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Naturally regenerated paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) is commonly removed from juvenile interior Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca [Beissn.] Franco) plantations in southern interior British Columbia, Canada, to increase conifer productivity and create a free-growing stand; however, this practice is expensive and contentious because of possible negative ecological impacts. One solution is to retain an optimal density of birch where growth gains of understory Douglas-fir are balanced against losses to Armillaria ostoyae (Romagn.) Herink and understory plant species diversity. We sought to find this optimal density by comparing four evenly applied birch density reduction treatments (0, 400, 1111, and 4444 retained birch stems ha?1) and an unthinned control (>7300 retained birch stems ha?1). The mortality rate of Douglas-fir due to Armillaria root disease increased non-significantly with thinning intensity. Mean diameter increment of surviving Douglas-fir improved the most where birch was completely removed, with little variation among intermediate thinning treatments. Height growth was unaffected by the thinning treatments. Diversity of cryptogams was significantly greater in the control than where all birch was removed. We suggest that the treatment with 4444 retained birch stems ha?1 provides the best balance for improving Douglas-fir growth while minimizing risk of increased Armillaria root disease and reduced understory plant diversity in young mixed stands.  相似文献   

Stand structure, height and diameter growth, above- and below-ground biomass, and nutrient concentrations and content were determined for a 35-year-old fire-origin paper birch (Betula papyrifera) and subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) mixed-species stand in the Sub-Boreal Spruce (SBS) zone of British Columbia. Paper birch, which formed the dominant overstory following the 1961 fire, had normal distributions of height and diameter classes. Subalpine fir, which dominated the understory, had the reverse J-shaped height and diameter distributions that are expected of a shade tolerant, climax species. Paper birch grew more than three times the height of subalpine fir. Growing in the summer shade of the birch, subalpine fir had slow but steady height growth during the first 10–15 years, after which height growth declined somewhat. Allometric equations, relating dry weight of foliage, branches, stemwood, stembark, roots, and total biomass to diameter at breast height (DBH), were developed to estimate above- and below-ground biomass. Total biomass of paper birch reached 83.2 t ha−1, while subalpine fir biomass was 26.7 t ha−1. Subalpine fir allocated more biomass to foliage and branches compared to paper birch. Foliage of paper birch had higher nutrient concentrations of N, P, K, Ca, and Mg than subalpine fir foliage. Branches and stembark of subalpine fir had higher P, and Ca concentrations than paper birch. Subalpine fir branches contained more of all examined nutrients than paper birch branches. This is a significant component in nutrient cycling of the mixed-species forest.  相似文献   

杨、桦林抚育改造技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对黑龙江省东部山区10个林业局、427块标准地、1712株解析木的调查研究,得到了杨、桦林的树高、胸径和材积生长曲线,并编制了杨、桦林的抚育间伐控制图。  相似文献   

We examined the effects of competition from red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) and paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) on the growth of western redcedar (Thuja plicata Donn), western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla Sarg.), and Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii Franco) at a site near Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada. At this site, the three coniferous species and two broadleaf species had been planted in 1999 as part of a long-term experiment examining effects of broadleaf density on conifer growth. Red alder and paper birch were planted alone and as a 50:50 mixture at four densities (0, 277, 556, and 1150 stems ha−1).  相似文献   

Early management of the regenerated seedlings shapes the future stand properties. To address these issues, pre-commercial thinning (PCT) and control treatments were applied to planted Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) and naturally regenerated birch (Betula pendula Roth., Betula pubescens Ehrh.) stands in forest experiments in southern Sweden (lat. 56–57?N) containing 1.1–5.5?m tall saplings. The treatments were retention of 1000 or 2000?stems?ha?1 of Norway spruce, with no birch or birch at 1000?stems?ha?1. Treatments were replicated with and without annual removal of birch sprouts from stumps. The periodic annual increment (PAI) over five years was calculated for total stand volume and individual trees. The mean PAI of dominant trees was significantly higher both following all PCT treatments than controls, and following low rather than high-density PCT. Birch retention did not affect growth of the dominant trees but PAI was lower in plots with uncontrolled sprouting. The PAI of birch was significantly higher in low-density Norway spruce plots than in control plots and the high-density plots. The treatment response was significant even in stands with initial heights of only 1–2?m.  相似文献   

