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为明确不同燕麦(Avena sativa ) 种质抗病性差异, 2015 — 2016年对38份燕麦种质进行了人工接种坚黑穗病菌(Ustilago segetum var avenae)田间抗性鉴定和评价。结果表明,在供试的38份燕麦种质中,17份材料对坚黑穗病表现为免疫,9份表现高抗,6份表现抗,6份表现中感,分别占供试材料的44.7%、23.7%、15.8%和15.8%。通过鉴定获得的有效抗坚黑穗病种质,可为品种的合理布局及抗病育种提供核心抗源。 相似文献
大麦种质耐盐性鉴定及评价 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了鉴定及评价大麦的耐盐性,进行了Na Cl胁迫下不同大麦品种种子萌发及生长试验,结果表明:随着Na Cl胁迫浓度的增加,大麦种子的相对发芽率呈下降趋势,盐害指数随Na Cl胁迫浓度的增加而增大;不同大麦品种间种子萌发存在一定的差异,苏农6472、盐99218、C2118、美97-1338、Numar和海盐大麦表现出较强的耐盐性。通过盐土(土壤含盐量4‰)和脱盐土的对比试验,发现大麦品种在盐土条件下的穗数、穗粒数明显低于脱盐土,而盐土条件下的千粒重高于脱盐土;各品种在盐土下的株高明显低于脱盐土。在盐土条件下,海盐大麦、沪01-2946和苏农6472分别获得4 344、4 311和4 282.5kg·hm-2的籽粒产量,是供试品种中耐盐性最强的品种。本研究不仅为大麦的盐育种提供了理论依据,也为盐渍化地区的麦种植鉴定出了耐盐品种。 相似文献
采用水培法,对32份葡萄种质进行耐盐性鉴定.根据盐害指数(SI)和死亡率为指标进行聚类分析,可分为盐敏感、中抗和高抗3类.不同种质的耐盐力从0.2%~0.4%不等;香槟尼葡萄和甜冬葡萄具有较好的抗盐性;山葡萄的抗盐性较差;美洲种、山欧杂种和贝达的抗盐性中等.欧亚种和欧美杂种中大量葡萄栽培品种,各品种对盐的抗性表现出明显的差别,在欧亚种中最抗盐的品种多分布在黑海品种群中,而其它品种群的抗盐性相对要弱.通过分析表明,盐害指数(SI)和死亡率可作为判断葡萄种质耐盐力的最直观的指标.研究还表明,随着盐浓度的增加,葡萄叶片叶绿素含量逐渐降低,而膜脂过氧化产物MDA含量则逐渐增加. 相似文献
RAPD技术在葡萄种质鉴定上的应用 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
为建立一种简单,快捷的方法以鉴定葡萄(Vitis)种质资源,对CTAB,SDS和高盐法3种DNA提取方法进行了比较。结果表明,改良的CTAB法较为适合葡萄基因组DNA的提取。通过对TaqE,Mg^2 ,dNTP,模板DNA,Primer不同浓度的优化实验以及对PCR反应程序的筛选,建立了适合葡萄基因组RAPD分析的技术体系。运用该体系对部分葡萄品种进行RAPD分析。结果表明,采用适合的引物在该体系条件下能够达到鉴定葡萄种质资源的目的,并可应用到葡萄的遗传图谱,指纹图谱及分子标记等分子生物学的研究中。 相似文献
2015年采用田间人工接种法,对25份小黑麦品种(系)进行了由大麦黄矮病毒(Barley yellow dwarf virus,BYDV)引起的小黑麦黄矮病的田间抗性鉴定和评价。结果表明,在供试的25份小黑麦品种(系)中未检测出免疫、高抗和抗病材料。有4份材料(农41、1519、1529和41)表现为中抗(MR),占供试材料的16.00%;12份材料表现为感病(S),占供试材料的48.00%;9份材料表现高感(HS),占供试材料的36.00%。将25份小黑麦品种(系)进行聚类分析,可划分为3类,从谱系图上可以看出,抗病性相同的品种(系)大致划分在同一个类中。 相似文献
不同棉花种质资源耐热性苗期鉴定 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
高温是非常严重的环境灾害之一,严重影响棉花的产量.本试验将不同棉花种质资源田间高温表现和幼苗高温条件下的生理生化变化相结合,建立苗期快速鉴定不同棉花种质资源耐热性的体系.首先鉴定了南丹巴地大花、常抗棉、早熟长绒、岱字棉55田间蕾铃脱落率、不孕籽率,三叶期48℃处理8h的幼苗萎蔫率、花粉相对萌发率(40℃),以确定种质的耐热性.然后测定不同苗龄期不同温度处理下这4份种质的超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化物酶、过氧化氢酶、抗坏血酸、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶、还原型谷胱甘肽、谷胱甘肽还原酶、丙二醛、相对电导率和叶绿素含量.发现这10种指标在不同耐热性种质中存在着极显著的差异.并初步筛选出三叶期,40℃处理下的抗坏血酸过氧化物酶、相对电导率、过氧化物酶、丙二醛和过氧化氢酶为苗期鉴定指标.同时用15份不同的棉花种质资源来验证这5个指标.最后结合三叶期的幼苗萎蔫率,建立了以三叶期40℃处理抗坏血酸过氧化物酶、相对电导率和萎蔫率为指标的棉花耐热性苗期鉴定方法. 相似文献
为选择适合鉴定铁皮石斛的条形码,以5份铁皮石斛种质资源和1份串珠石斛(外类群)为试验材料,采用cpDNA条形码技术进行分子鉴定。结果表明,5个条形码序列(matK、rbcL、trnH-psbA、petApsbJ和rpl32-trnL)种间遗传距离均远高于种内遗传距离,符合作为条形码的基本要求,其中petA-psbJ变异位点最多(8.03%),说明其进化速率亦最快,petA-psbJ可作为石斛属候选条形码之一;单个条形码鉴定率均较低(60%),核心条形码matK+rbcL鉴定率亦较低(68.75%),而在核心条形码基础上结合其它序列(≥3)却可以显著提高鉴定率(≥81.25%),matK+rbcL+petA-psbJ鉴定率达到100%,可作为铁皮石斛分子鉴定的最适条形码组合。综上,利用cpDNA条形码技术,可将不同种质资源的铁皮石斛区分开,基本上可将不同采集地的铁皮石斛聚类;同时,建议matK+rbcL+petA-psbJ作为铁皮石斛种质资源鉴定的DNA条形码。本研究结果为铁皮石斛种质资源的快速鉴定提供了一定的参考。 相似文献
