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为掌握富春江流域径流变化特征,从气候变化角度对水资源影响的研究做出了科学分析。利用该流域1969—2016年实测入库流量资料分析了流域径流的年、月际变化特征;同时结合流域内18个水文站的降雨资料及8个气象站点的气象要素资料等作为分析因子,利用相关分析方法分析了径流与降水、气温和蒸发等气候因子对径流的响应情况。结果表明:富春江流域的径流自20世纪60年代末至今均经历了两个丰—枯年的转换,目前进入第3个丰水年的阶段。年降水量的年际变化与径流一致,其多雨期与径流的偏丰期对应,少雨期与偏枯期对应。降水量是影响富春江流域径流量的最主要因子,气温因子仅在7—8月对流域径流的影响达到显著水平,年蒸发与年径流呈显著负相关,对径流的减少有一定影响。本研究结果可以为富春江流域的水资源优化开发和合理利用提供参考。 相似文献
不同坡度下紫色土地表微地形变化及其对土壤侵蚀的影响 总被引:14,自引:7,他引:14
为了揭示川中丘陵区紫色土地表微地形变化对土壤侵蚀的影响,该文通过室内人工模拟降雨试验,从地表糙度角度出发,结合多重分形理论与方法,分析了不同坡度条件下紫色土地表微地形变化特征,探讨了地表微地形变化与土壤侵蚀间的关系。结果表明:1)雨强为1.5 mm/min,历时为40 min降雨条件下,10°、15°和20°坡面地表相对高程的变化量分别为-11.66、-3.52和-5.61 mm,仅20°坡面地表初始低洼部位被径流贯通形成细沟;各坡面地表糙度均有所减小,且表现为15°10°20°,其中10°和15°坡面不同坡位地表糙度均较雨前减小,20°坡面下坡地表糙度较雨前增大,不同坡度全坡面地表糙度均较雨前减小;2)地表微地形具有一定的多重分形特征,10°和15°坡面雨后多重分形参数广义分形维数跨度、奇异指数跨度和多重分形谱高差均较雨前增大,微地形空间分布差异增大,且地表变得圆润,20°坡面与之相反;3)随坡度增大,地表径流量呈先减小后增大的变化趋势,且地表糙度变幅越小的坡面,地表产流量越高,而侵蚀产沙量则随坡度的增大显著提高(P0.05)。研究成果为揭示水蚀过程中地表微地形变化的本质和作用机理提供了参考。 相似文献
微地形空间变异对畦灌性能影响显著,同一微地形起伏幅度下微地形起伏位置空间分布差异对畦灌过程及性能影响方面的研究甚少。该文基于随机生成的畦面相对高程的最小样本容量值,将微地形随机模拟方法与灌溉模型相结合,模拟分析同一微地形起伏幅度下微地形起伏位置空间分布差异对畦灌过程和畦灌性能的影响,讨论其影响程度随微地形起伏幅度的变化趋势。结果表明,同一微地形起伏幅度下起伏位置空间分布差异对畦灌过程和性能影响明显,且不同微地形起伏幅度下相应起伏位置空间分布差异对畦灌系统的影响随着起伏幅度的增加而增加。微地形标准偏差小于3cm时微地形起伏位置空间分布差异所引起的畦灌性能的变异属弱变异性,而微地形标准偏差大于3cm后其变异性增强,此时,在畦灌系统的田间评价、设计和管理中忽略其影响易产生较大误差。 相似文献
不同的DEM采样间隔能够使地表微地形的概括发生变化,导致微地形观测结果出现差异,该文主要研究不同观测尺度条件下微地形的变化。在深耕、浅耕、裸坡和细沟4种地形条件下,采用三维激光扫描仪获得5,10,20mm的点云数据。通过地理信息相关软件对点云数据加以处理分析,提取不同尺度条件下各类微地形的坡度、坡向、坡度变化率和坡向变化率;通过坡度、坡向定性研究微地形变化与观测尺度之间的相关性,通过对坡度变化率、坡向变化率的研究得出坡度、坡向的变化值域。不同地形条件的微地形在不同观测尺度下变化有明显差异。坡度在8°~15°,15°~25°,45°~60°,60°~90°变化均一;坡向受观测尺度影响主要集中在阳坡和半阳坡;坡度变化率和坡向变化率表明观测尺度越细微地形坡度坡向变化情况越显著,从10,20mm观测尺度下的0~3/3,3~∞两个取值区间逐渐迁移到在5mm尺度条件下的3~∞。 相似文献
沙地土壤pH值、养分含量对微地形变化的响应 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
[目的]针对浑善达克沙地土壤pH值、碳、氮、磷含量的微地形变异性进行研究,系统分析浑善达克沙地不同微地形条件下土壤营养物质含量的的变化规律,为浑善达克沙地环境建设和合理开发利用提供理论参考。[方法]以内蒙古锡林郭勒盟白音锡勒牧场境内的中国科学院内蒙古草原生态系统定位站长期围封的沙地样地为研究对象,测定坡位对土壤pH值、碳、氮、磷含量。[结果]不同坡位pH值平均值大小顺序为:阳坡坡底阴坡坡顶;有机碳含量平均值大小顺序为:坡底阴坡阳坡坡顶;全磷含量平均值大小顺序为:坡底阴坡坡顶阳坡;土壤含氮量阴坡和坡底显著高于坡顶和阳坡。[结论]不同微地形条件下各层土壤pH值、全碳和全磷含量的变异系数均表现为阳坡和坡顶高于阴坡和坡底;同一坡位不同土层营养物质含量变异系数大小关系没有规律可循,因坡位和土层不同而表现出不同的大小关系。 相似文献
采用人工模拟降雨试验的方法,分析延迟型和减弱型2种雨型下紫色土地表微地形的空间变化特征,探讨其对地表产流过程和侵蚀产沙的影响.结果表明,随降雨时间的推移,地表高程波动范围缩小并集中于(-5)~5 mm之间,高程变化的最大值多出现在坡面中下部;延迟型降雨下,地表衰退所占面积比例分别为48.56%,45.28%和63.14%,减弱型降雨下分别为38.59%,36.58%和35.12%,前者第4,5级水系起始点向坡面上部迁移,后者起始点稳定在坡面中部.不同雨型下径流总量差异较小,但延迟型降雨侵蚀量高于减弱型降雨35.83%. 相似文献
三峡库区是我国重要的水蚀区之一,过度农业利用引发水土流失和生态退化。采用保护性管理对坡耕地水土和营养盐流失的影响已经开展了很多研究,而基于长期试验的保护性管理措施对坡面微地形的影响,鲜有涉及。本文对位于三峡库区域地区陡坡地四种管理模式长期试验径流小区坡面地形相关参数进行了观测、分析。结果显示,与对照小麦—花生种植模式相比,采用套种紫花苜蓿植物篱、香椿植物篱能够极显著降低水土流失,坡面地形沿篱基梯级化显著。而黑麦草-籽粒苋替代模式对水土流失控制效果不稳定,且坡面地形与对照无差异。小麦-花生套种紫花苜蓿、香椿植物篱处理的坡面均形成基于篱带部的篱坎,篱坎下部侵蚀较强,篱带上淤下蚀现象明显。其中小麦-花生套种香椿植物篱小区坡面形成2级植物篱淤积坎,坎宽幅平均达到420.8 cm,淤积坎相对高差为40.4 cm,平均坡度下降1.4度。小麦-花生套种紫花苜蓿植物篱坡面形成4级篱坎平均坎宽幅为210.3 cm,平均相对高度为110.6 cm,平均坡长为238.1 cm,平均坡度下降0.3度。说明坡耕地采用植物篱技术能够减蚀截淤,显著改变微地形。针对微地形的变化,套作植物篱的坡耕地在后期宜实行坡改梯或梯级坡地配套完善灌排设施,利用已优选的植物品种设计木本与草本套种的复合植物篱,有望进一步改善土体根系分布,从而稳固篱坎,控制水土流失。该研究为植物篱技术后续管理措施优化提供了参考依据。 相似文献
