆地地形,土类和亚类的多样性值呈"先上升后下降"趋势,土属一直呈"下降"趋势;土属的均匀程度高于土类和亚类的均匀程度,且从平原、丘陵、山地到盆地地形均匀度指数E/土壤构成组分多样性均呈"先上升再下降"趋势;土壤分支率与构成组分多样性间的拟合函数均为多项式函数。经研究,河南省地形和土壤的形成及空间分布多样性有密切的联系,如河南省广阔的平原赋予了潮土分布的地域背景条件,山地地形中山间谷底仅有少量潮土分布,然而平原地形下潮土空间分布斑块多、斑块面积大、空间分布多样性指数高而成为平原地形下空间分布离散性强的优势土壤类型,同时平原也是省内极少面积盐土和碱土仅有的分布区域;同样,山地和丘陵地形下面积最大且空间分布多样性值最大的土类均为褐土;盆地地形以黄褐土、砂姜黑土为主。通过对比,不同地形下指数Yh在空间分布表达上优于其他指数。  相似文献   

选取河南省中部典型样区为研究对象,利用仙农熵变形公式计算了1 km×1 km、3 km×3 km、5 km×5 km三种网格尺度下的土壤空间分布多样性,运用GIS技术和灰色理论探讨了多样性指数与景观指数之间的关联性,综合评价了研究区的土壤类型空间分布格局,研究表明:平均斑块形状指数大多小于2.0,说明土属斑块形状相对比较规则,受人为干扰的程度比较高;同一土属的空间分布多样性指数在不同网格尺度下具有相似的分异规律,其中空间分布相对比较均匀的土壤是黄砂潮褐土(多样性指数为:0.790);景观分离度指数与土壤空间分布多样性之间存在一定的负相关关系,相关系数为R2=0.866;平均斑块面积指数与空间分布多样性指数之间的回归方程为y=0.099ln(x)+0.644,R2=0.625;面积指数与土壤空间分布多样性之间存在明显的正相关关系,相关系数R2=0.865。  相似文献   

河南省地形、土壤和地表水体多样性格局特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
任圆圆  张学雷 《土壤学报》2017,54(3):590-600
在水土资源多样性的研究中,地形要素对其空间分布形式和内在联系有重要影响。选取河南省作为研究区,在1 km×1 km网格尺度下以变形仙农熵公式计算河南省的地形空间分布多样性和土壤空间分布多样性(土类级别)及关联性,并将河南省划分为6个面积相近的次级区域,用空间分布面积指数(Y_h)计算地形、土壤的构成组分多样性,用空间分布长度指数(MSHDLI)计算地表水体多样性,对以上特征及关联性进行研究。结果表明:平原和潮土是河南省面积最大且空间分布离散性最高的地形类型和土类。地形与土壤之间关系密切,有76%以上的相关系数r值大于0.50,相关性高;6个分区中,东部分区为单一的平原地形但MSHDLI值次高,平原地形水系发育好,西部分区地形复杂且以山地为主但地表水体多样性指数MSHDLI值最小,山地条件下水系发育较简单;研究区面积相近的情况下,土类构成组分多样性值主要取决于土类间面积大小的均衡程度,与土类面积比例平均变化量之间呈负相关,R~2值为0.94;面状的地形和土壤构成组分多样性指数与线状的地表水体多样性指数间无明显相关性。综上所述,地形、土壤和地表水体三要素间关系密切,共同影响地多样性的空间格局。  相似文献   

海南岛成土母质的地形多样性分析   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
多样性指数、多度分布模型等统计手段长时间以来在生态学领域被用于分析不同生态体的发生规律。本研究中将类似手段用于地形多样性 (作为地多样性的研究案例 )分析中 ,讨论基于海南岛土壤—地形体数字化数据库 (SOTER) ,通过对不同成土母质上地形类别的丰富度指数 (S)、多样性指数 (Shannon指数H′)和均匀度指数 (PielouE)的计算 ,不同成土母质上地形类别多度分布模型的建立与应用 ,进而在地理信息系统环境中实现海南岛不同成土母质的地形多样性分析的数字化表达  相似文献   