The effect of tree species mixture on stand volume yield and on tree-species-specific diameter and height growth rates were analysed in managed mixed stands of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and silver birch (Betula pendula Ehrn.).Data were obtained from 14 repeatedly measured stands located in Southern Finland on mineral soil sites with varying admixture of Scots pine and silver birch. Statistical analysis was carried out for studying the effect of species mixture on the development of stand characteristics. For the analysis, the plots were categorised into three groups (plot types) according to the species dominance. In order to analyse species-specific growth rates, individual-tree mixed linear growth models for tree diameter and height growth were developed for both tree species.The results clearly show that the yield of the managed mid-rotation, mixed stands was greater for stands dominated by Scots pine than for stands dominated by birch, and the stand volume increment decreased with an increasing proportion of silver birch. Analysis of diameter and height growth by tree species revealed that the main reason for this pattern is the negative impact of birch competition on the growth of pine trees. The increase in diameter of pine was clearly hampered if the proportion of birch was high. An abundance of birch also slightly decreased the growth in height of Scots pine, although the effect was less than on diameter growth. Species mixture did not affect the diameter growth of birch but did have a significant effect on height development. Height growth of birch was considerably greater in pine-dominated stands than in birch-dominated stands. In pine-dominated mixed stands, the height growth of birch was quite close to that of dominant pine trees, and birches can endure in competition with pines for light.The results apply for even-aged and single-storey managed stands, where stocking density and structure are controlled with pre-commercial and commercial thinnings. The results are not applicable to unmanaged mixed stands undergoing self-thinning. This study provides new information on mixed stands from a silvicultural perspective, which can be applied in decisions involving the management of mixed stands.  相似文献   

Development of understory vegetation has been influenced by the many densely stocked second-growth forest stands in North America, which have an extended stem exclusion successional stage. Understory composition and structure is important for ecosystem functioning, while also having social and economic value through the harvest of certain herb and shrub species. The potential for co-management of young and mature, managed and unmanaged stands for timber and non-timber forest products (NTFPs) was assessed in two separate replicated experiments. Experiment A examined pole-sized lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) stands that had been pre-commercially thinned (PCT) to target densities of 250, 500, 1000, and 2000 stems/ha. Half of each of these four thinning units was repeatedly fertilized, resulting in eight experimental units. Experiment B examined six different stand types: young plantations, pole-sized lodgepole pine stands either PCT, PCT plus repeated fertilization, or unthinned, mature, and old growth. Fifty-four herb and shrub species were identified as potential NTFPs, with the responses of individual species, as well as mean total herb, shrub, berry-producing and overall total NTFPs being assessed. In Experiment A, mean total abundance (crown volume index) of NTFPs, as well as mean total herb NTFPs were significantly greater in fertilized than in unfertilized stands. Thinning treatments did not significantly affect NTFP volume, however, fertilization treatments produced five significant responses by individual species (Achillea millefolium, Epilobium angustifolium, Taraxacum officinale, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Rubus idaeus). In Experiment B, four of the six species responses that were significant had greater abundance in young, managed stands (young plantation, thinned, or thinned-fertilized) than in the unmanaged stands. Mean total NTFP volume and mean total herb NTFP volume also followed this pattern. A. uva-ursi, E. angustifolium, Lonicera involucrata, Sorbus sitchensis and Thalictrum occidentale all had significantly higher abundance in young, managed stands than in all other treatments. Results suggest that co-management for timber and NTFPs is possible in this ecosystem, with further research needed to evaluate livelihood values of these crops.  相似文献   

Data from seven Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands in central Sweden that had undergone pre-commercial thinning (PCT) were used to investigate the biological effect of PCT on the diameter at breast height (DBH) growth of the remaining trees. Two treatments were considered: a PCT treatment and a control (C) with no PCT. The DBH of the trees in each stand was measured on up to four occasions over 15 years. We examined mean DBH and DBH growth of the largest 300, 600, 900 and 1200 trees ha?1. Two methods of selecting the trees used to calculate the mean DBH values for each measurement occasion were considered: the actual mean DBH (Dma), which is based on the DBH distribution of the trees on the measurement occasion in question, and the genuine mean DBH (Dmg), which is based on the DBH distribution of the trees on the final measurement occasion of the study and therefore focuses on the same set of trees for all measurement occasions. There was no clear difference between the Dma- and Dmg-based DBH increments, but the Dmg values tended to be somewhat larger both for the C and PCT treatments. Over a 15-year period, the relative mean yearly increments (Dma/Dmg) for different tree size classes ranged from 0.91 to 0.98, with lower values for the C treatment and larger DBH size classes. We found that PCT promotes DBH growth: over a 15-year period, the increased growth amounted to about 2.0 mm year?1 compared to the trees in unthinned plots.  相似文献   

