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外来水生生物入侵被认为是导致我国水生生态系统生物多样性破坏的主要因素之一,同时阻碍了我国水产养殖业的健康发展。在众多造成水生生物入侵的因素中,外来水产动物的引进是重要因素之一,其中不仅包括外来物种自身造成的生物入侵,也包括外来物种携带的病原生物对本土物种、生态环境、人类健康等造成的巨大威胁。为了对待引入外来水产动物的风险进行科学评估,根据分析常见外来水生动物可能存在的入侵机制与生态风险,利用层次分析法和成对比较矩阵方法对指标权重进行计算,构建了外来水产动物引进的风险定量评估体系。该评估体系包括6个一级指标(即外来种自身性质、外来种生态风险、病原生物入境、病原生物暴露、危害与影响、外来种风险防控)和32个二级指标。利用该评估体系对我国境内现有的三种外来水产动物进行定量的风险评估,评估结果显示:鳄雀鳝(Atractosteus spatula)的风险值R为3.5975,为高风险等级;虾夷扇贝(Mizuhopecten yessoensis)风险值R为2.7823,为中风险等级;锦绣龙虾(Panulirus ornatus)风险值R为1.9568,为低风险等级。该评估结果与我国农业农村部、生态环境部、海关总署等相关单位提供的资料高度吻合,说明该模型在外来水产动物引进与养殖风险评估的相关工作中有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

近些年,由于水产养殖增产、环境保护、工程安全的需要,从国外引进及国内地区间引植水生生物,加之放生行为日趋普遍、数量逐步增加,这在达到引进、引植目的的同时,也在不同程度上对引入地的生态环境、物种构成产生了不同程度的影响。本文通过分析当前我国外来水生物种入侵的现状及危害,提出保护土著水生物种、抑制外来物种的建议。  相似文献   

为确保渔业生态安全,在山东省近日出台的《山东省渔业养殖与增殖管理办法》中规定,不得使用外来物种进行渔业放流增殖。山东省规定,渔业增殖应当使用本地原种亲本及其子一代,不得使用外来物种、杂交种、转基因种和经检验检疫不合格的亲本或者苗种。用于养殖的渔业亲本、苗种和成体,不得擅自投放到自然水域。对用外来物种、杂交种、转基因种和经检验检疫不  相似文献   

引种就是从不同地区(包括外地和外国)将适合于本地的优良品种或野生类型引进到本地进行养殖开发;某个物种在某个生态系统中原来没有这个物种,是通过人为有意或者无意的从其它生态系统中引入到这个生态系统中,这个物种称为外来物种;而生态入侵是由于人类有意识或无意识地将某些生物带入适宜于其生存和繁衍的地区,它的种群便不断的增加,分布区便会逐步稳定地扩展的过程。一旦外来物种在当地形成自己的群体,将严重影响土著物种的生存及生态平衡的维持,因此,在引种问题上应引起相关部门的重视。一、我国引种现状随着我国水产养殖业的不断发展,许…  相似文献   

采用文献调研、实地调查与专家咨询相结合的方法对天津市海水养殖外来物种进行了调查研究,目前天津市海水养殖外来物种共计25种,其中鱼类18种,甲壳类4种,双壳类3种,分析了外来海水物种的影响,归纳海水养殖外来物种存在问题,并有针对性的进行探讨分析。  相似文献   

中国水生外来物种入侵现状和对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
水生外来物种入侵是指某物种在某水域生态系统中原来没有,通过人为有意或无意活动从其它生态系统中引入,一旦该物种在当地形成自己繁殖,并对当地生态或者经济造成破坏,该物种就构成了水生外来物政策导航责任编辑肖乐种入侵。入侵种可能是水生植物或者动物,也可能是一种病毒或细菌。水生外来物种一旦入侵成功,将对当地水生物种的种类、种群结构、食物链结构、生物多样性等产生一系列的影响,威胁渔业生产、经济和生态安全。我国水生外来物种入侵现状我国水生外来物种入侵的总体状况近20年来,随着水产养殖、水簇产业的发展以及资源增殖放流的需…  相似文献   

