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转变增长方式是我国水产养殖持续发展的必由之路   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
水产养殖业是渔业中的重要产业之一,已经成为我国水产品市场供给的主要来源。在回顾我国水产养殖业取得伟大成就的同时,也认识到水产养殖业的发展面临着诸如水资源严重缺乏、耕地资源不断被压缩、水产养殖良种覆盖率水平不高、饲料原料短缺、劳动力不足、水产疫苗和药物发展滞后、质量安全和水产品品质安全等问题。认为唯有转变水产养殖的增长方式才是我国水产养殖持续发展的必由之路,如通过转变现有养殖模式,提高单位水体的产量;转变饲料投喂模式,普及高效环保饲料,开发替代鱼粉的新蛋白源;提高优良品种选育与普及水平;加强疫苗创制能力,扩大其应用范围;转变消费习惯,提升加工与流通领域发展水平等措施。水产养殖产品是我国乃至全世界经济社会可持续发展的刚性需求,政府应从战略高度认识到通过转变增长方式实现我国水产养殖业可持续发展的重要意义。  相似文献   

盐度影响水产养殖动物生长发育的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
盐度作为水产养殖环境的一个重要理化因子,与养殖动物的渗透压、生长、发育关系密切,探索盐度影响水产养殖动物生长发育的机制,可为充分利用内陆盐水水域提供可靠的理论依据,本文概述了这一方面的研究内容。1 对脊椎动物影响机制的研究盐度对脊椎动物生长发育影响的研究主要集  相似文献   

许洁 《水产科学》2008,27(3):160-162
1自然环境优势辽宁省濒临黄、渤二海,全省海岸线(包括岛礁岸线)全长约2510 km。近海有大小岛屿500多个,大小港湾40多处,有大型的鸭绿江、辽河等30条河流入海。沿海滩涂面积广阔,总面积近16.2×105hm2。半岛南部及辽西南部多为岩礁岸带。全省海岸类型多样,加之地处温带,四季分明  相似文献   

As the use of ingredients of plant origin has increased in aquaculture, the potential for mycotoxin poisoning in fish has increased accordingly. Feeding fish with mycotoxin‐contaminated feed can lead to a breakdown in health, manifested as tissue damage or through immunosuppression. Both effects can lead to an increase in mortality. To date, however, there have been few reports of mycotoxins in feed at toxic concentrations. The aim of this study was to describe the effects of those toxic mycotoxins most commonly found as contaminants in fish feed. In terms of fish health, the most harmful mycotoxins are aflatoxin B1 and Fusarium mycotoxins. The most sensitive fish species was rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Future research in the field of mycotoxicosis in fish should be focused on the effects of combinations of mycotoxins.  相似文献   

The effects of pond design on the internal rate of return of a 40 ha shrimp farm is evaluated. The influence of four pond construction parameters (pond size, pond shape, levee crown size and canal bank slope) on the total amount of earth moved and construction costs is determined using an engineering design model. The bioeconomic model, MARSIM, calculates returns to farms with the design modifications. Of the four parameters, the pond shape is the most influential over the range considered (from 17% to 8%). Pond size is the second most important parameter (from 17% to 21%). Levee width and canal bank slope influence are of lesser importance (<1% change).  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of balanced, nonpersuasive information related to safety, healthiness, and sustainability of aquaculture on the image of farmed fish among European consumers. It was demonstrated that there is neither positive nor negative influence of this type of information on the predominantly positive image of fish from aquaculture. Consumers who were exposed to information related to the EU origin and aquaculture related guarantee reported a more positive image of farmed fish. These results provide valuable input for transparent communication about fish farming practices which might increase consumer trust and will not harm the image of fish from aquaculture. Increasing consumers' knowledge about aquaculture and its positive effects on the image of farmed fish is also discussed as a pathway for maintaining and improving aquaculture's positive image in the future.  相似文献   

何杰 《水产科技情报》2008,35(4):200-201
综述了水环境的部分理化因子如温度、盐度、溶氧量、光照、重金属以及放养密度与换水量等对半滑舌鳎生长发育的影响,以期为该鱼的人工繁育和工厂化养殖提供参考。  相似文献   

本文根据有关资料,主要阐述了世界主要青蟹养殖国家对青蟹养殖研究的现状及存在的问题,着重介绍了亚洲地区主要国家近年来青蟹亲蟹培育、人工育苗、幼体培育和成蟹养殖的技术进展情况。  相似文献   

发展循环经济(Circular Economy)促进水产健康养殖   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
面对全球庞大的人口数量、资源快速消耗、环境污染等多重压力,人类不得不考意如何维持可持续发展这个重大课题。参照自然界生态系统中的物质循环。提出的发展循环经济是保证可持续发展的唯一有效途径。我国是水产养殖的第一大国。而水产养殖在我国农业发展中所占的份额也越来越大,水产养殖也必须走可持续发展的道路。是循环经济模式体系中的重要组成部分。即向健康养殖的方向发展。本文对水产健康养殖与循环经济的内在关系进行分析。期望水产养殖在新形势下能更好地发展。  相似文献   

