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生物柴油发展现状、影响与展望   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:13  
随着第一代生物液体燃料发展规模的迅速扩大,其发展对农产品价格、粮食安全与环境等方面的影响开始显现,并引起了各国政府和学术界的广泛关注。该文在分析世界主要国家生物柴油发展现状、目标与激励政策的基础上,通过对生物柴油生产的原料需要和技术现状分析,探讨了生物柴油发展对农产品价格与环境等方面的可能影响。研究表明:未来生物柴油持续扩张的趋势不可逆转,将对农产品价格产生较大的上涨压力;生物柴油发展对环境和温室气体排放会产生影响,但影响程度与生产方式及其导致的土地利用变化情况密切有关;中国应重点发展林业生物柴油等“非粮”生物液体燃料产业,并建立有利于该产业健康发展的政策规范。  相似文献   

Under iron deficient conditions, graminaceous plants secrete mugineic acid family phytosiderophores (MAs) from their roots to dissolve sparingly soluble iron compounds in the rhizosphere, and take up iron in the form of an Fe3+-MAs complex (Takagi 1976). A good correlation has been reported between the tolerance of Fe-deficiency and the amount of secreted MAs (Takagi 1993). Therefore, by using the genes involved in MAs biosynthesis, molecular breeding might produce transgenic plants tolerant to Fe-deficiency with a high level of MAs secretion. The biosynthetic pathway of MAs from L-methionine has been clarified (Fig. 1) and the enzymes participating in this process are now being investigated to isolate the genes responsible. Nicotianamine aminotransferase (NAAT) catalyzes the amino group transfer between nicotianamine (NA) and 2-oxoglutaric acid (Fig. 1). In order to purify NAAT, enzyme assay methods for NAAT have been developed and modified (Shojima et al. 1990; Ohata et al. 1993; Kanazawa et al. 1994). Some characteristics of NAAT have been reported using these enzyme assay methods (Kanazawa et al. 1994, 1995). Here, we further investigate some characteristics of this enzyme to improve the enzyme assay method, namely 1) the effect of K+ and Mg2+ on NAAT activity in vitro, and 2) the direct influence of MAs, Fe3+, and Fe2+ on NAAT activity. In addition, based on these results, the induction of enzyme activity by Fe-deficiency and suppression of the activity by Fe-resupply was investigated, by applying the new enzyme assay method.  相似文献   

Humic materials obtained from kraft black liquor were ammoniated with aqueous ammonia in a stainless-steel batch reactor. The effects of different variables, viz. total acidity of the humic material, reaction temperature and ammonia concentration, on the extent of N fixation by the humic material is reported. A 23 factorial design was used for the experiments. Results show that products containing up to 11.8 wt% total N can be obtained. The optimum operating conditions in order to obtain a high nitrogen content are: acidity 60 mL NaOH g?1 of sample; temperature 100 °C; and aqueous ammonia concentration 8 wt%.  相似文献   

The Western Himalayan region of India possesses rich genetic diversity of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Rice landraces having withstood the rigors of biotic and abiotic stresses, suit to the local conditions of farms and reflect socio-cultural preferences can still be found in crop fields located distantly in rural and tribal areas. This region is known for growing World fame basmati in the foot hills and many varieties of red rices grown at higher elevations, known for cold tolerance and medicinal properties. Genetic resources of rice were collected for about 8 years (1999–2006) and 1069 germplasm accessions including 154 named landraces were collected. Prominent landraces such as Begumi, Ramjwain, Thapachini, Naurang, Hansraj, Tilakchandan, Lalsati, Jhini, Mushakbudji, Jattoo, Barpasso, Qadirbeigh, Safedbrez, Shahie known for their special quality attributes were collected. The change in land use, cropping patterns and aggressive introduction of modern varieties in the region has resulted in the loss of a large number of landraces especially from irrigated lands. The present paper looks at the status of rice genetic resources, genetic variability, genetic erosion and future strategies to conserve rice germplasm on farm and to maximize its use in rice breeding.  相似文献   

生态系统健康研究现状及其定量化研究初探   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
阐述了健康的生态系统定义及其研究瓶颈与途径 ,健康的生态系统可以活力、组织性和恢复力等定性指标描述和衡量。中尺度生态系统定量化健康评价研究的主要瓶颈是确立健康生态系统标准。生态系统健康评价研究的途径可从生态系统受胁迫压力角度、系统恢复力或系统反作用力角度以及生态系统受到潜在“威胁”预测和健康预防的角度考虑 ,而系统结构和功能相结合是生态系统健康评价的基础  相似文献   

有机农业发展现状及其研究趋向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简析了世界主要国家有机农业产生的背景和发展现状,并提出我国有机农业的主要研究方向,即有机农业与有机农产品的标准制定和认证;有机农业生产关键技术体系、管理体系、农产品服务体系的构建和集成;有机农业生产生态经济评价体系的构建和实施。  相似文献   