最近,山东省海洋与渔业厅组织专家,在大连川横食品有限公司龙口养殖基地对中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所承担的山东省农业良种工程重大课题子课题“抗病刺参良种选育”——日本刺参引进及成熟培育进行了现场验收。  相似文献   

水产养殖(Aquaculture)对环境的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
水产养殖对环境的影响,已引起国内外环境专家的极大关注。本文译自英国CSA网站,该译文涵盖水产养殖的发展和技术、水产养殖流出物污染内陆和沿岸水域、富营养化、染污控制、使用天然鱼类资源喂养养殖鱼类、对天然资源的影响、遗传保护和水产生物多样性、外来种的引进、破坏红树林生境、社会经济影响和水产养殖的未来等。  相似文献   

前不久,由山东省日照市科委主持,邀请全国水产技术推广总站、中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所等单位的有关专家,对山东省日照市水产研究所承担,山东省农业良种产业化开发项目管理办公室(省科委、省财政厅)下达的“蓝对虾引进育苗养殖技术的研究与开发”项目进行了现场验收。 该项目所用试养池面积1.5亩,于2000年5月15日投放平均规格2厘米的虾苗,至验收时已养殖165天。验收随机抽检了30尾蓝对虾,测定其生物学体长、称重、采取拉网抽干池水,全部记数,并观察分析养殖蓝对虾的健康状况。验收中测得蓝对虾最大生物…  相似文献   

今年以来,浙江省建德市在调整渔业结构中采用“引鸡生蛋”的办法,引进外来资金和技术推进渔业发展。该市目前已引进外来投资者和技术人员65人、资金870余万元,开发名优水产养殖29处3038亩,占全市总养殖水面的12%。这种引进办法有四个特点:一是懂水产技术。引进人员均来自渔业较发达地区。二是机制活。采取联营或租赁经营,承包期5-10年木等。三是上规模。以开发低洼田、围坝水域养殖为主,以河蟹、青虾、珍珠为主,养殖面积几十亩或上百亩。四是示范作用强。为当地农、渔民调整结构树起了样板,看到了好处。建德:“引鸡生蛋”调结构…  相似文献   

我国渔业新技术、新品种引进现状及发展战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建国以来,我国的渔业新技术、水产养殖新品种引进工作取得了令人注目的成就,先报引进各类渔业新技术及动、植物新品种上百项;为促进我国的水产事业发展做出了积极的贡献。本文简要总结、回顾了我国渔业新技术及水产养殖新品种引进工作的现状,找出了存在的主要问题,并对今后工作提出了一些建议,以供有关部门决策参考。  相似文献   

水产种业是水产养殖业的战略性、基础性核心产业,水产苗种引进是促进水产养殖业绿色发展的一个重要途径。中国水产苗种引进品种繁多,水产观赏动物成为新宠,通过分析2013—2018年水产苗种进口贸易数据,其主要特征为:进口额呈下降趋势,进口种类涉及24种,部分种类的进口频率达到100%,用于水产养殖的苗种和受精鱼卵进口额分别为14061.19×104美元和632.02×104美元。从进口额数据来看,小虾及对虾、鳗鱼、受精鱼卵及其他鱼种等主要进口苗种种类对水产养殖业发展的影响较大,其中鳗鱼增养殖业对进口鳗苗的依赖程度较高,平均依赖度为50.86%。提出构建养殖鱼类苗种进口预警机制,谋划养殖鱼类品种的替代策略,提高对虾苗种控制能力,做好水产苗种进口质量安全防范等建议,以保障水产养殖产业健康稳定发展。  相似文献   