河南省成土母质与土壤空间分布多样性的特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
成土母质作为土壤发育的主要形成因素,二者间的关系密切。选取河南省作为研究区,从多样性的角度运用经典的仙农熵测度方法分析成土母质和土壤要素的构成组分多样性、不同母质基础上各土壤分类级别的多样性特征,并运用改进的仙农熵公式研究5 km×5 km网格尺度下不同成土母质对土类空间分布离散程度的影响及不同成土母质和土壤的空间分布多样性特征和相关性。结果表明:(1)成土母质类型虽少,但其构成组分多样性高于土类,这与二者分类系统的分支率有关;(2)6类母质类型中,残积、坡积物母质面积最大且发育土壤类型最为复杂;15种土壤类型与6类母质之间的关系有一对多、一对一和多对一3种类型;(3)不同母质上发育的土类的空间分布离散性程度不同,残积、坡积物母质上分布的优势土类为粗骨土,河流冲积物和河湖相沉积物母质上的优势土类分别是潮土和砂姜黑土,洪积物和黄土与红土母质上发育较好的两种土类为黄褐土和褐土,风积物母质上仅发育了风砂土一种土类;(4)潮土和河流冲积物母质分别是是河南省面积最大、空间分布多样性值最高的土类类型和成土母质类型,且成土母质与土类空间分布多样性间存在不同程度的相关性。综上,河南省的6大类成土母质与15种土类的构成组分多样性和空间分布离散性程度存在差异,且二者的空间分布多样性间存在一定的相关性。  相似文献   

植被作为土壤发育的主要形成因素之一,二者间关系密切。以河南省为研究样区,在中国1∶100万植被数据库的基础上获取河南省三级植被分类图,并运用改进的仙农熵公式计算植被和土壤要素的构成组分多样性及5 km×5 km网格尺度下二者的空间分布多样性。接着,将河南省划分为6个面积相近的次级研究区探讨不同分区优势植被(栽培植被)下发育的土壤类型状况。最后,计算一级植被类型和土类空间分布多样性的相关性。结果表明:①随着分类级别由高级别向低级别变化,植被和土壤要素的丰富度指数和构成组分多样性均呈上升趋势,且土壤类型的丰富度指数和构成组分多样性值整体上均大于植被类型的对应值。②栽培植被、两年三熟或一年两熟旱作和落叶果树分别是河南省的一级和二级优势植被类型,三级植被类型中有75%的区域被农作物覆盖,且甘薯、花生、大豆和小麦在河南省的种植比例高。③在6个不同的次级研究区内,西部分区栽培植被下发育的土类个数最多,但其面积在6个分区中最小;东部分区土类个数和构成组分多样性值均最低,但其面积最大。④11个一级植被类型与15个土类空间分布多样性间存在一定的相关性,相关比例达到61%。综上,植被和土壤类型的发育程度和...  相似文献   

大兴安岭北部森林生态系统土壤动物组成与多样性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对大兴安岭北部7个代表性森林群落土壤动物进行调查,共捕获湿生土壤动物20216只,大、中小型土壤动物87类,19577只,隶属于4门9纲23目66科。大、中小型土壤动物的优势类群为螨类和节跳虫科,常见类群4类,两者占总捕获量的92.22%。各群落土壤动物的数量和种类组成有一定差异,其中杨落Ⅱ和白桦Ⅲ的数量和种类最多,柳草Ⅶ最少。7个群落共有类群23类,共优类群为螨类中的前气门亚目和中气门亚目,共有的常见类群2类:山跳虫科和线蚓科。7个群落间相似程度均较大,大多为中等相似。各群落土壤动物数量和种类在土壤各层的垂直分布上具有明显表聚性。在多样性分析中,各群落多样性指数H′大小为柳草Ⅶ>白桦Ⅲ>杨落Ⅱ>落沼Ⅳ>樟子松Ⅵ>桦杜Ⅰ>蒙古栎Ⅴ。大部分群落多样性指数的动态变化是8月>6月>10月。  相似文献   

玛纳斯河流域土壤类型空间分布格局分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以玛纳斯河流域为例,运用G IS技术和景观生态学原理,对土壤类型空间分布格局进行了定量分析,得出以下结论:(1)玛纳斯河流域各土壤类型的分离度指数大多集中在0~3之间,各土壤类型的分布相对比较集中;(2)玛纳斯河流域土壤空间分形结构特征客观存在;(3)玛纳斯河流域各土壤类型的斑块形状复杂性差距较大。分维数最大的是草甸盐土,为1.709,土壤斑块的镶嵌结构最复杂。平均形状指数最大的是新积土,为3.684,土壤斑块的长短轴之比较大,斑块形状偏离正方形或圆形的程度较大;(4)玛纳斯河流域土壤类型多样性指数为3.037,均匀度指数为0.803,表明研究区内各土壤类型的异质性和多样性较高;(5)土壤类型的优势度指数为2.465,斑块密度指数为0.027,表明流域内的土壤是由半固定风沙土等少数几种土壤类型所控制。  相似文献   