Sprout damage of oats can occur when mature grain is left in the field after maturity and rainfall induces the germination process in the seeds. Although characteristics of sprout damage have been described thoroughly in many grains including wheat, rye, triticale, and barley, such characteristics have not been identified in oats. During a field study of oat quality, one site exhibited much higher rates of groat breakage during dehulling than other sites. Determination of falling number values on groat flour and a visual inspection of the grain suggested that the higher rates of groat breakage were associated with sprout damage. This hypothesis was confirmed with artificially sprouted oats, where sprouted grain exhibited lower falling numbers and lower stirring number values, suggesting increased α‐amylase activity in the sprouted oats. Sprouted oats exhibited much more breakage during dehulling, decreased β‐glucan concentration, and decreased β‐glucan integrity, as evaluated from the viscosity of steamed groat flour slurries. We suggest that the increased breakage was a result of the weakening of cell walls, as evidenced by the loss of β‐glucan concentration and integrity. 相似文献
Comparative toxicity of selected organophosphate (OP) insecticides against resistant and susceptible clones of the greenbug, Schizaphis graminum, were studied both in vitro and in vivo. Two resistant (OR-1 and OR-2) clones of the greenbug showed marginal to high levels of resistance to all seven OPs tested, ranging from 11- to 327-fold greater than those of a susceptible (OSS) clone. The OR-1 clone showed lower levels of resistance to phenyl (parathion and parathion-methyl) and heterocyclic (chlorpyrifos) OPs than to aliphatic OPs (dimethoate, omethoate, disulfoton, and demeton-S-methyl), whereas the OR-2 clone showed a rather broad spectrum of resistance to nearly all OP insecticides examined. In vitro inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) using six selected OP oxon analogues showed that alterations of AChE were involved in resistance to all OP compounds examined in both the OR-1 and OR-2 clones. Although the levels of insensitivity of AChE to these OPs were relatively low, ranging from 1.1- to 3.8-fold, the insensitivity spectrum of AChE to different OPs was rather broad. The general esterase activity in the OR-1 and OR-2 clones was 1.3-8. 4-fold higher than that in the OSS clone, depending on the substrates used. The AChE activity in both the OR-1 and OR-2 clones was 1.8-fold higher than that in the OSS clone. High resistance levels of the OR-2 clone to phenyl and heterocyclic OPs appeared to be associated with the ability of the esterases to hydrolyze beta-naphthyl acetate and more hydrophobic substrates. 相似文献
为培育耐草甘膦的水稻新品种,减少化学除草剂的使用,降低农药对环境的危害并提高水稻产量,本研究通过田间试验结合实验室鉴定的方法,对84份来自辐照+EMS诱变后再杂交选育而成的水稻材料进行耐草甘膦特性筛选鉴定。结果表明,水稻材料在三叶期喷1 mg·m L~(-1)草甘膦时都能存活,无明显药害症状,药害级别为1~2级;在草甘膦浓度为2 mg·m L~(-1)和3 mg·m L~(-1)时,这些材料对草甘膦的耐性程度有较大差异,其中CA11和CA21的存活率较高,为83.3%;草甘膦浓度为4mg·m L~(-1)和5mg·m L~(-1)时,植株大部分严重萎缩,甚至整株死亡,药害级别为5级。P15/浙粳//P12组合系列的水稻材料对草甘膦的耐性明显高于其它组合材料,可正常成熟结实,有一定的利用价值。本研究结果为耐草甘膦水稻育种提供了材料并奠定了理论基础。 相似文献