Aquaculture continues to be the fastest growing animal production industry and this rate of expansion must continue if aquaculture is to satisfy global demand for fish products in the face of dwindling capture fisheries. The relationship between aquaculture and biodiversity is complex, with examples of positive and negative impacts having been reported. To enable this expansion while avoiding negative impacts from introductions of exotic species, the investigation of indigenous species becomes important and worthwhile.This paper establishes the background to development of new species for culture and describes the example of the Mexican silverside Menidia estor, which has for centuries been the principal species in an artesanal fishery in Lake Pátzcuaro, Mexico. The species is geographically isolated and is unique but is now endangered because of a range of factors including overfishing, environmental degradation and introduction of exotic species. Considerable advances have been made recently in developing a closed reproductive cycle, understanding feeding and small‐scale on‐growing technology for the species. Based on this, a Darwin Initiative programme was developed focused on technology transfer to implement small‐scale pilot on‐growing thus helping to conserve the species and to improve livelihoods. This has allowed successful pilot scale development of aquaculture for the species while at the same time addressing the objectives of the international Convention on Biodiversity.  相似文献   

山东省刺参养殖产业现状分析与可持续发展对策   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
对近几年迅猛发展起来的山东省刺参养殖产业状况进行了详细的调查研究与分析。山东省作为我国刺参养殖的主产地,初步构建了刺参养殖优势产业带。以烟台、威海、青岛等地区为原主产区的刺参养殖属刺参优势产业带,主导着行业的发展;东营、滨州二地市属开发引进刺参养殖新兴产业带,证明在我省西部部分沿海实施"东参西养"是可行的;以日照、莱州地区为主的深水井大棚工厂化养参属新模式开发优势产业带,成为2007年以来刺参养殖的新亮点。此外,本文系统总结了山东省刺参养殖产业发展所面临的问题与挑战,提出了发展对策,对山东省乃至我国刺参养殖业的健康可持续发展具有很好的指导意义,并为相关主管部门的决策导向提供了可靠的理论依据和技术支持。  相似文献   

The aim of this review is to clarify the relation between Italian aquaculture and the introduction on alien species in Italy. In Italy, the most common aquatic alien species are rainbow trout and Manila clam, and they represent main economic product of Italian aquaculture. Wels catfish and red clawed crayfish have been voluntarily or involuntarily introduced for aquaculture scope, and they are now the most invasive alien aquatic species. Other alien naturalized species, as some salmonid species, are important economic resources in north Italy for inland professional fishery and are considered worthwhile of conservation. Thus, aquaculture is directly or indirectly responsible of the introduction of several alien species in Italy, but its effect on alien species diffusion is peculiar, as few successfully farmed species have become rapidly common. Until now, conventional aquaculture has played main role in the diffusion of alien species in Italy, while ornamental aquaculture will be the main source of alien introductions in the future.  相似文献   

Hawaii's aquaculture industry is driven by the introduction and production of exotic species. At issue is the establishment of exotic species in the environment. The number of import permits issued can represent the potential for exotics to establish in the environment. More than half of the permits issued annually by the Plant Quarantine Branch are multiple entry-permits related to live marine food and ornamental organisms. Single entry-permits amount to about 150 permits per year for more ornamental than food organisms. Known listings of exotic species in the environment can indicate trends and potential species establishment. Since the 1960s, the numbers of exotic species established in the environment has matched those released by the State prior to 1960 for forage or game purposes. The majority of species released is probably owing to hobby-related activity and not that of the aquaculture industry. The ornamental sector of the industry is not sufficiently developed and production by Hawaii aquaculture farms is exported.  相似文献   

中国深远海网箱的发展现状与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
石建高  余雯雯  卢本才 《水产学报》2021,45(6):992-1005
深远海网箱养殖是一种新型水产养殖模式,具有技术先进、环境友好和成鱼品质高等优点,因此,它对推进水产养殖绿色发展战略意义重大。本文在介绍中国普通网箱和深水网箱、国外深远海网箱发展简况的基础上,重点概述2017年前后中国深远海网箱发展现状及其研究进展,并对今后的发展方向加以展望。2017年前,我国深远海网箱处于起步阶段,开发了特力夫~(TM)超大型深海养殖网箱等近10种深远海网箱。2017年后,我国深远海网箱进入快速发展期,开发应用了"深蓝1号"全潜式深海渔场等一系列深远海网箱,引领了深远海网箱的现代化建设。迄今为止,我国主要开展了深远海网箱的定义、专利、结构、绳网材料及其配套智能装备等研究,部分成果已得到应用。为适应水产养殖绿色发展要求,今后我国深远海网箱将朝着离岸化、大型化和智能化等方向发展。虽然我国深远海网箱养殖业取得了长足进展,但与挪威等国外先进技术相比,我们还存在巨大的差距。我国深远海网箱养殖业前景广阔,但相关工作任重道远。  相似文献   

