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板栗是我国的一种重要经济林木,由于近十年来大面积的集中连片的纯林经营,使其原有的生境发生变化。加之一些引进板栗品种的抗逆性差,使得各种病虫害相继发生,特别是枝干病虫的危害,造成板栗生长不良,减产,甚至植株死亡,给板栗生产造成了极其严重的损失。我们从1992年以来,对湖北省恩施州板栗的主要枝干病虫害的发生和防治进行了观察研究,发现该地区板栗主要枝干病虫害有干枯病、枝枯病、墨汁病、小蠢虫和天牛等。一、主要病虫的发生与危害1、板栗干枯病主干病部初期肿大,树皮纵裂,逐渐出现水渍状腐烂,中后期病部失水,以…  相似文献   

我国板栗栽培面积和产量均居世界首位,是出口创汇的重要干果之一。但在板栗生产和贮运过程中,常遭受多种虫害,严重制约着板栗产量和质量的提高。本文综合近年来板栗害虫的研究成果,总结了我国各地板栗害虫种类调查情况,概述了主要害虫的发生规律和影响因素、以及板栗害虫的防治技术,以期为板栗害虫的进一步深入研究与合理防控提供基础资料。  相似文献   

板栗病虫害要以防治结合为原则 ,及时调查虫情 ,在天敌能控制虫害时尽量不用药。板栗病虫害的几个主要防治时间是 :在4月上旬栗芽开始展叶时 ,用粉锈宁1500倍液、40 %氧化乐果1500倍液 ,防治白粉病和栗大蚜 ,并结合喷施尿素0.2 %、磷酸二氢钾0.1 %、硼砂0.1 %溶液 ,促使板栗早出叶 ,为当年多开雌花打下基础。5月20日左右 ,在雄花棒进入成熟期 ,雌花开始出现绿豆大时 ,用敌敌畏1000倍液防治板栗皮蛾。6月10~15日 ,栗花授粉结束时 ,抢晴天用杀螟松1000倍液或杀灭菊酯2000倍液防治板栗皮夜蛾。7月1…  相似文献   

近年来,我省板栗生产发展较快,产量大幅度增加,经济效益明显提高,已成为我省鄂北山区农民脱贫致富的主要经济树种之一。在栽培中有一定的面积,并由过去的分散、粗放、效益低、质量差改变为现在的集约化、高产优质的栽培,然而病虫为害呈上升趋势。板栗病虫害的综合防...  相似文献   

任爽 《植物医生》2001,14(6):21-22
板栗属山毛榉科栗属植物 ,是我国栽培最早的经济树种之一。我国板栗每年有相当大的数量出口 ,在世界食用栗中享有盛誉。而板栗由于多种植于山地、丘陵地带 ,常与其他树种混植 ,加之栽培管理粗放 ,病虫害的发生十分严重 ,对栗果产量影响很大 ,往往造成巨大的经济损失 ,成为发展板栗生产的严重障碍。1常见板栗病害的发生及主要防治方法1.1板栗胴枯病1.1.1为害状及发病情况病征主要发生在树干和主枝上。发病初期枝干褪绿 ,并逐渐变为黄褐色圆形斑点 ,后发展成较大的不规则的赤褐色斑块 ,最后围抱整个树干上下扩展。病部略微凹陷 ,病斑…  相似文献   

板栗剪枝象[Cyllorhynchites cumulatus(Voss)]主要以成虫剪断幼嫩果枝产卵而影响板栗的产量,是历年来威胁板栗生产的重要果实害虫之一。为具体了解板栗剪枝象在罗田县栗园的发生为害情况,于2016年6—7月在全县选取10个镇22个不同类型的栗园进行了调查。结果表明,板栗剪枝象为害始于6月初栗苞形成期,盛发于6月中旬栗仁形成期,止于7月中旬栗仁膨胀初期。板栗剪枝象的发生与栗园的种植和管理方式存在密切的关系。自然生草、疏于管理的栗园发生较重;种植林下作物、加强管理能有效抑制害虫的发生。板栗挂果枝少、繁殖资源紧缺是导致板栗剪枝象快速扩散的主要因素。  相似文献   

谷堡乡板栗农场始建于1991年 ,板栗种植面积160hm2,挂果后曾取得过初产3年的良好效益。近年来 ,由于板栗受栗瘿蜂的危害 ,极大地影响了栗树的正常生长和果品的产量与质量 ,甚至引起株体死亡 ,给板栗农场造成了巨大的经济损失和灾难性的打击。因板栗在当地落户时间不长 ,以前对其病虫害缺乏应有的认识了解 ,疏于防治 ,以致栗瘿蜂爆发成灾。近几年 ,通过观察 ,基本弄清了栗瘿蜂的发生危害规律。2001年 ,在精心组织和指导下 ,发动了一场声势浩大的栗瘿蜂歼灭战 ,并取得了显著的防效。通过防治 ,板栗又恢复勃勃生机。现将栗瘿蜂…  相似文献   