The supply of energy wood from young forests could be enhanced by altering the harvesting methods in integrated pulpwood and energy wood thinnings. In this study, effects of different bucking and delimbing options on the biomass division into energy wood, pulpwood and logging residue were estimated in integrated thinnings of young stands dominated by Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), Norway spruce (Picea abies) or birches (Betula spp.) in Finland. Thinning options were simulated in the harvestings of model stands created on the basis of forest inventory data. Increasing the minimum top diameter of pulpwood (MTDP) expectedly increased energy wood and decreased pulpwood yields. Depending on tree species, energy wood yield increased by 36–65% when the top diameter was increased from the regular level (6 or 7 cm) to 8 cm in whole-tree harvesting, and was more than doubled when the top diameter was increased to 10 cm. Delimbed energy wood yield was increased by 240–280% when the top diameter was increased to 10 cm. Total harvesting yield in whole-tree thinnings was slightly increased by increasing top diameter. These increments in harvesting yields and reallocations of tree biomass could have an impact on large-scale forest energy potentials.  相似文献   

The occurrence of yellow birch (YB) in the northeastern forests of North America is a source of concern. Several guidelines suggest ways to favor the regeneration of this species, including creating openings from small gaps to large clearcuts, coupled or not with a variety of soil preparation treatments. However, it is not clear if soil preparation treatment favors YB establishment by simply increasing the availability of good seedbed types, or by also altering competition pressure exerted by interfering species during the period of seedling establishment. For this study, large gaps (900 m2) were created in a 70-year old YB dominated forest, to which three treatments differing in soil disturbance intensities were applied (i.e., soil scarification (i) using a rake [raking]; or (ii) by dragging slash out to the edges of the gap [slash drag]; and (iii) limited to the passage of the harvesting equipment [control]). The proportion of seedbed types reportedly most favorable for YB establishment (i.e., mineral-dominated) increased as the severity of the site preparation increased. The opposite was observed for organic-dominated seedbeds. As a result, the stocking of YB seedlings increased with the severity of site preparation. However, YB stocking was deemed sufficient in all gaps to ensure future canopy dominance, even in the control treatment. Although YB seedlings generally achieved greater heights as site preparation intensity increased, it was clear that this did not reflect vigorous growth as, on average, greater heights coincided with greater seedling height–diameter ratios. At the seedbed level, height–diameter ratio was associated with an increase in surrounding competition pressure and an increase in the incidence of stem apical death (SAD), which in turn decreased height differences among seedbed types by the end of the study. At the gap level, this blurred the advantages of site preparation over a laisser-faire strategy. The incidence of SAD was greatest in the slash drag and the rake treatments. Consequently, we cannot say that intense soil scarification is worth the expenses, especially in stands where YB seed sources are abundant.  相似文献   


The initial density of a stand influences both the prethinning growth and the quality of the harvested trees. This study investigated the effects of different square spacings (2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 m) with thinning from above and thinning from below on stand development and tree characteristics in a 33-year-old Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] plantation in southern Sweden. Before thinning the total standing volume was not significantly different between treatments. Diameter at breast height (dbh) and diameter of the thickest branch were positively correlated. Before thinning, dbh of the trees and their thickest branches were significantly higher in the stands with 3.0 m spacing. After thinning, the dbh and the diameter of the thickest branch did not significantly differ between the 3.0 m spacing with thinning from above and 2.0 and 2.5 m spacing with thinning from below. Spacing did not significantly influence the presence or size of spike knots. The results suggest that a combination of wide spacing with thinning from above may yield timber of similar quality to denser spacing with thinning from below.  相似文献   