In Chile, fish, mussel and seaweed cultivation has expanded significantly over the last decade. This review considers the accumulated knowledge on the environmental effects of aquaculture in Chilean coastal areas, analyses the capacity of the industry to treat its waste and also gives some insight into new culture technologies and strategies that are currently under research and discussion in Chile. Data relating to the environmental impact of aquaculture in Chile are scarce and much is subject to severe methodological restrictions with regard to sampling design. Results related to the environmental effects show that seaweed cultivation can have an impact on sedimentation processes, increase of invertebrate assemblages and algal epiphytic abundances. It has also been ascertained that mollusc farming causes biodeposition, faunal changes and possible effects related to the introduction of new species, as well as pathogens and other unforeseen species. It has been affirmed that fish cultivation, in particular that of salmon species, also has an environmental impact related to organic sedimentation and changes in the fauna. However, these results indicate that, in general, the current dynamics of bays and fjords seem to be an important factor for the environmental sustainability of the salmon culture areas. Salmon cultivation has also been associated with phytoplankton blooms, but this point was not supported by a monitoring programme in southern Chile. Furthermore, there is concern related to new pathogen introduction and therapeutical applications to the fish cultures, and further research is required in this field. Regulations to protect the environment from the consequences of aquaculture activities have been adopted during the last couple of years. The main regulations are provided by international market standards. Nevertheless, these regulations can only be effective if other human activities, such as urban discharge, intensive agriculture fertilisation and pesticide utilisation, are taken into consideration, in an integrated perspective. On the other hand, the Chilean salmon farming industry in particular, would be in a position to cover the costs involved in the treatment of waste waters, if feeding management were improved in the future. Finally, active research is currently being undertaken into new cultivation strategies, such as the use of integrated cultivation and the recycling of nutrient-rich waters, which should permit the diversification of this economic activity in Chile, while minimising the environmental impact.  相似文献   

中国深远海养殖发展方式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在渔业转型发展进程中,发展深远海养殖是突破生态环境和自然资源约束性挑战,实现新时期中国海水养殖业可持续发展的战略方向。基于联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO)关于深远海养殖发展的定义,结合中国海水养殖业发展水平和海域条件,对中国深远海养殖概念进行了界定。提出养殖品种选择、养殖系统构建、养殖海域规划是关系深远海养殖产业稳步有序发展的重要因素。在养殖品种选择方面,应重点考虑经济潜力、适应水温和养殖技术;在养殖系统构建上,分析比较了不同养殖系统应用于深远海养殖的适宜性、安全性和经济性;在养殖海域规划方面,应重点考虑养殖排放、环境承载力和海域条件。  相似文献   

Biofouling is a significant operational problem for the aquaculture industry globally; however, options for on‐farm management are limited. In New Zealand, the green‐lipped mussel, Perna canaliculus, has historically been cultivated at inshore locations, but increased competition for space has led the industry to develop offshore farming sites several kilometers from the coast. We hypothesize that the distance to these farm sites from coastal locations, and their placement over extensive soft‐sediment habitats, may provide a barrier to colonization by biofouling species with limited natural dispersal abilities. A study of two offshore mussel farms revealed that they supported relatively impoverished biofouling communities by comparison with inshore mussel farms and other artificial structures. Offshore sites had a relatively low number of taxa and a low prevalence of short‐dispersing organisms such as ascidians, which are a problematic group of fouling organisms in aquaculture. We suggest that newly established offshore marine farms have the potential to be kept free of a range of problematic fouling organisms, provided the introduction of such species via human transport pathways can be mitigated.  相似文献   

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