Soil distribution pattern play a significant role in the stability conservation and economic development of oasis in arid regions. Hence, ecologists and agrology scientists have a central interest in understanding the spatial distribution changes of soil types. The aim of this study was to analyze the main processes of soil distribution pattern changes from 1987 to 2006 through the landscape indexes. Soil types and soil distribution pattern changes were assessed and compared by using two soil maps made in 1987 and 2006. 14 soil types were classified and analyzed in the study area. Results indicated many differences among the changes of different soil types. During the period from 1987 to 2006, there were widespread changes in spatial distribution of soil types in Manasi River Basin at class-level. The area of Petrocambids decreased, whereas Aquicambids increased. The small patches began to coalesce into large ones and the patch numbers decreased during the past 20 years, which brought about the fragmentation decrease in Manasi River Basin. In contrast to the decrease of the patch density, the average patch area of 12 soil types increased. With the increasing man-made disturbance, more soil type patches, especially the agricultural soil patches were close to square in shape. During the recent 20 years, the decreased patch shape indexes occupied about 57% of all while the increased patch shape indexes were over 40%. The split index of most soil types has also declined during the same period. The landscape-level indexes also reflected the spatial distribution changes of oasis soil types. The landscape diversity index and landscape evenness index have increased while the landscape dominance index has decreased in the recent 20 years, which showed that more equirotal soil patches were formed and various soil types dominated the soil landscape in Manasi River Basin. Changes of different soil types are one of major indictors to show environment changes and impacts of human activities. Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize the study of soil type changes in the arid and semiarid region.  相似文献   

Increases in farming practice intensity and landscape simplification are two well-known threats for many farmland bird species. Nevertheless, the effects of these two factors may differ strongly among species. Here, we propose to use the specialist-generalist concept to assess which bird species are most affected by these two factors. Bird density and intensity of farming practices were assessed within a sample of 58 farms across the Seine-et-Marne region in France, using point counts and a standardised farmer survey. The local abundance of 41 farmland and non-farmland species was related to farming intensity (pesticide applications) and landscape simplification (proportion of arable land), which was quantified using generalised least square models to account for spatial autocorrelation. The more specialised the farmland and non-farmland birds were, the more negatively affected they were by the intensity of farming practices, relative to the generalist bird species. Local habitat simplification had a more positive effect on abundance of the most specialist farmland bird species. This latter relationship was not significant when tested at a landscape scale, which strongly suggests that the sensitivity of farmland specialists to landscape simplification is scale-dependent. Some non-farmland species’ abundance was also reduced by farming intensity and local landscape simplification suggesting that low-input agri-environmental measures could benefit both farmland and non-farmland specialists, regardless of local and landscape habitat context. However, if diversity-enhancing measures should benefit non-farmland populations, it is likely that they do not favour farmland specialist species which are more at risk. We suggest designing of priority areas for farmland specialist birds, and landscape managing accordingly.  相似文献   

Depending on agricultural management, soil aggregation can provide physical protection of organic matter against rapid decomposition. Within a given soil series, farm management affects the quality and quantity of organic inputs, soil disturbance and biological activity, and thereby the processes of aggregate formation (biogenic vs. physicogenic). We determined the physical protection of readily mineralizable organic matter against mineralization in undisturbed aggregates from a conventional arable field and a permanent pasture (>70 years). Soil samples from the two fields were incubated at constant temperature and moisture content, corresponding to field capacity. The increase in CO2 evolution due to crushing (<250 μm) of the aggregates was used to estimate the macroaggregate-protected C fraction. The fraction of C protected at the microstructural level was estimated from the increase in CO2 evolution after ball-mill grinding. In addition, aggregate size distribution and bulk density and porosity of undisturbed soil and macroaggregates were determined. Unprotected C fractions were not significantly different between the management systems and ranged from 1.9% to 2.4% of total organic C. In the arable soil, 1.4% of total soil organic C was physically protected in macroaggregates. Crushing of macroaggregates did not significantly increase C mineralization in the pasture soil. The results indicate that mineralization was considerably suppressed in the dominantly large and dense physicogenic macroaggregates from the arable field, but not in the dominantly porous, biogenic macroaggregates of the pasture soil. However, the protection in macroaggregates from the arable soil is not likely to be effective on the long-term because of the low water stability and the disrupting forces of cultivation under field conditions. A relatively high additional C mineralization from ground compared to crushed soil material, especially in the upper layer of the pasture soil, suggests a more important C protection at the microstructural level. Higher C protection in microaggregates from the pasture soil was supported by a previous micromorphological study of soil microstructures in thin sections of the considered management systems.  相似文献   