黄土丘陵沟壑区微地形对土壤水分及生物量的影响 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
黄土丘陵沟壑区坡面内地表的起伏形成微地形,而按照微地形进行植被配置已经成为黄土丘陵沟壑区生态恢复建设的重要方向。采用样方调查与随机采样的方法,调查陕西省吴起县合家沟流域微地形及坡面生物量,并用探针式TDR测定土壤含水量。结果表明,随着土层深度的增加,各类微地形土壤水分的变异系数有减小的趋势,而0—60cm土层,陡坎的土壤水分变异系数最大,塌陷的最小;各微地形土壤水分顺序为:塌陷>缓台>切沟底>浅沟底>原状坡>陡坎;各类微地形及原状坡内生物量从大到小的排序为塌陷>切沟>浅沟>原状坡>缓台>陡坎,且微地形生物量与0—60cm土层土壤水分变异系数呈负相关性。 相似文献
气候与下垫面变化对黄土高原蒸散发变化的影响评估 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了揭示近20年黄土高原蒸散发(evapotranspiration,ET)时空变化规律,明晰气候和下垫面变化对蒸散发的影响作用。基于黄土高原295个气象站数据、PML_V2 ET产品及MOD13A1 EVI产品,采用趋势分析和多元回归分析等统计方法,分析了2000—2018年黄土高原蒸散发时空变化特征,并评估了降雨、温度、日照时间、饱和水汽压差、植被和非植被下垫面等影响要素的相对贡献率。结果表明:(1)2000—2018年黄土高原蒸散发年际变化率为4.47 mm/a,62.8%的区域蒸散发呈显著增加趋势,主要分布在山西、青海、陕西省北部地区;不同土地覆盖ET为森林>农田>草地>灌木。(2)植被显著增加是黄土高原ET变化的主导因子,其相对贡献率最大(32.1%);不同气象要素对黄土高原ET相对贡献率大小为降雨(14.6%)>饱和水汽压差(13.2%)>温度(12.4%)>日照时数(10.0%);非植被下垫面变化(水土保持工程措施等)对ET变化的影响作用不容忽视。(3)气象要素和增强型植被指数(enhanced vegetation index,EVI)对林草覆被ET影响作用>农田覆被ET,而非植被下垫面要素对农田覆被ET的影响作用较大。研究结果为黄土高原生态建设、水资源消耗恢复和水资源可持续性评价提供科学支撑。 相似文献
In most of non-vegetated areas from drylands, soils are colonized by biocrusts, and although they represent a small fraction of the soil profile, they strongly affect several soil surface properties, such as porosity, available nitrogen and carbon content, hydrophobicity or micro-topography. The influence of BSCs on these soil properties has effects on numerous ecosystem processes, including water retention and runoff generation. Previous studies on the hydrological and erosive response of soils covered by biocrusts have highlighted the role of soil surface roughness as a key variable for understanding the influence of biocrusts on runoff and erosion, but biocrusts' effects on surface micro-topography varies depending on crust water content. Biocrusts can absorb large amounts of water in a short period of time, increasing their volume and modifying surface micro-topography, this change depending on biocruts type and development. A correct characterization of these surface variations may increase the knowledge about hydrological response of biocrusts, and for this reason, accurate ground level measurements of biologically crusted surfaces are essential. The objective of this study is to analyze the effect of wetting on surface micro-topography of biologically crusted soils. To achieve this objective, different crust types were scanned in the laboratory with high resolution laser scanner. Five samples were collected for each of the 4 different crust types (bare soil, cyanobacteria