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广东省电白县5年生山地木麻黄种源试验及评选   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
山地木麻黄(CasuarinajunghuhnianaMiq.)原产于印度尼西亚,属木麻黄科(Casuarinaceae),树干通直,生长快,抗干旱,耐水湿,可生长于多种类型土壤,成熟林木高可达35m,胸径可达65~100cm。其天然分布为7°~10°S,110°~127°E,海拔1000~3100m的山地,但海平面附近地区也有出现,降水为夏雨型,年降水量为700~1500mm,有的高达2000mm,年平均气温13~28℃。山地木麻黄木材热值高,适于作薪材、木炭产品、建筑用材、矿柱和电杆等。国内外对山地木麻黄的研究主要涉及分类、分布、引种和生长表现[1~11]。1985年,中澳合作项目ACIAR8457我国首次引进…  相似文献   

兴安落叶松种源区划及优良种源选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对兴安落叶松17个种源的树高、胸径和材积等生长性状进行方差分析的结果表明:种源间差异显著或极显著,并通过相关分析研究了兴安落叶松地理变异规律。兴安落叶松的生长性状主要受3个因子的影响。经度和海拔为主,纬度为辅,呈现出水平和垂直双向连续渐变的特点。对生长性状和各种源的地理位置进行聚类分析,划分为3个种源区:大兴安岭南、西、北部种源区;小兴安岭北部、大兴安岭东部种源区;小兴安岭东南部种源区。对各种源的生长性状进行了多重比较,选出乌伊岭和友好种源为帽儿山及其毗邻地区的最佳种源。  相似文献   

红河州柚木种源试验五年评价   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
在云南省红河自治州河口县对35个柚木种源的5a试验结果表明:种源间在树高、胸径上呈极显著差异,其中超过标准种源(相当于平均水平)的分别有16个和17个。以胸径超过标准种源10%,材积超过40%为选择标准,则8507、8602、8603、8021、1307、8021、、8513、18508号选为适生优良种源,其树高、胸径、材保扔现实增益平均分别为17.0%、19.9%、70.3%;其中前2个种源的材  相似文献   

抗锈病3070、3072号柚木种源的选择   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
经过多年观测、重复试验,选出了对柚木锈病侵染具有很强抵抗力的3070. 3072号柚木种源,其感病指数分别为标准种源的3.5%与9.9%,病情指数分别为2.0%与9.4%,且抗病性能相当稳定。综合适应性、生长、干形、分枝特性、开花结实等7个性状,其聚合指数分别为标准种源的143%~197.5%与131.4%~186.8%,为缅甸(对照)、泰国、越南、老挝等国诸种源平均值的1.5~2.25倍,是海南省当前的优良种源。  相似文献   

By afforestation trial, the adaptation and growing states of 5 Banksia robur provenances in Jianfengling of Hainan were studied, and the effects of provenance and fertilizer treatment on the survival rate, height and ground diameter were analyzed. The results showed that all the 5 provenances had a good adaptability in Hainan province. 2 months after planting, the survival rate was 85%, but it was easily affected by air humidity and became lower in the dry season, especially the provenance No.38164, showing that the B. robur needs wet environment. The study also found that different provenances and fertilizer treatments had significant impact and interactions on the growth of B. robur. The provenance No.38163 had the fastest grow speed, with 1.35 mm of ground diameter increment and 10.57 cm of height increment during 3 months, while the provenance No.38164 had the lowest grow speed. The provenance No.39163 also had a strong barren resistance, while the provenances No.38177 and No.38199 needed well water and nutrient conditions. Different fertilizer treatments could enlarge the difference in growth status of the provenances, and the composted cattle manure had the best effect on promoting growth status, which could be used as the best fertilizer in afforestation.  相似文献   

用产于加拿大9个种源的扭叶松种子育苗,在湖北恩施的建始县国有高岩子林场的十字坪、姚家坡进行了扭叶松不同种源地、不同种源的植苗造林试验。其幼树期的试验结果表明:扭叶松能适应两地的环境条件,植苗造林成活率及保存率达91.3%~100%;对14年生的试验林进行高、径生长分析,扭叶松的树高生长和胸径生长受种源、造林地点的影响极显著;种源与造林地点对树高生长的交互作用极显著。进一步对树高进行单点分析,参试的9个种源,在十字坪试点,10577、26230、25730、27084、28476、14726、26153七个种源的树高生长极显著高于25801、25803两个种源,且7个种源两两间差异不显著;姚家坡试点10577种源的树高生长极显著高于其他种源,其下依次是28476、26153、26730、27084、14726五个种源。胸径生长在种源间的极显著差异缘于10577种源与25803、25801种源间的差异,其他任意两种源间的胸径生长差异不显著。  相似文献   