刘明  李忠佩  张桃林 《土壤》2009,41(5):744-748
研究了不同农林利用方式下红壤微生物生物量和代谢功能多样性等土壤质量指标的变化.结果表明:不同利用方式对土壤质量各指标造成了显著的影响;稻田的微生物生物量碳、氮最高,林地和草地微生物生物量次之,旱地的微生物生物量碳、氮最低(分别是稻田利用方式的4.3% 和 13.7%);稻田的微生物代谢功能多样性最高,旱地、林地和草地的细菌代谢功能多样性较低,旱地的真菌代谢功能多样性最低;微生物生物量和代谢功能多样性可以作为反映土壤质量变化的早期敏感的指标,用来衡量管理措施的改变对土壤质量造成的影响.  相似文献   

为了掌握丘陵地区农田土壤有效铁含量及其空间分布,本文以重庆市江津区永兴镇内同源成土母质的典型丘陵(2 km2)为研究区,采集309个土壤样点,利用普通克里格(Ordinary Kriging,OK)、多元线性回归(Multiple Linear Regression,MLR)、随机森林(Random Forest,RF)模型,结合高程、坡度、坡向、谷深、平面曲率、剖面曲率、汇聚指数、相对坡位指数、地形湿度指数等地形因子对土壤有效铁进行空间分布预测,并通过85个验证点评价、筛选预测模型。结果表明:1)土壤有效铁与谷深、地形湿度指数存在极显著水平正相关关系,与坡度、平面曲率、剖面曲率、汇聚指数、相对坡位指数存在极显著水平负相关关系。2)随机森林模型的预测精度明显高于多元线性回归和普通克里格插值,其平均绝对误差为22.33 mg·kg-1、均方根误差为27.98 mg·kg-1、决定系数为0.76,是研究区土壤有效铁含量空间分布的最适预测模型。3)地形湿度指数和坡度是影响该区域土壤有效铁含量空间分布的主要地形因子。土壤有效铁与坡度、谷深、平面曲率、剖面曲率、汇聚指数、相对坡位指数、地形湿度指数均达到极显著水平相关关系。4)研究区土壤有效铁含量范围为3.00~276.97 mg?kg-1,水田有效铁含量大于旱地;土壤有效铁具有较强的空间相关性,土壤有效铁含量空间变异主要受到结构性因素的影响。可见,基于地形因子的随机森林预测模型可以较好地解释丘陵区农田土壤有效铁含量的空间变异,研究结果为丘陵区土壤中、微量元素含量及空间分布预测提供方法借鉴和理论依据。  相似文献   

以往的研究表明有机管理有利于生物多样性保护,但在不同农业生境类型中是否都存在这个结论呢?基于此问题,本研究在一个多生境的有机管理农场与一个相邻的多生境常规集约化管理农区,采用陷阱法进行蜘蛛取样,对比有机和常规管理措施下大棚菜地、果园、稻田田埂、露天田块及农田边界等5种生境类型的农田蜘蛛多样性的差异,并分析土壤因子对蜘蛛多样性的影响。研究发现:1)有机管理与常规管理的蜘蛛物种数没有显著差异,但有机管理的果园中蜘蛛个体数比常规管理的果园中多139%,且差异显著。同一管理措施下,仅常规管理农田区的农田边界蜘蛛个体数和物种数分别显著高于其他生境均值104%和59%。2)有机管理农场比常规管理农田的蜘蛛物种组成差异略大,且在有机管理下不同生境间的蜘蛛群落组成差异更明显。3)土壤因子中有机质、全氮、全磷含量等对蜘蛛群落结构有显著影响,但对蜘蛛个体数和物种数没有显著影响,仅土壤Cu含量和蜘蛛个体数呈显著负相关。在本研究中虽然有机管理和土壤因子对蜘蛛多样性有一定影响,但不同生境间管理强度、植被结构等差异对蜘蛛多样性的影响更大。因此,发展多种农业生境类型的有机农业可提升物种β多样性。同时,在常规集约化管理农区,保留农田边界等半自然生境、适当减少化肥和农药等投入、降低农田内部的管理强度、防止土壤重金属污染等措施均有助于保护蜘蛛多样性。  相似文献   