为了明确黄瓜种质对氯化钠的不同耐性,解析黄瓜耐盐的分子机理,本研究以耐盐种质MC2065、盐敏感种质白黄瓜和21份其他黄瓜种质为材料,设置5个NaCl浓度,50、100、150、200、250 mmol·L-1分别开展适宜NaCl浓度筛选,以及适宜浓度处理后耐盐指数、叶绿素、保护酶等9个生理生化指标的测定与分析。结果表明,100和150 mmol·L-1可以作为耐盐鉴定的适宜浓度。NaCl浓度为100 mmol·L-1时,白黄瓜盐害指数为35.94%,出现明显盐害胁迫,而MC2065盐害指数为4.69%,未表现出明显盐害症状;NaCl浓度为150 mmol·L-1时,两个材料均表现明显盐害症状,白黄瓜出现半数以上叶片枯萎,而MC2065出现半数以下叶片枯萎。聚类分析发现,21份材料分为3个类群,第一类群包括ZQ3、N26-5-1、寿水1、DRTJY-2、莱西、翠玉、20S077-1,属于耐盐种质;第二类群包括DJ04、DY-1、XY1、YY9123、M2XT、D1503、X805,属于中耐盐种质;第三类群包括F6-3-1、SJ11-1、XB23、20S091-1、HLT-921h、AZ-1、DRT345,属于盐敏感种质。主成分分析发现,黄瓜种质综合得分趋势与聚类分析、黄瓜幼苗存活率高低趋势基本一致。本研究结果为黄瓜耐盐机理的研究提供了参考,也为黄瓜耐盐品种的育种工作奠定了基础。 相似文献
DNA条形码技术能够快速、准确地识别物种,对于开展基础性的分类学研究和应用性的生物多样性研究极为重要。本文以广西畜牧研究所牧草种质资源圃的8个物种共22个品种为材料,进行植物条形码ITS测序。PCR结果显示ITS的扩增成功率达到100%,同源性的分析表明各物种中的ITS序列变异显著,共找到99个可以用来区分物种的变异位点,系统进化树的结果表明利用ITS序列进行物种水平鉴定成功率达100%,能够作为DNA条形码识别植物物种。 相似文献
Hai-Yan Duan Lei Shi Xiang-Sheng Ye Yun-Hua Wang Fang-Sen Xu 《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(7):1148-1163
ABSTRACT Plant species and genotypes within one species may significantly differ in phosphorus (P) uptake and utilization when they suffer from P starvation. The objective of this research was to screen P-efficient germplasm of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) and analyze the possible mechanism responsible for P efficiency by two-steps screening experiments and validation of P efficiency. Phosphorus efficiency coefficient at seedling stage, namely, ratio of shoot dry weight under low P to that under adequate P (PECS) of 194 oilseed rape cultivars varied from 0.050 to 0.62 and was significantly related with shoot dry weight under low P level (r = 0.859??, P < 0.01). Oilseed rape cultivar ‘Eyou Changjia’ presented the highest P efficiency coefficient in each growth stage and had the highest seed yield at low P, whereas oilseed rape cultivar ‘B104-2’ was the most sensitive to low P stress among the 12 candidate cultivars obtained from the two-steps screening experiments. Under low P condition in validation experiments of soil and solution cultures, ‘Eyou Changjia’ could produce much more dry matter and acquire more P than ‘B104-2.’ Moreover, P efficient coefficient obtained from the pot experiment was comparable to those from the field experiment. This might be attributed to high P uptake efficiency for ‘Eyou Changjia’ when it suffered from low-P stress. Comparison of results from the hydroponics with those from the pot and field experiments led to the conclusion that the P uptake efficiency in the hydroponics is highly related to that in soil culture conditions. These results show that there are large genotypic differences in response to phosphorus deficiency in oilseed rape germplasm (Brassica napus L.) and ‘Eyou Changjia’ is P-efficient and ‘B104-2’ is P-inefficient. By comparing these results further, the mechanism responsible for P efficiency was suggested to be mainly due to high P uptake efficiency by forming larger root system, and improving the ability of mobilizing and acquiring soil P in P-efficient oilseed rape under the condition of P starvation. 相似文献