固始县生态农业建设现状与对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
研究了河南省固始县生态农业的现状、生态农业技术与生态农业模式,提出了基地建设、示范小区建设、配套项目建设、农村生态环境综合治理等生态农业建设的主要对策。建立结构和功能不断优化的生态农业复合系统是实现固始县生态农业良性循环和可持续发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

籽粒大小是大豆产量和外观品质的重要构成要素,具有巨大的经济价值,一直以来都是育种的主要目标之一。大豆籽粒大小由胚、胚乳和种皮发育共同协调决定。目前已报道的与大豆籽粒重相关的QTL位点309个,但大多位点尚未进行功能验证。已发现的与大豆籽粒大小相关的基因有17个,多数与母本种皮发育调控相关,其它与合子组织和植物激素调控途径相关。其中,发挥正向和负向调控作用的基因分别有12个和4个。在不影响大豆品质情况下,PP2C-1、Gm20OX和CYP78A等基因在植物个体发育过程中对籽粒大小的调节发挥关键作用,有望成为大豆分子设计育种中的优良靶点。本文重点从连锁分析和关联分析方法,介绍了已鉴定的与大豆籽粒大小相关的QTL及其位点,综述了大豆籽粒大小调控分子机制的研究进展,并根据现阶段的研究探讨了未来的研究热点和研究方向,以期为大豆籽粒分子调控机制全面解析和高产育种技术创新提供理论参考。  相似文献   

福建省生态农业发展现状与对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
简析了福建省生态农业发展现状与存在的问题,并提出今后重点建设“四大工程”以及增加投入、推行清洁生产、建设生态农业示范县、加强闽台与国际生态农业技术合作和建设三大保障体系发展对策。  相似文献   

A fast, efficient, and cost-effective method was developed for the analysis of aflatoxins in farm commodities with high-pigment content, such as chili powder, green bean, and black sesame. The proposed method involved matrix solid-phase dispersion (MSPD) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-fluorescence detection (FLD) with postcolumn electrochemical derivatization in a Kobra cell. The MSPD procedure combined the extraction with neutral alumina and pigment cleanup with graphitic carbon black (GCB) in a single step. The recoveries of aflatoxins ranged from 88% to 95% with the relative standard deviations (RSD) less than 6% (n = 6). The limits of detection (LODs) were 0.25 ng/g aflatoxin B1, G1, and 0.10 ng/g aflatoxin B2, G2, respectively. The analytical results obtained by MSPD were compared to those of the immunoaffinity column (IAC) cleanup method. No significant differences were found between the two methods by t-test at the 95% confidence level.  相似文献   

海南省是我国芒果适栽和分布最为集中的区域之一。为了探明芒果园养分管理中存在的问题,采用施肥状况调研的方式进行研究,进而为指导果农合理施肥提供科学依据,通过设计问卷、实地访谈,在主产区内采取随机抽样的方法,于2017年8~9月调查70余个果园的养分管理状况,并结合文献资料中的肥料推荐施用量,制定了芒果低产区、高产区施肥量等级标准,昌江县和东方市,适用于5 000~10 000 kg/hm~2芒果低产区施肥量等级划分标准,合理施肥量水平为有机肥、总氮、总磷、总钾投入量分别为15 000~20 000、130~260、50~100、150~300 kg/hm~2。乐东县、三亚市和陵水县,适用于10 000~15 000 kg/hm~2芒果高产施肥量等级划分标准,合理施肥量水平为有机肥、总氮、总磷、总钾投入量分别为20 000~25 000、260~390、100~150、300~450 kg/hm~2,氮磷钾比例约为1∶0.4∶1.15。果园养分投入评价结果,有机肥投入量严重不足,有机肥氮素投入约为总氮投入的十分之一,昌江县和乐东县100%农户有机肥施肥量低于合理水平;芒果园存在氮肥过量情况,昌江县和乐东县约有23.08%农户高于合理水平,乐东县、三亚市、陵水县约54.72%农户低于合理水平,约37.73%农户高于合理水平;芒果园磷肥过量严重,昌江县、东方市仅有7.69%农户处于合理水平,90%以上农户高于合理水平;芒果园钾肥不足,昌江县、东方市50%以上农户低于合理水平,乐东县、三亚市、陵水县约84.02%低于合理水平。综上所述,海南岛芒果园氮磷钾肥料投入不科学,氮、磷投入过量,钾投入不足,有机肥投入严重不足,建议降低氮磷肥的投入,提高钾肥投入,同时提高有机肥施用量及农户施用比例。  相似文献   