In south-eastern Australia, strips of planted native trees and shrubs (shelterbelts) are frequently established to restore ecosystem services altered by agriculture. Despite their wide use, little is known about the effects of establishing shelterbelts on soil macro invertebrates, especially earthworms, which are of major importance in soil processes. We assessed earthworm composition, diversity and biomass in three land use systems: native shelterbelts dominated by Acacia and Eucalyptus species, agricultural pastures and native remnant woodland fragments dominated by Eucalyptus blakelyi and/or Eucalyptus melliodora. Earthworm communities differed significantly among systems, with abundance, biomass and diversity greatest under pasture. Within shelterbelts we saw a shift from high earthworm biomass and density to low with increasing time after establishment. Soil edaphic variables did not correlate strongly with earthworm biomass or density, but were correlated with earthworm community composition. Overall the introduction of native woody vegetation was associated with a decline in density and biomass of earthworms, including a decrease in the relative abundance of exotic species. As such shelterbelts can be used to promote native earthworm relative abundance, which may be important for local diversity, soil function and landscape connectivity.  相似文献   

A field investigation was conducted at the Shenyang Experimental Station of Ecology to study the vertical distribution of nematode communities down to a depth of 150 cm under four land use types (paddy field, maize field, fallow field and woodland) in an aquic brown soil of Northeast China. The results showed that the numbers of total nematodes and trophic groups exhibited a gradual decrease trend with depth under different land use types. The numbers of total nematodes, bacterivores, fungivores, and plant parasites were positively correlated with the contents of TOC, total N, and alkali N in the four land use types. The majority of nematodes were present in the 0–30 cm soil layers. No significant effects were found on the number of total nematodes at all depths among the maize field, fallow field and woodland. Bacterivores were found to be the most abundant group in the paddy field, while plant parasites were observed to be the most abundant group in the maize field, fallow field and woodland. The number of fungivores at the depths of 0–5 and 5–10 cm was higher in the maize field than in the other land use types. Omnivores-predators were found in relatively low numbers under each land use type, with a higher presence in the fallow field and woodland at the depths of 0–5, 5–10, 10–20 cm compared with the paddy and maize fields. 54 genera were observed throughout the four land use types in our study. The woodland treatment supporting greater basal resource inputs tended to result in a higher diversity of nematodes. The number of genera reached a maximum at the depth of 5–10 cm under each land use type. The faunal profiles showed that soil food webs in the fallow field and woodland were structured, and those in the paddy and maize fields were stressed. The faunal analysis provided a useful tool for diagnostic interpretation of the condition of upper soil layers.  相似文献   

县域尺度红壤丘陵区水稻土有机碳模拟   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘清  孙波  解宪丽  李忠佩 《土壤学报》2009,46(6):1059-1067
区域尺度土壤有机碳储量的时空变化及其管理是全球气候变化和农业可持续发展研究的重要内容。本文以中亚热带红壤丘陵区的江西省余江县为例,基于12a的长期试验和1998年、2001年的野外定位采样对比研究,利用反硝化分解模型?DNDC(Denitrification-Decomposition)在田块和县域尺度研究了县域尺度表层(0~20 cm)水稻土有机碳储量的时空变化规律。结果表明,以长期试验数据验证,DNDC模型可以较好地模拟水稻土表层有机碳的长期动态变化。2001年农田水稻土(面积为3.6×108m2)表层(0~20 cm)有机碳总储量为2.9×109kg,平均土壤有机碳密度为6.0 kg m-2。1998年至2001年余江县水稻土表层土壤有机碳库逐年增加,年际平均变化量为3.0×107kg。通过对余江县水稻田模拟不同碳投入的情景,分析预测1998年至2017年土壤有机碳储量,种植绿肥提高秸秆还田比率同时减少化肥的投入,可有效地增加红壤区域有机碳蓄积。  相似文献   

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