豫南板栗病虫害的综合防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
向家政 《植物医生》2004,17(3):24-25
作为4大干果之一的板栗,因营养丰富而具有"铁杆庄稼"之称.豫南地区板栗栽培历史悠久,是林业部首批确定的板栗生长示范基地之一.近几年来,随着它的经济价值不断提高,其栽培面积不断扩大,但病虫危害随之日益加重,豫南个别地区经济损失达80%以上,病虫害主要有板栗疫病和栗实象甲等.笔者对此作了深入的调查,并提出了相应的防治对策.  相似文献   

湖北省罗田县板栗害虫种类调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2013-2014年度系统调查了湖北省罗田县板栗害虫种类,经分类整理与鉴定,罗田县板栗害虫共计5目61科192种,其中枝干害虫23科62种,叶芽花序害虫49科153种、果实害虫8科15种;板栗新纪录害虫4目37科81种(已命名种),其中枝干害虫13科24种,叶芽花序害虫28科60种,果实害虫4科7种。对板栗生产造成严重危害的主要有:果实害虫板栗剪枝象[Cyllorhynchites cumulatus(Voss)]、栗实象(Curculio davidi Fairmaire)、栗雪片象(Niphades castanes Chao)和桃多斑野螟[Conogethes punctiferalis(Guenée)];枝干害虫昆明兴透翅蛾(Synanthedon kunmingensis YangWang)、勐腊兴透翅蛾(Synanthedon menglaensis YangWang)和板栗大蚜[Lachnus tropicalis(van der Goot)];叶芽害虫栎掌舟蛾[Phalera assimilis(BremerGrey)]和板栗瘿蜂(Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu)。  相似文献   

秦绪兵  邵云华 《植物检疫》1999,13(5):315-316
板栗是我国重要的木本粮油树种,近年来板栗生产发展很快。据统计,山东省1987年板栗栽培面积3.4万hm2,1997年底发展到19.2万hm2,是10年前的5倍多。特别是近几年,从国外引进新品种数量大大增加,如烟台蓬莱及牟平、日照东港区、青岛胶南市分别从韩国引进板栗接穗49万株,建立板栗园4个。虽然我国板栗素有抗板栗疫病Cryptonectriaparasitica(Murr.)Barr.之称,但目前该病在辽宁、山东、北京、河北、江苏、安徽、浙江、江西、湖南、广东、广西、陕西、湖、北、福建、四川15个省、市发生。因此,控制、预防该病的…  相似文献   

Cryphonectriaceae species cause serious canker diseases on chestnut, oak and eucalypt trees. Recently, canker symptoms with typical orange fruiting bodies were observed on Chinese chestnut and oak trees in Hebei, Hubei, Shaanxi and Shandong Provinces in China. In the present study, isolates of these fungi were identified based on phylogenetic and morphological evidence, and their pathogenicities were tested on detached chestnut (Castanea mollissima) branches. DNA sequence comparisons of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions and two regions of β-tubulin (TUB1/TUB2) indicate that these isolates represent five species in the Cryphonectriaceae, viz. Cryphonectria japonica, Cryphonectria parasitica, Aurantiosacculus castaneae sp. nov., Cryphonectria neoparasitica sp. nov. and Endothia chinensis sp. nov. The sexual morph of Aurantiosacculus is discovered for the first time and can be distinguished from the other genera in Cryphonectriaceae by dark brown ascospores and tubiform appendages at both ends. Cryphonectria neoparasitica sp. nov. is different from the other Cryphonectria species by its aseptate ascospores. Endothia chinensis sp. nov. is the sole species in Endothia infecting the host genus Castanea. Additionally, it is much smaller than E. gyrosa and narrower than E. singularis in ascospores. The inoculation results showed that these five Cryphonectriaceae fungi isolated from chestnut or oak are all pathogenic to tested chestnut branches. Cryphonectria parasitica appears to be the most aggressive fungus, followed by C. neoparasitica sp. nov., C. japonica, E. chinensis sp. nov. and A. castaneae sp. nov.  相似文献   

The Asian chestnut gall wasp was accidentally introduced in Italy in 2002 and spread across Europe in the following years, becoming a serious threat for chestnut cultivations and rural economies of many countries. Exploring the variation in susceptibility of the host genetic resources is crucial to face the spreading of this pest. We used an experimental approach for testing the differential susceptibility within and between populations of European chestnut. For doing this, we compared both the infestation level and the rate of immune individuals in trees from populations of Spain, Italy, and Greece. We found that the level of infestation is not significantly different in the different provenances but that a higher rate of immune trees occur in Greece. Our results suggest that two different contingents of trees compose Greek populations: one major group of trees with the same susceptibility as the other populations and a second minor group of trees resistant to gall wasp infestation. Our data lay the basis for improving the currently adopted measures to mitigate gall wasp impacts.  相似文献   