The influence of stand composition and age on forest floor chemical properties, nitrogen availability, and microbial activity was examined in mixed and pure stands of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and paper birch (Betula papyrifera). Decomposition of Douglas-fir and birch litter over two years as well as annual litter input was also measured. Mixed and pure stands of each species aged 10–25, 50–65 and >85 years old were selected in the Interior Cedar Hemlock (ICH) zone of southern interior British Columbia. Significantly more total N was mineralized in the forest floor of pure birch compare to that of pure Douglas-fir stands while forest floor of mixed species stands had intermediate N mineralization values. When sampling times were pooled forest floor N mineralization was lowest in the young stands compared to the older stands. Stand composition did not significantly affect litter decomposition were found in litter decomposition, microbial respiration and biomass. Stand age, however, did affect these parameters significantly. More birch litter mass was lost in young stands than in their older counterparts while the opposite trend was observed for fir litter. Generally, lower basal respiration, microbial biomass and Cmic/Corg was found in young compared to older stands. Concentrations and contents of forest floor total N and exchangeable K and Mg, and pH under pure birch were consistently higher compared to pure Douglas-fir. While forest floor total C, available P contents, exchangeable K and Mg concentrations were lowest in young stands, no differences were observed for total N and exchangeable Ca. All litter nutrient concentrations and contents were highest in pure birch stands. No clear trends could be discerned in litter nutrient concentration data among stand ages, although when converted to nutrient contents, there was a general increase with stand age. Both stand type and age had significant effects on forest floor properties and processes suggesting that stand age is another factor to evaluate when assessing the influence of forest composition on forest floor processes and chemistry. In terms of the effect of mixture, the data indicated that the maintenance of paper birch in mixed stands in these forest may have some effect on nutrient availability and status.  相似文献   

The interaction between stand density and dominant height and the development of volume, mean diameter, mortality and distribution of volume during a period from precommercial thinning to first commercial thinning was studied on permanent plots in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stands in Sweden. The reciprocal equation of the yield density effect was used to level the volume yield. Higher density after precommercial thinning resulted in higher yield and smaller mean diameter. The mortality up to first thinning was low, but is also dependent on density after precommercial thinning. The positive skewness of the volume distribution was higher in denser stands.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to review research into growth and yield modelling for two-storied plantation forests. Difficulty with modelling growth for this kind of forest, compared with pure even-aged forests, is mentioned. Then research in this field is divided into three parts and described. First, growth models and equations which were driven theoretically from biological assumptions and may be available to develop growth models for two-storied stands are reviewed. Secondly, research into methods of controling light levels and the relationship between the growth of trees and light level beneath a canopy are reviewed. Thirdly, growth models developed for two-storied stands, especially two-storied plantation forests, are reviewed. In conclusion, some problems which are still left in this field are pointed out.  相似文献   


Precommercial thinning (PCT) is often used to improve stand growth and value. While PCT may accelerate tree growth and reduce mortality, it may also have a negative effect on product quality. This study examined the effect of moderate and heavy thinning on tree growth, lumber recovery and quality in a natural balsam fir [Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.] PCT trial 35 years after thinning. Compared with the control, the heavy thinning increased merchantable tree diameter, stem volume per tree and lumber volume recovery per tree by 41.1%, 100.9% and 92.7%, respectively, reduced the Select Structural grade (the best grade) recovery by 33.7%. Thinning did not affect the no. 2 and better grade yield. There was a 12.2% and 15.0% difference, respectively, in the lumber bending modulus of elasticity (MOE) and modulus of rupture (MOR) between the control and heavy thinning. Moderate thinning had little impact on the visual grade recovery, lumber bending MOE and MOR. Heavy thinning is recommended if the goal is to get sizeable sawlogs in the shortest time, whereas moderate thinning is preferable if the intention is to minimize the negative effects on lumber quality while retaining modest tree growth and lumber recovery. Overall, PCT of very dense young balsam fir stands appears to be an effective and viable silvicultural treatment.  相似文献   

One major result of forest conversion in Saxony, East Germany, is the increasing importance of two-storied stands composed of a conifer canopy and a deciduous-tree understory. To enhance the applicability of the growth and yield simulator BWINPro under these conditions, three of its major sub-models were adapted to the regional growing conditions and to the relatively high level of diversity in spatial structure, mixture of species, and age variability typical for forests in conversion: (1) A new module for simulating single-tree juvenile growth was developed for European beech and Common oak under canopies of Norway spruce and Scots pine. Predictions in this sub-model are derived from individual height, diameter at breast height (dbh), and the influences of horizontal and vertical competition; (2) An alternative distance-dependent competition index was introduced to estimate individual basal area increment according to tree-specific growing conditions; (3) A modified logistic mortality model was parameterized for the most important Saxon species based on tree dimensions and basal area increment. Data came from permanent sample plots distributed throughout the region and from three chronosequence plot series established specifically for obtaining model input data. The new components were included into the existing structure of BWINPro. As a result of the adaption, the regional version BWINPro-S provides enhanced opportunities of planning and management for forest conversion and for multi-storied stands.  相似文献   