A provenance experiment involving five native provenances and an Australian landrace of Pinus radiata (D. Don) was established over three sites in the dry river valley area of Sichuan, southwest China in 2004 in order to select the most suitable provenance for environmental planting on the dry, steep and degraded slopes to reduce soil erosion. Although with much lower soil moisture supply and mean minimum temperatures in winter compared to P. radiata provenance trials established elsewhere in the world, these sites are within the working limits of the species defined by previous climate modelling and matching. Because of the difficult site conditions and severe natural disturbances after the experiment was established, mortality was high across the three sites in comparison to provenance trials in other countries. The average mortality rate among the provenance by replicate planting units over the three sites varied from 16% to 76% four years after planting, and from 40% to 88% five years after planting. The repeated measurements of tree size over time were analysed using multilevel linear mixed models to derive growth curves for the mean, median, the 75th and the 90th percentiles of the size distribution of each provenance at each site. There were significant site effects on tree growth, but no significant interactions between site and provenance was detected. Among the six provenances, Cambria was the best performer in diameter, height and stem volume growth across all sites. The better than average and the best trees of this provenance, as represented by the 75th and 90th percentiles of the nominal stem volume distribution, were significantly larger than the Australian landrace, Año Nuevo, and the two island provenances, Guadalupe and Cedros. Monterey was overall the second best performer behind Cambria. The Australian landrace, Guadalupe and Año Nuevo had similar performances in general. Cedros was significantly and consistently inferior to all other native provenances and the Australian land race. Because the genetic base of the present Australian plantations was derived largely from Año Nuevo and Monterey, the superior early growth performance of Cambria at such difficult sites brings a new promise to the search of P. radiata provenances for the vast dryland areas in New South Wales and other parts of Australia.  相似文献   

本文利用日本落叶松5个自由授粉家系子代测定林的数据分析了各个子代测定林的遗传变异情况,对各个子代测定林的家系进行了遗传评价。除长岭岗林场种源1991年造林各家系之间树高生长差异不显著之外,5个子代测定林内各家系之间胸径、树高和材积的生长差异均达到极显著水平。各性状的家系遗传力均显著高于单株遗传力,在各子代测定林之间其变化趋势与单株遗传力相同,各生长性状很容易受到环境的影响,遗传力变化很大。  相似文献   

红皮云杉种源间及家系间苗期高生长变异性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对红皮云杉5个种源(2年生)苗高生长分析结果表明,红皮云杉种源间存在丰富的变异,变异系数在25.6%~31.2%之间,平均值为28.28%;5个种源间苗高生长差异极显著,高生长最大的鸡西种源(11.5 cm)与克什克腾种源(11.3 cm)分别高出生长量最小的塔河种源(9.05 cm)27.07%和24.86%。各种源内家系之间存在丰富变异,其中克什克腾种源家系间变异最大,变异系数在22.1%~35.3%之间,平均值为27.53%,高生长最大的C15号家系高出最小的C12号家系62.4%,种源内家系间苗高差异极显著。  相似文献   

海南岛东部地区桉树树种/种源试验*   总被引:4,自引:7,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在海南岛东部进行的桉树11个树种79个种源试验,5年的结果表明,不同树种种源间生长差异极显著,来自印度尼西亚Mt.mandiri的尾叶桉12895种源是所有参试树种/种源中表现最好的,树高、胸径和每公顷材积分别为13.82m、12.54cm和128.34m3。同一树种种源间生长差异也极显著,最佳种源的每公顷材积与最差种源相比,尾叶桉为8.46:1,细叶桉5.86:1,赤桉5.32:1和巨桉3.04:1。细叶桉、赤桉和巨桉种源树高、胸径和材积生长与原产地纬度显著负相关,尾叶桉种源与原产地海拔高极显著负相关。本文提出了适合海南岛东部地区生长的树种和种源。  相似文献   

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