艾蒿为野生中草药,应用于水产养殖中,它具有诱食、增色、促进鱼虾生长、改善鱼虾产品品质、防治多种疾病等功能。同时,艾蒿又是一种天然、多营养、无污染、无公害、无有害物残留的生态绿色饲料添加剂,值得开发应用。  相似文献   

近年来 ,江苏省泰兴市掀起了池塘养河蟹的热潮。由于池塘环境的局限性和生产技术经验的不足 ,成蟹的上市规格偏小 ,直接影响养殖经济效益。作者通过调查研究 ,归纳渔农中的成功经验 ,提出在现有条件下的池塘养蟹技术管理措施 ,供参考。一、选好池塘 ,建好防逃设施。养成蟹的池塘面积宜在 0 .3~ 0 .8公顷 (4.5~1 2亩 ) ,水深 1 .5 m,池堤坡比 1∶ 3 ,长方形 ,东西向。供水水源充足 ,进排水通畅 ,水质良好 ,无污染。池底淤泥层在 1 5 cm以下。防逃设施的材料应表面光滑、坚固耐用 ,围池一圈 ,高出地面 60cm,埋入地下 2 0 cm,四角拐弯处成圆…  相似文献   

Silver perch, Bidyanus bidyanus (Mitchell), is a freshwater fish that is endemic to the Murray‐Darling River System, Australia. Over recent decades, its distribution and abundance in the wild have declined, and it is now a threatened species with the conservation status of “vulnerable.” Silver perch is a schooling, omnivorous fish, with white flesh, few bones, and high levels of omega fatty acids, and its aquaculture potential has long been recognized. Hatchery techniques, based on hormone‐induced spawning of captive broodfish in tanks and rearing of larvae in fertilized earthen ponds, were developed in the early 1980s. Fingerlings are currently used for stock enhancement and conservation or sold for commercial grow‐out or stocking farm dams. Research into the grow‐out of silver perch commenced in 1990 and demonstrated that it is an excellent fish for culture in static aerated earthen ponds with high survival rates (>90%), fast growth rates (2–5 g/fish/d) at high stocking densities (20,000/ha) leading to high production rates (10 tonnes/ha/yr). Since 1996, there has been research into nutrition, diet development, feeding strategies, broodfish domestication and management, culture in tanks and tank‐based recirculating aquaculture systems, diseases, health management, genetic improvement, and cage culture. Silver perch is a hardy species that performs well under different culture conditions and on diets with no or low levels of fish meal. Technology has been transferred to industry through major conferences in 1994 and 2003 as well as workshops, field days, extension, seminars, and numerous scientific and technical publications. The high quality of silver perch and its excellent culture attributes suggest that the species has the potential to form a large industry based on high‐volume, low‐cost production. However, despite these features and a strong technical base provided by research and development, industry growth has been limited and a relatively small industry currently produces only around 500 tonnes annually. Development has been restricted by a number of factors: poor site selection and design of some farms; use of inappropriate husbandry and/or production strategies; difficulties with pond production, including significant losses to bird predation and diseases; high costs of feeds; limited marketing and promotion; no processing component; no large‐scale investment; and the failure of many farms that were too small to be economically viable. Recent research has found that silver perch performs well in cages (high survival [>90%], good growth [1.7–3.5 g/fish/d], and high production rates [50–90 kg/m3]), and cage culture has advantages such as ease of management and prevention of bird predation that may help overcome some of the problems associated with pond production. Improved health management, new production strategies, cage culture, use of interstrain hybrids and other genetically improved fish, and integration with cotton and other irrigation industries offer opportunities for increased production and efficiencies, and further development of the silver perch industry. The potential of silver perch for commercial aquaculture remains very high.  相似文献   

本试验主要研究阿维拉霉素添加在鱼用复合饲料中对鲫鱼生长的影响,并和黄霉素(Flavomycin)的作用效果进行比较,结果显示:在饲料中添加5mg/kg或2.5mg/kg浓度的阿维拉霉素均能够促进鲫鱼生长、控制鲫鱼的死亡率,其中添加浓度为5mg/kg的试验组效果最好;比较试验显示:阿维拉霉素对鲫鱼生长的促进效果优于黄霉素。  相似文献   

作为沿海城市,我市提出了建设“海上兴城”的发展战略。海水养殖业在该战略中占有举足轻重的地位,不但成为我市未来经济的重要增长点,而且对于调整产业结构、推动地方经济发展、增加渔民收入都具有极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

中国是渔业大国,在世界渔业中占有重要的地位。改革开放以来,我国渔业已成为大农业中增长最为迅速而稳定的行业,现代渔业具有高科技化、信息化、产业化、多元化、企业化和国际化等显著特征,现代渔业科学技术的飞速发展,向水产高等教育提出了更高的要求,如何培养结构合理、层次多样、具有创新能力的水产科技人才成为当务之急,能力的培养成为重中之重。根据培养复合性、应用型人才的目标,面对现代渔业高科技化、信息化、产业化、国际化以及与相关学科相互渗透融合的发展趋势,必须确定科学合理的培养模式,优化课程设置和教学内容,加强水产师资队伍的建设,使培养的人才适应现代渔业可持续发展的需求。  相似文献   

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