biocrust, and two different lichen biocruts). Two different scans were made in each sample, in dry and wet conditions. Random roughness (RR) was calculated for data from every scan, and the RR indexes obtained before and after wetting were compared. According with our initial hypothesis, an increase in surface height and surface roughness up to 0.24 and 0.20 mm respectively was observed in more developed lichen biocruts, under wet conditions respect to dry ones. These differences, despite being very subtle, could exert strong implications on runoff generation, and water evaporation, and show the complex interactions between biocruts, surface micro-topography and water fluxes. 相似文献
This paper reports results from the analysis of the soil hydrological response to simulated rainfall in a cork oak forest in Los Alcornocales Natural Park (SW Spain). Four different soil/vegetation units were selected for the field experiments: [1] cork oak woodland, [2] heathland, [3] grassland, and [4] cork oak/olive tree mixed forest. Rainfall simulations tests were performed on circular plots of 1256.6 cm2 at an intensity of 56.5 mm h− 1 for 30 min.Marked differences in the hydrological behavior of the studied vegetation types were observed after the rainfall simulations. The soils under woodland showed low runoff rates and coefficients. The highest runoff rates were measured on the heath and grass-covered parts of the hillslope. Water repellency of the soil, measured from water drop penetration tests, reduced infiltration (especially under the heathland), and seems to be the cause of fast ponding and runoff generation during the first stages of rainstorms.The mosaic of different patterns of hydrological response to rainfall, such as runoff generation or infiltration, is governed by the spatial distribution of vegetation and its influence on the soil surface. 相似文献
林地枯落物层作为森林水文功能的第2作用层,在涵养水源和保持水土中发挥了重大作用。通过综述国内外林地枯落物层水文特征的研究内容、室内外研究方法以及水文过程模拟的研究现状,指出目前我国在林地枯落物层水文特征研究过程中存在的主要问题是,研究内容单一和研究方法落后;认为野外定位试验对于全面了解枯落物层水文特征乃至水文过程具有重要意义,是今后研究的重点;同时,认为室内模拟降雨和变雨强研究能够深入了解野外枯落物层的降雨截持能力和截持机理;枯落物层水分动态是多水文过程和多因素综合作用的结果,物理模型的建立与参数的确定对于深入了解枯落物层的水分变化状况,合理营林等具有重要作用。 相似文献
我国农村地区水环境污染与水生态系统功能退化问题日益突出。本文综述了近年来国内外学者关于农村景观格局对水环境质量、水资源调配的影响及其优化方法与途径方面的研究进展。总体来看,诸多研究主要集中在中小尺度、对单一景观组分的静态研究,而基于大尺度和多景观组分的动态研究相对不足,国内模型研究多停留在对现有成熟模型的参数修正和简单耦合阶段,不同景观组分空间配置格局对水环境影响及其情景模拟研究少有报道。农村景观格局对水环境效应的生态、水文作用机理、基于流域尺度的模型耦合及其不确定性分析、景观格局优化方法及其情景预测和服务于决策管理的应用研究亟待开展。 相似文献