The method described will detect total aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1, and G2) in mixed feeds, grains nuts, and fruit products in samples containing as little as 5-15 mug/kg. In addition, the presence of aflatoxins in the positive samples can be confirmed and the toxins can be quantitatively measured, using the same extract as that used for the screening method. In the screening method, aflatoxins are extracted with acetone-water (85+15), and interferences are removed by adding cupric carbonate and ferric chloride gel. The aflatoxins are extracted from the aqueous phase with chloroform and the chloroform extract is washed with a basic aqueous solution. A Velasco-type minicolumn is used to further purify the extract and capture the aflatoxins in a tight band. The screening method has been successfully applied to 24 different agricultural commodities. Quantitative thin layer chromatography was also performed with extracts of each of these commodities. An average recovery of 94% B1, 108% B2, 130% G1, and 103% G2 was obtained compared to the official final action AOAC method for cottonseed products, 26.048-26.056. Within-laboratory coefficients of variation of 10-15% were obtained for each of the aflatoxins and total aflatoxins in a sample of peanut meal naturally contaminated with 11 mug B1+3 mug B2+11 mug G1+5 mug G2/kg.  相似文献   

研究了γ射线辐照红曲的灭菌效果以及对主要成分的影响。结果表明:辐照可有效杀灭红曲中的杂菌和霉菌,随着辐照剂量的增加,红曲中的含菌量呈同步下降。杂菌和霉菌的D10值分别为2.34和5.89 kGy,霉菌对γ射线的耐受力高于杂菌,适宜的辐照工艺剂量为7~8 kGy。经7~8 kGy辐照处理的红曲,其主要成分无明显变化,但色价略有下降,下降率为2.3%~2.6%。经辐照灭菌后的红曲具有较好的耐贮藏性,可有效地提高保质期。  相似文献   

再生水灌溉技术研究现状与展望   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
再生水灌溉利用是世界范围内缓解农业水资源短缺的重要途径,该文分析了国内外再生水利用研究现状与问题,提出了今后重点研究方向.再生水灌溉对土壤一植物系统影响的研究主要集中对农产品产量、品质的影响以及对土壤物理性质、盐分、重金属、养分形态与利用率、生态毒性的影响方面;再生水灌溉对地下水的影响研究主要集中在土壤一地下水系统盐分、重金属、氮磷形态与含量及迁移转化规律方面;再生水安全灌水技术、不同灌水技术下污染物迁移转化规律、灌区优化调度模式等成为研究热点之一.国外发达国家建立了比较完善的再生水安全灌溉的标准、规范体系.今后,应重点研究建立适合中国国情和区域特点的再生水适宜灌溉的作物分类目录、再生水安全灌溉区划方法、再生水安全灌水模式、再生水灌溉风险评价方法与标准及规范体系.  相似文献   

Data collected at 22 lake and stream sites under the UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network, established in 1988, are assessed. Non-marine sulphate concentrations in surface waters largely reflect the sulphur deposition gradient across the country. Time series analysis indicates an increase in non-marine sulphate concentrations at sites in SW Scotland, the Lake District and in Wales. No similar trends have been detected in deposition data for the same period. Predictions of water chemistry response at each site to the new UNECE sulphur protocol have been made using a long-term, dynamic acidification model (MAGIC). The results indicate that the agreed emissions reductions will lead to recovery at many sites over a 15–20 year timescale but will have little effect at the most impacted sites, within the next 15 years.  相似文献   

A study is presented for the quantitative fluorodensitometric analysis of aflatoxins in spices, in particular nutmeg (Semen myristicae). Samples were extracted with chloroform, followed by silica gel column cleanup according to the AOAC officail first action method, 26.019(a), and by 2-dimensional thin layer chromatography according to the antidiagonal technique. The method includes a confirmatory test for aflatoxins by hemiacetal formation. The concentrations of aflatoxins in samples were determined by measurement of the fluorescent intensities of the separated aflatoxin spots from sample and standards on the same chromato-plate with a reflectance flying-spot sensitometer. With such a technique, a coefficient of variation value of 5.22 plus or minus 1.24% (P = 99%) was calculated for a series of 5 standard B-1 spots and averaged for 13 TLC plates, demonstrating the precision of the chromatographic and densitometric procedures. An average recovery of 108.4 plus or minus 5.8% (P = 95%) was obtained for 11 spiked nutmeg extracts (5.0-20.0 mu-g B-1 added/kg), whereas an average recovery of 92.6 plus or minus 4.9 (P = 95%) was established for 13 spiked nutmeg samples (5.0-20.0 mu-g B-1 added/kg). The coefficient of variation of the complete analytical procedure for ground nutmeg was 8.80%. In a survey on the occurrence of aflatoxins in 40 commercial nutmeg samples (covering 12 different brands) in The Netherlands, aflatoxins were detected in 30 ground samples (32 ground samples analyzed) in concentrations ranging from 1.0 to 23.2 mu-g B-1/kg or 2.7 to 36.5 mu-g B-1 + B-2 + G-1 + G-2/kg, whereas no aflatoxins were present in whole nutmeg kernels (8 samples analyzed). The lowest level of detection was 1.0 mu-g B-1/kg. In addition, 50 commercial spices consisting of 19 different types of commodities other than nutmeg wer assayed for aflatoxins according to the same procedure. No aflatoxins were detected in these samples, with the exception of 1 sample of bay leaf which contained 5.1 mu-g B-1/kg.  相似文献   

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