利用几十年的定位观测数据,分析了抚育间伐对辽东山区红松人工林、天然次生蒙古栎林和人工诱导的阔叶红松林3种林型林分总断面积和总收获量的影响。结果表明:与对照区相比,抚育间伐没有提高红松人工林的林分断面积和蓄积总生长量,但极强度和强度间伐能提高红松人工林的林分断面积生长率。林分总断面积随着间伐强度的增加先升高后降低,各间伐强度均能提高林分总断面积,极强度间伐除外。抚育间伐能提高红松人工林林分蓄积生长率,弱度区除外;红松人工林林分总收获量随着间伐强度的增加先升高后降低,各间伐强度均能提高林分总收获量,中度间伐效果最好。抚育间伐能提高蒙古栎林林分断面积和蓄积总生长量、生长率以及林分总断面积和总收获量,各指标随着间伐强度的增加先升高后降低,中度间伐效果最好。抚育间伐能提高人工诱导的阔叶红松林林分断面积和蓄积总生长量、生长率以及林分总断面积和总收获量,林分断面积和蓄积总生长量、林分总断面积和林分总收获量随着间伐强度的增加而升高,林分断面积和蓄积生长率随着间伐强度的增加先升高后略有降低,强度间伐效果最好。可见,合理的间伐强度能够提高3种林型的林分总断面积和总收获量。  相似文献   

Pollen contamination was evaluated using control-pollinated seedlings pollinated with polymixes of orchard pollen and pure wildstand and wind-pollinated orchard seedlings. At age 7, seedlings pollinated with contaminate pollen were the shortest across all four sites, but had survival levels (83%) similar to open-pollinated (84%) and pure orchard seedlings (86%). Open-pollinated seedlings had intermediate heights while pure orchard seedlings were tallest. The level of pollen contamination in open-pollinated seedlots was estimated to be 26%. Survival for all pollen sources combined was similar at the two high-elevation sites (84%) and low-elevation sites (86%). Using a yield model to compare volume/ha at rotation age for open-pollinated orchard seedlings and pure orchard seedlings, differences were small and increased due to site index (SI; from 3 to 6?m3/ha) but not due to planting density. Equivalent discounted benefits at rotation were 27 vs. 54 C$/ha at the two extreme site indices (18 vs. 25), respectively. These projected reductions due to pollen contamination are magnified by the large area that is regenerated annually with orchard seed of coastal Douglas-fir and contamination can cause a reduction in benefits of up to C$748,500 per year at the highest SI at a planting density of 1111 trees/ha.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate to which extent forestry professionals, other “green” professionals (mainly landscape architects) and natural resource students in Denmark agree with the general population regarding their recreational preferences for contrasting stem densities in young, even-aged stands of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.). The study was based on five pairs of colour photographs from each of the five recently thinned experimental plots in a 13-year-old stand. The plots represented five different residual stem densities: 7000 (unthinned), 5300 (traditional thinning), 1000, 300 and 100 stems ha?1. All cut trees were left on the ground. The analysis was carried out as a survey of forest and landscape experts (n=158) and the general public (n=243) based on questionnaires. Interviewees ranked the photographs according to the criterion: “Which forest environment do you prefer as a visitor?” Principal component factor analysis showed that the general public tended to perceptually group photos according to similar overall pattern of openness, presence of row structure and stand accessibility (including presence/absence of slash). As long as a stand appeared accessible, stand density had little influence on their preferences for a wide range of stand densities (5300?300 stems ha?1). In contrast, foresters, other “green” professionals and students seemed to perceptually group photos according to treatment type, and the presence of slash had little influence on their preferences. This suggests an influence of professional background, making experts visually analyse and evaluate stands according to contemporary management standards and paradigms within their own profession.  相似文献   

  • ? For assessing forest thinning effects at large (i.e. continental) scale, data scarcity and technical limitations prevent the application of localized or individual-based thinning models.
  • ? Here we present a simple general framework to analyze and predict the effects of thinning on growth and mortality, including the following stand density development. The effects are modeled in relative terms so that the model can be parameterized based on any thinning experiment that includes an unthinned control, regardless of site conditions and stand age.
  • ? The model was tested against observed thinning effects on growth and mortality from five temperate and boreal species (all species pooled r 2 = 0.51). It predicted a maximum increase in net stem biomass increment of 16% and a reduction in density-related mortality of 75% compared to un-thinned conditions at stand densities of around 70% of the maximum (increment optimal density).
  • ? A sensitivity analysis revealed overlapping ranges of near optimal density (net increment within 95% of optimal) among all tested species, suggesting that one thinning scenario can be used for many species. The simple and general formulation of thinning effects based on only five parameters allows easy integration with a wide range of generic forest growth models.
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