The effect of rock fragment size and position on topsoil moisture on arid and semi-arid hillslopes 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Rock fragments on arid hillslopes affect rainwater redistribution and overland flow, through various hydrological processes. The present study focuses on the evolution of topsoil moisture content under rock fragments following rain events. Measurement was taken under rock fragments in various sizes (large and small) and positions (‘on top’ of the soil surface and 'partially embedded' within the soil surface) at north- and south-facing hillslopes in arid and semi-arid areas. The main findings: (1) the topsoil moisture content under rock fragments was higher over time than that of bare soil areas; (2) rock fragments affect the topsoil moisture content for a longer time in semi-arid areas than in arid areas; and (3) large rock fragments and ‘partially embedded’ ones are favorable micro-environments for accepting and retaining rainwater and overland flowing water. This may have eco-geomorphic implications regarding the mosaic-like patterns of source and sink areas on arid hillslopes. 相似文献
The effect of soil crust on the generation of runoff on small plots in an arid environment 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In arid zones, runoff is frequently generated as a result of the crust development on the soil surface. This crust is a thin layer of greater density, high shear strength, finer pores and has a lower saturated hydraulic conductivity than the underlying soil. The objective of the research reported herein was to study the factors that influence the generation of runoff in small plots under natural rainfall conditions. Factors studied were crust permeability, roughness, soil salt content and time gaps between the rain showers. 相似文献
新时代中国土壤物理学主要领域进展与展望 总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2
在近20年的发展中,我国土壤物理学得到迅速发展,在国际土壤物理学期刊发文量占比从5%上升到30%,主要研究聚焦在土壤水文过程与尺度转换、土壤物理质量与可持续农业、水热盐迁移与生态调控、以及污染物迁移与模型模拟等领域。本文综合分析这些领域的研究现状与进展,指出这些进展既有国家需求的驱动,也有新技术新方法的应用,以及与相邻学科交叉融合,最后展望了这些领域的研究重点。论文还指出我国土壤物理学面临科研原创性不足、仪器设备研制滞后等挑战,同时也面临粮食安全和生态环境安全等国家需求迫切解决的机遇。 相似文献
This research aims to improve erosion control practice in the Loess Plateau, by studying the surface erosion processes, including splash, sheet/interrill and rill erosion in four contrasting soils under high rainfall intensity (120 mm h−1) with three-scale indoor artificial experiments. Four contrasting soils as sandy loam, sandy clay loam, clay loam and loamy clay were collected from different parts of the Loess Plateau. The results showed that sediment load was significantly impacted by soil properties in all three sub-processes. Splash rate (4.0–21.6 g m−2∙min−1) was highest in sandy loam from the north part of the Loess Plateau and showed a negative power relation with the mean weight diameter of aggregates after 20 min of rainfall duration. The average sediment load by sheet/interrill erosion (6.94–42.86 g m−2∙min−1) was highest in clay loam from middle part of the Loess Plateau, and the stable sediment