Residues of the insect growth regulator diflubenzuron were quantified on horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) leaves treated with a diflubenzuron 480 g litre?1 SC, Dimilin. To analyse the samples, an analytical procedure was developed involving a simple extraction step followed by high‐performance liquid chromatography on an octadecyl‐modified silica column with methanol + 0.01 M ammonium acetate mobile phase. The results showed diflubenzuron to be highly stable on horse chestnut leaves; more than 4 months (127 days) after application, 38% (on average) of the insecticide still remained on/in the leaves. The data confirmed biological observations showing diflubenzuron's long‐term efficacy against the horse chestnut leafminer, Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimi?, which is the most important pest of the horse chestnut in Europe. The hypothesis of possible penetration of diflubenzuron into the leaf mass is explored and discussed. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Forty eight isolates of Phytophthora cinnamomi from various host plants in France (35 isolates) and in other countries were tested for pathogenicity. Seedlings of chestnut, northern red oak, pine and eucalyptus were infected by soil contamination. Taproots, stems and bark strips of plants of chestnut and different oak species were inoculated with mycelium agar disks. Results of the different experiments were in good agreement. All isolates appeared pathogenic to all the different test species but with variable levels of virulence. Isolates with consistent low or high level of virulence, which could be used as standards in further studies, were identified. Interaction between P. cinnamomi isolates and host plant species was significant in terms of lesion lengths. These interactions could not be related to host from which P. cinnamomi was isolated. Consistent with this, in Quercus rubra, the isolate-provenance interaction was not significant. This feature is encouraging for provenance screening for resistance to P. cinnamomi in this species. The variation in virulence was not related to other isolate characteristics (mating type, electrophoretic type, age).  相似文献   

Pest control in chestnut orchards is mainly achieved by chemicals, but there is growing focus on the potential use of biological control agents. The larval susceptibility of the chestnut weevil Curculio elephas L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) to different strains/species of entomopathogenic fungi and nematodes was evaluated in laboratory by soil cup bioassays. In the experiments with fungi, a wild strain of Metarhizium anisopliae caused the highest larval mortality (about 90%) compared with a commercial and a wild strain of Beauveria bassiana (80% and 77% respectively). Regarding nematodes, the commercial strain of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora was more effective in the control of chestnut larvae (77% insect mortality) than Steinernema carpocapsae (43%).  相似文献   

栗疫病是一种严重危害栗属植物的病害。为了明确栗疫病菌侵染板栗枝条的过程及侵染的关键时间点,本研究利用病理组织切片技术、显微镜和扫描电镜技术对栗疫病菌侵染板栗枝条的过程进行了观察。结果表明:接种栗疫病菌后0~5 h,菌丝先降解枝条表皮,进行横向营养生长的同时沿着伤口纵向侵染,为进入皮层做准备;接种后6 h病菌开始在表皮定殖,并侵入皮层;接种后9 h在皮层可观察到侵染性菌丝沿着细胞间隙向相邻细胞延伸;接种后12 h栗疫病菌侵入韧皮部,在皮层的侵染面积扩大。随着侵染程度加深,皮层、韧皮部等处细胞被菌丝降解,最终在形成层附近聚集。接菌后9 h为栗疫病菌侵染板栗枝条的关键时间点。  相似文献   

栗树嫁接和华栗绛蚧初孵若虫通过两树外围重叠枝条是华栗绛蚧近距离传播的重要途径,同时,栗树嫁接又是华栗绛蚧远距离传播的重要途径,对接穗进行封蜡是阻隔华栗绛蚧若蚧传播的有效途径。  相似文献   

麦类作物对禾谷胞囊线虫的抗病性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
于1995-1997年从广州南海市采集荸荠枯萎标本,经分离,纯化,鉴定和致病性测定,证实其病原为尖孢镰刀菌的荸荠专化型。寄主范围测定结果表明,被接种的16种植物中仅有荸荠发病。该病菌分生孢子萌发的温度范围为8-36℃。最适温度28-30℃。菌丝生长的温度范围为8-34℃,最适温度26-28℃。  相似文献   

砀山县桃园梨小食心虫性诱剂3种诱芯田间诱蛾效果   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
梨小食心虫是安徽省砀山县果树的头号害虫,目前种群仍呈上升之势。为改进防治技术,2009年在砀山县对常用的3种梨小性诱芯的诱蛾效果进行了田间对比,在2个桃园采用水盆诱捕法进行试验。结果表明:中科院动物研究所诱芯平均诱蛾量分别是北京公司甲和公司乙的5.17倍和3.52倍,差异均达显著水平(p0.05)。  相似文献   

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