load after 20 min showed a positive power relation with the silt content in soil. The average sediment load increased dramatically by rill and interrill erosion (21.03–432.16 g m−2∙min−1), which was highest in loamy clay from south part of the Loess Plateau. The average sediment load after the occurrence of rill showed a positive power relation with clay content and a negative power relation with soil organic matter content. The impacts of slope gradient on the runoff rate and sediment load also changed with soil properties. The critical factors varied for different processes, which were the aggregate size for splash erosion, the content of silt particles and slope gradient for sheet/interrill erosion, and the content of clay particles, soil organic matter and slope gradient for rill erosion. Based on the results of the experiments, specific erosion control practices were proposed by targeting certain erosion processes in areas with different soil texture and different distribution of slope gradient. The findings from this study should support the improvement of erosion prediction and cropland management in different regions of the Loess Plateau. 相似文献
生物结皮土壤-水文-侵蚀效应研究进展 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
生物土壤结皮(简称生物结皮)是由隐花植物、微小生物和土壤表层颗粒胶结形成的一种特殊复合体,广泛分布于各类气候和生境条件。作为生态系统的重要组分,生物结皮在不同生物气候区土壤的生态过程、水文过程、生物过程、地球化学循环过程以及生态修复过程中发挥着重要作用。从生物结皮影响土壤物理、化学、生物学性质以及土壤水文与侵蚀过程等方面对其生态功能进行总结和概述,在此基础上,从研究区域和时空尺度、多过程耦合机制、生物结皮影响氮循环的过程及其对氮沉降的响应机制、生物结皮与维管植物空间分布及互动关系等方面,展望了该领域有待深化的问题及今后的发展方向,以期促进我国生物结皮相关研究工作,加深对生物结皮生态功能及地表过程的认识。 相似文献
A hierarchical view of the interactions of runoff and infiltration with vegetation and microtopography in semiarid shrublands 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Ger Bergkamp 《CATENA》1998,33(3-4)
Measurements of runoff and infiltration were made at five spatial scales, terracette (<1 m), hummock (10–20 m2), part-slope (1000–2000 m2), slope (1 ha) and catchment (50 ha), on a shrubland and an open forest site. The study was aimed at understanding the relationships between runoff production, vegetation patterns and microtopography at different spatial scales within a sparsely vegetated, semiarid area. The results of runoff monitoring and rainfall simulation experiments showed that runoff did not occur at the slope scale. It was buffered at the terracette level by nonuniform infiltration at the rims of terracettes and at the hummock scale by rapid infiltration under oak shrubs and trees. Slope and catchment runoff were not connected to runoff at these fine scales. The field evidence is discussed within the context of hierarchy theory, and the implications for management of these shrublands are related to maintaining both the vegetation mosaic and runoff on these slopes. 相似文献